April 14, 2014

Here are some updates for today:

New Items: Heroic Mold-covered StoneHeroic Workmaster's HornRage of RolfronRune of Tallon

New Quest: Plane of War: Rulnavis #3 - Tactical Strike

New Recipe: Drix's Satchel

New Bestiary: High Tactician Drelgan honor guarda blood guarda possessed colossus

Updated Items: Guardian OrnamentCrystallized SulfurSunshard PebbleSmudged Rough PapyrusRubicite OreCrysotheriumIndium OreAraneae's StrategiesStrategic ColossusAssault BowColossus RequisitionAssault Bow RequisitionPlan for NarikorDrix's SatchelSignet of GannarBattle Hardened Diamond

Updated Quests: Upgraded PeltsWarrior Pike #6 (Champion's Mancatcher)Schelly #2: Where Did It Come From?Lark #2: The Sealed GateLark #3: Late CheckoutHunter of the Plane of WarPlane of War Access #1: Field of Strife & The MinesPlane of War Access #2a: Castle RulnavisPlane of War Access #2b: Castle TamrelPlane of War Access #3: The Grandmaster's TowerPlane of War: Katka's CausePlane of War: Raising Faction with Castle RulnavisPlane of War: Raising Faction with Castle TamrelPlane of War: Rulnavis #1 - Defending the CastlePlane of War: Rulnavis #2 - A Colossal TaskPlane of War: Tamrel #1 - The Tamrel TrialsPlane of War: Tamrel #2 - A New Colonel In Town

Updated Bestiary: Overking Bathezida tormented mercenarya deadly dreamweavera dark practitionera defiled dreamweaverTrooper Drixan unmasked changelingRalf UthmiertBloody TomeRilen D`Tradisa Hendin reavera shamanic resonancea Tamrelian wall defenderEjarl, Herald of the BarbFletcher ForlenHigh Strategist GalbenTroopmaster GurkanAraneae the Clever


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