Items by Slot: Hands

Narrow to class:

Illuminator Gauntlets of Eternal Reverie
Legionnaire Gauntlets of Eternal Reverie
Loremaster Gauntlets of Eternal Reverie
Exarch Gauntlets of Eternal Reverie
Soulrender Gauntlets of Eternal Reverie
Soulrender Gauntlets of Heroic Reflections
Illuminator Gauntlets of Heroic Reflections
Loremaster Gauntlets of Heroic Reflections
Legionnaire Gauntlets of Heroic Reflections
Exarch Gauntlets of Heroic Reflections
Spectral Luclinite Legionnaire Gauntlets
Spectral Luclinite Illuminator Gauntlets
Spectral Luclinite Exarch Gauntlets
Spectral Luclinite Soulrender Gauntlets
Spectral Luclinite Loremaster Gauntlets
Soulrender Gauntlets of Spectral Luminosity
Loremaster Gauntlets of Spectral Luminosity
Legionnaire Gauntlets of Spectral Luminosity
Illuminator Gauntlets of Spectral Luminosity
Exarch Gauntlets of Spectral Luminosity
Luclinite Coagulated Exarch Gauntlets
Luclinite Coagulated Loremaster Gauntlets
Luclinite Coagulated Legionnaire Gauntlets
Luclinite Coagulated Illuminator Gauntlets
Luclinite Coagulated Soulrender Gauntlets
Shadowscale Gauntlets of Eternal Reverie
Spiritwalker Gauntlets of Eternal Reverie
Natureward Gauntlets of Eternal Reverie
Warmonger Gauntlets of Eternal Reverie
Waning Gibbous Soulrender Gauntlets
Waning Gibbous Legionnaire Gauntlets
Waning Gibbous Illuminator Gauntlets
Waning Gibbous Exarch Gauntlets
Waning Gibbous Loremaster Gauntlets
Shadowscale Gauntlets of Heroic Reflections
Natureward Gauntlets of Heroic Reflections
Spiritwalker Gauntlets of Heroic Reflections
Warmonger Gauntlets of Heroic Reflections
Velium Endowed Illuminator Gauntlets
Velium Endowed Legionnaire Gauntlets
Velium Endowed Soulrender Gauntlets
Velium Endowed Exarch Gauntlets
Velium Endowed Loremaster Gauntlets
Spectral Luclinite Shadowscale Gauntlets
Spectral Luclinite Natureward Gauntlets
Spectral Luclinite Spiritwalker Gauntlets
Spectral Luclinite Warmonger Gauntlets
Hoarfrost Soulrender Gauntlets
Hoarfrost Legionnaire Gauntlets
Hoarfrost Exarch Gauntlets
Hoarfrost Illuminator Gauntlets
Hoarfrost Loremaster Gauntlets
Spiritwalker Gauntlets of Spectral Luminosity
Shadowscale Gauntlets of Spectral Luminosity
Warmonger Gauntlets of Spectral Luminosity
Natureward Gauntlets of Spectral Luminosity
Loremaster Gauntlets of Perpetual Reverie
Legionnaire Gauntlets of Perpetual Reverie
Illuminator Gauntlets of Perpetual Reverie
Exarch Gauntlets of Perpetual Reverie
Soulrender Gauntlets of Perpetual Reverie
White Rhodium Etched Plate Gauntlets
Illuminator Gauntlets of Steadfast Resolve
Soulrender Gauntlets of Steadfast Resolve
Loremaster Gauntlets of Steadfast Resolve
Legionnaire Gauntlets of Steadfast Resolve
Exarch Gauntlets of Steadfast Resolve
Luclinite Coagulated Warmonger Gauntlets
Luclinite Coagulated Shadowscale Gauntlets
Luclinite Coagulated Natureward Gauntlets
Luclinite Coagulated Spiritwalker Gauntlets
Velium Empowered Loremaster Gauntlets
Legionnaire Gauntlets of Gallant Resonance
Exarch Gauntlets of Gallant Resonance
Illuminator Gauntlets of Gallant Resonance
Velium Empowered Soulrender Gauntlets
Loremaster Gauntlets of Gallant Resonance
Soulrender Gauntlets of Gallant Resonance
Velium Empowered Legionnaire Gauntlets
Velium Empowered Exarch Gauntlets
Velium Empowered Illuminator Gauntlets
Phantasmal Luclinite Soulrender Gauntlets
Phantasmal Luclinite Illuminator Gauntlets
Phantasmal Luclinite Legionnaire Gauntlets
Phantasmal Luclinite Exarch Gauntlets
Phantasmal Luclinite Loremaster Gauntlets
Waning Gibbous Warmonger Gauntlets
Waning Gibbous Shadowscale Gauntlets
Waning Gibbous Natureward Gauntlets
Waning Gibbous Spiritwalker Gauntlets
Ice Woven Loremaster Gauntlets
Ice Woven Soulrender Gauntlets
White Platinum Gem Studded Plate Gauntlets
Ice Woven Legionnaire Gauntlets
Ice Woven Illuminator Gauntlets
Ice Woven Exarch Gauntlets
White Platinum Etched Plate Gauntlets
White Platinum Etched Plate Gauntlets
Soulrender Gauntlets of the Celestial Zenith
Illuminator Gauntlets of the Celestial Zenith
Legionnaire Gauntlets of the Celestial Zenith
Exarch Gauntlets of the Celestial Zenith
Loremaster Gauntlets of the Celestial Zenith
Dragonbrood Gloves of Eternal Reverie
Lifewalker Gloves of Eternal Reverie
Soulforge Gloves of Eternal Reverie
Dragonbrood Gloves of Heroic Reflections
Soulforge Gloves of Heroic Reflections
Lifewalker Gloves of Heroic Reflections
Exarch Gauntlets of the Ascending Spirit
Soulrender Gauntlets of the Ascending Spirit
Legionnaire Gauntlets of the Ascending Spirit
Illuminator Gauntlets of the Ascending Spirit
Loremaster Gauntlets of the Ascending Spirit
Velium Endowed Shadowscale Gauntlets
Velium Endowed Natureward Gauntlets
Velium Endowed Warmonger Gauntlets
Velium Endowed Spiritwalker Gauntlets
Heavenly Glorious Void Loremaster Gauntlets
Heavenly Glorious Void Legionnaire Gauntlets
Heavenly Glorious Void Illuminator Gauntlets
Luclinite Ensanguined Illuminator Gauntlets
Luclinite Ensanguined Soulrender Gauntlets
Luclinite Ensanguined Exarch Gauntlets
Heavenly Glorious Void Soulrender Gauntlets
Luclinite Ensanguined Loremaster Gauntlets
Luclinite Ensanguined Legionnaire Gauntlets
Heavenly Glorious Void Exarch Gauntlets
Hoarfrost Warmonger Gauntlets
Hoarfrost Natureward Gauntlets
Hoarfrost Shadowscale Gauntlets
Hoarfrost Spiritwalker Gauntlets
Shadowscale Gauntlets of Perpetual Reverie
Warmonger Gauntlets of Perpetual Reverie
Spiritwalker Gauntlets of Perpetual Reverie
Natureward Gauntlets of Perpetual Reverie
Spectral Luclinite Dragonbrood Gloves
Spectral Luclinite Lifewalker Gloves
Spectral Luclinite Soulforge Gloves
Waning Crescent Soulrender Gauntlets
Waning Crescent Legionnaire Gauntlets
Waning Crescent Illuminator Gauntlets
Waning Crescent Exarch Gauntlets
Waning Crescent Loremaster Gauntlets
White Rhodium Chain Gloves
Natureward Gauntlets of Steadfast Resolve
Spiritwalker Gauntlets of Steadfast Resolve
Warmonger Gauntlets of Steadfast Resolve
Shadowscale Gauntlets of Steadfast Resolve
Soulforge Gloves of Spectral Luminosity
Dragonbrood Gloves of Spectral Luminosity
Lifewalker Gloves of Spectral Luminosity
Waxing Crescent Legionnaire Gauntlets
Waxing Crescent Illuminator Gauntlets
Waxing Crescent Soulrender Gauntlets
Waxing Crescent Exarch Gauntlets
Waxing Crescent Loremaster Gauntlets
Velium Empowered Warmonger Gauntlets
Shadowscale Gauntlets of Gallant Resonance
Spiritwalker Gauntlets of Gallant Resonance
Natureward Gauntlets of Gallant Resonance
Velium Empowered Shadowscale Gauntlets
Warmonger Gauntlets of Gallant Resonance
Velium Empowered Spiritwalker Gauntlets
Velium Empowered Natureward Gauntlets
Veiled Victorious Horizon Illuminator Gauntlets
Veiled Victorious Horizon Exarch Gauntlets
Veiled Victorious Horizon Soulrender Gauntlets
Veiled Victorious Horizon Legionnaire Gauntlets
Veiled Victorious Horizon Loremaster Gauntlets
Velium Threaded Loremaster Gauntlets
Velium Threaded Soulrender Gauntlets
Velium Threaded Exarch Gauntlets
Velium Threaded Legionnaire Gauntlets
Velium Threaded Illuminator Gauntlets
Phantasmal Luclinite Shadowscale Gauntlets
Phantasmal Luclinite Spiritwalker Gauntlets
Phantasmal Luclinite Natureward Gauntlets
Phantasmal Luclinite Warmonger Gauntlets
Luclinite Coagulated Lifewalker Gloves
Luclinite Coagulated Soulforge Gloves
Luclinite Coagulated Dragonbrood Gloves
White Platinum Gem Studded Chain Gloves
Ice Woven Spiritwalker Gauntlets
Ice Woven Shadowscale Gauntlets
Ice Woven Warmonger Gauntlets
Ice Woven Natureward Gauntlets
White Platinum Chain Gloves
White Platinum Chain Gloves
Blizzard Loremaster Gauntlets
Blizzard Legionnaire Gauntlets
Blizzard Illuminator Gauntlets
Blizzard Soulrender Gauntlets
Blizzard Exarch Gauntlets
Warmonger Gauntlets of the Celestial Zenith
Spiritwalker Gauntlets of the Celestial Zenith
Natureward Gauntlets of the Celestial Zenith
Shadowscale Gauntlets of the Celestial Zenith
Waning Gibbous Dragonbrood Gloves
Waning Gibbous Lifewalker Gloves
Waning Gibbous Soulforge Gloves
Spiritwalker Gauntlets of the Ascending Spirit
Warmonger Gauntlets of the Ascending Spirit
Shadowscale Gauntlets of the Ascending Spirit
Natureward Gauntlets of the Ascending Spirit
Snowsquall Soulrender Gauntlets
Snowsquall Exarch Gauntlets
Snowsquall Illuminator Gauntlets
Snowsquall Legionnaire Gauntlets
Snowsquall Loremaster Gauntlets
Heavenly Glorious Void Shadowscale Gauntlets
Heavenly Glorious Void Warmonger Gauntlets
Luclinite Ensanguined Warmonger Gauntlets
Heavenly Glorious Void Spiritwalker Gauntlets
Luclinite Ensanguined Spiritwalker Gauntlets
Heavenly Glorious Void Natureward Gauntlets
Luclinite Ensanguined Natureward Gauntlets
Luclinite Ensanguined Shadowscale Gauntlets
Velium Infused Legionnaire Gauntlets
Velium Infused Illuminator Gauntlets
Velium Infused Loremaster Gauntlets
Velium Infused Exarch Gauntlets
Velium Infused Soulrender Gauntlets
Velium Endowed Lifewalker Gloves
Velium Endowed Soulforge Gloves
Velium Endowed Dragonbrood Gloves
Waning Crescent Natureward Gauntlets
Waning Crescent Spiritwalker Gauntlets
Waning Crescent Shadowscale Gauntlets
Waning Crescent Warmonger Gauntlets
Flameweaver Gloves of Eternal Reverie
Soulslayer Gloves of Eternal Reverie
Frostfire Gloves of Eternal Reverie
Mindlock Gloves of Eternal Reverie
Icebound Soulrender Gauntlets
Icebound Exarch Gauntlets
Icebound Illuminator Gauntlets
Icebound Legionnaire Gauntlets
Icebound Loremaster Gauntlets
Hoarfrost Dragonbrood Gloves
Hoarfrost Lifewalker Gloves
Hoarfrost Soulforge Gloves
Dragonbrood Gloves of Perpetual Reverie
Lifewalker Gloves of Perpetual Reverie
Soulforge Gloves of Perpetual Reverie
Mindlock Gloves of Heroic Reflections
Flameweaver Gloves of Heroic Reflections
Soulslayer Gloves of Heroic Reflections
Frostfire Gloves of Heroic Reflections
Waxing Crescent Spiritwalker Gauntlets
Waxing Crescent Shadowscale Gauntlets
Waxing Crescent Natureward Gauntlets
Waxing Crescent Warmonger Gauntlets
Ring of ScaleScaleborn Exarch Gauntlets
White Plate Gauntlets
Ring of ScaleScaleborn Soulrender Gauntlets
Ring of ScaleScaleborn Legionnaire Gauntlets
Ring of ScaleScaleborn Loremaster Gauntlets
Ring of ScaleScaleborn Illuminator Gauntlets
White Plate Gauntlets
White Rhodium Embossed Leather Gloves
Veiled Victorious Horizon Warmonger Gauntlets
Veiled Victorious Horizon Natureward Gauntlets
Veiled Victorious Horizon Spiritwalker Gauntlets
Veiled Victorious Horizon Shadowscale Gauntlets
Snowbound Exarch Gauntlets
Snowbound Legionnaire Gauntlets
Snowbound Soulrender Gauntlets
Snowbound Illuminator Gauntlets
Snowbound Loremaster Gauntlets
Soulforge Gloves of Steadfast Resolve
Dragonbrood Gloves of Steadfast Resolve
Lifewalker Gloves of Steadfast Resolve
Velium Threaded Warmonger Gauntlets
Velium Threaded Spiritwalker Gauntlets
Velium Threaded Natureward Gauntlets
Velium Threaded Shadowscale Gauntlets
Adamant Triumphant Cloud Legionnaire Gauntlets
Soulforge Gloves of Gallant Resonance
Lifewalker Gloves of Gallant Resonance
Velium Empowered Dragonbrood Gloves
Spectral Luclinite Mindlock Gloves
Spectral Luclinite Frostfire Gloves
Adamant Triumphant Cloud Illuminator Gauntlets
Spectral Luclinite Soulslayer Gloves
Velium Empowered Soulforge Gloves
Adamant Triumphant Cloud Soulrender Gauntlets
Adamant Triumphant Cloud Exarch Gauntlets
Adamant Triumphant Cloud Loremaster Gauntlets
Spectral Luclinite Flameweaver Gloves
Dragonbrood Gloves of Gallant Resonance
Velium Empowered Lifewalker Gloves
Blizzard Natureward Gauntlets
Blizzard Shadowscale Gauntlets
Blizzard Spiritwalker Gauntlets
Blizzard Warmonger Gauntlets
Ring of ScaleMaestro's Phlogiston Gauntlets
Ring of ScaleArchon's Phlogiston Gauntlets
Ring of ScaleOverlord's Phlogiston Gauntlets
Ring of ScaleSuzerain Protector's Phlogiston Gauntlets
Ring of ScaleDread Suzerain's Phlogiston Gauntlets
Phantasmal Luclinite Dragonbrood Gloves
Phantasmal Luclinite Lifewalker Gloves
Phantasmal Luclinite Soulforge Gloves
Flameweaver Gloves of Spectral Luminosity
Soulslayer Gloves of Spectral Luminosity
Frostfire Gloves of Spectral Luminosity
Mindlock Gloves of Spectral Luminosity
White Platinum Gem Studded Leather Gloves
Ice Woven Lifewalker Gloves
Ice Woven Soulforge Gloves
Ice Woven Dragonbrood Gloves
White Platinum Embossed Leather Gloves
White Platinum Embossed Leather Gloves
Snowsquall Natureward Gauntlets
Snowsquall Shadowscale Gauntlets
Snowsquall Warmonger Gauntlets
Snowsquall Spiritwalker Gauntlets
Lifewalker Gloves of the Celestial Zenith
Dragonbrood Gloves of the Celestial Zenith
Soulforge Gloves of the Celestial Zenith
Velium Infused Warmonger Gauntlets
Velium Infused Natureward Gauntlets
Velium Infused Shadowscale Gauntlets
Velium Infused Spiritwalker Gauntlets
Battleworn Stalwart Moon Legionnaire Gauntlets
Battleworn Stalwart Moon Soulrender Gauntlets
Battleworn Stalwart Moon Illuminator Gauntlets
Battleworn Stalwart Moon Loremaster Gauntlets
Battleworn Stalwart Moon Exarch Gauntlets
Soulforge Gloves of the Ascending Spirit
Lifewalker Gloves of the Ascending Spirit
Dragonbrood Gloves of the Ascending Spirit
Luclinite Coagulated Frostfire Gloves
Luclinite Coagulated Soulslayer Gloves
Luclinite Coagulated Flameweaver Gloves
Luclinite Coagulated Mindlock Gloves
Luclinite Ensanguined Dragonbrood Gloves
Luclinite Ensanguined Soulforge Gloves
Luclinite Ensanguined Lifewalker Gloves
Heavenly Glorious Void Dragonbrood Gloves
Heavenly Glorious Void Lifewalker Gloves
Heavenly Glorious Void Soulforge Gloves
Icebound Spiritwalker Gauntlets
Icebound Warmonger Gauntlets
Icebound Natureward Gauntlets
Icebound Shadowscale Gauntlets
Waning Gibbous Mindlock Gloves
Waning Gibbous Flameweaver Gloves
Waning Gibbous Frostfire Gloves
Waning Gibbous Soulslayer Gloves
Waning Crescent Dragonbrood Gloves
Waning Crescent Soulforge Gloves
Waning Crescent Lifewalker Gloves
White Chain Gloves
Ring of ScaleScaleborn Natureward Gauntlets
Ring of ScaleScaleborn Shadowscale Gauntlets
Ring of ScaleScaleborn Warmonger Gauntlets
Ring of ScaleScaleborn Spiritwalker Gauntlets
White Chain Gloves
Empires of KunarkVelazul's Illuminator Gauntlets
Empires of KunarkVelazul's Exarch Gauntlets
Empires of KunarkVelazul's Loremaster Gauntlets
Empires of KunarkVelazul's Legionnaire Gauntlets
Empires of KunarkVelazul's Soulrender Gauntlets
Snowbound Natureward Gauntlets
Snowbound Shadowscale Gauntlets
Snowbound Spiritwalker Gauntlets
Snowbound Warmonger Gauntlets
Waxing Crescent Lifewalker Gloves
Waxing Crescent Soulforge Gloves
Waxing Crescent Dragonbrood Gloves
Velium Endowed Flameweaver Gloves
Velium Endowed Mindlock Gloves
Velium Endowed Frostfire Gloves
Velium Endowed Soulslayer Gloves
Patched White Satin Gloves
Patched White Satin Gloves
Adamant Triumphant Cloud Natureward Gauntlets
Adamant Triumphant Cloud Spiritwalker Gauntlets
Adamant Triumphant Cloud Warmonger Gauntlets
Adamant Triumphant Cloud Shadowscale Gauntlets
Veiled Victorious Horizon Lifewalker Gloves
Veiled Victorious Horizon Dragonbrood Gloves
Veiled Victorious Horizon Soulforge Gloves
Weeping Undefeated Heaven Legionnaire Gauntlets
Ring of ScaleForest Stalker's Phlogiston Gauntlets
Weeping Undefeated Heaven Loremaster Gauntlets
Weeping Undefeated Heaven Soulrender Gauntlets
Ring of ScaleFury's Phlogiston Gauntlets
Ring of ScaleDeceiver's Phlogiston Gauntlets
Weeping Undefeated Heaven Exarch Gauntlets
Ring of ScaleProphet's Phlogiston Gauntlets
Weeping Undefeated Heaven Illuminator Gauntlets
Velium Threaded Soulforge Gloves
Velium Threaded Dragonbrood Gloves
Velium Threaded Lifewalker Gloves
Hoarfrost Flameweaver Gloves
Hoarfrost Soulslayer Gloves
Hoarfrost Mindlock Gloves
Hoarfrost Frostfire Gloves
Soulslayer Gloves of Perpetual Reverie
Mindlock Gloves of Perpetual Reverie
Flameweaver Gloves of Perpetual Reverie
Frostfire Gloves of Perpetual Reverie
Blizzard Lifewalker Gloves
Blizzard Dragonbrood Gloves
Blizzard Soulforge Gloves
White Rhodium Threaded Satin Gloves
Mindlock Gloves of Steadfast Resolve
Frostfire Gloves of Steadfast Resolve
Soulslayer Gloves of Steadfast Resolve
Flameweaver Gloves of Steadfast Resolve
Ring of ScaleScaled Legionnaire Gauntlets
Ring of ScaleScaled Loremaster Gauntlets
Ring of ScaleScaled Illuminator Gauntlets
Ring of ScaleScaled Exarch Gauntlets
Ring of ScaleScaled Soulrender Gauntlets
Battleworn Stalwart Moon Natureward Gauntlets
Battleworn Stalwart Moon Spiritwalker Gauntlets
Battleworn Stalwart Moon Warmonger Gauntlets
Battleworn Stalwart Moon Shadowscale Gauntlets
Snowsquall Soulforge Gloves
Snowsquall Dragonbrood Gloves
Snowsquall Lifewalker Gloves
Velium Empowered Mindlock Gloves
Velium Empowered Frostfire Gloves
Frostfire Gloves of Gallant Resonance
Velium Empowered Soulslayer Gloves
Mindlock Gloves of Gallant Resonance
Velium Empowered Flameweaver Gloves
Flameweaver Gloves of Gallant Resonance
Soulslayer Gloves of Gallant Resonance
Phantasmal Luclinite Soulslayer Gloves
Phantasmal Luclinite Mindlock Gloves
Velium Infused Lifewalker Gloves
Phantasmal Luclinite Frostfire Gloves
Velium Infused Dragonbrood Gloves
Phantasmal Luclinite Flameweaver Gloves
Velium Infused Soulforge Gloves
Empires of KunarkVelazul's Natureward Gauntlets
Empires of KunarkVelazul's Spiritwalker Gauntlets
Empires of KunarkVelazul's Warmonger Gauntlets
Empires of KunarkVelazul's Shadowscale Gauntlets
Ice Woven Mindlock Gloves
White Platinum Gem Studded Satin Gloves
Ice Woven Frostfire Gloves
Ice Woven Flameweaver Gloves
Ice Woven Soulslayer Gloves
Ring of ScaleMaestro's Conflagrant Gauntlets
Ring of ScaleOverlord's Conflagrant Gauntlets
Ring of ScaleDread Suzerain's Conflagrant Gauntlets
