I saw someone say they partnered, but does anyone know if the mobs that drop this can be soloed by a 60+ necro(I say 60+, b/c although Im currently 61, I was wondering, if I cant solo it now, might I be able to solo it later)?
Yeah, you should easily be able to solo them, my friend is a necro, solos them all the time, also, I do tend to make a killing pass through on them when in the area, might as well... Like I mentioned in the earlier post of mine, they were easy duo'ing with my warrior, and solo, they are pretty much just as easy, I just have to eat the melee, which, is, really not much... As a necro, especially 60 or higher, you should be fine on them, just watch for the one wyvern that wanders, I believe "Atrium Patroller" or something of the sort, but you should be ok, sick pet, wait, dot, whatever you feel like doing... Good Luck, and safe hunting
Drops off the named Counts, they look like the wurms in WW. there's a hall of 3 of them, each about a 6 hour spawn, as you get slightly deeper into skyshrine than most people hunt, before you get to the first port pad, before the maze. Anyways, I've had 2 pairs drop for me, about a week a part, and I've killed the living **** outta these guys. Slowable, not very resistant, I duo'd them with my warrior (he was 50 at the time). they hit for high 80's to low 100's with the 1200ish buffed ac he had. Don't quad, just double+whatever they used. Anyways, good luck on em, not a rough kill, but have a good 15kish hp.
im barely 62 and 90% of my memmed spells are 61+, sucks when the items with focus IV effects will only be available to the top raiders, or is there and IV stuff, which you can get without 40 people?
Posted:Dec 01 2002 at 8:42 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) i am pretty sure these are quested for one reason THE BOOTS ARE LORE DUH
Posted:Dec 01 2002 at 12:16 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Your the idiot, considering not all lore items are quested!!! Some items are very good drops for their level that they are made lore so only one each can have them, and people dont horde.
Posted:Nov 29 2002 at 8:54 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) and I might add, what is the PC and is anyone on Ayonae Ro looking to get rid of a pair? I am looking to buy some if posable