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Peridot Encrusted Stein  

This item is placeable in yards, guild yards, houses and guild halls.
CHA: +5 WIS: +3 INT: +3
WT: 0.6 Size: SMALL
Class: ALL
Race: ALL
Slot 1, Type 7 (General: Group)

Item Type:Misc
Merchant Value:0 pp 0 gp 4 sp 6 cp
Lucy Entry By:Kerasota
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2021-12-12 19:31:53
Page Updated:Sat Sep 7th, 2019

Average Price: 19pp Pricing Data...
Rarity: Common
Level to Attain: 1

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Crafted: This item is crafted by players.


This item is found on creatures.

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Uploaded November 27th, 2008
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# Oct 04 2003 at 10:39 AM Rating: Default
I sold one of these in the bazaar on the MT server for 750pp, I stuffed up the price thinking it was a planar peridot encrusted stein, well who ever bought it off me must have made the same mistake!!
How do you make?
# Jun 04 2002 at 2:35 PM Rating: Decent
How does one go about crafting 1 of these?
RE: How do you make?
# Jun 04 2002 at 11:11 PM Rating: Decent
water, sculpting tools, ceramic lining sketch, large block enchanted clay, celestial essence, lacquered gem - combine in kiln, then fire with a HQ firing sheet

RE: How do you make?
# Jun 06 2002 at 1:56 PM Rating: Decent
Combine in kiln? Don't ye mean combine on wheel, then fire in the kiln?
Range, if only..
# Jun 04 2002 at 2:31 PM Rating: Good
If this were a range equipable item, it would be worth the effort. How can it compete with other items in the price range? Stien of moggok, harvester, dagger of marnek the list goes on...

If only....
#REDACTED, Posted: Jun 04 2002 at 9:04 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) *ROFLMAO* ....... If I started EQ yesterday (which I didn't =P Beta 2 =D ) I'd have known you start at level 1....Hell you don't even have to read the book to find that out... =P
RE: OMFG Zaymot....
# Jun 04 2002 at 1:28 PM Rating: Good
22 posts
This is my first post. I had to post in response to this, you can't write crap like this and expect to not get flamed. You point out that you have been playing since Beta 2, and you list a large and impressive list of characters you have as well as their levels. That's nice, but what does it have to do with anything? You were just taking an opportunity to brag about how little else you have in your life than Everquest. Sad, very sad.

Edited, Tue Jun 4 14:56:23 2002
# Jun 03 2002 at 10:38 PM Rating: Decent
Man, a recommended level of 1. I guess I can't twink my lv 0 shaman with one of these. :(
#REDACTED, Posted: Jun 04 2002 at 6:10 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Jhub Jhub,
RE: Twinking
# Jun 04 2002 at 6:51 AM Rating: Excellent
Main Entry: sar·casm
Pronunciation: 'sär-"ka-z&m
Function: noun
Etymology: French or Late Latin; French sarcasme, from Late Latin sarcasmos, from Greek sarkasmos, from sarkazein to tear flesh, bite the lips in rage, sneer, from sark-, sarx flesh; probably akin to Avestan thwar&s- to cut
Date: 1550
1 : a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain <tired of continual sarcasms>
2 a : a mode of satirical wit depending for its effect on bitter, caustic, and often ironic language that is usually directed against an individual b : the use or language of sarcasm <this is no time to indulge in sarcasm>
#REDACTED, Posted: Jun 03 2002 at 4:23 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) i feel bad for level 0s
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