If your guild is VT enbabled, this item should go to a hybrid. Basically your casters and healers will have, or quickly obtain FT 15 or greater. Casters have a wide range of FT gear for a lot of slots and it drops relatively commonly compared to the hybrid usable drops. Hybrids have few FT items they can use, they are rare, many have poor stats, and overlap on slots needed for haste.
Im taking the point of veiw from where my guild is now, VT and 3rd Teir PoP enabled .. not yet into 4th Teir PoP. Im sure a similar argument could be made for all hybrid classes, but here goes from a pally point of veiw.
There are a range of FT items that you can simply rule out for a tanking hybrid on the basis of HP/Mana. Basically if your getting VT loot you need 75+ HP/Mana from an item.
Next, the back slot for Pal/SK should be discounted for FT, as you should have Emperor Ssra's sheild there. Its Pal/SK only, so not too long to wait to get it, and with its concentration on critical stats, click effect and +10% parry is all around the best thing you can put on your back. This cuts out a couple of otherwise very good FT items (Steel Skin Cloak FT3 (VT), and Cape Embroidered with Runes (PoTorment).
If your VT enabled you probably dont kill CT anymore so rule out CT's Brain. Shard from Unfathomable Depths only has 65HP .. its borderline .. not really enough HP for a tank. Warmasters Mask of Battle may be available to some, but most VT enabled guilds wont waste their time with this random and bugged event - so Im discounting it.
So that leaves us with;
FT8 - Talisman of Vah Kerath* (VT)
FT5 - Necklace of Endless Concepts (VT)
FT4 - Mask of Piety (VT)
FT4 - Nocnivens Small Book of Logic (Ssra)
FT3 - Girdle of the Tactician (PoTactics)
Your available slots are neck, face, range and waist. A lot of hybrids will have haste in one of these slots, so you wont be able to use it for FT.
The Book from Ssra drops rarely, AHR neck, Necklace of Endless Concepts and Mask of Piety are all DEEP in VT (this makes them rare).
Therefore I think Pally, SK, Ranger, BL and Bard should have priority to loot any of those FT items. Basically they are the only items they can use, they are rare (compared to a lot of caster FT drops), and the only ones they can hope to use to cap their FT. Ranger is not likely to want this one, as its their bow slot.
Additional -
Rangers cant use Mask of Piety but have a Ranger only hand slot as detailed below - this item drops very rarely.
FT4 - Claws of Vyzh'dra - Ranger only (Ssra)
FT3 - Blood Veil of the Shissar - All/All has only Int no Wis - should be offered to SK or Bard before casters.
For the non-tanking classes (Rng, BL, Bard) The Shard of Unfathomable Depths (FT3), and Burrower Tunic (FT5) might be useful. These items have slightly less HP (both from Burrower - Deep) That gives these guys a couple extra options.
* Yes I know Talisman of Vah Kerath is not FT8, but has 8 HP/Mana regen and effectively FT8 as the cap for worn mana regen is 15.
Edited, Mon May 5 23:30:08 2003