*cough* get the coldain prayer shawl #7, 7ac/wis/int/cha/sta/svfire/cold/poison effect Flowing Thought I. Sure it takes some work to do, but IMO it beats the socks off this one :)
While I agree this is a nice item, I'd argue that the earring and Sphinx Hair cord are the best pieces for enchanters from here. The cord gives terrific resist bonuses, and the earring is matched by few others for enchanters.
And for those wondering, this item has NOT been upgraded as of July 19, 2001 when I recieved mine... and then placed in the bank. Med blankets and Obulus Death Shrouds make a bit more sense over all in my opinion and are far easier to get.
The rare drop for this quest is off the Keeper of Souls, island 4 if you don't count Noble isle like me, island 5 otherwise. Just look for the horseys and Griffins.
Of course it always depends on one's specific gear and preferance, but personally I think you're nuts to not wear this over an effing ODS or med blanket.
you know, this has got to be the BEST item for a chanter on these lame planer quests. cha 10? that is amazing for a shawl, i'll gladly give up my int for that since i''ve been at my int cap for AGES!
Lunalia Silvermoon Druzzil Ro Grand Master Jeweler
Posted:Jun 04 2001 at 4:10 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Its funny that nobody posted here when this is clearly the best item in these stupid plane quests.