Got +45 endurance on this baby it's worth the 14k. my 49 war soloes with this and an ornate stone battlehammer now that i can bind wound up to 70%. L33T
Just have to say such an awesome weapon should have an awesome graphic. Nope just looks like a shiny rapier to me. Wish it had more of a Tae Ew look and maybe the lightning on the blade liek the Ranger swords do. ah well.
lol the ranger sword that has lightning has that graphic cause its the ranger EPIC. as far as i know, only the epics have particle effects, but i could be wrong.
I've also killed Oreen a few dozen times and have yet to see him drop this blade which I would really love. Great ratio and stats but it has no proc. Would be nice to see a stun or dot proc on it since its such a rare drop.
2. Rogues can not pickpocket a mob that is level 65. Oreen is level 65.
3. Rogues can not pickpocket weapons.
4. Rogues can not pickpocket magical items.
5. Oreen has a spawn time of 6 hours +/- 10 minutes if not exactly 6 hours. This is not including server and/or zone repops. He has not spawned on any server a total of 12983018 times (mathematically), let alone been killed by any one person that number of times.
Rogues can pickpocket weapons, thats why jade reaver was changed to magical, becuase rouges can't pickpocket magical. Rogues can't of course pickpocket no drop items. Rogues can't pickpocket from mobs red to them successfully. I believe a 65 rogue can pickpocket a 65 mob, but the chances are smaller than against a lesser level mob.
Rogues can pickpocket from creatures that are either: A: Level 45 or below. B: 5 levels below the level of the rogue. Whichever is greater. Also, only certain creature types can be pickpocketed from. A great many undead cannot be pickpocketed, as well as a few other types.
personaly this is a hard choice for some between a fleshgrinder and this as this has a better ratio ( not by to much) and some better stats but no proc .
Also keep in mind in a raid situation, if you're not the MA and you have to position a mob, etc, you want non-proccing weapons. Less aggro, less pushing of the mob towards the MA as you attack from behind.
When looking at the proc on a weapon a couple things really need to be considered. The first is what type of proc is it and how easily is it resisted? How easy a proc is resisted depends on the mobs that you fight. If you are fighting some of the bigger mobs in the game versus exp'ing then procs can become alot less of a factor in choosing a weapon since alot of procs will be resisted.
Resisted procs aren't a problem. Even one that is resisted still creates taunt. For example, Earthcaller (Ranger mainhand epic). Even when resisted the proc still draws tremendous aggro.
Read closer, he was talking about in a raid situation procs make no difference since they will probably be resisted, as he was talking about not being the position of MA, so it would be better he was saying to have a better ratio weapon in this situation rather than a resisted proc.
First off, I'm just daydreaming here, so there's really no need to flame a fantasy!
Wouldn't it be nice if this thing had a direct damage proc? Something like Careless Lightning, or Shock of Lightning. Those spells would only do about 83-99ish damage (unless the warrior had the AA ability to get criticals on item procs!), and if it didn't proc until level 56, that wouldn't be too terribly overpowering. Also, since it's a warrior-only weapon, a high taunt factor would probably be sought after instead of discouraged.
I would assume that this sword drops somewhere in the Plane of Storms, judging by the name of the item... but with some of Verant's past items, there's no way to be sure. However, with a name like "Shortblade of Lightning", the name implies that it comes from lightning (i.e.: drops in Plane of Storms), is made of lightning, or produces lightning. Maybe it has a shiny graphic or something, I guess we'll see.
Man, this thing would rock if it had a lightning proc... oh well. I'll wake up from my dream now.