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Crescent Slippers  

No Trade
Slot: FEET
AC: 4
STR: +2 DEX: +2 AGI: +2
WT: 0.1 Size: SMALL
Class: MNK
Slot 1, Type 7 (General: Group)
Slot 2, Type 21 (Special Ornamentation)

Item Type:Armor
Color (RGB):0, 0, 0
Lucy Entry By:Xzzy
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2021-07-27 02:19:09
Page Updated:Thu Oct 9th, 2008

Expansion: Ruins of Kunark Ruins of Kunark

Rarity: Common
Level to Attain: 35

[Drops | Comments ]


This item is found on creatures.

Crypt of Dalnir
NPC Name
a kly evoker

Zone(s) Found In:

Zone Name
Crypt of Dalnir
Crescent Slippers item window 2017

Uploaded October 27th, 2017 by snailish
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Drakkin useable
# Nov 11 2006 at 3:15 PM Rating: Decent
201 posts
Crescent gear has had the DRK tag added to the list of equippable races.
some better some crap
# Jan 25 2002 at 10:49 PM Rating: Decent
some pieces make a good upgrade from many monks wearing wu's well in to their 40's definatly the slippers until one can obtain footpads and leggings too but as far as sleeves there are better and fro prety cheap like azure as for the gi your right its crap buy a robe of living fungus or go to crystal caverns and get a crystal covered shroud

RodZilla Ubermunkee
Monk of the 35th Fist
<guildless> =(
# Jan 04 2002 at 4:48 PM Rating: Decent
Since these were updated, how do they differ from the ones before??? Answers are appreciated. =)
RE: Updated???
# Jan 09 2002 at 3:43 AM Rating: Decent
They just added the exact mob who drops them. Before it just said that it drops in Dalnir, but not what mob drops them.

The stats on the items have not changed.
The robe
# Jan 04 2002 at 7:33 AM Rating: Decent
So far.. the robe is the best item for the monk Crescent gear.. otherwise I would only put these on a 1-40 twink.. 40+ really should have better gear.
RE: The robe
# Jan 09 2002 at 4:02 AM Rating: Decent
The Gi (it's not a robe) is junk too. Even a lowly (by today's standards) Lockjaw Tunic is far superior to a Crescent Gi, in spite of its 1.5 weight.

There are many alternatives to Crescent that aren't no drop, are relatively cheap (meaning 100pp or less a piece), and are far superior to Crescent. Crescent only appeals to stat junkies (the same types who think that Serp Bracers are uber), and stats are mostly worthless in EverQuest.
Dropped from
# Aug 13 2001 at 7:06 PM Rating: Decent
I had these drop off a kly evoker in the shackle room.
Drops Rarely
# May 25 2001 at 1:01 AM Rating: Decent
I was in Dalnir for about 10 to 12 hours over a 2 day period and did not see one piece of crecent drop. I mainly was killing the Undead Blacksmith room and what I could of the Church before the other room started respawning.

Not one damn piece.. grrr hehe
which creature....
# May 22 2001 at 1:51 PM Rating: Good
Been down in Dalnir for a while and can say without a doubt that each piece comes from a specific Kly. These slippers drop off the Kly Evokers from the second or third floor (although you will increase your chances on the third due to the fact that there are many more Kly down there). Gi appears to be the most common (I have seen twice as many of those as any other piece) and drops off the Kly Cohort, gloves drop off the Follower, pants drop off the Invoker, headband off the Believer, and arms off the Acolyte. Shackle Room seems to be the most likely spot on the second floor for crescent drops, on the third floor it can be anywhere (but... I have personally gotten the slippers TWICE off the Evoker who spawns next to the river by the fire). The locations may be random but I am certain specific items drop off of specific Kly types. For some reason I am having a difficult time getting the Crescent Pants... go figure. Maybe because the Invoker is the toughest of the crescent droppers and fewer are killed.
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