One additional thing that makes Kylong not quite as awful as some is its usefulness to iksar shadowknights (or warriors) who cannot wear Blood Ember, Sentient, or other forms of plate. Sebilite Scale looks slightly better, but Kylong isn't too far behind.
Considering, though, that a Netherbian Chitin (AC20 STR2) goes for under 50pp nowadays, I wouldn't pay lots of money for 2 more AC and a couple more stats.
Posted:Dec 06 2002 at 9:26 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) This is the biggest piece of junk I have encountered in HS and I hang out there quite a bit.
Understand that for the era when this came out, an AC of 22 with stats was great for some of these classes. Go ahead, what was better? Name something that (a) doesn't require more than 1 group to get and (b) existed when Kunark came out.
Trak drops better, but I guarantee you that I could drop this guy and the whole wing with a group that would drop dead before getting Trak to half. AFAIR, either naggy or vox drop better, but they're still tougher than this guy by far.
Nope, this is good loot for the era. I do wish that VI would go back and re-do a few more of the old zones soon to focus on making some of this stuff worth the effort NOW, but still... nothing beats the risk/reward of HS solo exp unless you can solo in PoP or The Hole. A necro can solo in HS as early as 51 if he's really good.
for the amount of effort it takes to get into HS and fight through it, this and most of the kylong armor are pretty ******. They are sort of comparable to the Twilight Sea Quest armor without the saves.
Try looking at the DATE when that was posted was a different time then and HS was harder to enter. Would be nice if people would realize that just because they started playing last month does not make them experts. Should read more and speak less
Torylori, you are horribly misinformed. First off, your hybrid tanks (for sake of arguement I'm only going to count these as Paladins and Rangers ) need all the mana they can get and I'll tell you why: Paladins - Stuns, Roots, Buffs when Cleric is LoM Rangers - Snares/Roots, Harmony (if pulling), Buffs, Jolt/Flame Lick The biggest problem we wisdom-hybrid tanks have is lack of sufficient downtime. While you caster's are sitting around medding, we are in the midst of combat keeping you alive. We don't have time to med. So again, we need all the mana we can get. Oh, and I know some munchkin out there is going to want to get all high and mighty and flame me for calling Paladins and (especially) Rangers tanks. Don't bother. If you don't believe that either of these two classes can tank (yes, even post-50) then you also are misinformed.
Bravo As a Tank-Warrior who has a Druid and a Ranger too I must say I look for mana when ever I play my ranger. A GOOD Ranger is welcome anywhere and a bad Warrior is LFG.
So rangers can wear this item, as can iksar, but shamen and rogues cant....well, that makes a hell of a lot of sense doesn't it? And what warrior 45 + would want it? As pathetic as my gear was at that level, I even had better.(unfortunately I'm still wearing most of it) :P Don't get me wrong, I dont begrudge the little treehuggers...err, rangers...their 22 ac bp. I just think that if it's going to be available to chain classes and iksar it should be consistent and be available to ALL chain classes. But what do I know, I'm just a big ignorant savage. :)
Beornegar Frostwolf 51 Champion Order of the White Fang Innoruuk
Well, if ya want a real explanation I can't give it to you other than this: Since the Kylong were/are Iksar, chain-class armor IS plate type armor to them. Only typically plate wearing classes were on the list before. I mean perhaps even though it is chain, it is made in a style similar to plate while being physically made from chain links to allow cooling for us cold-blooded Iksar.
As to why shamans and rogues can't tolerate it...I don't know. Maybe the powers that be decided that Rangers needed another step in their armor uppgrade path, while Shaman and Rogues were deemed okay in that regard. Anyway, it's not very good armor for either class in any case IMO. Not enough WIS and no HP/Mana for a Shaman, and not enough AC, Str or HP for a Rogue to care. Much better stuff around for either class. Just my 2cp, but I think I make sense. Not every item is made for every class that COULD use it.
The Kylong were a mountain dwelling tribe of Iksar that strove for esoteric knowledge. They had vast libraries of ancient magical tomes that had been acquired from the Shissar sorcerers, and strove to understand and put the rituals documented in the tomes to practical use. When the Kunzar armies marched upon the Kylong they where distroyed
It's a chestPLATE -- and the Classes list is exactly the list of Plate-wearing classess - no Shaman or Rogues either, for example -- so you're really only going on the the misleading icon.
I've got a great idea...I have an iksar SK...this item seems like it should be plate as it's name suggests. I CAN WEAR IT. I'll come here and biotch about how i can wear it and how i shouldn't be able to! how good life is! /sarcasm off
Who cares? by the time you get in a group to get this NO DROP breastplate, you should have much better anyway.
it seem this is mail chest piece, and ranger can't wear it ? All other kylong piece are wearable by ranger and not this one? Is the picture is a fake, or Verant have forgotten us ? Argh someone tell me that ranger can put this !
Posted:Jun 03 2001 at 2:28 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) HAHAHHAHAHA OMG! You must be a newbie, you acually think this POS is worth 40k!!!!! LOL HHAHAHAHAHAHAHHah
Well I've personally never been so lame as to call people idiots while anonymous, but hey. It's no drop so it's worth nothing at all. If it was tradeable, it would rock. AC 22 is decent but the one comparable chest I can think of is Tree Weave at 25. Difference? Look at the weight. 0.8? 22ac? Wow. I'd pay around 5k if I could use it, which I can't.
Posted:Apr 24 2001 at 3:22 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I WANT IT !!!!!!!! AHHHHHH THATS CRAZY WHATS THE PRICE ON THIS LIKE 40K ?
Posted:Apr 30 2001 at 7:48 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Picture shows no drop
Posted:May 27 2001 at 8:17 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) er and it reallyy sucks even for a wis caster