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Unholy Silk Sandals  

Lore Item No Trade
Slot: FEET
AC: 2
INT: +6 HP: +5 MANA: +5
Recommended level of 5.
WT: 2.5 Size: MEDIUM
Class: NEC
Race: DEF
Slot 1, Type 7 (General: Group)
Slot 2, Type 21 (Special Ornamentation)

Item Type:Armor
Color (RGB):0, 0, 0
Lucy Entry By:Pietre
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2021-07-27 07:44:31
Page Updated:Fri Feb 12th, 2021

Expansion: Legacy of Ykesha Legacy of Ykesha

Rarity: Common
Level to Attain: 5

[Comments ]

This item is the result of a quest.
Expansion List - Premium only.
Quest Name
Unholy Silk Slippers

Zone(s) Found In:

Zone Name
Neriak Third Gate
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loom in Neriak
# Oct 08 2002 at 7:59 AM Rating: Default
Hi all
Not all of us knew...
There is a loom in Neriak common, is in the shop called silk underground. After having zoned go left is the building near the soulbinder.
I Created Them
# Sep 23 2002 at 3:27 PM Rating: Decent
Hey Folks,
Just created these with my alt necro, and I wanted to give some details on the process, because there were a few things I didn't know until I did it. First thing is Talorial's location. He is all the way upstairs in the Lodge of the Dead, in the little room/hall right off Noxhil's room. Next thing is how to actually create them. You start the text with him, and the conversation progresses. At one point, you have to say "Gather some items". At this time, you get the enchanted box for combining the items. You put this box in your inventory and then continue the conversation. When you get to the point where he mentions what can be made, you just say "I want the <item name> pattern". At this time you will get the pattern from him. Please note that the sandals have to be called slippers, or vice versa (whatever he mentions, you say the opposite). Once you get the pattern from him, you are done with him (until you make the next piece). Once you have everything from him, combine all items needed, EXCEPT FOR THE PATTERN, in the box. Make sure nothing is stacked, and get it all in there and hit combine. Once you do this, you will then get an infused halfling hide. At this point, you are done with the box. This is where people were having a problem I believe. Now you need to find a loom to finish the process. Unfortunately, I could not find a loom in Neriak. A helpful tailor told me that a sewing kit works the same way though. I went to the Dashing Form in Neriak Commons and bought a small sewing kit (two slot) for a few gold. I then placed the infused halfling hide in there with the pattern, hit combine, and I now have my Unholy Silk item. I hope this clears up any ambiguity for anyone.
Good quest for us noobs
# Jul 13 2002 at 11:16 AM Rating: Default
This is an awsome quest for us noobs. As far as the +hp/mana stuff, this is newb armor. I dont know where to get all that hp and mana stuff, other than beg high level characters. So VI did a good job and gave us noobs a chance at some better than leather armor.

Lv7 Necro
Brell Serilis
quest fixed
# Apr 17 2002 at 4:02 PM Rating: Default
This quest is just have to assk for "what sandals". Recipe is 2 fire beetle eyes, 2 malachite and 2 halfling hides.
Newbie Armor
# Apr 08 2002 at 3:49 PM Rating: Default
These are perfect for the non-twinked newbie who has nothing and wants something for his hard work before lvl 10. If the quest is broken then petition it. The other parts of the quest are not broken so maybe this one just needs to be worked on a little.

But still a nice piece for the non-twinked newbies. I'm pround of VI for finally getting around to giving these people stat armor at low lvls. They gave the Beastlords their armor at the beginning of SoL, now they are stating with the DEs (Clerics excluded for some reason) and will get to the rest. Be patient.
RE: Newbie Armor
# Apr 09 2002 at 8:36 AM Rating: Default
This is horrible, absolutely horrible. If you are a newbie try and buy yourself those wolfslippers or something, personally I would attempt to get ac/hp items. 1 int is not going to do anything at level 60, at level 1 the mana gain is much worse. For you guys about to flame me for saying level 60 thats an example. If you want mana at the low levels get the 20+ mana items, don't bother with int, its not worth it. Do what all newbies do, kill bears and spiders but what ever you do don't slow down in leveling for anything untill you hit 55.
# Apr 08 2002 at 2:34 PM Rating: Default
Why would anyone even want to attempt this quest, these sandals stink!
# Apr 08 2002 at 5:08 PM Rating: Decent
Any Zek server, you'll prob use these for a long time, working on getting them for my necro on Rallos. Even on my chanter on Xev, i didnt have any int footwear at 22, so i went back after these quests were implemented and have a few pieces now to fill the non int slots I had
this quest is broken atm
# Apr 08 2002 at 2:12 PM Rating: Default
i tried this quest and its broke !!!
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