Ring of ScaleArchon's Conflagrant Gauntlets
Ring of ScaleSuzerain Protector's Conflagrant Gauntlets
White Platinum Threaded Satin Gloves
White Platinum Threaded Satin Gloves
Mindlock Gloves of the Celestial Zenith
Frostfire Gloves of the Celestial Zenith
Flameweaver Gloves of the Celestial Zenith
Soulslayer Gloves of the Celestial Zenith
Icebound Lifewalker Gloves
Icebound Dragonbrood Gloves
Icebound Soulforge Gloves
Frostfire Gloves of the Ascending Spirit
Soulslayer Gloves of the Ascending Spirit
Flameweaver Gloves of the Ascending Spirit
Mindlock Gloves of the Ascending Spirit
Ring of ScaleScaleborn Dragonbrood Gloves
White Leather Gloves
Ring of ScaleScaleborn Soulforge Gloves
Ring of ScaleScaleborn Lifewalker Gloves
White Leather Gloves
Snowbound Soulforge Gloves
Snowbound Lifewalker Gloves
Snowbound Dragonbrood Gloves
Ring of ScaleScale Touched Loremaster Gauntlets
Ring of ScaleScale Touched Legionnaire Gauntlets
Ring of ScaleScale Touched Illuminator Gauntlets
Ring of ScaleScale Touched Soulrender Gauntlets
Ring of ScaleScale Touched Exarch Gauntlets
Heavenly Glorious Void Frostfire Gloves
Luclinite Ensanguined Mindlock Gloves
Heavenly Glorious Void Mindlock Gloves
Heavenly Glorious Void Soulslayer Gloves
Heavenly Glorious Void Flameweaver Gloves
Luclinite Ensanguined Soulslayer Gloves
Luclinite Ensanguined Flameweaver Gloves
Luclinite Ensanguined Frostfire Gloves
Ring of ScaleTranscendent's Phlogiston Gloves
Ring of ScaleFeral Lord's Phlogiston Gloves
Ring of ScaleStorm Warden's Phlogiston Gloves
Adamant Triumphant Cloud Soulforge Gloves
Adamant Triumphant Cloud Dragonbrood Gloves
Adamant Triumphant Cloud Lifewalker Gloves
Waning Crescent Frostfire Gloves
Waning Crescent Flameweaver Gloves
Waning Crescent Soulslayer Gloves
Waning Crescent Mindlock Gloves
Weeping Undefeated Heaven Shadowscale Gauntlets
Weeping Undefeated Heaven Natureward Gauntlets
Weeping Undefeated Heaven Spiritwalker Gauntlets
Weeping Undefeated Heaven Warmonger Gauntlets
Empires of KunarkSelrach's Loremaster Gauntlets
Waxing Crescent Soulslayer Gloves
Empires of KunarkSelrach's Soulrender Gauntlets
Empires of KunarkSebilisian Dragonscale Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Empires of KunarkSelrach's Illuminator Gauntlets
Waxing Crescent Frostfire Gloves
Empires of KunarkSelrach's Legionnaire Gauntlets
Empires of KunarkSelrach's Exarch Gauntlets
Waxing Crescent Flameweaver Gloves
Waxing Crescent Mindlock Gloves
Veiled Victorious Horizon Flameweaver Gloves
Veiled Victorious Horizon Frostfire Gloves
Veiled Victorious Horizon Mindlock Gloves
Veiled Victorious Horizon Soulslayer Gloves
Velium Threaded Mindlock Gloves
Velium Threaded Flameweaver Gloves
Velium Threaded Frostfire Gloves
Velium Threaded Soulslayer Gloves
Battleworn Stalwart Moon Lifewalker Gloves
Battleworn Stalwart Moon Soulforge Gloves
Battleworn Stalwart Moon Dragonbrood Gloves
Empires of KunarkVelazul's Dragonbrood Gloves
Empires of KunarkVelazul's Soulforge Gloves
Empires of KunarkVelazul's Lifewalker Gloves
Blizzard Mindlock Gloves
Blizzard Soulslayer Gloves
Blizzard Flameweaver Gloves
Blizzard Frostfire Gloves
Empires of KunarkCohort's Exarch Gauntlets
Empires of KunarkCohort's Legionnaire Gauntlets
Empires of KunarkCohort's Illuminator Gauntlets
Empires of KunarkCohort's Loremaster Gauntlets
Empires of KunarkCohort's Soulrender Gauntlets
Snowsquall Mindlock Gloves
Snowsquall Frostfire Gloves
Snowsquall Flameweaver Gloves
Snowsquall Soulslayer Gloves
Ring of ScaleScaled Spiritwalker Gauntlets
Ring of ScaleScaled Warmonger Gauntlets
Ring of ScaleScaled Shadowscale Gauntlets
Ring of ScaleScaled Natureward Gauntlets
Ring of ScaleForest Stalker's Conflagrant Gauntlets
Ring of ScaleProphet's Conflagrant Gauntlets
Ring of ScaleDeceiver's Conflagrant Gauntlets
Ring of ScaleFury's Conflagrant Gauntlets
The Broken MirrorWondrous Silver Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Velium Infused Flameweaver Gloves
Velium Infused Frostfire Gloves
Velium Infused Mindlock Gloves
Velium Infused Soulslayer Gloves
The Broken MirrorDeathseeker's Loremaster Gauntlets
The Broken MirrorDeathseeker's Exarch Gauntlets
The Broken MirrorDeathseeker's Legionnaire Gauntlets
The Broken MirrorDeathseeker's Soulrender Gauntlets
The Broken MirrorDeathseeker's Illuminator Gauntlets
Ring of ScaleScale Touched Spiritwalker Gauntlets
Ring of ScaleScale Touched Warmonger Gauntlets
Ring of ScaleScale Touched Natureward Gauntlets
Ring of ScaleScale Touched Shadowscale Gauntlets
Empires of KunarkDarkened Sebilite Scale Gloves Dropped by froglok bartender.
Empires of KunarkSelrach's Warmonger Gauntlets
Empires of KunarkSelrach's Spiritwalker Gauntlets
Empires of KunarkSelrach's Natureward Gauntlets
Empires of KunarkSelrach's Shadowscale Gauntlets
Empires of KunarkSebilisian Bonemaster Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Icebound Frostfire Gloves
Icebound Soulslayer Gloves
Icebound Mindlock Gloves
Icebound Flameweaver Gloves
Ring of ScaleScaleborn Frostfire Gloves
Ring of ScaleScaleborn Flameweaver Gloves
White Satin Gloves
Ring of ScaleScaleborn Soulslayer Gloves
Ring of ScaleScaleborn Mindlock Gloves
White Satin Gloves
The Darkened SeaDarkwater Legionnaire Gauntlets
The Darkened SeaDarkwater Soulrender Gauntlets
The Darkened SeaDarkwater Loremaster Gauntlets
The Darkened SeaDarkwater Illuminator Gauntlets
The Darkened SeaDarkwater Exarch Gauntlets
Snowbound Mindlock Gloves
Snowbound Soulslayer Gloves
Weeping Undefeated Heaven Lifewalker Gloves
Snowbound Frostfire Gloves
Snowbound Flameweaver Gloves
Weeping Undefeated Heaven Soulforge Gloves
Weeping Undefeated Heaven Dragonbrood Gloves
Ring of ScaleArch Lich's Phlogiston Gloves
Ring of ScaleArch Convoker's Phlogiston Gloves
Ring of ScaleCoercer's Phlogiston Gloves
Ring of ScaleArcanist's Phlogiston Gloves
Empires of KunarkCohort's Spiritwalker Gauntlets
Empires of KunarkCohort's Shadowscale Gauntlets
Empires of KunarkCohort's Warmonger Gauntlets
Empires of KunarkCohort's Natureward Gauntlets
Patched White Satin Gloves
Adamant Triumphant Cloud Soulslayer Gloves
Adamant Triumphant Cloud Frostfire Gloves
Adamant Triumphant Cloud Mindlock Gloves
Patched White Satin Gloves
Adamant Triumphant Cloud Flameweaver Gloves
Deepfathom Loremaster Gauntlets
Deepfathom Exarch Gauntlets
Deepfathom Legionnaire Gauntlets
Ring of ScaleScaled Dragonbrood Gloves
Ring of ScaleScaled Lifewalker Gloves
Ring of ScaleScaled Soulforge Gloves
Call of the ForsakenFlowing Etheric Soulrender Gauntlets
Call of the ForsakenFlowing Etheric Legionnaire Gauntlets
Call of the ForsakenFlowing Etheric Illuminator Gauntlets
Call of the ForsakenFlowing Etheric Loremaster Gauntlets
Call of the ForsakenFlowing Etheric Exarch Gauntlets
Battleworn Stalwart Moon Soulslayer Gloves
Ring of ScaleFeral Lord's Conflagrant Gloves
Ring of ScaleStorm Warden's Conflagrant Gloves
Battleworn Stalwart Moon Frostfire Gloves
Battleworn Stalwart Moon Flameweaver Gloves
Ring of ScaleTranscendent's Conflagrant Gloves
Battleworn Stalwart Moon Mindlock Gloves
The Broken MirrorDeathseeker's Natureward Gauntlets
The Broken MirrorDeathseeker's Shadowscale Gauntlets
The Broken MirrorDeathseeker's Warmonger Gauntlets
The Broken MirrorDeathseeker's Spiritwalker Gauntlets
Ring of ScaleScale Touched Dragonbrood Gloves
Ring of ScaleScale Touched Soulforge Gloves
Ring of ScaleScale Touched Lifewalker Gloves
Empires of KunarkSebilisian Dragonhunter Gloves Found via this quest.
Empires of KunarkSelrach's Soulforge Gloves
Empires of KunarkSelrach's Lifewalker Gloves
Empires of KunarkSelrach's Dragonbrood Gloves
Call of the ForsakenSuppressed Etheric Legionnaire Gauntlets
Call of the ForsakenSuppressed Etheric Soulrender Gauntlets
Call of the ForsakenSuppressed Etheric Illuminator Gauntlets
Call of the ForsakenSuppressed Etheric Exarch Gauntlets
Call of the ForsakenSuppressed Etheric Loremaster Gauntlets
Empires of KunarkVelazul's Frostfire Gloves
The Darkened SeaDarkwater Natureward Gauntlets
Empires of KunarkVelazul's Flameweaver Gloves
The Darkened SeaDarkwater Spiritwalker Gauntlets
The Darkened SeaDarkwater Shadowscale Gauntlets
The Darkened SeaDarkwater Warmonger Gauntlets
Empires of KunarkVelazul's Soulslayer Gloves
Empires of KunarkVelazul's Mindlock Gloves
Empires of KunarkCohort's Dragonbrood Gloves
Empires of KunarkCohort's Soulforge Gloves
Empires of KunarkCohort's Lifewalker Gloves
Rain of FearDreadweave Loremaster Gauntlets
Rain of FearDreadweave Soulrender Gauntlets
Rain of FearDreadweave Legionnaire Gauntlets
Rain of FearDreadweave Illuminator Gauntlets
Rain of FearDreadweave Exarch Gauntlets
Deepfathom Natureward Gauntlets
Deepfathom Shadowscale Gauntlets
Deepfathom Warmonger Gauntlets
Weeping Undefeated Heaven Flameweaver Gloves
Tattered White Satin Gloves
Weeping Undefeated Heaven Frostfire Gloves
Weeping Undefeated Heaven Mindlock Gloves
Weeping Undefeated Heaven Soulslayer Gloves
Tattered White Satin Gloves Dropped by pyroclasm armor.
Rain of FearSilvershade Loremaster Gauntlets
Rain of FearSilvershade Soulrender Gauntlets
Rain of FearSilvershade Exarch Gauntlets
Rain of FearSilvershade Legionnaire Gauntlets
Rain of FearSilvershade Illuminator Gauntlets
Call of the ForsakenFlowing Etheric Natureward Gauntlets
Call of the ForsakenFlowing Etheric Shadowscale Gauntlets
Call of the ForsakenFlowing Etheric Spiritwalker Gauntlets
Call of the ForsakenFlowing Etheric Warmonger Gauntlets
Rain of FearApocryphal Legionnaire Gauntlets
Rain of FearApocryphal Soulrender Gauntlets
Gauntlets of Fiery Might Found via this quest.
Rain of FearApocryphal Exarch Gauntlets
Rain of FearApocryphal Illuminator Gauntlets
Rain of FearApocryphal Loremaster Gauntlets
The Darkened SeaHighwater Gauntlets of the Revenant
The Darkened SeaHighwater Gauntlets of Havok
Highwater Gauntlets of the Zealot
The Darkened SeaHighwater Gauntlets of the Light
The Darkened SeaHighwater Gauntlets of the Performer
The Broken MirrorDeathseeker's Mindlock Gloves
The Broken MirrorDeathseeker's Lifewalker Gloves
The Broken MirrorDeathseeker's Soulforge Gloves
The Broken MirrorDeathseeker's Dragonbrood Gloves
Ring of ScaleCoercer's Conflagrant Gloves
Ring of ScaleArch Lich's Conflagrant Gloves
Ring of ScaleArch Convoker's Conflagrant Gloves
Ring of ScaleArcanist's Conflagrant Gloves
Ring of ScaleScaled Mindlock Gloves
Ring of ScaleScaled Soulslayer Gloves
Ring of ScaleScale Touched Frostfire Gloves
Ring of ScaleScaled Frostfire Gloves
Ring of ScaleScale Touched Soulslayer Gloves
Ring of ScaleScale Touched Flameweaver Gloves
Ring of ScaleScale Touched Mindlock Gloves
Ring of ScaleScaled Flameweaver Gloves
Call of the ForsakenSuppressed Etheric Natureward Gauntlets
Call of the ForsakenSuppressed Etheric Shadowscale Gauntlets
Call of the ForsakenSuppressed Etheric Warmonger Gauntlets
Call of the ForsakenSuppressed Etheric Spiritwalker Gauntlets
Empires of KunarkSebilisian Froglokskin Gloves Found via this quest.
Rain of FearGelid Exarch Gauntlets
Rain of FearGelid Loremaster Gauntlets
The Broken MirrorResplendent Sulstone of the Sturdy
Rain of FearGelid Legionnaire Gauntlets
Rain of FearGelid Illuminator Gauntlets
Rain of FearGelid Soulrender Gauntlets
The Darkened SeaTideworn Gauntlets of Havok
The Darkened SeaTideworn Gauntlets of the Revenant
The Darkened SeaTideworn Gauntlets of the Performer
The Darkened SeaTideworn Gauntlets of the Light
The Darkened SeaTideworn Gauntlets of the Zealot
The Broken MirrorResplendent Spitegem of the Sturdy
The Darkened SeaDarkwater Mindlock Gloves
The Darkened SeaDarkwater Soulforge Gloves
The Darkened SeaDarkwater Dragonbrood Gloves
The Darkened SeaDarkwater Lifewalker Gloves
Veil of AlarisOstentatious Loremaster Gauntlets
Veil of AlarisOstentatious Archon Gauntlets
Veil of AlarisOstentatious Illuminator Gauntlets
Veil of AlarisOstentatious Soulrender Gauntlets
Veil of AlarisOstentatious Exarch Gauntlets
Rain of FearDreadweave Natureward Gauntlets
Rain of FearDreadweave Spiritwalker Gauntlets
Rain of FearDreadweave Warmonger Gauntlets
Rain of FearDreadweave Shadowscale Gauntlets
Grandiose Consigned Plate Gauntlets
The Darkened SeaCastaway Gauntlets of the Performer
The Darkened SeaCastaway Gauntlets of Havok
The Darkened SeaCastaway Gauntlets of the Revenant
The Darkened SeaCastaway Gauntlets of the Zealot
The Darkened SeaCastaway Gauntlets of the Light
Call of the ForsakenManifested Etheric Gauntlets of the Revenant
Call of the ForsakenManifested Etheric Gauntlets of Havok
Call of the ForsakenManifested Etheric Gauntlets of the Light
Call of the ForsakenManifested Etheric Gauntlets of the Performer
Call of the ForsakenManifested Etheric Gauntlets of the Zealot
Deepfathom Lifewalker Gloves
Deepfathom Soulforge Gloves
Deepfathom Dragonbrood Gloves
Deepfathom Mindlock Gloves
Rain of FearSilvershade Spiritwalker Gauntlets
Rain of FearSilvershade Natureward Gauntlets
Rain of FearSilvershade Shadowscale Gauntlets
Rain of FearSilvershade Warmonger Gauntlets
Veil of AlarisStately Soulrender Gauntlets
Veil of AlarisStately Loremaster Gauntlets
Veil of AlarisStately Exarch Gauntlets
Veil of AlarisStately Archon Gauntlets
Veil of AlarisStately Illuminator Gauntlets
Empires of KunarkSelrach's Soulslayer Gloves
Empires of KunarkSelrach's Flameweaver Gloves
Empires of KunarkSelrach's Mindlock Gloves
Empires of KunarkSelrach's Frostfire Gloves
Rain of FearApocryphal Natureward Gauntlets
Rain of FearApocryphal Spiritwalker Gauntlets
Rain of FearOnyx Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Rain of FearApocryphal Shadowscale Gauntlets
Rain of FearApocryphal Warmonger Gauntlets
Call of the ForsakenLatent Etheric Gauntlets of the Zealot
Call of the ForsakenLatent Etheric Gauntlets of the Performer
Call of the ForsakenLatent Etheric Gauntlets of the Revenant
Call of the ForsakenLatent Etheric Gauntlets of the Light
Call of the ForsakenLatent Etheric Gauntlets of Havok
The Darkened SeaHighwater Gauntlets of the Diviner
The Darkened SeaHighwater Gauntlets of the Warden
Highwater Gauntlets of Carnage
The Darkened SeaHighwater Gauntlets of the Assassin
Call of the ForsakenFlowing Etheric Lifewalker Gloves
Call of the ForsakenFlowing Etheric Mindlock Gloves
Call of the ForsakenFlowing Etheric Dragonbrood Gloves
Call of the ForsakenFlowing Etheric Soulforge Gloves
The Broken MirrorAugust Sulstone of the Sturdy
Veil of AlarisElegant Soulrender Gauntlets
Veil of AlarisElegant Exarch Gauntlets
Veil of AlarisElegant Archon Gauntlets
Veil of AlarisElegant Loremaster Gauntlets
Veil of AlarisElegant Illuminator Gauntlets
House of ThulePerspicuous Gauntlets of the Rejuvenator
House of ThulePerspicuous Gauntlets of the Crusader
House of ThulePerspicuous Gauntlets of the Protector
House of ThulePerspicuous Gauntlets of the Muse
House of ThulePerspicuous Gauntlets of the Reaver
The Broken MirrorAugust Spitegem of the Sturdy
Empires of KunarkCohort's Frostfire Gloves
Rain of FearGelid Spiritwalker Gauntlets
Empires of KunarkCohort's Flameweaver Gloves
Empires of KunarkCohort's Soulslayer Gloves
Rain of FearGelid Shadowscale Gauntlets
Rain of FearMithril Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Empires of KunarkCohort's Mindlock Gloves
Rain of FearGelid Warmonger Gauntlets
Rain of FearGelid Natureward Gauntlets
Rain of FearFrightweave Gauntlets of the Light
Rain of FearFrightweave Gauntlets of Havok
Call of the ForsakenDimensional Warrior Gauntlets
Rain of FearFrightweave Gauntlets of the Revenant
Rain of FearFrightweave Gauntlets of the Performer
Rain of FearFrightweave Gauntlets of the Zealot
Call of the ForsakenGauntlets of Finality
Veil of AlarisModest Illuminator Gauntlets
The Darkened SeaTideworn Gauntlets of the Warden
Veil of AlarisModest Archon Gauntlets
Veil of AlarisModest Soulrender Gauntlets
The Darkened SeaTideworn Gauntlets of the Diviner
The Darkened SeaTideworn Gauntlets of Carnage
The Darkened SeaTideworn Gauntlets of the Assassin
Veil of AlarisModest Loremaster Gauntlets
Veil of AlarisModest Exarch Gauntlets
Call of the ForsakenSuppressed Etheric Dragonbrood Gloves
Call of the ForsakenSuppressed Etheric Soulforge Gloves
Call of the ForsakenSuppressed Etheric Mindlock Gloves
Call of the ForsakenSuppressed Etheric Lifewalker Gloves
Veil of AlarisOstentatious Spiritwalker Gauntlets
Veil of AlarisOstentatious Natureward Gauntlets
Veil of AlarisOstentatious Warmonger Gauntlets
Veil of AlarisOstentatious Carnifex Gauntlets
House of ThuleObscure Gauntlets of the Crusader
House of ThuleObscure Gauntlets of the Muse
House of ThuleObscure Gauntlets of the Reaver
House of ThuleObscure Gauntlets of the Rejuvenator
House of ThuleObscure Gauntlets of the Protector
Summoned: Etched Alloy Plate Gauntlets
Rain of FearTwilight Gauntlets of the Zealot
Rain of FearTwilight Gauntlets of the Performer
Rain of FearTwilight Gauntlets of the Revenant
Rain of FearTwilight Gauntlets of Havok
Rain of FearTwilight Gauntlets of the Light
The Broken MirrorDeathseeker's Flameweaver Gloves
The Broken MirrorDeathseeker's Soulslayer Gloves
The Broken MirrorDeathseeker's Frostfire Gloves
Call of the ForsakenManifested Etheric Gauntlets of the Diviner
Call of the ForsakenManifested Etheric Gauntlets of the Assassin
The Darkened SeaCastaway Gauntlets of the Warden
The Darkened SeaCastaway Gauntlets of the Diviner
The Darkened SeaCastaway Gauntlets of the Assassin
Call of the ForsakenManifested Etheric Gauntlets of Carnage
Call of the ForsakenManifested Etheric Gauntlets of the Warden
Grandiose Consigned Chain Gauntlets Found via this quest.
