was in LOIO and a GM appeared as an Eru Paladin asking us if we [dared to risk death] to answer his riddle. I got the classic "What can run, but cannot walk?", answered correctly, and was given this. Pretty sweet deal.
Posted:Oct 23 2001 at 2:29 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) i was handed this by a lv 55 ranger(i had just lkost 2ka dn she saw what happened very ncie little Welf ranger lady -Lexia on the rathe)
I got extremely lucky and was able to buy this pendant from a merchant in the Rathe Mountains for 14 p!!! Thank you to whoever sold it to that gypsy, it's getting put to good use. Tarian Wolvesblood (Mithaniel Marr)