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Born in the vast forest land on the Greater Faydark, Ragnarnok grew up only knowing of Elven people. When he was old enough to trvavel and understand much of the ways of things, he set out on a remarkable trip that encompassed all of Norrath. However, he did not like what he saw. Everywhere he went except for other Elven cities, he was looked at with threatening looks, snide remarks and even things thrown at him. It seems that just because he was a young Elf, that he was a lesser being. Over the years that anger and frustration with any race not of the Elvish class grew until it boiled over the top. Ragnarnok now seeks to build a new world order intent on conquering Norrath and the moon of Luclin and enslaving all those who do not wish him to succeed. This new world order is known as the Order of Elves.