The Darkened SeaCastaway Gauntlets of Carnage
Rain of FearDistorted Gauntlets of the Performer
Rain of FearDistorted Gauntlets of Havok
Rain of FearDistorted Gauntlets of the Zealot
Rain of FearDistorted Gauntlets of the Light
Rain of FearDistorted Gauntlets of the Revenant
Rain of FearDreadweave Mindlock Gloves
Rain of FearDreadweave Dragonbrood Gloves
Rain of FearDreadweave Lifewalker Gloves
Rain of FearDreadweave Soulforge Gloves
The Broken MirrorRegal Sulstone of the Sturdy
Veil of AlarisStately Carnifex Gauntlets
Veil of AlarisStately Warmonger Gauntlets
Veil of AlarisStately Natureward Gauntlets
Veil of AlarisStately Spiritwalker Gauntlets
The Broken MirrorResplendent Spitegem of the Vengeful
House of ThuleEsoteric Gauntlets of the Muse
House of ThuleEsoteric Gauntlets of the Rejuvenator
House of ThuleEsoteric Gauntlets of the Protector
House of ThuleEsoteric Gauntlets of the Reaver
House of ThuleEsoteric Gauntlets of the Crusader
The Broken MirrorResplendent Spitegem of the Fulcrum
The Broken MirrorResplendent Spitegem of the Beneficent
The Broken MirrorResplendent Spitegem of the Valiant
The Darkened SeaDarkwater Frostfire Gloves
The Darkened SeaDarkwater Soulslaver Gloves
Rain of FearSilvershade Dragonbrood Gloves
The Darkened SeaDarkwater Flameweaver Gloves
Rain of FearSilvershade Lifewalker Gloves
Rain of FearSilvershade Mindlock Gloves
Rain of FearSilvershade Soulforge Gloves
Call of the ForsakenLatent Etheric Gauntlets of Carnage
Call of the ForsakenLatent Etheric Gauntlets of the Warden
Call of the ForsakenLatent Etheric Gauntlets of the Assassin
Call of the ForsakenLatent Etheric Gauntlets of the Diviner
Rain of FearBoreal Gauntlets of the Revenant
Rain of FearGauntlets of the Underworld Dropped by a sickwater crocodile.
Rain of FearBoreal Gauntlets of the Performer
Rain of FearBulky Grips of Aetemius Dropped by a venomshell pest.
UnderfootRhodium Terraguard Gauntlets
Rain of FearBoreal Gauntlets of Havok
UnderfootRhodium Lightguard Gauntlets
UnderfootRhodium Shadowguard Gauntlets
Rain of FearBoreal Gauntlets of the Zealot
UnderfootRhodium Mythkeeper Gauntlets
UnderfootRhodium Mercytouched Gauntlets
Rain of FearBoreal Gauntlets of the Light
The Broken MirrorRegal Spitegem of the Sturdy
Rain of FearApocryphal Lifewalker Gloves
Rain of FearApocryphal Dragonbrood Gloves
Rain of FearApocryphal Mindlock Gloves
Rain of FearApocryphal Soulforge Gloves
Rain of FearAbsor's Gauntlets of Might Found via this quest.
Veil of AlarisElegant Spiritwalker Gauntlets
House of ThulePerspicuous Gauntlets of the Swift
House of ThulePerspicuous Gauntlets of the Hunt
Veil of AlarisElegant Warmonger Gauntlets
House of ThulePerspicuous Gauntlets of the Merciless
Veil of AlarisElegant Natureward Gauntlets
House of ThulePerspicuous Gauntlets of Foresight
Veil of AlarisElegant Carnifex Gauntlets
The Darkened SeaHighwater Gloves of the Tender
The Darkened SeaHighwater Gloves of Compulsion
The Darkened SeaHighwater Gloves of the Fang
The Darkened SeaHighwater Gloves of the Unwavering
Veil of AlarisGrandiose Gauntlets of the Light
Veil of AlarisGrandiose Gauntlets of Oration
House of ThuleEnigmatic Gauntlets of the Reaver
House of ThuleEnigmatic Gauntlets of the Protector
House of ThuleEnigmatic Gauntlets of the Rejuvenator
Veil of AlarisGrandiose Gauntlets of the Revenant
Veil of AlarisGrandiose Gauntlets of Havoc
Deepfathom Frostfire Gloves
Veil of AlarisGrandiose Gauntlets of the Zealot
Deepfathom Flameweaver Gloves
House of ThuleEnigmatic Gauntlets of the Crusader
House of ThuleEnigmatic Gauntlets of the Muse
Call of the ForsakenManalinked Gauntlets
Rain of FearFrightweave Gauntlets of the Diviner
Rain of FearFrightweave Gauntlets of the Warden
Rain of FearFrightweave Gauntlets of Carnage
Call of the ForsakenTemporal Soldier Gauntlets
Rain of FearFrightweave Gauntlets of the Assassin
Veil of AlarisModest Spiritwalker Gauntlets
Veil of AlarisModest Natureward Gauntlets
Veil of AlarisModest Warmonger Gauntlets
Veil of AlarisModest Carnifex Gauntlets
UnderfootIridium Mythkeeper Gauntlets
UnderfootIridium Terraguard Gauntlets
UnderfootIridium Lightguard Gauntlets
UnderfootIridium Mercytouched Gauntlets
UnderfootIridium Shadowguard Gauntlets
The Broken MirrorResplendent Sulstone of the Fulcrum
Rain of FearRegal Stormguard Gloves
Rain of FearRegal Leatherfoot Gloves
Rain of FearRegal Snowborn Gloves
Rain of FearGelid Mindlock Gloves
Rain of FearGelid Soulforge Gloves
Rain of FearRegal Wealdstone Gloves
The Broken MirrorResplendent Sulstone of the Valiant
Rain of FearRegal Protectorate Gloves
Rain of FearGelid Dragonbrood Gloves
The Broken MirrorResplendent Sulstone of the Beneficent
Rain of FearRegal Stalwart Gloves
Rain of FearRegal Wayguard Gloves
Rain of FearRegal Crystalwing Gloves
Rain of FearRegal Khala Dun Gloves
Rain of FearRegal Seashine Gloves
Rain of FearRegal Dreadguard Gloves
Rain of FearRegal Moonglade Gloves
The Broken MirrorResplendent Sulstone of the Vengeful
Rain of FearRegal Autoactuated Gloves
Rain of FearRegal Trooper Gloves
Rain of FearRegal Warborn Gloves
Rain of FearGelid Lifewalker Gloves
Rain of FearRegal Nightkeeper Gloves
Etched Luclinite Plate Gauntlets
House of ThuleObscure Gauntlets of the Hunt
House of ThuleObscure Gauntlets of the Merciless
House of ThuleObscure Gauntlets of Foresight
House of ThuleObscure Gauntlets of the Swift
Rain of FearTwilight Gauntlets of Carnage
Call of the ForsakenFlowing Etheric Frostfire Gloves
The Darkened SeaTideworn Gloves of Compulsion
Rain of FearTwilight Gauntlets of the Diviner
The Darkened SeaTideworn Gloves of the Fang
Call of the ForsakenFlowing Etheric Soulslaver Gloves
The Darkened SeaTideworn Gloves of the Unwavering
Rain of FearTwilight Gauntlets of the Warden
Rain of FearTwilight Gauntlets of the Assassin
Call of the ForsakenFlowing Etheric Flameweaver Gloves
The Darkened SeaTideworn Gloves of the Tender
The Broken MirrorAugust Spitegem of the Fulcrum
The Broken MirrorAugust Spitegem of the Beneficent
The Broken MirrorAugust Spitegem of the Vengeful
The Broken MirrorAugust Spitegem of the Valiant
Veil of AlarisEmbellished Gauntlets of Havoc
Veil of AlarisEmbellished Gauntlets of Oration
Veil of AlarisOstentatious Lifewalker Gloves
Veil of AlarisOstentatious Primarch Gloves
Veil of AlarisFinely Wrought Chainmail Gloves Dropped by Pledgemaster Oeslik.
Veil of AlarisEmbellished Gauntlets of the Revenant
Veil of AlarisEmbellished Gauntlets of the Light
Veil of AlarisEmbellished Gauntlets of the Zealot
Veil of AlarisOstentatious Soulforge Gloves
Rain of FearDistorted Gauntlets of the Warden
Rain of FearDistorted Gauntlets of Carnage
Rain of FearDistorted Gauntlets of the Diviner
Rain of FearDistorted Gauntlets of the Assassin
UnderfootPalladium Shadowguard Gauntlets
UnderfootPalladium Mythkeeper Gauntlets
UnderfootPalladium Mercytouched Gauntlets
UnderfootPalladium Terraguard Gauntlets
UnderfootPalladium Lightguard Gauntlets
Grandiose Consigned Leather Gloves
The Darkened SeaCastaway Gloves of the Tender
The Darkened SeaCastaway Gloves of Compulsion
The Darkened SeaCastaway Gloves of the Fang
The Darkened SeaCastaway Gloves of the Unwavering
The Darkened SeaAugust Stalwart Gloves
Call of the ForsakenManifested Etheric Gloves of the Tender
The Darkened SeaAugust Wealdstone Gloves
Call of the ForsakenManifested Etheric Gloves of Compulsion
Call of the ForsakenManifested Etheric Gloves of the Fang
The Darkened SeaAugust Stormguard Gloves
The Darkened SeaAugust Wayguard Gloves
The Darkened SeaAugust Leatherfoot Gloves
The Darkened SeaAugust Snowborn Gloves
The Darkened SeaAugust Moonglade Gloves
The Darkened SeaAugust Khala Dun Gloves
The Darkened SeaAugust Trooper Gloves
The Darkened SeaAugust Protectorate Gloves
The Darkened SeaAugust Crystalwing Gloves
The Darkened SeaAugust Autoactuated Gloves
Call of the ForsakenManifested Etheric Gloves of the Unwavering
The Darkened SeaAugust Dreadguard Gloves
The Darkened SeaAugust Warborn Gloves
The Darkened SeaAugust Nightkeeper Gloves
The Darkened SeaAugust Seashine Gloves
Call of the ForsakenSuppressed Etheric Soulslaver Gloves
Call of the ForsakenSuppressed Etheric Flameweaver Gloves
Call of the ForsakenSuppressed Etheric Frostfire Gloves
House of ThuleEsoteric Gauntlets of Foresight
House of ThuleEsoteric Gauntlets of the Merciless
House of ThuleEsoteric Gauntlets of the Swift
House of ThuleEsoteric Gauntlets of the Hunt
Gleaming Silver Protector
Veil of AlarisFormal Gauntlets of the Zealot
Emberquartz Protector
Veil of AlarisFormal Gauntlets of Oration
Veil of AlarisFormal Gauntlets of Havoc
Veil of AlarisFormal Gauntlets of the Light
Veil of AlarisFormal Gauntlets of the Revenant
Veil of AlarisGlorious Protectorate Gloves
Veil of AlarisGlorious Moonglade Gloves
Veil of AlarisGlorious Dreadguard Gloves
Veil of AlarisGlorious Seashine Gloves
Veil of AlarisGlorious Autoactuated Gloves
Veil of AlarisGlorious Warborn Gloves
Veil of AlarisGlorious Wayguard Gloves
Veil of AlarisGlorious Leatherfoot Gloves
Veil of AlarisGlorious Stalwart Gloves
Veil of AlarisGlorious Stormguard Gloves
Veil of AlarisGlorious Wealdstone Gloves
Veil of AlarisGlorious Nightkeeper Gloves
Veil of AlarisGlorious Snowborn Gloves
Veil of AlarisGlorious Khala Dun Gloves
Veil of AlarisGlorious Crystalwing Gloves
Veil of AlarisGlorious Trooper Gloves
Rain of FearBoreal Gauntlets of the Warden
Seeds of DestructionOrdained Visionbound Plate Gauntlets
UnderfootRhodium Doomherald Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionOrdained Dreadheart Plate Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionOrdained Stoneskin Plate Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionTarnished Dreadheart Plate Gauntlets
UnderfootRhodium Umbrastalker Gauntlets
Rain of FearBoreal Gauntlets of the Assassin
Veil of AlarisStately Lifewalker Gloves
Seeds of DestructionTarnished Hallowtouch Plate Gauntlets
Rain of FearCommunal Gloves Dropped by a sickwater crocodile.
Seeds of DestructionTainted Dreadheart Plate Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionInflicted Dreadheart Plate Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionTarnished Stoneskin Plate Gauntlets
UnderfootRhodium Skychaser Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionOrdained Soulstoke Plate Gauntlets
UnderfootRhodium Furyblind Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionInflicted Stoneskin Plate Gauntlets
Veil of AlarisStately Soulforge Gloves
Seeds of DestructionTainted Hallowtouch Plate Gauntlets
Rain of FearBoreal Gauntlets of the Diviner
Seeds of DestructionInflicted Soulstoke Plate Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionTainted Stoneskin Plate Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionOrdained Hallowtouch Plate Gauntlets
Veil of AlarisStately Primarch Gloves
Seeds of DestructionTainted Visionbound Plate Gauntlets
Rain of FearFrostchain Gloves of the Stalker Dropped by Kyenka.
Seeds of DestructionTarnished Visionbound Plate Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionInflicted Visionbound Plate Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionTainted Soulstoke Plate Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionTarnished Soulstoke Plate Gauntlets
Rain of FearBoreal Gauntlets of Carnage
Seeds of DestructionInflicted Hallowtouch Plate Gauntlets
The Darkened SeaMagi Blaster Gauntlet
Devotee's Fortification of Legacies Lost
House of ThuleLucid Soulbound Gauntlets
House of ThuleLucid Dreamhunter Gauntlets
House of ThuleLucid Darktouch Gauntlets
House of ThuleLucid Ironhand Gauntlets
House of ThuleLucid Blessedbond Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionBalanced Dreadheart Plate Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionBalanced Soulstoke Plate Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionBalanced Stoneskin Plate Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionChaotic Stoneskin Plate Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionVested Visionbound Plate Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionChaotic Visionbound Plate Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionBalanced Visionbound Plate Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionBalanced Hallowtouch Plate Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionChaotic Soulstoke Plate Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionChaotic Dreadheart Plate Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionVested Soulstoke Plate Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionChaotic Hallowtouch Plate Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionVested Stoneskin Plate Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionVested Hallowtouch Plate Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionVested Dreadheart Plate Gauntlets
Call of the ForsakenLatent Etheric Gloves of the Unwavering
Call of the ForsakenLatent Etheric Gloves of the Fang
Rain of FearDreadweave Soulslaver Gloves
Rain of FearDreadweave Flameweaver Gloves
Rain of FearDreadweave Frostfire Gloves
Call of the ForsakenLatent Etheric Gloves of Compulsion
Call of the ForsakenLatent Etheric Gloves of the Tender
The Broken MirrorResplendent Spitegem of the Resourceful
The Broken MirrorAugust Sulstone of the Fulcrum
The Broken MirrorAugust Sulstone of the Vengeful
The Broken MirrorAugust Sulstone of the Beneficent
The Broken MirrorAugust Sulstone of the Valiant
Veil of AlarisElegant Soulforge Gloves
Veil of AlarisGrandiose Gauntlets of the Diviner
Veil of AlarisGrandiose Gauntlets of the Warden
House of ThuleEnigmatic Gauntlets of Foresight
House of ThuleEnigmatic Gauntlets of the Hunt
Veil of AlarisElegant Lifewalker Gloves
Veil of AlarisElegant Primarch Gloves
Veil of AlarisGrandiose Gauntlets of Carnage
House of ThuleEnigmatic Gauntlets of the Merciless
House of ThuleEnigmatic Gauntlets of the Swift
Veil of AlarisGrandiose Gauntlets of the Assassin
The Broken MirrorRegal Spitegem of the Fulcrum
Veil of AlarisRustic Gauntlets of the Revenant
The Broken MirrorRegal Spitegem of the Beneficent
Veil of AlarisRustic Gauntlets of Havoc
Veil of AlarisRustic Gauntlets of Oration
The Broken MirrorRegal Spitegem of the Valiant
Veil of AlarisRustic Gloves of the Light
The Broken MirrorRegal Spitegem of the Vengeful
Veil of AlarisRustic Gauntlets of the Zealot
UnderfootIridium Skychaser Gauntlets
UnderfootIridium Doomherald Gauntlets
UnderfootIridium Umbrastalker Gauntlets
UnderfootIridium Furyblind Gauntlets
House of ThulePerspicuous Gloves of Creation
Rain of FearSilvershade Frostfire Gloves
Acolyte's Fortification of Legacies Lost
Rain of FearSilvershade Soulslaver Gloves
House of ThulePerspicuous Gloves of Affinity
Rain of FearSilvershade Flameweaver Gloves
House of ThulePerspicuous Gloves of the Predator
Seeds of DestructionConcordant Stoneskin Plate Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionDiscordant Soulstoke Plate Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionDiscordant Stoneskin Plate Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionDiscordant Dreadheart Plate Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionFrosted Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionDiscordant Hallowtouch Plate Gauntlets
Blood-Etched Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Seeds of DestructionConcordant Soulstoke Plate Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionConcordant Hallowtouch Plate Gauntlets
Call of the ForsakenPugilist's Gloves
Frosted Gauntlets
Rain of FearFrightweave Gloves of the Tender
House of ThuleAmbiguous Darktouch Gauntlets
House of ThuleAmbiguous Soulbound Gauntlets
House of ThuleAmbiguous Ironhand Gauntlets
House of ThuleAmbiguous Blessedbond Gauntlets
Rain of FearFrightweave Gloves of the Unwavering
Seeds of DestructionConcordant Visionbound Plate Gauntlets
Rain of FearFrightweave Gloves of Compulsion
House of ThuleAmbiguous Dreamhunter Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionDiscordant Visionbound Plate Gauntlets
Call of the ForsakenEthernere Traveler Gloves
Rain of FearFrightweave Gloves of the Fang
Seeds of DestructionConcordant Dreadheart Plate Gauntlets
Veil of AlarisModest Soulforge Gloves
Veil of AlarisEmbellished Gauntlets of the Assassin
Veil of AlarisEmbellished Gauntlets of the Warden
Rain of FearRegal Nightfall Gloves
Veil of AlarisEmbellished Gauntlets of Carnage
Rain of FearRegal Crystalscale Gloves
Veil of AlarisEmbellished Gauntlets of the Diviner
Rain of FearRegal Lightring Gloves
Rain of FearRegal Ravager Gloves
Rain of FearRegal Frostwarded Gloves
Rain of FearRegal Twoscale Gloves
Rain of FearRegal Farsight Gloves
Rain of FearRegal Servolinked Gloves
Rain of FearRegal Stonetooth Gloves
Veil of AlarisModest Lifewalker Gloves
Rain of FearRegal Daybreaker Gloves
Rain of FearRegal Khala Vir Gloves
Rain of FearRegal Wirewood Gloves
Gauntlets of Fiery Might Found via this quest.
