Stifle, Jawnimus is correct Stanos Gaunts are what you are thinking of. They are "Ornate" Armor these gaunts are the "Elemental" quests, much harder...much better. Hope this helps
Posted:Jan 15 2003 at 12:29 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) The Original version of this armor had a crappy poison summmon effect, this is ofcourse much better.
You are thinking of the ornate armour legs called Stanos Wicked Leggings. and they are far from useless. They summon scorie venom poison which is a 75dd proc with a spell interrupt. While the interrupt does not hit any of the named mobs in PoP (this target is immune to the stun part of this spell), the 75dd works on most every mod I have used them on. They didnt at first but later revamped the mobs so that they could. This poison lasts for like 10 or 15 minutes and procs often with high dex and a fast weapon. I have them and they far from suck.