I have this item and I use it in my offhand. It's a nice weapon and has nice stats on it too. Many mobs can't be stunned it seems but if it adds aggro, all the better. It looks like a skull on a stick. I think I've critted for over 165, I can't remember but it does a decent amount of damage. My primary I'm using now is an SoD so I don't know which are the offhand attacks but I know the ones that high are not the SoD.
Decatur Stonewall Troll Overlord Realm of Ages, Fennin Ro
Most people who desire blackout's are not leveling over 52. Many people like to relive the old days, they want to go after Naggy and Vox. Like myself, many people have level 52 trophies of sort in the form of characters. Mine, is a 52 warrior suited in too much SSRA/Kael loot.
Well this weapon isnt too great, the delay blows for us warriors... if u really want a good combo and ur not high enough for elemental planes and such. But ur guild can do Ssraa max.... Then bloodfrenzy main, and Blade of Carnage Offhand.... that is the sickest aggro gainer... honestly, they are both insane and they deal some good amounts of dmg for the dmg/dly ratio. Thats about all i gotta say about those sexys, have a good day.
Quick note for Jaytan, the warrior epic is much harder than this guy imo, i'd honestly rather take a swift kick directly to the sack than spend all that time and energy on the warrior epic when you could just farm keys in SSRA for awhile while making Mediocre XP and some not so horrible drops on random names to get this stuff. just my 2cp
Well, I don't think you can really compare the two, as getting an epic can require huge amounts of single player time investment (plus Raid or single group force for some fights...), where getting this takes huge amounts of Guild Time Investment, so they are really quite different.
And, I cannot think of a class that would use this over the epic except WAR in some cases.
I mean... Rogue might dig this in offhand... BST BRD MNK or RNG certainly would, and if that proc ups hate enough I bet a WAR would dig using one too... but its a weapon most might use with epic but not in place of. Problem is, there really are better things around at the level this could be attained.
______________________ Baron Ashremm Daystar 57 Monk of Luclin.
Let me edit my post here since I just got this weapon. This is a good offhand weapon for warriors. The stun and dd proc is good for aggro. It looks like skybreaker from AR. The skull on a stick weapon. Now to just get a BF for my main hand and I'll be set.
Well, I can't give you a reason why SKs cant use it, but I can tell you that if you're killing HP of Ssra, you *probably* will have something better as an SK. Maybe not, but its pretty likely.
Yeojmav is right actually... once you're up killing the HP, no SK in his right mind would want this thing anyway. Our raid alliance is literally drowning in two-handed Pal/SK weapons from uber mobs in Ssra.
Pal/SK specific weapons seem to be given higher Damage/Delay ratios as well to compensate for the lack of Dual Wield.
One time we fought the Arch Lich, and his head busted open like a pinata. A small flood of Pal/Shd two-handers poured out of the AL's skull and onto one of our Paladins, who subsequently suffocated.
Seriously?, that JUST happened to me on Luclin we were pharming some phat lewtz from AL and he stopped fighting and said "Hey Heph, Pull my Finger!" and i did, and then he farted like 50 Pal/SK swords on me and it SUCKED it was all runny, i think he was eatin' chili too, YUCK! :)