Veil of AlarisModest Primarch Gloves
Rain of FearRegal Claviger Gloves
Rain of FearRegal Tyrant Gloves
Rain of FearApocryphal Flameweaver Gloves
Rain of FearApocryphal Frostfire Gloves
Rain of FearApocryphal Soulslaver Gloves
Security Gem of Perpetual Reverie
Hardened Glowing Diamond Dropped by Crusher the Rusher.
The Darkened SeaHighwater Gloves of the Conjuror
The Darkened SeaHighwater Gloves of the Exhumer
The Darkened SeaHighwater Gloves of the Frozen Flame
Rain of FearTwilight Gloves of Compulsion
House of ThuleObscure Gloves of Creation
Rain of FearTwilight Gloves of the Unwavering
House of ThuleObscure Gloves of the Predator
Rain of FearTwilight Gloves of the Tender
Protective Beak Bauble Dropped by an owlbear.
Rain of FearTwilight Gloves of the Fang
House of ThuleObscure Gloves of Affinity
UnderfootPalladium Furyblind Gauntlets
UnderfootPalladium Umbrastalker Gauntlets
UnderfootPalladium Skychaser Gauntlets
UnderfootPalladium Doomherald Gauntlets
House of ThuleExtravagant Khala Dun Gloves
House of ThuleExtravagant Trooper Gloves
House of ThuleExtravagant Wealdstone Gloves
UnderfootDamascite Lorerunner Gauntlets
House of ThuleExtravagant Seashine Gloves
House of ThuleExtravagant Snowborn Gloves
House of ThuleExtravagant Nightkeeper Gloves
UnderfootDamascite Lifedefender Gauntlets
House of ThuleRecondite Soulbound Gauntlets
House of ThuleRecondite Dreamhunter Gauntlets
UnderfootDamascite Deathwatch Gauntlets
House of ThuleExtravagant Leatherfoot Gloves
House of ThuleExtravagant Warborn Gloves
UnderfootDamascite Earthwall Gauntlets
House of ThuleRecondite Darktouch Gauntlets
House of ThuleRecondite Blessedbond Gauntlets
House of ThuleExtravagant Crystalwing Gloves
House of ThuleExtravagant Stormguard Gloves
House of ThuleExtravagant Dreadguard Gloves
House of ThuleExtravagant Autoactuated Gloves
House of ThuleExtravagant Wayguard Gloves
House of ThuleExtravagant Moonglade Gloves
House of ThuleExtravagant Protectorate Gloves
House of ThuleRecondite Ironhand Gauntlets
UnderfootDamascite Graceheart Gauntlets
House of ThuleExtravagant Stalwart Gloves
Rain of FearDistorted Gloves of the Tender
Veil of AlarisFormal Gauntlets of Carnage
Luclinite Defender
Rain of FearDistorted Gloves of Compulsion
Veil of AlarisFormal Gauntlets of the Assassin
Veil of AlarisFormal Gauntlets of the Warden
Veil of AlarisFormal Gauntlets of the Diviner
Rain of FearDistorted Gloves of the Unwavering
Rain of FearDistorted Gloves of the Fang
The Broken MirrorRegal Sulstone of the Vengeful
The Broken MirrorRegal Sulstone of the Valiant
Rain of FearGelid Frostfire Gloves
Rain of FearGelid Soulslaver Gloves
The Broken MirrorAugust Spitegem of the Resourceful
Rain of FearShiny Metallic Gloves Found via this quest.
The Broken MirrorRegal Sulstone of the Beneficent
Rain of FearGelid Flameweaver Gloves
The Broken MirrorRegal Sulstone of the Fulcrum
Secrets of FaydwerPrismatic Decimator's Gauntlets
Secrets of FaydwerPrismatic Soulslayer's Gauntlets
Secrets of FaydwerPrismatic War-Bishop's Gauntlets
Secrets of FaydwerPrismatic Gallant-Lord's Gauntlets
Secrets of FaydwerPrismatic Skaldsong Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionTainted Bloodscream Chain Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionTarnished Shadowmeld Chain Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionTainted Shadowmeld Chain Gauntlets
The Darkened SeaTideworn Gloves of the Conjuror
House of ThuleEsoteric Gloves of Affinity
Seeds of DestructionTainted Fategaze Chain Gauntlets
House of ThuleLucid Stormheart Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionOrdained Outrider Chain Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionInflicted Outrider Chain Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionOrdained Fategaze Chain Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionInflicted Bloodscream Chain Gauntlets
House of ThuleEsoteric Gloves of Creation
Seeds of DestructionOrdained Shadowmeld Chain Gauntlets
The Darkened SeaTideworn Gloves of the Frozen Flame
House of ThuleLucid Stealthinfused Gauntlets
House of ThuleLucid Rageblade Gauntlets
Devotee's Fortification of the Selenelion
Seeds of DestructionTarnished Bloodscream Chain Gauntlets
House of ThuleEsoteric Gloves of the Predator
Seeds of DestructionOrdained Bloodscream Chain Gauntlets
House of ThuleLucid Spiritskin Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionTainted Outrider Chain Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionInflicted Fategaze Chain Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionTarnished Fategaze Chain Gauntlets
The Darkened SeaTideworn Gloves of the Exhumer
Seeds of DestructionInflicted Shadowmeld Chain Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionTarnished Outrider Chain Gauntlets
Veil of AlarisGlorious Stonetooth Gloves
Veil of AlarisGlorious Lightring Gloves
Veil of AlarisGlorious Crystalscale Gloves
Veil of AlarisGlorious Ravager Gloves
Veil of AlarisGlorious Nightfall Gloves
Veil of AlarisGlorious Twoscale Gloves
Veil of AlarisGlorious Servolinked Gloves
Veil of AlarisGlorious Khala Vir Gloves
Veil of AlarisGlorious Wirewood Gloves
Veil of AlarisGlorious Daybreaker Gloves
Veil of AlarisGlorious Claviger Gloves
Seeds of DestructionEon Forged Plate Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Veil of AlarisGlorious Tyrant Gloves
Veil of AlarisGlorious Farsight Gloves
Veil of AlarisGlorious Frostwarded Gloves
Phantasmal Luclinite Gem of Security
UnderfootVitallium Earthwall Gauntlets
Performer's Lucky Charm Dropped by a solid chest.
Seeds of DestructionBalanced Fategaze Chain Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionVested Bloodscream Chain Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionVested Outrider Chain Gauntlets
UnderfootVitallium Deathwatch Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionBalanced Shadowmeld Chain Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionChaotic Bloodscream Chain Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionVested Fategaze Chain Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionVested Shadowmeld Chain Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionChaotic Shadowmeld Chain Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionChaotic Outrider Chain Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionChaotic Fategaze Chain Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionBalanced Bloodscream Chain Gauntlets
UnderfootVitallium Graceheart Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionBalanced Outrider Chain Gauntlets
The Broken MirrorResplendent Sulstone of the Resourceful
UnderfootVitallium Lifedefender Gauntlets
UnderfootVitallium Lorerunner Gauntlets
Veil of AlarisOstentatious Soulslaver Gloves
Veil of AlarisOstentatious Tideweaver Gloves
Veil of AlarisOstentatious Mindlock Gloves
Veil of AlarisOstentatious Spellrazer Gloves
Rain of FearBlunder Blockers Dropped by Cobalt.
Rain of FearBoreal Gloves of Compulsion
Smoldering Core of Radir Dropped by Commander Esline.
Rain of FearFrigid Mittens Dropped by a sickwater crocodile.
Rain of FearBoreal Gloves of the Tender
Rain of FearBoreal Gloves of the Fang
UnderfootRhodium Gloves of the Enlightened Anima
Rain of FearBoreal Gloves of the Unwavering
UnderfootRhodium Natureborn Gloves
UnderfootRhodium Feralcall Gloves
House of ThuleAbstruse Darktouch Gauntlets
The Darkened SeaCastaway Gloves of the Conjuror
House of ThuleAbstruse Dreamhunter Gauntlets
House of ThuleAbstruse Blessedbond Gauntlets
Veil of AlarisRustic Gauntlets of the Diviner
Grandiose Consigned Silk Gloves Found via this quest.
Veil of AlarisRustic Gauntlets of the Warden
Call of the ForsakenManifested Etheric Gloves of the Frozen Flame
Veil of AlarisRustic Gauntlets of Carnage
Veil of AlarisRustic Gauntlets of the Assassin
Call of the ForsakenManifested Etheric Gloves of the Exhumer
Call of the ForsakenManifested Etheric Gloves of the Conjuror
The Darkened SeaCastaway Gloves of the Exhumer
House of ThuleAbstruse Soulbound Gauntlets
House of ThuleAbstruse Ironhand Gauntlets
The Darkened SeaCastaway Gloves of the Frozen Flame
Acolyte's Fortification of the Selenelion
The Broken MirrorGlorious Sulstone of the Sturdy
Secrets of FaydwerDepraved Vanquisher's Hardened Gauntlets
Secrets of FaydwerBenevolent Lifegiver's Hardened Gauntlets
Secrets of FaydwerRaging Bloodletter's Hardened Gauntlets
Secrets of FaydwerDauntless Minstrel's Hardened Gauntlets
Secrets of FaydwerRighteous Crusader's Hardened Gauntlets
UnderfootCelestrium Deathwatch Gauntlets
The Darkened SeaAugust Daybreaker Gloves
The Darkened SeaAugust Servolinked Gloves
UnderfootCelestrium Earthwall Gauntlets
UnderfootCelestrium Graceheart Gauntlets
Heroic Dreamhunter Gauntlets
The Darkened SeaAugust Ravager Gloves
UnderfootCelestrium Lorerunner Gauntlets
Heroic Soulbound Gauntlets
The Darkened SeaAugust Stonetooth Gloves
The Darkened SeaAugust Farsight Gloves
The Darkened SeaAugust Nightfall Gloves
The Darkened SeaAugust Lightring Gloves
Veil of AlarisParagon's Plate Gauntlets Found via this quest.
The Darkened SeaAugust Wirewood Gloves
The Darkened SeaAugust Claviger Gloves
Heroic Darktouch Gauntlets
The Darkened SeaAugust Crystalscale Gloves
Heroic Blessedbond Gauntlets
The Darkened SeaAugust Twoscale Gloves
The Darkened SeaAugust Tyrant Gloves
UnderfootCelestrium Lifedefender Gauntlets
Heroic Ironhand Gauntlets
The Darkened SeaAugust Frostwarded Gloves
The Darkened SeaAugust Khala Vir Gloves
Seeds of DestructionDiscordant Bloodscream Chain Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionConcordant Bloodscream Chain Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionDiscordant Shadowmeld Chain Gauntlets
House of ThuleAmbiguous Spiritskin Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionRuned Mithril Gauntlets
House of ThuleEnigmatic Gloves of Creation
Seeds of DestructionDiscordant Outrider Chain Gauntlets
Veil of AlarisGrandiose Gloves of the Unwavering
Seeds of DestructionDiscordant Fategaze Chain Gauntlets
Veil of AlarisStately Tideweaver Gloves
House of ThuleAmbiguous Stealthinfused Gauntlets
House of ThuleAmbiguous Rageblade Gauntlets
House of ThuleEnigmatic Gloves of the Predator
Seeds of DestructionConcordant Shadowmeld Chain Gauntlets
House of ThuleAmbiguous Stormheart Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionConcordant Fategaze Chain Gauntlets
Runed Mithril Gauntlets
Veil of AlarisStately Spellrazer Gloves
House of ThuleEnigmatic Gloves of Affinity
Veil of AlarisGrandiose Gloves of the Tender
Veil of AlarisStately Soulslaver Gloves
Seeds of DestructionConcordant Outrider Chain Gauntlets
Veil of AlarisGrandiose Gloves of the Wilder
Veil of AlarisStately Mindlock Gloves
Silversteel Chainmail Gauntlets Found via this quest.
UnderfootIridium Gloves of the Enlightened Anima
UnderfootIridium Feralcall Gloves
The Broken MirrorGlorious Spitegem of the Sturdy
UnderfootIridium Natureborn Gloves
Call of the ForsakenLatent Etheric Gloves of the Frozen Flame
Call of the ForsakenLatent Etheric Gloves of the Conjuror
Call of the ForsakenLatent Etheric Gloves of the Exhumer
The Broken MirrorRegal Spitegem of the Resourceful
Gem of Chaos Dropped by Thall Xundraux Diabo - ToL.
Luclinite Ensanguined Gem of Security
The Broken MirrorAugust Sulstone of the Resourceful
UnderfootStellite Lorerunner Gauntlets
UnderfootStellite Graceheart Gauntlets
UnderfootStellite Lifedefender Gauntlets
UnderfootStellite Earthwall Gauntlets
UnderfootStellite Deathwatch Gauntlets
UnderfootDamascite Trailwarden Gauntlets
UnderfootDamascite Shadowborn Gauntlets
Sylra's Trinket Dropped by Sylra Fris - ToL.
House of ThuleRecondite Stormheart Gauntlets
UnderfootDamascite Fatecaster Gauntlets
House of ThuleRecondite Spiritskin Gauntlets
House of ThuleRecondite Rageblade Gauntlets
House of ThuleRecondite Stealthinfused Gauntlets
UnderfootDamascite Ireblood Gauntlets
House of ThulePerspicuous Gloves of Finality
Veil of AlarisEmbellished Gloves of the Tender
Veil of AlarisEmbellished Gloves of the Wilder
Veil of AlarisElegant Spellrazer Gloves
Veil of AlarisElegant Mindlock Gloves
House of ThulePerspicuous Gloves of the Sorcerer
House of ThulePerspicuous Gloves of the Phantasmist
Veil of AlarisElegant Tideweaver Gloves
House of ThulePerspicuous Gloves of the Thaumaterge
Veil of AlarisEmbellished Gloves of the Unwavering
Veil of AlarisElegant Soulslaver Gloves
Rain of FearRegal Sagacious Gloves
House of ThuleExtravagant Farsight Gloves
Rain of FearRegal Longstrider Gloves
House of ThuleExtravagant Wirewood Gloves
House of ThuleExtravagant Nightfall Gloves
Rain of FearRegal Driftwalker Gloves
Rain of FearRegal Bloodpact Gloves
Rain of FearRegal Vah Anima Gloves
Rain of FearRegal Brambleborn Gloves
Rain of FearRegal Shadowrise Gloves
House of ThuleExtravagant Stonetooth Gloves
House of ThuleExtravagant Tyrant Gloves
House of ThuleExtravagant Claviger Gloves
Regal Bounder Gloves
Etched Iron Plate Gauntlets
House of ThuleExtravagant Crystalscale Gloves
UnderfootPalladium Feralcall Gloves
House of ThuleExtravagant Ravager Gloves
UnderfootPalladium Gloves of the Enlightened Anima
House of ThuleExtravagant Lightring Gloves
House of ThuleExtravagant Twoscale Gloves
Rain of FearRegal Runeseeker Gloves
UnderfootPalladium Natureborn Gloves
House of ThuleExtravagant Daybreaker Gloves
Rain of FearRegal Reaver Gloves
House of ThuleExtravagant Khala Vir Gloves
House of ThuleExtravagant Servolinked Gloves
House of ThuleExtravagant Frostwarded Gloves
Rain of FearRegal Crystalskin Gloves
Rain of FearFrightweave Gloves of the Exhumer
Rain of FearFrightweave Gloves of the Conjuror
Velium Threaded Gem of Security
Rain of FearFrightweave Gloves of the Frozen Flame
Devotee's Assault of Legacies Lost
Gleaming Gem of Feshlak Dropped by Feshlak - CoV.
Call of the ForsakenChronomage Gloves
Secrets of FaydwerPrismatic Bow-Captain's Gauntlets
Veil of AlarisModest Spellrazer Gloves
Seeds of DestructionEon Linked Chain Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Secrets of FaydwerPrismatic Enrager's Gauntlets
Veil of AlarisModest Soulslaver Gloves
Veil of AlarisFormal Gloves of the Unwavering
Secrets of FaydwerPrismatic High Seer's Gauntlets
Veil of AlarisModest Mindlock Gloves
Veil of AlarisFormal Gloves of the Wilder
Veil of AlarisModest Tideweaver Gloves
Veil of AlarisFormal Gloves of the Tender
Secrets of FaydwerPrismatic Blackguard's Gauntlets
UnderfootVitallium Trailwarden Gauntlets
UnderfootVitallium Shadowborn Gauntlets
UnderfootVitallium Fatecaster Gauntlets
UnderfootVitallium Ireblood Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionInflicted Primalhowl Leather Gloves
Seeds of DestructionTainted Earthwrought Leather Gloves
Seeds of DestructionInflicted Stormhand Leather Gloves
Seeds of DestructionOrdained Earthwrought Leather Gloves
Seeds of DestructionOrdained Stormhand Leather Gloves
Seeds of DestructionTarnished Stormhand Leather Gloves
The Buried SeaSinging Energeiac Plate Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionInflicted Earthwrought Leather Gloves
Seeds of DestructionTarnished Primalhowl Leather Gloves
Secrets of FaydwerAncient Hardened Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Seeds of DestructionOrdained Primalhowl Leather Gloves
Seeds of DestructionTainted Primalhowl Leather Gloves
The Buried SeaPristine Energeiac Plate Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionTainted Stormhand Leather Gloves
The Buried SeaRugged Energeiac Plate Gauntlets
The Buried SeaSanguine Energeiac Plate Gauntlets
The Buried SeaTainted Energeiac Plate Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionTarnished Earthwrought Leather Gloves
Rain of FearTwilight Gloves of the Exhumer
House of ThuleObscure Gloves of the Sorcerer
House of ThuleObscure Gloves of Finality
House of ThuleObscure Gloves of the Phantasmist
House of ThuleLucid Forcestruck Gloves
House of ThuleAbstruse Rageblade Gauntlets
Rain of FearTwilight Gloves of the Conjuror
House of ThuleAbstruse Stealthinfused Gauntlets
House of ThuleLucid Orobane Gloves
Rain of FearTwilight Gloves of the Frozen Flame
House of ThuleAbstruse Stormheart Gauntlets
House of ThuleSatin Gloves of the Hag Found via this quest.
House of ThuleLucid Wildroar Gloves
House of ThuleObscure Gloves of the Thaumaterge
Seeds of DestructionOrdained Firesoul Plate Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionVested Earthwrought Leather Gloves
Seeds of DestructionBalanced Stormhand Leather Gloves
Seeds of DestructionBalanced Earthwrought Leather Gloves
Vigorous Gem of Perpetual Reverie
Seeds of DestructionTainted Mindhallow Plate Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionChaotic Earthwrought Leather Gloves
Seeds of DestructionInflicted Ashenheart Plate Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionVested Stormhand Leather Gloves
House of ThuleAbstruse Spiritskin Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionInflicted Ironbone Plate Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionVested Primalhowl Leather Gloves
Unparalleled Vigorous Gem of Distant Echoes
Seeds of DestructionTarnished Ironbone Plate Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionInflicted Mindhallow Plate Gauntlets
Velium Protector
Seeds of DestructionInflicted Dreamwhisper Plate Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionTainted Ironbone Plate Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionTainted Ashenheart Plate Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionOrdained Ashenheart Plate Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionChaotic Primalhowl Leather Gloves
Seeds of DestructionTarnished Dreamwhisper Plate Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionOrdained Mindhallow Plate Gauntlets
Updated TodayUnparalleled Sagacious Gem of Distant Echoes
Seeds of DestructionTainted Dreamwhisper Plate Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionInflicted Firesoul Plate Gauntlets
Petrified Sharktooth Dropped by Ol` Grinnin` Finley - CoV.
