Back in the late 1970's Hostess baking company was going to sink both Drake's and Lil' Debbie in one swift stroke... their secret weapon?
Fruit Pie the Magician!
Fruit Pie could do all kinds of crazy sh@t. He'd wave his magic wand and anything could happen! And if he doffed that top hat of his... watch out !
Hostess was about to unleash this lethal weapon when lo and behold! Chief Ho Ho (of the same Hostess camp, no less) took a shine to the 'Fruitiness' of this amazing mage. The two of them disappeared the eve of Hostess' imminent assault. All that could be gleaned of this mysterious disappearance were the faint whimperings of 'my wand! my wand!' followed by the deep bass chuckles of 'ho ho!' in the night air.
Perhaps if Hostess could have named this secret weapon something a little more butch like 'Justice Fruit Pie' then this sad tale may have taken some very different turns indeed. Just imagine ol' Justice leading the charge, wand blazing in one hand and a rabid Chief Ho Ho, clad in a gimp suit and oozing cream filling on a leash in the other... Lil' Debbie wouldn've harnessed that Drake and flew the skies to bankruptcy!
But I digress...
Yeah, best use for these is a party platter. Gotta do that earring quest and keep a bunch left over for a nice 75hp bonus.