this is an excelent rougue item you wont need to replace until your in your 30s as for other melee start looking for a replCEMENT FOR IT IN YOUR 30S EVEN 20S
I got mine given to me by someone when I was a level 4 or something. I didn't realise how good it was (the extra dexterity is the biggest plus for me now that I can make critical hits etc) being +8 AC as well as the extra dex. It's a nice world on the Rathe sometimes.
Ok so the Templer spawns outside the temple one one of the little pyramids. Did anyone kill it and get the cloak? If so, do you pull everyhting around it? I just want to get the liazrdscale cloak, no fight all of Freerott
Woot yeppers. I found this on a vendor in the Erudin Library for just over 5pp. Asked a guildie about it, cause I wasn't sure, seemed like a very good buy. Every once in a while you get lucky.
dropped outside now from the small temple spawns..same spawns as inside but name tae ew added to all the mobs..also the so called named mobs are now rarer than before..i camped these for couple hours trying to get the decayed for my sk epic and didnt spawn one crusader or ritualist..did get one templar and got the ravenscale legs..warning plan on being here a long long time if trying to farm
Sorry about lowering the average price on these things (never added to pricing data before, will use it more judiciously from now on)... found cloak on a vendor in Erudin Palace for 7pp, so naked newbie druid bought it.
150-200pp is probably a good price for the AC and DEX, but it pays to shop around.
Posted:Nov 21 2001 at 1:07 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) MY comp is SCREWED up, so I cant play eq, but I was able to get on for like a min a day ago, and there was this dood droping warr stuff on the ground, so i picked it up! it was awsome...being a warrior and everything.
Posted:Sep 27 2001 at 4:54 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Is this Lizzy Cloak "LORE"?
Posted:Aug 09 2001 at 7:57 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Anyone who is on the fennin ro server and selling one, you have a customer in me, ill pay 200pp for one
I know no one is going to believe this but I hunted for one of these in Cazic for a long while before giving up. One day, while browsing through a merchant's wares in Thurgadin, I was surprised to see she had one! Thinking a merchant was going to offer some ridiculous price, i just clicked on it out of sheer curiosity as to what she wanted for it.
40pp and change.
Didn't take long for my mind to whisper, "Deal" :)
Only 160pp? That's it? I've been wearing one for quite some time and always have peeps asking me if i want to sell it. Now that i have a Hooded Black Cloak i might be in the market to sell. But for only 160pp i think not. Too many rangers and rogues have drooled over me to let it go that low 8)
Zatriz Archangel Iksar Shadowknight Ring of Loyalty / Tribunal Server
Posted:May 22 2001 at 3:54 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) lol u want to buy the cloak....but dont say what server your on ) how nice......
Posted:May 01 2001 at 9:55 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) The Drolvarg Mantle seems to be a nice upgrade.
WTF, not quite sure why I'm answering a 2 month old post but oh well.
at 32 go get yourself a cloak of the icebear off Martar Icebear in permafrost. 8ac 10hp 20cold, you'll keep it in vault for resist gear for a damn long time after you replace it.
Heh since you're probabably higher level 2 months later, head to Skyshrine and get yourself a nice Wyvern Wing Cape 7ac 4str 3sta 20hp