Seeds of DestructionOrdained Dreamwhisper Plate Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionTarnished Firesoul Plate Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionTarnished Ashenheart Plate Gauntlets
Unparalleled Intellect Gem of Distant Echoes
Adroit Gem of Perpetual Reverie
Seeds of DestructionOrdained Ironbone Plate Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionTarnished Mindhallow Plate Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionChaotic Stormhand Leather Gloves
Seeds of DestructionBalanced Primalhowl Leather Gloves
Seeds of DestructionTainted Firesoul Plate Gauntlets
Rain of FearDistorted Gloves of the Exhumer
Rain of FearDistorted Gloves of the Conjuror
Rain of FearDistorted Gloves of the Frozen Flame
The Captain's Strength Dropped by Captain Defan.
UnderfootStalwart Seashine Gloves
UnderfootStalwart Trooper Gloves
UnderfootStalwart Crystalwing Gloves
Mischievous Reanimating Reagent Dropped by Ankexfen Experiment.
UnderfootStalwart Protectorate Gloves
UnderfootStalwart Warborn Gloves
UnderfootCelestrium Trailwarden Gauntlets
Heroic Stormheart Gauntlets
UnderfootStalwart Stormguard Gloves
UnderfootStalwart Wealdstone Gloves
Veil of AlarisParagon's Chain Gauntlets Found via this quest.
UnderfootStalwart Nightkeeper Gloves
UnderfootStalwart Khala Dun Gloves
Polished Sardonyx of Lunacy Dropped by A Rallosian Lunatic.
UnderfootStalwart Snowborn Gloves
UnderfootCelestrium Shadowborn Gauntlets
Veil of AlarisRustic Gloves of the Wilder
The Broken MirrorRegal Sulstone of the Resourceful
Veil of AlarisRustic Gloves of the Tender
Heroic Stealthinfused Gauntlets
UnderfootStalwart Dreadguard Gloves
Heroic Rageblade Gauntlets
UnderfootCelestrium Fatecaster Gauntlets
UnderfootStalwart Stalwart Gloves
Violet Edged Rose Dropped by Grenn Rustblade.
UnderfootStalwart Wayguard Gloves
Devotee's Stealth of Legacies Lost
UnderfootStalwart Moonglade Gloves
UnderfootStalwart Leatherfoot Gloves
UnderfootStalwart Autoactuated Gloves
UnderfootCelestrium Ireblood Gauntlets
Veil of AlarisRustic Gloves of the Unwavering
Veil of AlarisGlorious Longstrider Gloves
Veil of AlarisGlorious Vah Anima Gloves
Veil of AlarisGlorious Runeseeker Gloves
Secrets of FaydwerProphetic Seer's Scaled Gauntlets
Secrets of FaydwerRelentless Hunter's Scaled Gauntlets
Heroic Spiritskin Gauntlets
Secrets of FaydwerVengeful Cutthroat's Scaled Gauntlets
Secrets of FaydwerFrenzied Savage's Scaled Gauntlets
Veil of AlarisGlorious Brambleborn Gloves
Veil of AlarisGlorious Crystalskin Gloves
Veil of AlarisGlorious Driftwalker Gloves
Glorious Bounder Gloves
Veil of AlarisGlorious Shadowrise Gloves
Veil of AlarisGlorious Reaver Gloves
Veil of AlarisGlorious Bloodpact Gloves
Veil of AlarisGlorious Sagacious Gloves
Seeds of DestructionShin Gauntlets
House of ThuleLeather Gloves of Overkill Found via this quest.
House of ThuleAmbiguous Forcestruck Gloves
Seeds of DestructionChaotic Ashenheart Plate Gauntlets
Emberquartz Slayer
all aug //G21AV AC
House of ThuleEsoteric Gloves of the Sorcerer
Seeds of DestructionVested Dreamwhisper Plate Gauntlets
House of ThuleEsoteric Gloves of the Phantasmist
Seeds of DestructionChaotic Firesoul Plate Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionVested Firesoul Plate Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionVested Ashenheart Plate Gauntlets
Velium Empowered Gem of Freezing
Velium Empowered Gem of Soothing
House of ThuleAmbiguous Orobane Gloves
Seeds of DestructionBalanced Ironbone Plate Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionChaotic Dreamwhisper Plate Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionChaotic Mindhallow Plate Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionBalanced Firesoul Plate Gauntlets
Gleaming Silver Slayer
Seeds of DestructionVested Ironbone Plate Gauntlets
House of ThuleEsoteric Gloves of the Thaumaterge
Seeds of DestructionBalanced Dreamwhisper Plate Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionVested Mindhallow Plate Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionBalanced Ashenheart Plate Gauntlets
Velium Empowered Gem of Striking
House of ThuleAmbiguous Wildroar Gloves
House of ThuleEsoteric Gloves of Finality
Intricately Tooled Leather Gloves Found via this quest.
Velium Infused Gem of Security
Seeds of DestructionBalanced Mindhallow Plate Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionChaotic Ironbone Plate Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionFrostrift Gloves
The Broken MirrorGlorious Spitegem of the Fulcrum
Rain of FearBoreal Gloves of the Exhumer
UnderfootRhodium Psychesnap Gloves
UnderfootRhodium Fleshbane Gloves
Seeds of DestructionConcordant Earthwrought Leather Gloves
Seeds of DestructionDiscordant Earthwrought Leather Gloves
Rain of FearBoreal Gloves of the Frozen Flame
Rain of FearBoreal Gloves of the Conjuror
UnderfootRhodium Sleetstorm Gloves
Rain of FearVoidwielding Gloves Dropped by a sickwater crocodile.
Seeds of DestructionConcordant Stormhand Leather Gloves
Seeds of DestructionConcordant Primalhowl Leather Gloves
Rain of FearEllithia's Hot Handwraps Dropped by a venomshell pest.
Seeds of DestructionDiscordant Stormhand Leather Gloves
The Broken MirrorGlorious Spitegem of the Beneficent
UnderfootRhodium Cardinalcore Gloves
The Broken MirrorExtravagant Sulstone of the Sturdy
The Broken MirrorGlorious Spitegem of the Vengeful
Frostrift Gloves
The Broken MirrorGlorious Spitegem of the Valiant
Seeds of DestructionDiscordant Primalhowl Leather Gloves
UnderfootStellite Trailwarden Gauntlets
UnderfootStellite Fatecaster Gauntlets
UnderfootStellite Shadowborn Gauntlets
UnderfootStellite Ireblood Gauntlets
House of ThuleEnigmatic Gloves of Finality
Secrets of FaydwerSteel-Welded Plate Gauntlets Dropped by Octa the Collector.
House of ThuleEnigmatic Gloves of the Thaumaterge
Veil of AlarisGrandiose Gloves of Compulsion
House of ThuleEnigmatic Gloves of the Sorcerer
Veil of AlarisGrandiose Gloves of the Arcanus
Veil of AlarisGrandiose Gloves of the Conjuror
House of ThuleEnigmatic Gloves of the Phantasmist
Veil of AlarisGrandiose Gloves of the Exhumer
The Broken MirrorExtravagant Spitegem of the Sturdy
Secrets of FaydwerChromasteel Gauntlets of the Dream
Secrets of FaydwerPurified Chromasteel Gauntlets
Acolyte's Assault of Legacies Lost
Secrets of FaydwerNecrotic Chromasteel Gauntlets
Devotee's Assault of the Selenelion
Secrets of FaydwerDedicated Chromasteel Gauntlets
UnderfootAutarchian Fistwraps Found via this quest.
Secrets of FaydwerMartial Chromasteel Gauntlets
Acolyte's Stealth of Legacies Lost
UnderfootDamascite Bestialcry Gloves
Phantasmal Luclinite Gem of Vigor
House of ThuleRecondite Wildroar Gloves
Serpents SpineMysaphar`s Thoughtbringer Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Secrets of FaydwerFlamesteel Gauntlets of the Dream
Secrets of FaydwerPurified Terrasteel Gauntlets
Serpents SpineSpiritmind Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Secrets of FaydwerTerrasteel Gauntlets of the Dream
Serpents SpineAtathus` Warfire Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Necrotic Flamesteel Gauntlets
Secrets of FaydwerNecrotic Terrasteel Gauntlets
Secrets of FaydwerPurified Flamesteel Gauntlets
Serpents SpineDraton`ra`s Shadowskin Gauntlets Found via this quest.
House of ThuleRecondite Orobane Gloves
House of ThuleRecondite Forcestruck Gloves
Secrets of FaydwerDedicated Terrasteel Gauntlets
Serpents SpineDreamponder Gauntlets Found via this quest.
House of ThuleThulian Linked Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Dark Mail Gauntlets
Phantasmal Luclinite Gem of Adroitness
Serpents SpineWarfire Gauntlets Found via this quest.
UnderfootDamascite Terraheart Gloves
Secrets of FaydwerDedicated Flamesteel Gauntlets
Secrets of FaydwerMartial Flamesteel Gauntlets
Serpents SpineThoughtbringer Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineOsh`vir`s Dreamponder Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Secrets of FaydwerFabled Gauntlets of the Burning Prince Dropped by The Fabled Solusek Ro.
Serpents SpineMysaphar`s Spiritmind Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineShadowskin Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Secrets of FaydwerMartial Terrasteel Gauntlets
UnderfootDamascite Gloves of the Disciplined Animus
Frozen Lizard Scale Dropped by Deacon Foels Tomorin.
Secrets of FaydwerPurified Cloudsteel Gauntlets
Rain of FearRegal Starglow Gloves
Secrets of FaydwerNecrotic Cloudsteel Gauntlets
UnderfootIridium Fleshbane Gloves
Secrets of FaydwerDedicated Cloudsteel Gauntlets
Secrets of FaydwerNecrotic Chillsteel Gauntlets
Secrets of FaydwerChillsteel Gauntlets of the Dream
UnderfootIridium Cardinalcore Gloves
UnderfootIridium Sleetstorm Gloves
Secrets of FaydwerDedicated Chillsteel Gauntlets
UnderfootIridium Psychesnap Gloves
Secrets of FaydwerMartial Chillsteel Gauntlets
Secrets of FaydwerPurified Chillsteel Gauntlets
Secrets of FaydwerMartial Cloudsteel Gauntlets
Secrets of FaydwerCloudsteel Gauntlets of the Dream
Extravagant Bounder Gloves
Secrets of FaydwerPrismatic Savage-Caller's Gloves
House of ThuleExtravagant Reaver Gloves
Secrets of FaydwerPrismatic Growth-Walker's Gloves
Tegi Contemplation Sphere Dropped by Sharp Claw.
House of ThuleExtravagant Brambleborn Gloves
House of ThuleExtravagant Runeseeker Gloves
House of ThuleExtravagant Shadowrise Gloves
House of ThuleExtravagant Longstrider Gloves
House of ThuleExtravagant Driftwalker Gloves
House of ThuleExtravagant Vah Anima Gloves
Jovial Jharin Jingle Dropped by Molten Wildfire.
Humongous Corrupted Pincer Dropped by Overgrowth.
Secrets of FaydwerPrismatic Gloves of the Ninth Circle
House of ThuleExtravagant Sagacious Gloves
Grisly Skull of Might Dropped by Geerot Stabgut.
House of ThuleExtravagant Crystalskin Gloves
House of ThuleExtravagant Bloodpact Gloves
Rain of FearRegal Duskwoven Gloves
Seeds of DestructionConcordant Firesoul Plate Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionConcordant Ironbone Plate Gauntlets
Rain of FearRegal Crystalweave Gloves
Seeds of DestructionConcordant Ashenheart Plate Gauntlets
Rain of FearRegal Metalofiber Gloves
Sleeper's Essence Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Seeds of DestructionDiscordant Dreamwhisper Plate Gauntlets
Rain of FearRegal Moonsilver Gloves
Seeds of DestructionDiscordant Ironbone Plate Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionDiscordant Ashenheart Plate Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionConcordant Mindhallow Plate Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionConcordant Dreamwhisper Plate Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionDiscordant Firesoul Plate Gauntlets
Rain of FearRegal Stargazer Gloves
Seeds of DestructionDiscordant Mindhallow Plate Gauntlets
Secrets of FaydwerAncient Scaled Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Seeds of DestructionTainted Shadowshift Chain Gauntlets
UnderfootVitallium Bestialcry Gloves
Seeds of DestructionTarnished Truespirit Chain Gauntlets
Veil of AlarisEmbellished Gloves of Compulsion
Ring of ScaleMagmaforged Plate Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionTainted Truespirit Chain Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionTainted Willsear Chain Gauntlets
Veil of AlarisEmbellished Gloves of the Exhumer
Seeds of DestructionEon Hardened Leather Gloves Found via this quest.
UnderfootVitallium Gloves of the Disciplined Animus
Seeds of DestructionInflicted Battlescar Chain Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionTainted Battlescar Chain Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionInflicted Truespirit Chain Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionOrdained Shadowshift Chain Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionTarnished Willsear Chain Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionOrdained Truespirit Chain Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionOrdained Willsear Chain Gauntlets
Veil of AlarisEmbellished Gloves of the Conjuror
Seeds of DestructionInflicted Willsear Chain Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionTarnished Shadowshift Chain Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionInflicted Shadowshift Chain Gauntlets
Veil of AlarisEmbellished Gloves of the Arcanus
UnderfootVitallium Terraheart Gloves
Seeds of DestructionOrdained Battlescar Chain Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionTarnished Battlescar Chain Gauntlets
Jetsam of the Darkened Sea Dropped by Grash, Bloodmoon Growler.
Secret Dawn Gem of Security
Devotee's Stealth of the Selenelion
UnderfootPalladium Sleetstorm Gloves
UnderfootPalladium Fleshbane Gloves
UnderfootPalladium Cardinalcore Gloves
UnderfootPalladium Psychesnap Gloves
Veil of AlarisFormal Gloves of the Conjuror
UnderfootStalwart Frostwarded Gloves
UnderfootStalwart Khala Vir Gloves
The Broken MirrorGlorious Sulstone of the Vengeful
Veil of AlarisFormal Gloves of the Arcanus
House of ThuleAbstruse Orobane Gloves
Veil of AlarisFormal Gloves of the Exhumer
UnderfootStalwart Daybreaker Gloves
The Buried SeaMystical Energeiac Chain Gauntlets
UnderfootStalwart Crystalscale Gloves
UnderfootStalwart Stonetooth Gloves
UnderfootStalwart Nightfall Gloves
UnderfootStalwart Servolinked Gloves
UnderfootStalwart Wirewood Gloves
UnderfootStalwart Claviger Gloves
Veil of AlarisFormal Gloves of Compulsion
Rallos Zek Devotee's Fortification
UnderfootStalwart Tyrant Gloves
UnderfootStalwart Lightring Gloves
UnderfootStalwart Twoscale Gloves
House of ThuleAbstruse Wildroar Gloves
The Broken MirrorGlorious Sulstone of the Fulcrum
UnderfootStalwart Farsight Gloves
The Buried SeaGleaming Energeiac Chain Gauntlets
The Broken MirrorGlorious Sulstone of the Valiant
The Buried SeaShrouded Energeiac Chain Gauntlets
The Broken MirrorGlorious Sulstone of the Beneficent
UnderfootStalwart Ravager Gloves
The Buried SeaBrutal Energeiac Chain Gauntlets
House of ThuleAbstruse Forcestruck Gloves
Secrets of FaydwerHusk Gloves of the Wheeling Fist
The Darkened SeaBoundless Glove Symbol of Terror
The Darkened SeaBoundless Glove Symbol of Below
The Darkened SeaBoundless Glove Symbol of Judgment
The Darkened SeaBoundless Glove Symbol of the Skeptic
The Darkened SeaBoundless Glove Symbol of Compassion
Secrets of FaydwerRootbound Auspex's Husk Gloves
Seeds of DestructionVested Willsear Chain Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionChaotic Truespirit Chain Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionBalanced Shadowshift Chain Gauntlets
The Darkened SeaBoundless Glove Symbol of Hate
Seeds of DestructionChaotic Shadowshift Chain Gauntlets
The Darkened SeaBoundless Glove Symbol of Storms
The Darkened SeaBoundless Glove Symbol of Wildfire
The Darkened SeaBoundless Glove Symbol of Infestation
The Darkened SeaBoundless Glove Symbol of Stillness
Secrets of FaydwerMerciless Beastkin's Husk Gloves
Seeds of DestructionVested Shadowshift Chain Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionVested Truespirit Chain Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionBalanced Willsear Chain Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionChaotic Battlescar Chain Gauntlets
The Darkened SeaBoundless Glove Symbol of the Farceur
Seeds of DestructionChaotic Willsear Chain Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionBalanced Truespirit Chain Gauntlets
Boundless Glove Symbol of Growth
The Darkened SeaBoundless Glove Symbol of Integrity
The Darkened SeaBoundless Glove Symbol of the Depths
Depths of DarkhollowGauntlets of the Fallen Saint Found via this quest.
The Darkened SeaBoundless Glove Symbol of the Brood
Seeds of DestructionVested Battlescar Chain Gauntlets
The Darkened SeaBoundless Glove Symbol of the Warmonger
The Darkened SeaBoundless Glove Symbol of Devotion
Seeds of DestructionBalanced Battlescar Chain Gauntlets
The Darkened SeaAugust Reaver Gloves
UnderfootCelestrium Gloves of the Disciplined Animus
The Darkened SeaAugust Sagacious Gloves
Seeds of DestructionInflicted Flamechill Silk Gloves
Rain of FearRegal Lorekeeper Gloves
The Darkened SeaAugust Vah Anima Gloves
Seeds of DestructionTarnished Forcestrike Silk Gloves
Veil of AlarisParagon's Leather Gloves Found via this quest.
The Darkened SeaAugust Crystalskin Gloves
Seeds of DestructionInflicted Darkfell Silk Gloves
The Darkened SeaAugust Shadowrise Gloves
The Darkened SeaAugust Bounder Gloves
The Darkened SeaAugust Bloodpact Gloves
The Darkened SeaAugust Driftwalker Gloves
Seeds of DestructionInflicted Forcestrike Silk Gloves
UnderfootCelestrium Bestialcry Gloves
Seeds of DestructionTarnished Mindtwist Silk Gloves
The Broken MirrorGlorious Spitegem of the Resourceful
Seeds of DestructionOrdained Darkfell Silk Gloves
Seeds of DestructionOrdained Mindtwist Silk Gloves
The Darkened SeaAugust Brambleborn Gloves
Seeds of DestructionTainted Forcestrike Silk Gloves
Depths of DarkhollowEmbossed Chitin-Plated Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Seeds of DestructionTarnished Flamechill Silk Gloves
The Darkened SeaAugust Longstrider Gloves
UnderfootCelestrium Terraheart Gloves
Seeds of DestructionTainted Darkfell Silk Gloves
Seeds of DestructionTainted Mindtwist Silk Gloves
Seeds of DestructionOrdained Flamechill Silk Gloves
Seeds of DestructionTainted Flamechill Silk Gloves
The Darkened SeaAugust Runeseeker Gloves
Rain of FearRegal Mistwoven Gloves
Seeds of DestructionInflicted Mindtwist Silk Gloves
Seeds of DestructionOrdained Forcestrike Silk Gloves
Seeds of DestructionTarnished Darkfell Silk Gloves
House of ThuleLucid Manafiber Gloves
Omens of WarGladiator's Plate Gloves of War Found via this quest.
House of ThuleLucid Soulreaper Gloves
House of ThuleLucid Mindbroken Gloves
Heroic Forcestruck Gloves
Luclinite Ensanguined Gem of Vigor
Coronach of Sand Dropped by Unconquering Sand Dirge.
