Patch Notes for September 30, 2008

*** Highlights ***

The Tides of Anachronism

All across Norrath and beyond, the boundaries between past and present and between parallel realities seem to be fraying.

Within the normally peaceful Plane of Knowledge, three heralds of Druzzil Ro entered the realm; bringing warnings of troubled and dangerous times ahead.

"Danger has arrived! Our time is very short! Time is ticking and our doom may have arrived! As it passes, time takes with it portions of our lives. Well, your lives. And now it threatens to take all of our lives. Powers of chaos and destruction are taking their time, taking our time! Go quickly, time is so very short."

Meanwhile, over in the Dreadlands, a retired scholar named Deckarn Mystglade is seeking someone to help keep him from losing his mind.

A few years back when the Plane of Time was first breached by Norrathian adventurers, Deckarn warned his fellow scholars that interfering with the realm of time would only lead to disaster. After continuously trying to prophesize his unproven theories, he was forcibly requested to retire. Since then, Deckarn has been a bit unsure of anything around him.

Over the past few weeks, Deckarn has been feeling a strange shift in time and began to have visions of epic battles, re-building, corruption, decay, and war. Uncertain of himself, he needs someone to investigate the mysterious occurrences in his visions to confirm that he isn't going insane.

Curious adventurers begin to travel to the Plane of Knowledge and the Dreadlands to hear the rumors first hand.

*** Items ***

- The Raging Taelosian Alloy Axe and the Vengeful Taelosian Blood Axe have been modified. The Strike of Savagery effect will no longer have a chance to proc itself. Instead, the duration of the effect has been increased to 1 minute.
- The tribute value of the mass enchant spells has been adjusted. It is not intended that infinitely purchasable items have a tribute value greater than their platinum cost.

*** Spells ***

- Tears of Qandieal and similar spells can now only be cast on NPCs to address a stability issue. The ability to use it against players will return with our next code update.

*** Upcoming UI Changes ***

- Message to custom UI users: With the next Game Update, we will be releasing several extensive changes to the User Interface (UI). Some of these changes can currently be found on the Test Server and additional changes may be released throughout the week. Please take a moment to visit the Test Server so that you can prepare ahead of time for these changes.


- The EverQuest Team


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update on visions past or furutre quest
# Oct 01 2008 at 12:14 PM Rating: Decent
ok.. here are the mobs you are looking for..
In FOB you are looking for Lady Buzzari or Lord Ayrnar and they both cast fear on you.. Last about 7 seconds.
In QH you are looking for an ancient blackburrow reaver, warrior shammy.. You can kill any of those that you can get to up date the quest. The shammy cast a malo.
In Rm you are looking for a Rallosian Scout. Just remember they like the gnolls are un rooteable or unsnareable.

In Commonlands you are looking for any of the Obliteration mobs. They do cast ignight blood.. These guys are rootable.

hope this helps.. Good Luck all

Vision past or Furture Quest
# Oct 01 2008 at 7:57 AM Rating: Decent
This quest starts in Dreadlands with Deckarn Mystglade (near the wizzy port).I would say have a wizzy or a druid with you in your group to do this makes it a little faster to get around to the zones.
You will have to go to the following zones: Field of Bones, Warsliks woods, Qeynos Hills, Commonlands and Rathe mountains.
In FoB you will have to kill Lord or Lady something cant remeber the names off the top of my head. At lvl 75 they both coned red to me so it should not be hard to figure out who you are looking for. These dragons are rootable. Oh and watch out for the little portal looking thing it will send you to Plane of Time.
In WW you are looking for Lord Chavias and or Lord Domagar. they both coned red to me also. These guys are rootable and if you dont keep them apart they will both attack you. They also cast a fear spell on you.
In QH you are looking for a group of 6 gnolls. These guys are the only ones you dont need a tracker for. They spawn near the BB entrance and walk to the path between NQ and Surefalls. They can out run soe so be ready to run your butt off.. The best way we found to get these were to wait for them near the merchant hut and have one person pull the group while another pulls a single from them. Once they hit the NQ zone line they will despawn and respawn in about 5 mins. and walk the same path each time. These guys coned DB to me.
In Commonlands. I forget what they are called.. but if you see something that cons yellow to red to you in that zone you know you got one. These guys are rootedable too. Best advice on them is to try to single pull them.
In RM. you are looking for the soucts that are up. They coned DB to me. We killed the Cpt many times and never got the task up dated. It only up dated when we killed the scouts. These guys are NOT rootable.

I would say make sure you have a good tracker in your group as the only ones that have a set path are in QH. All the rest just roam the zones.
We had a full group of a 75 ranger, 79ranger, 80 druid, 80 pally, 72 cleric, and a 74 wizzy. It took us about 4 hours to do all of this. Only cause we had no idea what we were looking for.

Good luck hope this helps sorry I cant remeber everything was doing this from 11 to 3 am..

See ya out there
Test Server
# Sep 30 2008 at 9:35 PM Rating: Decent
Not sure how to find Test Server? Would like to try it out.
Test Server
# Oct 01 2008 at 7:35 AM Rating: Decent
Go to test server by finding the testeverquest file in you everquest directory.
Switching from test to regular servers can take a while unless you make a copy of the entire Sony file and run test from the copy and regular server from original, Doing this makes it so the update for test only affects the files in the copy and not the originaland vise versa.
patch time
# Sep 30 2008 at 7:55 PM Rating: Decent

i never worry about patch time ,it gives me more time to play my toon on test server,
# Sep 30 2008 at 4:15 PM Rating: Decent
36 posts
6 hours becomes 8 becomes 10. Gotta love it.

Mothing ever changes in EQ a patch is never done in time.
# Sep 30 2008 at 4:49 PM Rating: Decent
Always takes more than the allotted time. Same thing every time
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