One aspect I havent noticed much discussion from the patch that turned FT into mana regen and Vengence into attack, is now reccomended levels affect how much of the stat you get. A example is the LDoN ranger only axe, it used to be vengence2 and now it is attack +10, make a low level alt and look at it, you would only recive attack +1
Went in and took Oreen down ( on my tank, not my ranger) He dropped this and spectral parchment, and the part of the bot tower key.. i won the belt, other tank won the parchment hehe nice belt...
Just got this lastnight. Ive killed Oreen many times. Most of the time he drops nothing or a spectral. This time he droped Spectral Parchment and this sweet a$$ belt! FT 15 here I come!
I have killed this named lots and havent seen the belt drop yet. But it is at least a fun kill if you can get rid of all the camp stealers and trainers to KS you. I would really like this belt hehe. Thank God it is droppable because Ill probably end up having to buy it.
As far as when the Flowing Thought effect works, I'll test it out in a minute..just got one. I must say however, that the FT effect on the Solstice earring works much earlier than people seem to think. I stuck one on my level 4 necro just to test the theory. Cast until you're oom then watch how fast your mana percentage rises with, and without the earring. Considering how small the mana pool is on a character that low a level, it was quite obvious that the Flowing Thought I on the earring was working just fine at level 4.
Posted:Sep 13 2003 at 9:00 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Incorrect. Flowing thought on Solstice earring works at 44. Can't argue it, it's in the spdat file.
First Morganran is correct that the difference is VERY easy to see on a lvl one toon and is there so there can be no rational argument that it doesn't work when it's such an easy test for you to see yourself that it does. Just wanted to post as an aside here, there is not one effect ingame that is (worn) that won't kick in at lvl 1 if you can get the item equipped. ;) Therein lies the kicker, and the reason for required lvls on items. The only reason any one ever put things with rediculously high recommended lvls on a new toon was for worn effects so those that have been deemed too powerful for even the most spoiled rotten of twinks have a required lvl slapped on them.
yarraik, the lvl an item works is checked server a client program no file you can open in ur c:/everquest (or whatever) folder can prove anything like you claim to know from ur ".spdat" file.
and FYI, FT kicks in at level 1,
if u dont beleive me do what the other guy did, get a ft item and give it to a lvl 1 or so character and watch ur mana with/without it, since lvl 1 has no meditate skill it's VERY easy to see the difference
Won this last night in BoT, it was the 6th or 7th time Ive helped take Oreen down, he is on a I beleive 6hr timer and cant be slowed, even con at 65, every other time weve taken him he has dropped specs or and twice nothing, first time ive ever seen him drop the belt and from what Ive heard its a pretty rare drop, Good luck
Nice to see another FT item that is droppable. With the recommended level of 60, anybody have thoughts on what level the FT effect will start working? (I've heard that solstice earring FT starts at level 45 even though it has as recommended level of 51)
FT or mana regeneration works at level 1 not 45, ther eis not a set level for Mana Regeneration, the only reason it has recommended stats is so a level 1 cant be comepletly uber.
Posted:Nov 20 2002 at 9:55 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Well I belive the FT effect would be the same as all others, Lvl 51
Posted:Nov 20 2002 at 3:35 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I am also glad to see more decent dropable items out of PoP, and I'm glad to see that most of them have level limits, which prevents low level characters from having quite a large mana regen in this case, whether intended to reduce twinking or not. This seems only useful on PvP servers, but I can't speak for Blue servers as I have not played on them.
Posted:Dec 31 2002 at 1:04 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) i would think that since the level limit is 60, that is when the FT works on the belt