Item GlossaryEverQuest icon

Minor Dreadmote  

Quest Item
Recommended level of 96.
WT: 0.1 Size: TINY
Class: ALL
Race: ALL

Item Lore:A minor fragment of the power of dread
Item Type:Misc
Lucy Entry By:Galin - MS
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2022-01-09 23:00:46
Page Updated:Fri Sep 13th, 2024

Expansion: Rain of Fear Rain of Fear

Average Price: No Data Pricing Data...
Rarity: Common
Level to Attain: 96

[Drops | Quests | Comments ]
A crystallized bit of the essence of dread. Tomekeeper Kerkaz in Shard's Landing might be interested in this.

This item is the result of a quest.
Expansion List - Premium only.
Quest Name
Champions of the People
Menace, Doom, and Horror


This item is found on creatures.

Chelsith Reborn
NPC Name
Katazz the Twisted
The Undefeated Blade

Chelsith Reborn: Champions of the People
NPC Name
Champion`s Chest

Crystal Caverns, Fragment of Fear
NPC Name
A Crystal Lurker
A Focus Gem
A Gem Collector
A Hollow Crystal
A Life Leech
A Ry`Gorr Enforcer
A Ry`Gorr Herbalist
A Ry`Gorr Inspector
A Stalag Purifier
A Terror Carver
Fear Tainted Tentacle
Foreman Rixact
Foreman Smason
Overseer Grydon
Pit Boss Torgud
Prospector Wersan
Queen Dracnia

Crystal Caverns: Danela's Stand
NPC Name
Danelas Lockbox

Crystal Caverns: Into the Caverns of Fear
NPC Name
Danelas Lockbox

East Wastes, Zeixshi-Kar's Awakening
NPC Name
Boradain Glacierbane
Chief Ry`Gorr
Corbin Blackwell
Drummon Coldshanks
Ekelng Thunderstone
Firband the Black
Fjloaren Icebane
Galrok the Cold
Ghrek Squatnot
Kurlok the Mad
Tain Hammerfrost
Warden Bruke
Yngaln the Frozen

East Wastes: Confronting Your Fears
NPC Name
a treasure chest - Confronting Your Fears

East Wastes: Defeat Zeixshi-Kar
NPC Name
an amazing chest

Heart of Fear: The Epicenter
NPC Name
A Herald of Fear
A Vision of Fear
Grizelna the Mad
Simira the Dreadwidow
Yilsme the Harbinger of Death

Heart of Fear: The Epicenter: An End to Fear
NPC Name
an ornate chest - An End to Fear

Heart of Fear: The Rebirth
NPC Name
A Hoary Gargoyle
Enasni the Demented
Glubbus the Fleshmelter
Ixmilsh the Terrortangler
Silandra the Cruel
Torflog the Impaler
Vizlix the Deceiver
Zixial the Scaremonger

Heart of Fear: The Rebirth: Menace, Doom, and Horror
NPC Name
an equipment trunk

Heart of Fear: The Threshold
NPC Name
Alsecht the Believer
Harbinger Krask
Ythan the Gutripper

Kael Drakkel, The King's Madness
NPC Name
a diminutive kromrif
a fey swarm
Derakor the Vindicator
Doljek the Insane
Evanescent Coronach
Fjokar Frozenshard
Gkrean Prophet of Tallon
Grungol the Eclipse
Kallis Stormcaller
Keldor Dek`Torek
Pakjol the Hungry
Reivaj the Battlerager
Semkak Prophet of Vallon
The Avatar of War
The Idol of Rallos Zek
The Statue of Rallos Zek

Kael Drakkel: The Madness of King Tormax
NPC Name
an ornate chest - The Madness of King Tormax

Kael Drakkel: Traitors Among Us
NPC Name
a chest - Traitors Among Us

Plane of Shadow
NPC Name
The Dark Lady

Shard's Landing
NPC Name
Alpha Naeya
Banescale Serpent
Elsrop the Crazed

Shard's Landing: Calling Phantasm
NPC Name
The Spoils of Murder

Shard's Landing: Sleepless Nights
NPC Name
Urn of Howling Souls


This item is used in quests.
Expansion List - Premium only.

Minor Dreadmote 090724

Uploaded September 7th, 2024 by Naladilu
Updated September 8th, 2024
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Level 96 spells
# Dec 25 2012 at 3:03 AM Rating: Good
1,344 posts
Turn these into Tomekeeper Kerkaz in Shard's Landing.

Alliance Artisan Demonicspawn Dealerofdeath, Scoundrel of the Oathbreakers
Ogre Shadow Knight
Tunare - The Seventh Hammer

Ascending Angels on Beta
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