I'm a 53 troll SK with SS boots who was lucky enough to find a pair of these dumped on a PoT vendor - cost just over 400 plat with 135 CHR.
We've since switched over to Kael faction so while I'm not MA in ToV, I'm always taking those wonderful AoE cold and fire hits from the dragons.
These give me a much needed Fire Save boost (trolls start at 5 naturally) and I actually end up with more HPs then my SS boots give, so these are now part of my permanent saving throw gear bag for now.
I also got a pair of these boot off of a vendor. I had seen them in the bazaar for 800pp. As i was buying trader satchels i noticed them on merchant tekrama for 442pp. I picked em up for 426pp with a cha of 125. I lost 6 ac, but the hp and te resists were worth it.
The boots are also wearable by all races, not just the ones shown above. I have these on my Vah Shir warrior. Would be nice to get an update since I can't add them to my character under the edit here.
High End implies you are the best of your game, and if that is the case you will have achieved your AC cap through your regular gear setup. If you have not met your AC cap, YOU ARE NOT HIGH END.
Now, to expound upon that, once YOU ARE at your AC cap, any more AC means very little. If I have 1300 AC as a Monk or 1500 AC, The Avatar of War will always hit me for max damage, as will the Creator, Emperor, Arch Lich, Shei, Itraer Vius, Tormax, Statue, Vulak, Seru, Aten... see a trend?
Grats on being an idiot, and someone who knows nothing.
Posted:Oct 15 2002 at 12:47 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) My guild routinely destroys all of the above mentioned mobs and most of us have not yet hit our ac cap. If you are going to post something, do it intelligently.
Posted:Apr 03 2002 at 12:30 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Did anyone else notice that this item is usable by Shaman, but no Shaman Races are listed?
It's clear you have no conception of what the high end game is like.
Just because this item has low ac, does not mean it is bad in anyway. Most people on a raid DO NOT GET MELEED. Most people suffer some other sort of damage to take them down such as area effect spells.
A foot item with good hitpoints AND nice resists is a great item, especially for non tanking classes such as bards, rangers and shaman.
I can immagine that a few people that would actualy be present for this to drop wouldn't have something compairable or better, but very few people. Most of the time I think this would become twink gear. So, anyone want to hazard a guess what this would go for? Call me crazy, but I'm thinking 2-3kpp.