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EQ Mob:Oxrun the Bonecollector  

  • This mob spawns at +3320, +617 near Halas entrance.
  • Findable (via Ctrl-F): Yes

He only spawns during the Nights of the Dead period, around october.

You say, 'Hail, Oxrun the Bonecollector'

Oxrun the Bonecollector says 'Greetings, _____. You look familiar, but now is not the time for pleasantries. A skeleton uprising has began to overwhelm this area. If we don't [act fast] we will be out of a home in no time at all.'

You say, 'Act fast?'

Oxrun the Bonecollector says 'If you are willing to [lend a hand] we just might be able to expel the wretches back to their graves.'

You say, 'I will lend a hand'

Oxrun the Bonecollector says 'Excellent. Your efforts will not go unnoticed.'

You have been assigned the task '[Skeleton Zapping]'.

A recent uprising must be dealt with! Use the Scythe of Skeletal Expulsion to destroy as many of them as you can.

Categories: EverQuest | Templatized
This page last modified 2019-10-14 05:27:32.