House of ThuleLucid Conjuredflame Gloves
Luclinite Attacker
Heroic Wildroar Gloves
Luclinite Ensanguined Gem of Adroitness
Heroic Orobane Gloves
Secrets of FaydwerDedicated Steel Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionChaotic Forcestrike Silk Gloves
Seeds of DestructionVested Mindtwist Silk Gloves
Seeds of DestructionChaotic Darkfell Silk Gloves
Rallos Zek Acolyte's Fortification
Seeds of DestructionVested Flamechill Silk Gloves
Seeds of DestructionChaotic Mindtwist Silk Gloves
Secrets of FaydwerNecrotic Steel Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionBalanced Forcestrike Silk Gloves
Secrets of FaydwerMartial Steel Gauntlets
Acolyte's Assault of the Selenelion
Purified Steel Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionBalanced Flamechill Silk Gloves
Seeds of DestructionBalanced Mindtwist Silk Gloves
Acolyte's Stealth of the Selenelion
Secrets of FaydwerSteel-Welded Ringmail Gauntlets Dropped by Octa the Collector.
Seeds of DestructionBalanced Darkfell Silk Gloves
Secrets of FaydwerGauntlets of the Dream
Seeds of DestructionChaotic Flamechill Silk Gloves
Seeds of DestructionVested Darkfell Silk Gloves
Seeds of DestructionVested Forcestrike Silk Gloves
Tormented Lere Dropped by Bynn the Tormented.
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Plate Glove Seal of the Stargazer
Tooth Fang Earring Dropped by Telaris Xeturisun.
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Plate Glove Seal of the Master
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Plate Glove Seal of the Foot Soldier
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Plate Glove Seal of the Berserker
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Plate Glove Seal of the Advisor
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Plate Glove Seal of the Champion
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Plate Glove Seal of the Archer
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Plate Glove Seal of the Mariner
Secrets of FaydwerDedicated Chromalinked Gauntlets
Secrets of FaydwerDruadic Chromalinked Gauntlets
UnderfootStellite Gloves of the Disciplined Animus
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Plate Glove Seal of the Chancellor
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Plate Glove Seal of the Seafarer
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Plate Glove Seal of the Defiler
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Plate Glove Seal of the Arcanist
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Plate Glove Seal of the Duelist
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Plate Glove Seal of the Warmonger
Fascinating Medicine Doll Dropped by Lucca Brightfeld.
Secrets of FaydwerMartial Chromalinked Gauntlets
Secrets of FaydwerIntense Chromalinked Gloves
UnderfootStellite Terraheart Gloves
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Plate Glove Seal of the Cutpurse
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Plate Glove Seal of the Cryomancer
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Plate Glove Seal of the Healer
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Plate Glove Seal of the Assassin
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Plate Glove Seal of the Traveler
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Plate Glove Seal of the Warchief
UnderfootStellite Bestialcry Gloves
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Plate Glove Seal of the Magus
Gooey Shadow Stone Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Plate Glove Seal of the Oracle
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Plate Glove Seal of the Pyromancer
Veil of AlarisRustic Gloves of the Conjuror
Secrets of FaydwerIntense Flamelinked Gauntlets
Secrets of FaydwerDedicated Flamelinked Gauntlets
Secrets of FaydwerDruadic Tremorchain Gauntlets
Secrets of FaydwerDruadic Flamelinked Gauntlets
Secrets of FaydwerMartial Tremorchain Gauntlets
Veil of AlarisRustic Gloves of Compulsion
Secrets of FaydwerIntense Tremorchain Gauntlets
Veil of AlarisRustic Gloves of the Arcanus
Secrets of FaydwerMartial Flamelinked Gauntlets
Secrets of FaydwerDedicated Tremorchain Gauntlets
Veil of AlarisRustic Gloves of the Exhumer
Lost Rubicite Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Veil of AlarisGlorious Mistwoven Gloves
The Broken MirrorExtravagant Spitegem of the Vengeful
Secrets of FaydwerMartial Stormlinked Gauntlets
Dragons of NorrathSecrets of FaydwerElegant Snowborn Gloves Found via this quest.
Veil of AlarisGlorious Crystalweave Gloves
Dragons of NorrathSecrets of FaydwerElegant Seashine Gloves
Secrets of FaydwerIntense Frostlinked Gauntlets
Dragons of NorrathSecrets of FaydwerElegant Nightkeeper Gloves Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathSecrets of FaydwerElegant Dreadguard Gloves Found via this quest.
Secrets of FaydwerDruadic Stormlinked Gauntlets
Veil of AlarisGlorious Metalofiber Gloves
The Broken MirrorExtravagant Spitegem of the Fulcrum
Legacy of YkeshaDragons of NorrathSecrets of FaydwerElegant Protectorate Gloves
Secrets of FaydwerIntense Stormlinked Gauntlets
Dragons of NorrathSecrets of FaydwerElegant Wealdstone Gloves Found via this quest.
Secrets of FaydwerDedicated Stormlinked Gauntlets
Veil of AlarisGlorious Lorekeeper Gloves
Secrets of FaydwerElegant Khala Dun Gloves Found via this quest.
Veil of AlarisGlorious Stargazer Gloves
Secrets of FaydwerDruadic Frostlinked Gauntlets
The Broken MirrorExtravagant Spitegem of the Beneficent
Dragons of NorrathSecrets of FaydwerElegant Wayguard Gloves
Dragons of NorrathSecrets of FaydwerElegant Stormguard Gloves Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathSecrets of FaydwerElegant Autoactuated Gloves Found via this quest.
The Broken MirrorExtravagant Spitegem of the Valiant
Dragons of NorrathSecrets of FaydwerElegant Leatherfoot Gloves Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathElegant Trooper Gloves Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathSerpents SpineSecrets of FaydwerElegant Crystalwing Gloves
Veil of AlarisGlorious Moonsilver Gloves
Dragons of NorrathSecrets of FaydwerElegant Moonglade Gloves
Secrets of FaydwerMartial Frostlinked Gauntlets
Dragons of NorrathSecrets of FaydwerElegant Stalwart Gloves Found via this quest.
Veil of AlarisGlorious Duskwoven Gloves
Dragons of NorrathSecrets of FaydwerElegant Warborn Gloves
Veil of AlarisGlorious Starglow Gloves
Dedicated Frostlinked Gauntlets
Secret Dawn Dire Dropped by Seeping Gladness.
Omens of WarDuskbringer's Plate Gloves of the Hateful Found via this quest.
Seeds of DestructionDiscordant Mindtwist Silk Gloves
Seeds of DestructionDiscordant Forcestrike Silk Gloves
Serpents SpineGauntlets of the Ooze Lord Dropped by Oblivion.
Seeds of DestructionConcordant Battlescar Chain Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionDiscordant Darkfell Silk Gloves
Seeds of DestructionDiscordant Flamechill Silk Gloves
Seeds of DestructionConcordant Truespirit Chain Gauntlets
Velium Threaded Gem of Vigor
Ring of ScaleEarth Love Found via this quest.
Seeds of DestructionConcordant Forcestrike Silk Gloves
Seeds of DestructionDiscordant Truespirit Chain Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionConcordant Darkfell Silk Gloves
Dour Blue Found via this quest.
Superlative Vigorous Gem of Distant Echoes
Seeds of DestructionConcordant Flamechill Silk Gloves
Seeds of DestructionConcordant Willsear Chain Gauntlets
Omens of WarGauntlets of Singular Mastery Found via this quest.
Devotee's Strategy of Legacies Lost
Omens of WarCrystal Gauntlets Dropped by King Gelaqua.
Omens of WarFarseeker's Plate Gloves of Harmony Found via this quest.
Omens of WarDawnseeker's Mitts of the Defender Found via this quest.
Seeds of DestructionDiscordant Willsear Chain Gauntlets
Velium Threaded Gem of Adroitness
Copper Flecked Geode of Adroitness Found via this quest.
Omens of WarFaithbringer's Gloves of Conviction Found via this quest.
Seeds of DestructionDiscordant Shadowshift Chain Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionDiscordant Battlescar Chain Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionConcordant Shadowshift Chain Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionConcordant Mindtwist Silk Gloves
House of ThuleAmbiguous Manafiber Gloves
House of ThuleAmbiguous Mindbroken Gloves
House of ThuleAmbiguous Conjuredflame Gloves
House of ThuleAmbiguous Soulreaper Gloves
Mana-Infused Gloves Found via this quest.
Secrets of FaydwerAncient Husk Gloves Found via this quest.
UnderfootDamascite Egoshatter Gloves
Seeds of DestructionOrdained Earthborn Leather Gloves
House of ThuleRecondite Manafiber Gloves
Seeds of DestructionTainted Windstruck Leather Gloves
Seeds of DestructionInflicted Earthborn Leather Gloves
House of ThuleRecondite Mindbroken Gloves
Seeds of DestructionTarnished Windstruck Leather Gloves
Seeds of DestructionOrdained Savagecry Leather Gloves
UnderfootDamascite Grimblight Gloves
Seeds of DestructionOrdained Windstruck Leather Gloves
Seeds of DestructionTainted Savagecry Leather Gloves
Seeds of DestructionTainted Earthborn Leather Gloves
Seeds of DestructionInflicted Savagecry Leather Gloves
Ring of ScaleConflagrant Gem of Security
Seeds of DestructionTarnished Earthborn Leather Gloves
House of ThuleRecondite Conjuredflame Gloves
UnderfootDamascite Firetorrent Gloves
House of ThuleRecondite Soulreaper Gloves
Seeds of DestructionInflicted Windstruck Leather Gloves
Seeds of DestructionTarnished Savagecry Leather Gloves
UnderfootDamascite Primalelement Gloves
Serpents SpineVenesh`s Evergreen Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineDraton`ra`s Deadkeeper Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineBattlelancer Gauntlets Found via this quest.
The Broken MirrorStalwart Sulstone of the Sturdy
Serpents SpineDeadkeeper Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineSilverfanged Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Acolyte's Strategy of Legacies Lost
Serpents SpineAtathus` Battlelancer Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineEvergreen Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineMysaphar`s Silverfanged Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Empires of KunarkAq' touz Glow Dropped by Observer Aq`touz.
Fantastic Feline Cameo Dropped by Kirezelbough - CoV.
The Broken MirrorExtravagant Spitegem of the Resourceful
The Broken MirrorRight Eye of Sul Found via this quest.
Secrets of FaydwerPrismatic Gloves of the Burning Wind
Secrets of FaydwerPrismatic Spellbinder's Gloves
Wrapped Entropy Stone Dropped by a ravenous entropy serpent - CoV.
Gates of DiscordCarved Bone Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Empires of KunarkEmblem of the Combine Found via this quest.
Darkest Mail Gauntlets Dropped by a ghoul sentinel.
Secrets of FaydwerPrismatic Deathwalker's Gloves
Gates of DiscordGauntlets of Malicious Intent Found via this quest.
Empires of KunarkDeep Mine Bulwark Found via this quest.
Empires of KunarkKaznak's Bulwark Emblem Dropped by Overboss Kaznak.
The Broken MirrorSilver-Etched Coin Found via this quest.
Empires of KunarkDarkened Trakanon's Scale Dropped by sebilite juggernaut.
Frozen Piece of the Moon Dropped by a blessed racnar - CoV.
Brilliant Gem of Perpetual Reverie
Pastletlith's Skill Dropped by Pastletlith the Temperate - CoV.
Ring of ScaleFragment of Ethereal Steel Found via this quest.
Secrets of FaydwerPrismatic Arch-Elementalist's Gloves
Enameled Black Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Veil of AlarisParagon's Silk Gloves Found via this quest.
Enameled Black Gauntlets Dropped by a minotaur elder.
Seeds of DestructionEon Woven Cloth Gloves Found via this quest.
Shining Metallic Gloves
UnderfootVitallium Firetorrent Gloves
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Chain Glove Seal of the Master
UnderfootStalwart Longstrider Gloves
Secrets of FaydwerIntense Alloy Gauntlets
UnderfootVitallium Primalelement Gloves
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Chain Glove Seal of the Archer
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Chain Glove Seal of the Cryomancer
UnderfootStalwart Runeseeker Gloves
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Chain Glove Seal of the Chancellor
UnderfootStalwart Driftwalker Gloves
Concentrated Goblin Smarts Dropped by a fading chest.
Seeds of DestructionBalanced Earthborn Leather Gloves
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Chain Glove Seal of the Seafarer
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Chain Glove Seal of the Warchief
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Chain Glove Seal of the Stargazer
Secrets of FaydwerDedicated Alloy Gauntlets
Stalwart Bounder Gloves
Tiny Tessellated Ootheca Dropped by a queen widow.
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Chain Glove Seal of the Healer
House of ThuleAbstruse Soulreaper Gloves
UnderfootStalwart Sagacious Gloves
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Chain Glove Seal of the Cutpurse
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Chain Glove Seal of the Champion
House of ThuleAbstruse Mindbroken Gloves
UnderfootStalwart Bloodpact Gloves
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Chain Glove Seal of the Defiler
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Chain Glove Seal of the Arcanist
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Chain Glove Seal of the Traveler
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Chain Glove Seal of the Magus
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Chain Glove Seal of the Foot Soldier
Seeds of DestructionVested Savagecry Leather Gloves
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Chain Glove Seal of the Assassin
House of ThuleAbstruse Manafiber Gloves
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Chain Glove Seal of the Oracle
House of ThuleAbstruse Conjuredflame Gloves
Seeds of DestructionChaotic Savagecry Leather Gloves
UnderfootStalwart Crystalskin Gloves
UnderfootStalwart Brambleborn Gloves
Seeds of DestructionBalanced Savagecry Leather Gloves
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Chain Glove Seal of the Pyromancer
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Chain Glove Seal of the Berserker
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Chain Glove Seal of the Warmonger
Seeds of DestructionVested Windstruck Leather Gloves
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Chain Glove Seal of the Advisor
Secrets of FaydwerDruadic Linked Gauntlets
UnderfootVitallium Grimblight Gloves
UnderfootVitallium Egoshatter Gloves
UnderfootStalwart Shadowrise Gloves
Seeds of DestructionVested Earthborn Leather Gloves
Secrets of FaydwerMartial Alloy Gauntlets
UnderfootStalwart Vah Anima Gloves
UnderfootStalwart Reaver Gloves
Seeds of DestructionChaotic Earthborn Leather Gloves
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Chain Glove Seal of the Duelist
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Chain Glove Seal of the Mariner
Seeds of DestructionChaotic Windstruck Leather Gloves
Seeds of DestructionBalanced Windstruck Leather Gloves
House of ThuleExtravagant Metalofiber Gloves
House of ThuleExtravagant Lorekeeper Gloves
The Broken MirrorExtravagant Sulstone of the Valiant
Rubicite-Linked Gloves Found via this quest.
The Broken MirrorExtravagant Sulstone of the Beneficent
House of ThuleExtravagant Crystalweave Gloves
House of ThuleExtravagant Duskwoven Gloves
House of ThuleExtravagant Starglow Gloves
House of ThuleExtravagant Stargazer Gloves
House of ThuleExtravagant Mistwoven Gloves
House of ThuleExtravagant Moonsilver Gloves
The Broken MirrorExtravagant Sulstone of the Fulcrum
The Broken MirrorExtravagant Sulstone of the Vengeful
Weeping Heaven Dire Dropped by Dawnbreeze.
The Broken MirrorStalwart Spitegem of the Sturdy
Prophecy of RoConductor's Suede Gloves Found via this quest.
The Broken MirrorStalwart Spitegem of the Beneficent
The Broken MirrorCrypt-Hunter's Legionnaire Gauntlets
The Broken MirrorCrypt-Hunter's Exarch Gauntlets
The Buried SeaHero's Plate Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Secrets of FaydwerPurified Chromahide Gloves
The Broken MirrorStalwart Spitegem of the Fulcrum
The Broken MirrorGlorious Sulstone of the Resourceful
Secrets of FaydwerSteel-Studded Leather Gloves Dropped by Octa the Collector.
The Broken MirrorStalwart Spitegem of the Valiant
The Broken MirrorCrypt-Hunter's Illuminator Gauntlets
The Broken MirrorStalwart Spitegem of the Vengeful
The Broken MirrorCrypt-Hunter's Loremaster Gauntlets
Secrets of FaydwerDruadic Chromahide Gloves
Rain of FearPrimed Fragment of Fearlinked Zeal Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Secrets of FaydwerCommanding Chromahide Gloves
The Broken MirrorCrypt-Hunter's Soulrender Gauntlets
Secrets of FaydwerWarped Steel Gauntlets Dropped by Rusty.
Seeds of DestructionArchaic Plate Gauntlets
Heroic Soulreaper Gloves
The Broken MirrorIndicolite Gauntlets
Secrets of FaydwerCommanding Flamehide Gloves
The Broken MirrorImage of Innoruuk Found via this quest.
UnderfootCelestrium Firetorrent Gloves
all aug //G21AV str
Velium Infused Gem of Adroitness
Dragons of NorrathSecrets of FaydwerElegant Stonetooth Gloves
Velium Infused Gem of Vigor
Dragons of NorrathElegant Daybreaker Gloves
Dragons of NorrathSecrets of FaydwerElegant Servolinked Gloves
The Buried SeaPraetorian's Energeiac Plate Gauntlets
The Broken MirrorRelife Adornment Found via this quest.
Secrets of FaydwerPurified Flamehide Gloves
Seeds of DestructionArchaic Plate Gauntlets Dropped by Spark.
Secrets of FaydwerDruadic Flamehide Gloves
The Broken MirrorEthereal Mist Gauntlets
Secrets of FaydwerDruadic Tremorhide Gloves
Dragons of NorrathSecrets of FaydwerElegant Wirewood Gloves
Spiked Fang Dropped by Direfang.
UnderfootCelestrium Primalelement Gloves
Dragons of NorrathSerpents SpineSecrets of FaydwerElegant Crystalscale Gloves
Frost Covered Shard Dropped by Narmak Berreka.
Dragons of NorrathSecrets of FaydwerElegant Tyrant Gloves Found via this quest.
all aug //G21AV agi
Dragons of NorrathSecrets of FaydwerElegant Frostwarded Gloves Found via this quest.
Devotee's Strategy of the Selenelion
Secrets of FaydwerShrouded Manipulator's Velvet Gloves
Heroic Manafiber Gloves
The Broken MirrorImbrued Platemail Gauntlets
Secrets of FaydwerArcane Incinerator's Velvet Gloves
The Broken MirrorRelife Adornment Found via this quest.
Velium Assaulter
Heroic Mindbroken Gloves Found via this quest.
Relife Adornment Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathSecrets of FaydwerElegant Lightring Gloves
Ring of ScaleExtruded Black Pearl Found via this quest.
Secrets of FaydwerShimmering Cabalist's Velvet Gloves
Secrets of FaydwerPurified Tremorhide Gloves
Heroic Conjuredflame Gloves
UnderfootCelestrium Grimblight Gloves
Dragons of NorrathElegant Khala Vir Gloves Found via this quest.
The Buried SeaFabled Gauntlets of Dark Embers Dropped by The Fabled Kaas Thox Xi Ans Dyek.
Dragons of NorrathElegant Twoscale Gloves Found via this quest.
The Broken MirrorUmbral Platemail Gauntlets
Secrets of FaydwerPutrid Corrupter's Velvet Gloves
The Broken MirrorRelife Adornment Found via this quest.
Gates of DiscordVadd's Gauntlets of Elite Combat Found via this quest.
UnderfootCelestrium Egoshatter Gloves
The Broken MirrorRelife Adornment Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathSecrets of FaydwerElegant Claviger Gloves
Dragons of NorrathSecrets of FaydwerElegant Ravager Gloves
Dragons of NorrathSecrets of FaydwerElegant Nightfall Gloves Found via this quest.
The Broken MirrorCondensed Desiccated Bile Dropped by Devourer of All.
The Broken MirrorValorium Gauntlets
Secrets of FaydwerCommanding Tremorhide Gloves
Phantasmal Luclinite Gem of Brilliance
Legacy of YkeshaDragons of NorrathSecrets of FaydwerElegant Farsight Gloves Found via this quest.
The Broken MirrorRelife Adornment Found via this quest.
Secrets of FaydwerCommanding Stormhide Gloves
Prophecy of RoGauntlets of Eternity Dropped by a decaying husk.
Secrets of FaydwerPurified Stormhide Gloves
Secrets of FaydwerDruadic Stormhide Gloves
Secrets of FaydwerPurified Chillhide Gloves
Secrets of FaydwerCommanding Chillhide Gloves
Secrets of FaydwerDruadic Chillhide Gloves
Depths of DarkhollowMitts of the Vampire Hunter Found via this quest.
Kaas Akuel xi Temariel Dropped by Commander Esline.
Spittle Pocked Yttrium Coin Dropped by Herachuel.
