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Mask of the Chetari  

Lore Item Prestige
Slot: FACE
Charges: Unlimited
Required level of 98.
Effect: Illusion Chetari (Any Slot/Can Equip, Casting Time: 1.0)
WT: 0.8 Size: TINY
Class: ALL
Race: ALL

Item Lore:It has been chewed a bit around the edges
Item Type:Illusion
Merchant Value:0 pp 0 gp 1 sp 0 cp
Lucy Entry By:Durew [Kratos] - Luclin
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2022-11-27 19:16:58
Page Updated:Fri Jan 24th, 2020

Expansion: Rain of Fear Rain of Fear

Average Price: No Data Pricing Data...
Rarity: Zonewide Random
Level to Attain: 100

[Drops | Quests | Comments ]


This item is found on creatures.

Breeding Grounds
NPC Name
a chetari bruiser
a Chetari deathbender
a chetari defender
a Chetari hoarder
a Chetari scavenger
a Chetari seeker
a dracolich
a fearwing
a fearwing watcher
a flamewing
a flamewing defender
a flamewing guardian
a flamewing protector
a frostwing
a magma fiend
a magma guardian
a mature icewing
a phase spider
a scorched defender
a terrorwing
a Va`Ker guardian
a young ashwing
a young fearwing
a young flamewing
a young icewing
a young scalewing
an ancient dracolich
an ancient icewing
an elder ashwing
an elder fearwing
an elder flamewing
an elder icewing
an elder scalewing
an icewing

Chapterhouse of the Fallen
NPC Name
a blistering goo
a brittle mummy
a corpse eating beetle
a decaying knight
a defiled paladin of Marr
a diseased rat
a disgraced knight
a disgraced paladin of Marr
a dusty mummy
a failed experiment
a fallen knight
a filthy rat
a forgotten prisoner
a forlorn cleric of Marr
a gloomy shade
a gooey goo
a hissing basilisk
a hungry ghoul
a loathsome ghoul
a lost soul
a lost willow wisp
a lurking terror
a malcontent thrall
a mindless zombie
a misguided willow wisp
a mournful ghost
a necromancer apprentice
a necromancer initiate
a necromancer neophyte
a plague rat
a reanimated bodypart
a reanimated paladin
a revolting ghoul
a rotting paladin of Marr
a scavenging beetle
a shambling zombie
a smelly dung beetle
a stalag terror
a starving basilisk
a stoneskin basilisk
a voracious goo
a wandering ghost
a woeful shade
an afflicted shade
an ancient mummy
an enraged willow wisp
an icy terror
an unchaste cleric of Marr
an undead cleric of Marr
an undead halfling
an undead servant

Evantil, the Vile Oak
NPC Name
a bloated fungus man
a corrupted sapling
a diligent ant
a famished goral
a fear blossom
a fear howler
a fear howler patriarch
a fear howler scavenger
a fear raven
a fear tainted raven
a frightening fear blossom
a fruit hoarding ape
a gathering ant
a goral leafjumper
a hearty fungus man
a horrible vine maw
a hungry binaesa
a hungry fear blossom
a poisonous frog
a powerful fungus man
a ravenous goral
a robust fungus man
a scavenging raven
a slimy frog
a snapping vine maw
a soldier ant
a tainted sapling
a tree binaesa
a tree frog
a vine maw
a wandering sapling
a wretched gatherer
a wretched hunter
a wretched scavenger
an ape lookout
an arboreal binaesa
an elder ape
living sap
oozing sap
vile sap

Grelleth's Palace, Chateau of Filth
NPC Name
a Chateau bloodcaster
a Chateau defender
a Chateau gravedigger
a creature keeper
a grizzled tamed selyrah
a guard braxi
a guard goral
a guard selyrah
a junk golem
a junkcrafter apprentice
a junkcrafter scavenger
a kitchen assistant
a living filth creature
a palace beast handler
a palace decay priest
a palace filthcaster
a palace guard
a palace scout
a polluted bunny
a polluted water elemental
a pollution golem
a pollution monster
a rot shaman
a sewer mage
an elite soldier

Valley of King Xorbb
NPC Name
a bonepile golem
a bruiser minotaur
a clayborn muddite
a cloudburst cyclone
a cloudburst whirlwind
a clouded eye
a condemned skeleton
a core elemental
a corpsebinder goblin
a corpseflower sporali
a creekbottom muddite
a crystalfear golem
a crystalfear hydra
a currentfang snake
a darkbody golem
a darkflesh golem
a deadcrawler sporali
a deadeater crocodile
a deadfiend goblin
a deathraiser goblin
a decomposing mass
a deepwoods bear
a deepwoods snake
a direflame goblin
a farsighted eye
a fearbone skeleton
a fetid mass
a filthduct snake
a fleshburn mephit
a focused eye
a forest bear
a forest snake
a geosplint mephit
a gravelcrush whirlwind
a groundswell elemental
a guardian minotaur
a hungry goblin
a lifeshard hydra
a longfang rat
a magician`s eye
a minotaur architect
a minotaur cook
a moldgrown sporali
a multifacet hydra
a multiphasic crystal
a nightfear mephit
a noxious spill
a nullmind mephit
a pickslave goblin
a putrid mass
a rabid bear
a ritualtalker goblin
a riverfoam elemental
a scarred skeleton
a scholarly minotaur
a sedimentary muddite
a sewer rat
a shamanic goblin
a shamanic minotaur
a shardcraft golem
a shardcraft hydra
a sickwater crocodile
a stonegrind whirlwind
a stormrage whirlwind
a stream snake
a streamswell elemental
a subservient goblin
a tainted spill
a terror golem
a thickhide crocodile
a timbercrush bear
a tunnel snake
a vigilant eye
a warrior minotaur
a watchman minotaur
a waterknight goblin
a wetbloom sporali
a workmaster goblin
a woundhealer goblin
an earthcrust elemental
an eskerdirt muddite
an evenflame goblin
an evilgaze eye
an executed skeleton
an icewarrior goblin
an infectious spill
an omnifocus eye
an overseer minotaur


This item is used in quests.
Expansion List - Premium only.

Plane of Knowledge
Quest Name
Legendary Enchanter Illusions

This is a very rare zonewide drop in Tier 2 Rain of Fear zones.

Uploaded April 23rd, 2024 by iventheassassin
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Dropped in Breeding Grounds
# Sep 28 2014 at 4:32 PM Rating: Decent
Just dropped today, from a Chetari Bruiser.
# Feb 05 2013 at 7:23 PM Rating: Good
49 posts
Just dropped in Evantil,the Vile Oak off of "a ravenous goral".
Another mob
# Jan 01 2013 at 5:23 PM Rating: Excellent
90 posts
Just dropped off "a guard braxi" in Grelleth's Palace.
T2 Random Rare
# Dec 01 2012 at 10:47 PM Rating: Good
171 posts
This is a T2 global random rare for RoF. Was dropped for a friend of mine off "a fearwing" in Breeding Grounds on the day of RoF release. (first mob in the zone he killed too...lucky.... lol)

This was the consensus on Beta as well. Seems to be the RoF equivalent of the 2 bard/rog illusion masks and the dagger summoning belt from T4 VoA zones.

tl;dr any mob in Breeding Grounds, Evantil, Grelleth's, Chapterhouse, or Xorbb likely has a 0.01% drop chance of this item.
Found in new zone
# Dec 01 2012 at 8:39 PM Rating: Decent
10 posts
This just dropped off of "a junk golem" in Grelleth's Palace, the Chateau of Filth on 1 December 2012.
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