We already got a mana preservation on boots, granted its a lower % but still... perhaps a burning affliction/affliction afficiency or improved damage would be more appropriate !?!?
Ok... so Rogue and 'Zerkers get clicky haste (only 30%.. but still), Rangers get Vengance 3...and shammies get 20% mana save... for one freaking spell??
Why can't it be something useful... like a pet augment clicky effect or something? That would be so much more worth it...
275mana 675dmg, on the spell: Spear of Torment, lvl61 spell, that these gloves effect, take 20% off mana cost from the gloves, comes down to 220mana. plus whatever AAs and gear with other effects to reduce mana cost... forgot to post on last one. GL shamans, iksar power!!
Okay guys, while the scaled avatar's gloves arent the greatest thing since canni5, they are still pretty useful. im a 65 iksar shm 45aa atm, the spell that it reduces the mana cost of is 5 or 10 damage less than the poisen nuke from 50s, but it is less mana and extra cast time, not much. its basically the only DD you have thats easy on the mana pool, even tho 600dmg isnt anything at level 65 i use it. soloing when mobs are walking into adds instead of another 500mana dot ill just melee and throw one of those, drops em before adds.. anyways thats just my 2cp
One question though... why would it matter that it only affects one spell and not the entire line... when that one spell is the top one in the line? There isn't a better poison DD that we get at current. I'm not suggesting I'd wear these, Kylong Darkmail Gauntlets for me thanks, just curious why you'd care that it doesn't affect the other lesser poison DDs.
Brenre, actually is it is not the top Poisen DD shamans get. Tears of Saryn is 3 Waves of 650 > 1 Spear of Torment less then twice the cost for 3 times the dmg. Sure sometimes the waves don't hit and some times they are resisted partially, but poisen is poisen and if the mob is gonna resist it could happen on either spell. I LOVE ToS spell. It works full dmg 3 waves 80% of the time on the pit mobs in PoTactics.
I gave you an excellent rating purely because your disappointment was so eloquently displayed :-) Great work !!!
Haha I am still laughing now, I won't waste 20k in Bazaar for these useless gloves now thanks.
Does anyone know any links to any good shaman gloves for a level 55 shaman as I am currently wearing coldain skin gloves but want something with good ac / stats and more importantly resists ?
These are the stats for the ornate armor, which is called "Scaled Avatar's"... Rosrak's Primal Armor is shaman Elemental armor. It's quite possible that SoE screwed up the item though...