I have the ornate Bp was my first piece actually was on a uild raid killing towers in Bot thunderclap dropped it very nice indeed i myself am not flagged for solro or elementals as of yet but have it and trust me its nice to have on
Just an FYI for all the half elf bards that dont have this item yet. It has no graphics (ie. no helmet at all showing when you put it on.) Which is cool because you wont look like dork anymore with the messed up looking half-elf helmet graphics.
Yard trash in Sol Ro that is 1 groupable drops all forms of ornate except the BP really. You can Exp in Sol ro and get ornate at the same time. You just need to get your sol ro flag which can be difficult. Today I grouped in sol ro and we had an Ornate Bracer and helm Mold drop in about an hour and a half.
Not possible to solo. The ornate pieces require drops off 3rd tier gods, and the elemental pieces require drops off 4th tier gods, possibly 5th tier for the breastplates.
Ornate pieces drop off 3rd tier minis and higher...I dunno about soloing, but it's easy to 1 group a bit of ornate (The lev 64 mini nameds in BoT drop a few ornate patterns/molds) though the main pieces quite possibly require several groups. Elemental does drop out of tier 4, and it's been confirmed that the bp molds/patterns drop off tier5 (time) gods, at this time that I've seen, there have been around 1 chain, 2 plate, and 1 caster bp patterns, I think (I've seen links of rogue, bard, and warrior bps).
The Timeless Breastplate Mold I'v been told by a lvl 65 monk friendof mine, drops of Rallos Zek in the Plane of Time.......... Hope tht helps and good luck
Galandria Marrendoth Bard of the 24th Song Brell Serilis