Seeds of DestructionConcordant Savagecry Leather Gloves
The Darkened SeaElder Source of Creation Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
UnderfootStellite Firetorrent Gloves
Seeds of DestructionConcordant Windstruck Leather Gloves
UnderfootStellite Grimblight Gloves
UnderfootStellite Primalelement Gloves
Seeds of DestructionDiscordant Windstruck Leather Gloves
Seeds of DestructionDiscordant Earthborn Leather Gloves
Rallos Zek Devotee's Assault
Gates of DiscordPixtt-Emblazoned Plated Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Seeds of DestructionDiscordant Savagecry Leather Gloves
UnderfootStellite Egoshatter Gloves
Seeds of DestructionConcordant Earthborn Leather Gloves
Acolyte's Strategy of the Selenelion
Omens of WarGlyphed Gauntlets of Conflict Dropped by a chest - Cipheron.
Omens of WarChain Gauntlets of Adroitness Found via this quest.
Luclinite Ensanguined Gem of Brilliance
Rain of FearFearlinked Chain Glove Seal of the Archer
Gates of DiscordDakkamor's Gauntlets of the Divine Found via this quest.
Rain of FearFearlinked Plate Glove Seal of the Seafarer
Rain of FearFearlinked Leather Glove Seal of the Cryomancer
Rain of FearFearlinked Chain Glove Seal of the Cryomancer
Rain of FearFearlinked Plate Glove Seal of the Assassin
Secret Dawn Gem of Adroitness
Rain of FearFearlinked Silk Glove Seal of the Pyromancer
Rain of FearFearlinked Plate Glove Seal of the Foot Soldier
Fashioned Hope Stone Dropped by Evasion Understanding Flow.
Empyrean Cinder of the Agile Dropped by Fluttering Ruby Prince.
Rain of FearFearlinked Silk Glove Seal of the Stargazer
Rain of FearFearlinked Leather Glove Seal of the Cutpurse
Hardened Steel Output Gear
Rain of FearFearlinked Silk Glove Seal of the Assassin
Gates of DiscordRayin's Gauntlets of Abhorrence Found via this quest.
Rain of FearFearlinked Plate Glove Seal of the Archer
Rain of FearFearlinked Chain Glove Seal of the Warchief
Rain of FearFearlinked Silk Glove Seal of the Magus
Rain of FearFearlinked Chain Glove Seal of the Assassin
Gnollish Chain Gauntlets Dropped by Djerr Darkpaw.
Rain of FearFearlinked Plate Glove Seal of the Healer
Rain of FearFearlinked Chain Glove Seal of the Duelist
Fearlinked Plate Glove Seal of the Arcanist
Rain of FearFearlinked Leather Glove Seal of the Warchief
Call of the ForsakenFearlinked Chain Glove Seal of the Champion
Rain of FearFearlinked Silk Glove Seal of the Arcanist
Purple Haze Dropped by Lost Squire of Narandi.
Raex's Gauntlets of Destruction
Rain of FearFearlinked Plate Glove Seal of the Oracle
Rain of FearFearlinked Plate Glove Seal of the Mariner
Rain of FearFearlinked Plate Glove Seal of the Master
Gates of DiscordLuvwen's Gauntlets of Melody Found via this quest.
Rain of FearFearlinked Chain Glove Seal of the Advisor
Rain of FearFearlinked Plate Glove Seal of the Warchief
Secret Dawn Gem of Vigor
Rain of FearFearlinked Silk Glove Seal of the Cryomancer
Rain of FearFearlinked Silk Glove Seal of the Champion
Rain of FearFearlinked Chain Glove Seal of the Foot Soldier
Planes of PowerRaex's Gauntlets of Destruction Found via this quest.
Rain of FearFearlinked Plate Glove Seal of the Berserker
Gnollish Chain Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Rain of FearSacred Prayer Shawl of the Duke Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineVinelink Gloves Dropped by Demeton, Destroyer of Life.
Rain of FearFearlinked Silk Glove Seal of the Oracle
Rain of FearFearlinked Plate Glove Seal of the Champion
Bella's Charming Diamond Found via this quest.
Flotsam of the Darkened Sea Dropped by Ambassador of Loving.
Rain of FearFearlinked Silk Glove Seal of the Warmonger
Rain of FearFearlinked Plate Glove Seal of the Duelist
Rain of FearFearlinked Chain Glove Seal of the Chancellor
Gates of DiscordTrimdet's Gauntlets of Chivalry Found via this quest.
Rain of FearFearlinked Plate Glove Seal of the Advisor
Rain of FearFearlinked Chain Glove Seal of the Berserker
Rain of FearFearlinked Plate Glove Seal of the Traveler
Rain of FearFearlinked Plate Glove Seal of the Cutpurse
Prophecy of RoDragonrider Chain Gloves Dropped by Tsikut.
Planes of PowerGauntlets of Disruption Found via this quest.
Omens of WarWhispering Gloves of Shadows Found via this quest.
The Broken MirrorWoven Shadow Gauntlets
Prophecy of RoGauntlets of Wailing Hatred Dropped by a nightmare.
The Broken MirrorRune Etched Gauntlets
The Broken MirrorThorny Vine Gauntlets
Prophecy of RoGauntlets of Vesagran Dropped by a bellowing banshee.
Omens of WarBladewhisper Chain Gloves of Journeys Found via this quest.
The Darkened SeaThalassic Plate Gauntlets
Serpents SpineMarred Plate Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Secrets of FaydwerFabled Gloves of the Unseen Dropped by The Fabled Saryrn.
Omens of WarRitualchanter's Mitts of the Ancestors Found via this quest.
Prophecy of RoGauntlets of Superior Divinity Dropped by a wailing banshee.
The Broken MirrorShadow Rage Gloves
Prophecy of RoGauntlets of Night's Bane Dropped by a wandering steed.
Serpents SpineBattle-Marred Plate Gauntlets Found via this quest.
The Buried SeaPraetorian's Energeiac Chain Gauntlets
Depths of DarkhollowIllsalin Battle Gloves Found via this quest.
Omens of WarWrathbringer's Chain Gloves of the Vindicator Found via this quest.
Rallos Zek Devotee's Stealth
Secrets of FaydwerAncient Velvet Gloves Found via this quest.
Em's Lost Prayer Ruby Dropped by Lucca Brightfeld.
Dovh's Eternal Diamond Dropped by Centi Thall - ToL.
Seeds of DestructionInflicted Lifefalter Silk Gloves
Serpents SpineHewn Plate Gauntlets Found via this quest.
The Broken MirrorCrypt-Hunter's Spiritwalker Gauntlets
Serpents SpineSilver-Scribed Plate Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Seeds of DestructionOrdained Lifefalter Silk Gloves
Seeds of DestructionOrdained Thoughthaze Silk Gloves
Seeds of DestructionTarnished Frostblaze Silk Gloves
Seeds of DestructionTarnished Lifefalter Silk Gloves
Seeds of DestructionOrdained Forcemeld Silk Gloves
Secrets of FaydwerAlloy-Linked Gauntlets Dropped by Rusty.
The Darkened SeaAugust Crystalweave Gloves
Depths of DarkhollowShiliskin Enforcer Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Seeds of DestructionInflicted Frostblaze Silk Gloves
Seeds of DestructionTarnished Thoughthaze Silk Gloves
The Darkened SeaAugust Moonsilver Gloves
The Darkened SeaFragment of Tenacity Dropped by Frachessa the Feared.
Seeds of DestructionInflicted Forcemeld Silk Gloves
Seeds of DestructionTainted Lifefalter Silk Gloves
The Darkened SeaRomance's Runic Rampart Found via this quest.
The Broken MirrorCrypt-Hunter's Shadowscale Gauntlets
Serpents SpineWrought Plate Gauntlets Found via this quest.
The Darkened SeaAugust Starglow Gloves
Secrets of FaydwerDruadic Hide Gloves
The Buried SeaHero's Chain Gauntlets Found via this quest.
The Broken MirrorPreserving Protector's Gauntlets
The Buried SeaCitizen's Energeiac Plate Gauntlets
The Darkened SeaAugust Lorekeeper Gloves
The Darkened SeaAugust Stargazer Gloves
Seeds of DestructionTainted Frostblaze Silk Gloves
Serpents SpineSoul-Hewn Plate Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineMana-Fused Plate Gauntlets Found via this quest.
The Darkened SeaAugust Duskwoven Gloves
Serpents SpineScribed Plate Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Secrets of FaydwerPurified Hide Gloves
Seeds of DestructionInflicted Thoughthaze Silk Gloves
Serpents SpineFused Plate Gauntlets Found via this quest.
The Darkened SeaAugust Metalofiber Gloves
Seeds of DestructionOrdained Frostblaze Silk Gloves
The Broken MirrorCrypt-Hunter's Warmonger Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionTainted Forcemeld Silk Gloves
Secrets of FaydwerCommanding Hide Gloves
Serpents SpineWhisper-Wrought Plate Gauntlets Found via this quest.
The Darkened SeaAugust Mistwoven Gloves
Seeds of DestructionTainted Thoughthaze Silk Gloves
The Broken MirrorCrypt-Hunter's Natureward Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionTarnished Forcemeld Silk Gloves
Rain of FearSacred Prayer Shawl of the Duke Found via this quest.
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Leather Glove Seal of the Warmonger
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Leather Glove Seal of the Duelist
Seeds of DestructionArchaic Chain Gauntlets Dropped by Gray Wolf Stalker.
Veil of AlarisVeiled Plate Glove Seal of the Healer
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Leather Glove Seal of the Master
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Leather Glove Seal of the Pyromancer
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Leather Glove Seal of the Assassin
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Leather Glove Seal of the Defiler
Veil of AlarisVeiled Plate Glove Seal of the Archer
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Leather Glove Seal of the Champion
Veil of AlarisVeiled Plate Glove Seal of the Foot Soldier
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Leather Glove Seal of the Traveler
Veil of AlarisVeiled Plate Glove Seal of the Chancellor
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Leather Glove Seal of the Seafarer
Veil of AlarisVeiled Plate Glove Seal of the Cutpurse
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Leather Glove Seal of the Cutpurse
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Leather Glove Seal of the Healer
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Leather Glove Seal of the Mariner
Veil of AlarisVeiled Plate Glove Seal of the Warmonger
Veil of AlarisVeiled Plate Glove Seal of the Arcanist
Rain of FearSacred Prayer Shawl of the Duke Found via this quest.
Veil of AlarisVeiled Plate Glove Seal of the Warchief
Veil of AlarisVeiled Plate Glove Seal of the Oracle
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Leather Glove Seal of the Advisor
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Leather Glove Seal of the Archer
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Leather Glove Seal of the Berserker
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Leather Glove Seal of the Stargazer
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Leather Glove Seal of the Foot Soldier
Veil of AlarisVeiled Plate Glove Seal of the Mariner
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Leather Glove Seal of the Chancellor
Veil of AlarisVeiled Plate Glove Seal of the Magus
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Leather Glove Seal of the Arcanist
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Leather Glove Seal of the Warchief
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Leather Glove Seal of the Cryomancer
Veil of AlarisVeiled Plate Glove Seal of the Duelist
Veil of AlarisVeiled Plate Glove Seal of the Berserker
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Leather Glove Seal of the Oracle
Rain of FearSacred Prayer Shawl of the Duke Found via this quest.
Seeds of DestructionArchaic Chain Gauntlets
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Leather Glove Seal of the Magus
House of ThulePhantasmic Plate Glove Seal of the Mariner
House of ThulePhantasmic Plate Glove Seal of the Archer
Prophecy of RoHate-Cursed Gauntlets Found via this quest.
House of ThulePhantasmic Plate Glove Seal of the Magus
The Buried SeaBuccaneer's Energeiac Plate Gauntlets
Velium Threaded Gem of Brilliance
Omens of WarReinforced Wyvern Gloves Dropped by Guardian of Veeshan.
The Broken MirrorStalwart Spitegem of the Resourceful
Ultor's Gauntlets of Faith
Dragons of NorrathElegant Shadowrise Gloves Found via this quest.
House of ThulePhantasmic Plate Glove Seal of the Champion
Phantasmic Plate Glove Seal of the Berserker
The Darkened SeaLizardman Warding Charm
Prophecy of RoGauntlets of the Harmonious Soul Found via this quest.
Elegant Bounder Gloves
Pulsating Axehead Fragment Dropped by Miscreation the Timeless - CoV.
House of ThulePhantasmic Plate Glove Seal of the Warchief
Dragons of NorrathSerpents SpineSecrets of FaydwerElegant Crystalskin Gloves Found via this quest.
Planes of PowerGrimror's Gauntlets of the Plagues Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathSecrets of FaydwerElegant Driftwalker Gloves Found via this quest.
House of ThulePhantasmic Plate Glove Seal of the Warmonger
Dragons of NorrathSecrets of FaydwerElegant Vah Anima Gloves Found via this quest.
Seeds of DestructionBalanced Thoughthaze Silk Gloves
House of ThulePhantasmic Plate Glove Seal of the Traveler
Copper Flecked Geode of Brilliance Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathSecrets of FaydwerElegant Brambleborn Gloves Found via this quest.
House of ThulePhantasmic Plate Glove Seal of the Arcanist
Prophecy of RoPrismatic Scaled Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Seeds of DestructionVested Lifefalter Silk Gloves
Seeds of DestructionChaotic Forcemeld Silk Gloves
Prophecy of RoGauntlets of the Blessed Champion Found via this quest.
The Darkened SeaToken of the Waveswept Dropped by Lidia the Castaway.
Phantasmic Plate Glove Seal of the Advisor
Dovh's Perpetual Diamond Dropped by Milas An'Rev - CoV.
Dragons of NorrathSecrets of FaydwerElegant Runeseeker Gloves
Seeds of DestructionChaotic Thoughthaze Silk Gloves
Seeds of DestructionBalanced Frostblaze Silk Gloves
House of ThulePhantasmic Plate Glove Seal of the Healer
Gates of DiscordRuned Gauntlets of the Void Found via this quest.
House of ThulePhantasmic Plate Glove Seal of the Chancellor
Prophecy of RoRedeemer's Gauntlets Found via this quest.
House of ThulePhantasmic Plate Glove Seal of the Cutpurse
Dragons of NorrathSecrets of FaydwerElegant Longstrider Gloves
Planes of PowerRizlona's Fiery Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Seeds of DestructionChaotic Lifefalter Silk Gloves
Planes of PowerUltor's Gauntlets of Faith Found via this quest.
Seeds of DestructionBalanced Lifefalter Silk Gloves
Planes of PowerTrydan's Gauntlets of Nobility Found via this quest.
Seeds of DestructionVested Forcemeld Silk Gloves
Gates of DiscordChain Wraps of the Dark Master Found via this quest.
Red Dragon Scales Found via this quest.
Seeds of DestructionVested Thoughthaze Silk Gloves
House of ThulePhantasmic Plate Glove Seal of the Assassin
Dragons of NorrathSecrets of FaydwerElegant Reaver Gloves
House of ThulePhantasmic Plate Glove Seal of the Defiler
Seeds of DestructionChaotic Frostblaze Silk Gloves
House of ThulePhantasmic Plate Glove Seal of the Oracle
Dragons of NorrathSecrets of FaydwerElegant Sagacious Gloves Found via this quest.
Seeds of DestructionVested Frostblaze Silk Gloves
Seeds of DestructionBalanced Forcemeld Silk Gloves
House of ThulePhantasmic Plate Glove Seal of the Duelist
Dragons of NorrathSecrets of FaydwerElegant Bloodpact Gloves Found via this quest.
Rain of FearPrayer Shawl of the Duke Found via this quest.
UnderfootPlate Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Champion
UnderfootPlate Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Stargazer
UnderfootPlate Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Chancellor
UnderfootPlate Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Advisor
UnderfootPlate Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Oracle
The Buried SeaCitizen's Energeiac Chain Gauntlets
UnderfootPlate Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Mariner
Rain of FearFrightforged Plate Gauntlets
Serpents SpineDirewrought Plate Gauntlets Dropped by Chaplain Rourke.
UnderfootPlate Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Master
UnderfootPlate Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Pyromancer
Rallos Zek Acolyte's Stealth
UnderfootPlate Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Healer
UnderfootPlate Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Warmonger
UnderfootPlate Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Magus
UnderfootPlate Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Warchief
UnderfootPlate Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Arcanist
UnderfootPlate Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Cutpurse
The Broken MirrorPreserving Dredger's Gauntlets
UnderfootPlate Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Plague Bringer
UnderfootPlate Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Seafarer
UnderfootPlate Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Assassin
UnderfootPlate Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Archer
Elegant Defiant Plate Gauntlets Dropped by a Clan Direwind carrionmancer.
UnderfootPlate Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Berserker
UnderfootPlate Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Foot Soldier
UnderfootPlate Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Traveler
UnderfootPlate Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Cryomancer
Rallos Zek Acolyte's Assault
UnderfootPlate Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Duelist
Secrets of FaydwerSteel-Threaded Satin Gloves Dropped by Octa the Collector.
Extravagant Consigned Plate Gauntlets
Call of the ForsakenSage's Light Dropped by Master Sage Lowenn.
Restless-Hide Gloves Found via this quest.
Secrets of FaydwerIntense Kaleidosilk Gloves
Putrefying Seed
UnderfootStalwart Duskwoven Gloves
Secrets of FaydwerCommanding Kaleidosilk Gloves
Call of the ForsakenHero's Calling Found via this quest.
UnderfootStalwart Mistwoven Gloves
UnderfootStalwart Crystalweave Gloves
UnderfootStalwart Starglow Gloves
Secrets of FaydwerNecrotic Kaleidosilk Gloves
UnderfootStalwart Metalofiber Gloves
Call of the ForsakenFlamelicked Geode Dropped by Magma Behemoth.
UnderfootStalwart Lorekeeper Gloves
The Broken MirrorExtravagant Sulstone of the Resourceful
Secrets of FaydwerDreamer's Kaleidosilk Gloves
UnderfootStalwart Stargazer Gloves
UnderfootStalwart Moonsilver Gloves
Secrets of FaydwerCommanding Terrasilk Gloves
Secrets of FaydwerDreamer's Firesilk Gloves
Secrets of FaydwerIntense Firesilk Gloves
Secrets of FaydwerCommanding Firesilk Gloves
Thoughts of Frozen Air Dropped by Vhal`Sera.
The Buried SeaSmuggler's Energeiac Plate Gauntlets
Secrets of FaydwerNecrotic Terrasilk Gloves
Velium Infused Gem of Brilliance
all aug //G21AV intwis
Secrets of FaydwerIntense Terrasilk Gloves
Secrets of FaydwerDreamer's Terrasilk Gloves
Secrets of FaydwerNecrotic Firesilk Gloves
The Buried SeaBuccaneer's Energeiac Chain Gauntlets
Rain of FearPrayer Shawl of the Duke Found via this quest.
The Buried SeaFeral Energeiac Leather Gloves
Commanding Frostsilk Gloves
Secrets of FaydwerIntense Frostsilk Gloves
Gnollish Leather Gloves Found via this quest.
Secrets of FaydwerNecrotic Frostsilk Gloves
Tacit Energeiac Leather Gloves
The Broken MirrorStalwart Sulstone of the Valiant
The Broken MirrorStalwart Sulstone of the Beneficent
Secrets of FaydwerDreamer's Windsilk Gloves
Gnollish Leather Gloves Dropped by Tranixx Darkpaw - undead.
Secrets of FaydwerCommanding Windsilk Gloves
Secrets of FaydwerIntense Windsilk Gloves
The Buried SeaHardened Energeiac Leather Gloves
Rain of FearPrayer Shawl of the Duke Found via this quest.
Rain of FearPrayer Shawl of the Duke Found via this quest.
Secrets of FaydwerNecrotic Windsilk Gloves
Secrets of FaydwerDreamer's Frostsilk Gloves
The Broken MirrorStalwart Sulstone of the Fulcrum
The Broken MirrorStalwart Sulstone of the Vengeful
Depths of DarkhollowLast Blood of the Warchief
The Buried SeaSunshard Seal of the Assassin
The Buried SeaSunshard Seal of the Duelist
Rain of FearMultifaceted Gem of Cowardice Dropped by Zixial the Scaremonger.
The Buried SeaSunshard Seal of the Magus
The Buried SeaSunshard Seal of the Archer
Gates of DiscordNadien's Gauntlets of the Archer Found via this quest.
Call of the ForsakenTumbled Jasper Found via this quest.
Secrets of FaydwerFaycite Seal of the Plague Bringer
Secrets of FaydwerFaycite Seal of the Duelist
Empires of KunarkPlaguebringer's Vertebrae Dropped by Plaguebringer.
Serpents SpineSerpent's Seal of the Chancellor
Calculating Differential Gear Dropped by Breaker.
Call of the ForsakenRune of Incursion Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowLast Blood of the Assassin
Seeds of DestructionDiscordant Forcemeld Silk Gloves
The Buried SeaSunshard Seal of the Plague Bringer
Serpents SpineSerpent's Seal of the Berserker
Seeds of DestructionConcordant Forcemeld Silk Gloves
The Buried SeaSunshard Seal of the Chancellor
Secrets of FaydwerFaycite Seal of the Advisor
Serpents SpineSerpent's Seal of the Cryomancer
The Darkened SeaDancing Rune Dropped by Mayor Praetor Livio.
