I know that this thread is older than dirt, but...
Did the entire conversation have to be about the price of freakin' HQ bear pelts for f*ck's sake?!?!? How about the FACTION issue to actually DO the $%*#&%^'ing quest?? How about whether or not there is some combination of race/class that can do this quest right out of the gate?
FWIW I started up a Necro on the the new 'Fippy' progression server so that is why I am trying to do this dork-a$$, antiquated quest. Soooo, does ANYBODY know if there is a class/race combination that has high enough faction with Chandra Miller to do this bear-hide cloak quest? I tried half-elf Paladin (Rodocet Nife) and I am apprehensive to her which is a no-go for the cloak.
Oh, and one more thing... I have HQ bear pelts flying out my a$$ as a LEVEL 7 DE Necro people (about a dozen of them)! So please don't weigh in with how much a f*ckin' HQ bear pelt costs!!
/rant off
Fignacious of Fippy Darkpaw | Currently Level 7 Darkelf Necromancer