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Mercenary Stats
# Feb 16 2014 at 9:48 AM Rating: Decent
100 posts
[Notes:  Rather terse column headers to ensure they fit.  Stat order is the same 
as the vertical listing on the mercenary stat window] 
2 AA's in improved mana adds 195 Mana to tier 1-4 and 295 Mana to tier 5 
2 AA's in improved spell resistance adds 30 AC to tier 5 only 
Healers No AA's, Merc self Buffed 
#   HP    Mana	E  AC	Attk  H Str Sta Int Wis Agi Dex Cha HReg  MReg  ER He SD 
J1 66595 47880	0 5588	5450  0 814 924 834 999 895 999 814 1907   838  0  0  0 
J2 70672 51322	0 5786	5726  0 814 924 834 999 895 999 814 2044  1043  0  0  0 
J3 74748 54764	0 5984	6004  0 814 924 834 999 895 999 814 2184  1215  0  0  0 
J4 78824 58008	0 6182	6281  0 814 924 834 999 895 999 814 2326  1385  0  0  0 
J5 82368 61649	0 6350	6559  0 814 924 834 999 895 999 814 2468  1558  0  0  0 
Healers No AA's, self buffs only 
#   HP    Mana	E  AC	Attk  H Str Sta Int Wis Agi Dex Cha HReg  MReg  ER He SD 
A1 51184 35170  0 4913  4064  0 814 924 834 999 895 999 814 1358   224  0  0  0 
A2 53887 37486	0 5026  4341  0	814 924 834 999 895 999 814 1448   335  0  0  0 
A3 56592 39804	0 5140  4619  0	814 924 834 999 895 999 814 1539   449  0  0  0 
A4 59295 42121	0 5254  4895  0	814 924 834 999 895 999 814 1628   561  0  0  0 
A5 61999 44437	0 5367  5172  0	814 924 834 999 895 999 814 1719   673  0  0  0 
Doubt the stats between types/tiers are formula driven but here are a  
few that are close. 
For any tier: 
JourneymanHP = ApprenticeHP x 1.31 
JourneymanMana = ApprenticeMana x 1.38 
JourneymanAC = ApprenticeAC x 1.15 
Mana and HPs from increase roughly 5% for each tier. 
master tier?
# Oct 06 2012 at 9:20 AM Rating: Decent
is there a any master merc or just journeymen? how do we get one?
Re: master tier?
# Oct 06 2012 at 3:36 PM Rating: Good
2,689 posts
None as of yet. Maybe with the next expansion. Maybe never. Keep an eye out on the patch notes or News here or on official Sony EQ forums about it.

Yther Ore.
Terrifying Contract
# May 15 2012 at 4:29 PM Rating: Decent
Should be linked to the Amygdalan Mercenaries, not the Terrifying.
clockwork soothers
# Dec 11 2011 at 2:11 PM Rating: Decent
I see these Mercs from time to time and they appear to be enchanters but i can't find any information as to how to acquire them. Can anyone fill me in?
few answers
# Sep 11 2011 at 6:26 PM Rating: Default
the cost depends on the merc - the best cost 9775 ppp with upkeep of 97pp every 10 min or so

If you are a level 20 Gimp with **** gear u cannot afford the best but if you are average level 90 u cannot afford not to have the best healer or tank (they are crutial rolls in a group and if they die the group dies and that will cost u a lot more (in lost loot) than the 97pp.

I have been unable to asertain if Legendary mercs are better than the standard T5 Journeymen that cost 9775 but my understanding is that they are the same in function just look "better" / different.

Most ppl beleive that rogues and better dps than caster mobs but they take agro a lot easier than the caster ones and if they are week they will die. So if u are Gimp and cannot guarentee a group with ubber tank and have to or wish to get a lower level DPS i would suggest going for the caster.

One final note of interest u can transfer mercs to other players (if u have two accounts) BUT remember to keep tonnes of cash on you - If u run out of money for upkeep u loose the merc 10k down the drain.
Cool or Not?
# Oct 04 2010 at 1:24 PM Rating: Decent
Wow that is really cool that it is affordable. I was throwing around the idea of buying the collectors edition of the new expansion so I could get the wailing banshee mercenary because I thought it would probably be more powerful but I didn't know if you could use that at level 1 which is where I will be starting from. Also the extra bags from the collectors edition would be nice since I am starting from pretty much nothing and I think there might even be a mount which if I could use early in the game would be awesome. Like I said I am starting out from the bottom so maybe the amount of pp I would save for not having to buy a mount and the bag slots would be worth the extra money in real life.
Auto Assist on merc
# Feb 28 2010 at 2:42 PM Rating: Decent
Can someone please explain How this works and can you add /stance assist to a hotkey? I tried that and didn't seem to work. Any ideas?

Pipr Holowell
Magician of Norrath
certainly useful
# Feb 22 2010 at 1:06 AM Rating: Decent
Mercs are functional group members, and while its preferrable to have real players, they do a good job of filling in holes in the group...
# Dec 21 2009 at 12:11 AM Rating: Decent
they are actually pretty decent
Cool or Not?
# Dec 08 2009 at 11:43 PM Rating: Decent
I'm thinking of coming back to EQ. Are the mercenaries as good as they sound, or did SOE pull an SOE?

Edited, Dec 9th 2009 9:15pm by fordse
Cool or Not?
# Oct 02 2010 at 9:41 AM Rating: Decent
52 posts
They are as good as they sound.
Cool or Not?
# Oct 04 2010 at 4:41 AM Rating: Decent
I'm thinking of coming back to EQ also and mercenaries are one of the reasons. Can you buy them at lower levels and about how much do they cost? I have searched for the answers but have not found them yet.
Cool or Not?
# Oct 04 2010 at 7:44 AM Rating: Decent
2,689 posts
Free at 1st and 2nd level to buy, maybe up to 4th level for Journeymen, maybe up to 9th level for Apps. No upkeep until 5th level for Journeymen mercs, and none till 10th level for Apps, if I remember correctly. Maintenance (Upkeep) is about 1pp at 20th level, and a little less than 1pp more / level above that for Journeymen Tier Is.

Yther Ore.
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