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EQ Mob:Marcia Attamilgad  

NOTE: This mob is transient and will appear in random zones. For our purposes, she's listed in North Ro because she has to go "somewhere" and the North Ro zone listing just happened to be that place.

Marcia Attamilgad is an adventure merchant who only deals with the Noble currency. She will spawn in one of a number of possible zones (see below) with a single rare item for sale each day at approximately 00:00 PDT (her location and loot table do not appear to be affected by server restarts). She will only sell up to a maximum total value of items per day (somewhere between 30 and 90 nobles - refine these bounds?) and once she has reached her maximum total sales value her inventory will remain empty until she respawns the next day.

For information about locating her at any given time, see this quest entry.

Category: EverQuest
This page last modified 2014-10-29 19:50:24.