cant remember the name but there is a guy that will give you the helmet graphic for this if you want hes listed somewhere on this site... only works on "newest class armor and a few misc ones"
after 65 levels of human vision... then popping this on and being able to see invised PCs at all times, and being able to see invised mobs, then having the effect of ultravision... well worth it. Norrath is no longer dark with these on.
Actualy, it's NOT spelled right. In the future you may want to actualy check it out before you post saying something is right when it's not and looking like a fool.
"Actually" is spelled with two 'l's. Might want to double-check yourself.
But he's correct...
Main Entry: valĀ·iant Pronunciation: val-y&nt Function: adjective Etymology: Middle English valiaunt, from Middle French vaillant, from Old French, from present participle of valoir to be of worth, from Latin valEre to be strong. Date: 14th century
Verant doesn't own EQ anymore, they sold it off to SOE (Sony Online Entertainment). But they spelled it right... it's valient, not valiant. your way would sound like this: Val-E-Aunt. Their way sounds like this: Val-E-Ent. Hehe.