Fippen on Role Playing

On Roleplaying and Other Random Assorted Matters
by Fippen the Happy Halfling Druid

I would like to say that my life in Norrath is just a wonderful thing.  I spend my days and nights (why is it I never need to sleep?  I would like to sleep, perchance to dream.  Do halflings dream?  what do we dream about?) wandering the zones near my lovely little town, killing those evil gnolls and orcs, protecting my river from rampaging piranha and doing all types of cool happy halfling things.  (Though once a big froglock attacked me.  Then there were a whole swarm of froglocks, all with the same name.  That was a lot of fun, but they attacked me and I died and had to run through all of the froglocks to get my corpse and they just didn't seem to like halflings.  Or other races for that matter.)  But the behavior of the big people who come to the town seems odd to me.  They stand around talking about isps, lag, movies and other strange and odd things that don't really belong in my world.  Moreover, they forget who they are and just group up with any creature who comes along.  Why I once saw a party with a dark elf, high elf, wood elf and troll.  How strange is that?  They should fight each other not together.  (and those trolls are really ugly.  do trolls have sex?  have you seen a troll woman?  I mean could you?  ugh.) .  Yet people seem to forget who and what they are.  I went into Misty Thicket once and this dark elf was wandering around killing our bears.  Now that isn't right.  Those bears didn't do him any harm.  (Why bears are the nicest things around.  Well wolves and lions are nice too.  They are all so cuddly.  I love to go up and pet them and rub my face in their fur and dance beside them with my hairy toes rubbing in the grass and give them a nice warm bear hug).  So I yelled at him to stop harming the bears and to get out of our forest and then I cheered the bear on while the bear killed him.  That dark elf was not happy with me.  He thought I should be healing him while he fought the bear or even helping him kill the bear.  But while I have nothing against dark elves (except that they are evil aren't they.  Funny they don't usually act evil.  I see dark elves healing people and helping them out, even of good races.  Don't the dark gods dislike their powers being used to help good people shouldn't they be hurting people instead?  Oh well who can understand the reasons behind those of evil), I love my bears.  He started yelling at me so loud everyone in the zone could hear.  All he had to do was stop killing the bears.  Of course he at least talked to me.  How many people just stop to talk?  We halflings love to talk.  Why we can go on and on about many things.  Have you ever talked to a guard?  You should at least thank them when they save you from sure death.  They are great listeners.  They will stand there and listen and listen and only say something if you say hail (Why is that?  why hail and not hello?  or Hi? or Yo? Is it some kind of guard and shopkeeper initiation?  See how many people they can get to say hail to them?  Is someone keeping score?).  And you should talk to the monsters too.  "It's gnolls like you that ruined your own lands and I'm not going to let you ruin mine."  That should get their attention.  And don't forget to emote things.  "/e moons the gnoll."  "/e kicks the gnolls hairy butt."  "/e takes a mighty swing and lands flat on his rear."  Adds a little excitement to the battle.  Brings your character to life.  And that is what we are.  We are characters and should have out own distinct personalities.  It's so much more fun that way.  Compose a history.  Pick a phobia.  Develop a personality tick.  (now there's something we don't see in Norrath.  You would think with all of these animals running around that there would be lots of ticks.  And if there's giant rats, why not giant ticks?  big hairy blood sucking monsters with mean nasty teeth - Oh no that's my mother in law).  Let loose a little.  Stop and smell the roses.  (are there roses?)  And maybe you will have even more fun in the process.  Well I've spent enough time in this dreary outside world.  It's time to get back to the happy carefree world of Norrath.  Someone has to keep the piranha from overtaking the town.  Look for Deputy Fippen on the job.