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Tears of Erollisi  

Lore Item No Trade Quest Item
WT: 0.0 Size: TINY
Class: NONE
Race: NONE

Item Type:Misc
Submitted By:Danalog
Lucy Entry By:unknown
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2021-08-02 08:23:11
Page Updated:Thu Oct 9th, 2008

Expansion: Ruins of Kunark Ruins of Kunark

Rarity: Common
Level to Attain: 50

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This item is found on creatures.

The Overthere
NPC Name
Captain Rottgrime


This item is used in quests.
Expansion List - Premium only.

Lake Rathetear
Quest Name
Magician Epic: Orb of Mastery

Zone(s) Found In:

Zone Name
The Overthere

Uploaded November 27th, 2008
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Bard Soloable
# Feb 15 2008 at 8:49 PM Rating: Decent
18 posts
Killed this guy today as a 57 bard. I have the OT gate hammer and usually do a circle around the captain and his troops on my way to PoK book. Somehow he split out from the rest, go figure. All the goons must have been out in the field so I led him away from the outpost to a nice clear area and chant kited him. He summons and does decent dmg but with selo's he usually only got one hit per summons for around 50ish. Used 2 healing potions before he died, but all in all a pretty easy kill. good luck

tear of erollisi
# Aug 17 2005 at 8:41 PM Rating: Decent
Just got through getting this off of captian with
62 cleric and 65 shadowknight. shadow knight pulled and all undead marines came. sk fake dead and captian stayed longer than others. He was a easy kill for 65 sk only took 1 complete heal from my cleric.
# Apr 06 2005 at 8:09 PM Rating: Decent
I just killed nearly everything in the fort that isn't a merchant including this guy and all his little undead friends. I'm a lvl 70 pally. I looted this little item because it was about to rot and I wasn't sure if it is able to be mq'ed?? any information would help as I have a low lvl mage that I would eventually like to get him his epic. Thanks.
Tears of Erollisi
# Nov 23 2004 at 5:28 PM Rating: Excellent
61 posts
After reading most of the recent posts and several painful mistries, I was able to solo Captain Rottgrime as a level 56 mage to get my "tears" for the mage epic.

My problem was in solo pulling. Even at night I would get the 6 "an undead marine"s tagging along. But once I figured it out, it was a fairly easy solo pull and kill.

I also found a new technique that helps mages in targeting.

First, you must wait until after 10:00 PM game time or you will get unwanted adds. A careless level 70 player who tried to help me, was sent running for the pok book with 20% health because he added several mobs running out the front door in the day. And since I was carelessly close, I got summoned and did not make it to the pok book.

Here's what worked for me:

From the pok book Go to +2492,+1951 (avoiding the Golem at Fort entrance) in The Overthere. You will be on the outside of the Fort wall in a nook. Sometimes there was a low level Alchemist in this spot that was an easy kill. Put your face to the wall and summon your Eye of Zomm. It will come up on the other side of the wall (this is great for looking past locked doors too). Move the Eye up a little and target Captain Rottgrime.

Now after you have him targeted, move straight back away from fort to get well out of agro range and park your pet there. Move forward again just enough to cast Annul Magic (after 10 PM game time) on Rottgrime from the spell's maximum range. As soon as the spell hits him (even if it is resisted), MOVE BACK to your pet. Have sow up and be ready to run to the pok book if you get adds.

I think the key to avoiding adds was 1) to fight at night; 2) park the pet away from the fort and 3) to move away as soon as I have cast the pulling spell.

I had my level 51 earth pet buffed with Elemental Empathy, Cadeau of Flame, Virtue, FoS and a nice pink heart. He was fully armored and had 2 high level summoned weaps. I had my focus gear on, as well as a Ceramic Totem for Improved Healing IV (to better heal pet). My magic resists were over 200. And of course, I had C3.

Once I got the Captain on a single pull, it was a fairly easy fight and I did not have to recast the pet. Scars of Sigil landed pretty well. Malosi never landed once in all my pulls/tries so I wouldn't bother with it.

I am told the tears drop with every kill. They dropped for me. As a High Elf mage I did not care about any faction hit, but be aware that people you might ask to help you may not want the faction hit as it can spoil an unrelated quest turn-in.

Good Luck,


Edited, Mon Dec 27 10:32:01 2004
# Nov 18 2004 at 12:53 PM Rating: Decent
If Rotgrime can be solo pulled, can a 66 Necro take this guy by himself?
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