Did this quest via MQ yesterday Thursday 13. July 2006. All the stats are the same, item has 2 charges, MUST EQUIP TO CAST (cast instant)
Too bad :/. Take care, mob for turnin will stay up about 2 minutes maximum then despawns! So if you gonna MQ - you most certainly will not have enough time to change chars if on same account.
Posted:Nov 03 2001 at 8:14 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I'll take my pegasus cloak over this any day... AND it was easier to get...
The Keymaster on Isle 1 sells mana batteries.. Not sure how to work them, as I've never actually cared.. But they are containers, and I assume you put the item, and something else in and combine..
There are containers sold by the same merchant that sells mana batteries in PoS. Basically, you buy a mana battery, put it and the item you want to recharge in the container and hit combine. Takes no skill, and you get your charges back.