Serpents SpineSerpent's Seal of the Pyromancer
Veil of AlarisVeiled Chain Glove Seal of the Archer
Serpents SpineSerpent's Seal of the Foot Soldier
Gates of DiscordHarlad's Gauntlets of Fury Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathElaborate Khala Dun Gloves Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineSerpent's Seal of the Warchief
Blue Sky Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Veil of AlarisVeiled Chain Glove Seal of the Assassin
Empires of KunarkChokidai Eye Dropped by Kennel Master Al`ele.
Enchanted Dragon
Seeds of DestructionDiscordant Frostblaze Silk Gloves
Secrets of FaydwerFaycite Seal of the Thaumaturge
Dragons of NorrathElaborate Moonglade Gloves Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowLast Blood of the Berserker
The Buried SeaSunshard Seal of the Oracle
Serpents SpineSerpent's Seal of the Duelist
Depths of DarkhollowLast Blood of the Seafarer
Depths of DarkhollowLast Blood of the Arcanist
Secrets of FaydwerChipped Stone of Starfall Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowLast Blood of the Wanderer
Secrets of FaydwerFaycite Seal of the Arcanist
Serpents SpineSerpent's Seal of the Healer
Depths of DarkhollowLast Blood of the Battlemage
Seeds of DestructionConcordant Thoughthaze Silk Gloves
Ring of ScaleKrazzi Stone Found via this quest.
Empires of KunarkDarkened Trakanon's Heart Dropped by Tolapumj.
Gates of DiscordKanleku's Gauntlets of Spirits Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineSerpent's Seal of the Cutpurse
The Buried SeaSunshard Seal of the Warmonger
The Buried SeaSunshard Seal of the Seafarer
Depths of DarkhollowLast Blood of the Duelist
Dragons of NorrathElaborate Wayguard Gloves
Call of the ForsakenBloodied Stone of Might Found via this quest.
Secrets of FaydwerBloodied Brawn Stone Found via this quest.
Ring of ScaleConflagrant Gem of Adroitness
Secrets of FaydwerFaycite Seal of the Wanderer
The Buried SeaSunshard Seal of the Advisor
Secret Dawn Qua Dropped by Radiant Amber Lotus.
Secrets of FaydwerEssence of the Bear Spirit Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineSerpent's Seal of the Magus
Dragons of NorrathElaborate Wealdstone Gloves Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowLast Blood of the Plague Bringer
Secrets of FaydwerFaycite Seal of the Berserker
Dragons of NorrathElaborate Stormguard Gloves Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineSerpent's Seal of the Traveler
Serpents SpineSerpent's Seal of the Advisor
Secrets of FaydwerFaycite Seal of the Master
Empires of KunarkToken of Hasty Fears Dropped by Bonescale.
Veil of AlarisVeiled Chain Glove Seal of the Cutpurse
The Buried SeaSunshard Seal of the Traveler
Secrets of FaydwerFaycite Seal of the Champion
Serpents SpineSerpent's Seal of the Mariner
Empires of KunarkDarkened Trakanon's Eye Dropped by Tolapumj.
Ring of ScaleAmplified Amber Gemstone Found via this quest.
Ring of ScaleMagnetic Lodestone Dropped by Xalgoz the Arisen.
Secrets of FaydwerFaycite Seal of the Elder
Serpents SpineSerpent's Seal of the Seafarer
Depths of DarkhollowLast Blood of the Master
Depths of DarkhollowLast Blood of the Foot Soldier
Secrets of FaydwerFaycite Seal of the Foot Soldier
Empires of KunarkGlittering Amber Fragment Dropped by The Blazing Hen.
Secrets of FaydwerFaycite Seal of the Oracle
Serpents SpineSerpent's Seal of the Archer
Depths of DarkhollowLast Blood of the Cryomancer
Dragons of NorrathElaborate Warborn Gloves Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowLast Blood of the Chancellor
Secrets of FaydwerFaycite Seal of the Assassin
Dragons of NorrathElaborate Protectorate Gloves Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowLast Blood of the Stargazer
Secrets of FaydwerRune of the Nimble Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathElaborate Dreadguard Gloves Found via this quest.
Secrets of FaydwerFaycite Seal of the Healer
The Buried SeaSunshard Seal of the Healer
Secrets of FaydwerFaycite Seal of the Pyromancer
Dragons of NorrathElaborate Autoactuated Gloves Found via this quest.
Secrets of FaydwerFaycite Seal of the Chancellor
Secrets of FaydwerFaycite Seal of the Archer
Depths of DarkhollowLast Blood of the Warmonger
The Darkened SeaShimmering Black Pearl Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowLast Blood of the Thaumaturge
Happy Stone Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowLast Blood of the Magus
The Buried SeaSunshard Seal of the Berserker
Secret Dawn Gem of Brilliance
The Buried SeaSunshard Seal of the Cryomancer
Dragons of NorrathElaborate Trooper Gloves Found via this quest.
The Buried SeaSunshard Seal of the Arcanist
Serpents SpineElaborate Crystalwing Gloves Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineSerpent's Seal of the Stargazer
The Buried SeaSunshard Seal of the Mariner
Dragons of NorrathElaborate Nightkeeper Gloves Found via this quest.
The Buried SeaSunshard Seal of the Master
Depths of DarkhollowLast Blood of the Pyromancer
Depths of DarkhollowLast Blood of the Advisor
Secrets of FaydwerFaycite Seal of the Battlemage
Omens of WarArmsmaster's Gloves Found via this quest.
Veil of AlarisVeiled Chain Glove Seal of the Chancellor
Depths of DarkhollowLast Blood of the Archer
Call of the ForsakenFragment of Nobility Found via this quest.
Secrets of FaydwerFragment of Purethought Found via this quest.
Secrets of FaydwerFaycite Seal of the Warmonger
Veil of AlarisVeiled Chain Glove Seal of the Oracle
Seeds of DestructionConcordant Frostblaze Silk Gloves
Depths of DarkhollowLast Blood of the Traveler
Serpents SpineSerpent's Seal of the Oracle
Secrets of FaydwerFaycite Seal of the Cryomancer
Rain of FearHerald's Glyph Dropped by A Herald of Fear.
Empires of KunarkEverburning Cinder Dropped by Spirit of Incineration.
Dragons of NorrathElaborate Stalwart Gloves Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathElaborate Leatherfoot Gloves Found via this quest.
The Buried SeaSunshard Seal of the Stargazer
Depths of DarkhollowLast Blood of the Champion
Call of the ForsakenShard of Celerity Found via this quest.
Secrets of FaydwerFaycite Seal of the Traveler
Gates of DiscordNodnol's Gauntlets of the Scoundrel Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowLast Blood of the Oracle
Serpents SpineSerpent's Seal of the Assassin
Empires of KunarkGullerback's Jawbone Dropped by Gullerback Undying.
Frostbitten Nugget Found via this quest.
Secrets of FaydwerFaycite Seal of the Magus
The Buried SeaSunshard Seal of the Champion
Serpents SpineSerpent's Seal of the Master
Dragons of NorrathElaborate Seashine Gloves Found via this quest.
Planes of PowerGloves of Airy Mists Found via this quest.
Seeds of DestructionConcordant Lifefalter Silk Gloves
The Buried SeaSunshard Seal of the Foot Soldier
The Broken MirrorLeft Eye of Sul Found via this quest.
Ring of ScaleEye of One Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathElaborate Snowborn Gloves Found via this quest.
Veil of AlarisVeiled Chain Glove Seal of the Mariner
Secrets of FaydwerFaycite Seal of the Seafarer
The Buried SeaSunshard Seal of the Warchief
Depths of DarkhollowLast Blood of the Elder
Secrets of FaydwerFaycite Seal of the Cutpurse
Secret Dawn Baraea Dropped by an ancient fire warden.
Depths of DarkhollowLast Blood of the Healer
Serpents SpineSerpent's Seal of the Champion
The Buried SeaSunshard Seal of the Pyromancer
Depths of DarkhollowLast Blood of the Mariner
Depths of DarkhollowLast Blood of the Cutpurse
Secrets of FaydwerFaycite Seal of the Mariner
Secrets of FaydwerFaycite Seal of the Stargazer
Call of the ForsakenPolished Marble of Tenacity Found via this quest.
Secrets of FaydwerFaycite Seal of the Warchief
Ring of ScaleConflagrant Gem of Vigor
The Buried SeaSunshard Seal of the Cutpurse
Shard of Revitalizing Power Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineSerpent's Seal of the Arcanist
Empires of KunarkBlack Claw Fragment Found via this quest.
Seeds of DestructionDiscordant Lifefalter Silk Gloves
Empires of KunarkStone of Dragon Tolls Dropped by Stonespiked Guardian.
Ring of ScaleMarquise Cut Ruby Ornament Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineSerpent's Seal of the Warmonger
Serpents SpineSerpent's Seal of the Plague Bringer
Call of the ForsakenDarklight Emblem Found via this quest.
Seeds of DestructionDiscordant Thoughthaze Silk Gloves
Rain of FearStone of Dark Sorcerery Found via this quest.
Rain of FearSliver of Fear Found via this quest.
Rain of FearSpellstone of the Mistress Dropped by Silvi The Mistress.
The Buried SeaSmuggler's Energeiac Chain Gauntlets
Lost Dungeons of NorrathHardened Stone Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Rain of FearLimestone Oddity Found via this quest.
Elegant Consigned Plate Gauntlets
Rain of FearGlowing Eternal Shard Found via this quest.
Gates of DiscordStaunch Pixtt Chain Wrappings Found via this quest.
Primeval Totemic Gauntlets
Veil of AlarisManaforged Plate Gauntlets
Rain of FearNoble's Blood Dropped by A Fallen Noble.
The Buried SeaHero's Leather Gloves Found via this quest.
The Darkened SeaSiren's Stone Found via this quest.
UnderfootCrystallized Ball of Cosgrove Clay Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Omens of WarLightning Blackened Chain Gloves Dropped by a chest - Cipheron.
Devotee's Enhancement of Legacies Lost
Secrets of FaydwerScratched Hide Gloves Dropped by Rusty.
The Broken MirrorCrypt-Hunter's Soulforge Gloves
The Broken MirrorCrypt-Hunter's Dragonbrood Gloves
Depths of DarkhollowDusty Miner Gloves Found via this quest.
The Broken MirrorCrypt-Hunter's Lifewalker Gloves
Elegant Defiant Chain Gauntlets Dropped by a Clan Direwind carrionmancer.
House of ThulePhantasmic Chain Glove Seal of the Cryomancer
Prophecy of RoEntropic Nightshade Gloves Dropped by a gothic watcher.
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Silk Glove Seal of the Archer
House of ThulePhantasmic Chain Glove Seal of the Cutpurse
House of ThulePhantasmic Chain Glove Seal of the Mariner
Seeds of DestructionArchaic Leather Gloves
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Silk Glove Seal of the Duelist
House of ThulePhantasmic Chain Glove Seal of the Oracle
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Silk Glove Seal of the Oracle
Thick Dusty Bloodstained Gloves Dropped by Reclusive ghoul magus.
Prophecy of RoVengeful Blood Alloy Gloves Dropped by a crimson dervish.
House of ThulePhantasmic Chain Glove Seal of the Chancellor
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Silk Glove Seal of the Advisor
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Silk Glove Seal of the Assassin
Call of the ForsakenShard of Frozen Time Found via this quest.
Veil of AlarisShifting Sphere of Veiled Ascension Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Silk Glove Seal of the Cutpurse
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Silk Glove Seal of the Warchief
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Silk Glove Seal of the Cryomancer
Prophecy of RoPetrified Heartwood Gloves Dropped by a cursed willow.
House of ThulePhantasmic Chain Glove Seal of the Advisor
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Silk Glove Seal of the Foot Soldier
House of ThulePhantasmic Chain Glove Seal of the Seafarer
Rain of FearStone of the Landing Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Rain of FearPakjol's Appetite for Destruction Found via this quest.
House of ThulePhantasmic Chain Glove Seal of the Magus
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Silk Glove Seal of the Warmonger
Rain of FearInflexible Scale Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowGray Iron Chain Gloves Found via this quest.
Prophecy of RoSpirit Blessed Gloves Dropped by a shadowmane spiritseeker.
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Silk Glove Seal of the Champion
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Silk Glove Seal of the Chancellor
Seeds of DestructionArchaic Leather Gloves Dropped by Guardian of the Glade.
House of ThulePhantasmic Chain Glove Seal of the Archer
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Silk Glove Seal of the Stargazer
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Silk Glove Seal of the Arcanist
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Silk Glove Seal of the Berserker
House of ThulePhantasmic Chain Glove Seal of the Berserker
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Silk Glove Seal of the Traveler
Direspike Gloves
House of ThulePhantasmic Chain Glove Seal of the Warmonger
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Silk Glove Seal of the Defiler
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Silk Glove Seal of the Pyromancer
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Silk Glove Seal of the Mariner
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Silk Glove Seal of the Magus
House of ThuleLucid Globe of Phantasmic Power Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowDried Coral Mitts Found via this quest.
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Silk Glove Seal of the Master
House of ThulePhantasmic Chain Glove Seal of the Duelist
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Silk Glove Seal of the Healer
The Darkened SeaRaid Elder Silk Glove Seal of the Seafarer
UnderfootChain Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Seafarer
Secrets of FaydwerIntense Silk Gloves
UnderfootChain Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Archer
UnderfootChain Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Oracle
Elaborate Defiant Plate Gauntlets Dropped by Zlandicar.
UnderfootChain Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Warmonger
UnderfootChain Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Healer
UnderfootChain Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Master
UnderfootChain Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Duelist
UnderfootChain Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Cryomancer
UnderfootChain Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Traveler
Secrets of FaydwerDreamer's Silk Gloves
Secrets of FaydwerNecrotic Silk Gloves
Extravagant Consigned Chain Gauntlets
Elaborate Consigned Plate Gauntlets Found via this quest.
UnderfootChain Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Advisor
UnderfootChain Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Stargazer
UnderfootChain Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Pyromancer
Secrets of FaydwerCommanding Silk Gloves
UnderfootChain Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Magus
UnderfootChain Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Plague Bringer
UnderfootChain Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Cutpurse
UnderfootChain Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Arcanist
UnderfootChain Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Chancellor
UnderfootChain Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Champion
Rain of FearBlue Stone of Power Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineFire-Scarred Chain Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Planes of PowerRosrak's Gauntlets of the Primal Found via this quest.
The Broken MirrorPredatory Markings Dropped by Svea Haire.
Serpents SpineSpirit-Seared Chain Gauntlets Found via this quest.
The Broken MirrorGlistening Oil Dropped by Vizier Albert.
Prophecy of RoHeartwood Gloves Found via this quest.
Rain of FearYellow Stone of Power Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineEmbraced Chain Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Veil of AlarisDouble Pronged Grendlaen Incisor Found via this quest.
Scars of VeliousDo`Vassir's Gauntlets of Might Dropped by Vulak`Aerr.
Serpents SpineVine-Embraced Chain Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineScarred Chain Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Rain of FearFrozen Orb of the Fabled King Found via this quest.
L29Do`Vassir's Gauntlets of Might
The Broken MirrorAvarice Dropped by a shining strider.
Glowing Gossamer Gloves Found via this quest.
Prophecy of RoDark Alloy Gloves of Rage Found via this quest.
Rain of FearFrozen Orb of the Fabled King Found via this quest.
The Buried SeaFabled Geomantic Fingers of Focus Dropped by The Fabled Grieg Veneficus.
Rain of FearRed Stone of Power Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Rain of FearCrushed Hope Found via this quest.
The Broken MirrorVoracity Dropped by a shining strider.
The Broken MirrorSpeed of Darkness Dropped by The Remnants of The Darkseer.
Dislodged Diamond of Blood Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
The Broken MirrorSickly Distended Horseshoe Dropped by Brightfire.
Prophecy of RoGloves of Stolen Fate Found via this quest.
Call of the ForsakenClump of Concentrated Ethernere Found via this quest.
Planes of PowerAskr's Thunderous Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineSeared Chain Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Bidilis' Gauntlet of the Elusive
Rain of FearStone of the Crystal Circle Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Rain of FearWhite Stone of Power Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
The Broken MirrorHypocricy Dropped by a gleaming lifegiver.
Rain of FearStone of the Crystal Circle Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Rain of FearStone of the Crystal Circle Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Planes of PowerGates of DiscordGalladan's Stormwrath Gloves Found via this quest.
Rallos Zek Devotee's Strategy
Depthranger's Wilt
Empowered Gauntlets of Hatred
Serpents SpineBladed Chain Gauntlets Found via this quest.
The Broken MirrorIncense of the Everliving Dropped by Glorious Cistina.
Rain of FearGreen Stone of Power Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Omens of WarCrystal Linked Gauntlets Dropped by a chest - Noc Juggernaut.
Serpents SpineBone-Bladed Chain Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Planes of PowerBidilis' Gauntlet of the Elusive Found via this quest.
Veil of AlarisBarrier of Coalesced Clouds Found via this quest.
Gloves of the Fates
Serpents SpineOsh`vir`s Whisperwind Gloves Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathElaborate Servolinked Gloves Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathElaborate Lightring Gloves Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineVenesh`s Wildcry Gloves Found via this quest.
Ruins of KunarkDragons of NorrathElaborate Twoscale Gloves Found via this quest.
Serpents SpinePurevine Gloves Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathElaborate Nightfall Gloves Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathElaborate Wirewood Gloves Found via this quest.
Omens of WarSanctified Gloves Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineWildcry Gloves Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineElaborate Crystalscale Gloves Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathTruefire Platelet Gloves Dropped by Ninsei the Tempest.
Dragons of NorrathElaborate Khala Vir Gloves Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathElaborate Frostwarded Gloves Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathElegant Mistwoven Gloves
Rain of FearSights Unseen Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathSecrets of FaydwerElegant Starglow Gloves Found via this quest.
Legacy of YkeshaDragons of NorrathSecrets of FaydwerElegant Lorekeeper Gloves
Dragons of NorrathSecrets of FaydwerElegant Duskwoven Gloves Found via this quest.
Omens of WarTraveler's Mail Gloves Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowEtchshine Plate Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Legacy of YkeshaDragons of NorrathElaborate Farsight Gloves
Drachnid Guardian Grips
Dragons of NorrathPlate Gauntlets of the First Order
Dragons of NorrathSecrets of FaydwerElegant Metalofiber Gloves Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathSecrets of FaydwerElegant Crystalweave Gloves
Depths of DarkhollowViscous Hive Gauntlets Dropped by a Hive slavemaster.
Serpents SpineEvergleam Gauntlets Dropped by Blackfoot.
Takish Guard Gauntlets
Dragons of NorrathSecrets of FaydwerElegant Stargazer Gloves
Serpents SpineWhisperwind Gloves Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathSecrets of FaydwerElegant Moonsilver Gloves Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathElaborate Claviger Gloves Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineVenesh`s Purevine Gloves Found via this quest.
Spectral Gauntlets of Might Dropped by mistmoore 2.0 - Steward Messenger.
Dragons of NorrathElaborate Tyrant Gloves Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathElaborate Ravager Gloves Found via this quest.
Omens of WarOathbound Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Veil of AlarisKeystone Garnet Found via this quest.
Omens of WarHeartstiller's Mail Gloves Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathElaborate Daybreaker Gloves
Dragons of NorrathPlate Gauntlets of the Brood Slayer
Dragons of NorrathElaborate Stonetooth Gloves
Decorated Plate Gloves
Veil of AlarisGemstone of the Victorious Found via this quest.
Rain of FearVitalizing Stone Found via this quest.
Elegant Consigned Chain Gauntlets
Secrets of FaydwerHardened Steel Spur Found via this quest.
House of ThuleShimmering Heart of the Phantasm Found via this quest.
Hardened Chitin Gloves
Secrets of FaydwerBeveled Mithril Gear Set Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathFaded Gloves of the Shadows Found via this quest.
House of ThuleLifeweaver's Symbol Found via this quest.
Veil of AlarisWorn Petrified Mephit Bone Shard Found via this quest.
Rallos Zek Acolyte's Strategy
Planetary Dagger Medallion
Weeping Heaven Baraea Dropped by Wandering Spring Soul.
Omens of WarIron Gauntlets of Protection Dropped by Kyv Bowkeeper.
Crushed Bone Sliver Dropped by Emperor Crush.
House of ThuleBloodfeather's Eye Found via this quest.
Mark of Unfeeling Flesh Dropped by High Priest M`kari - Plane of Hate: Revisited.
Silver Enhancement of Jubilation Found via this quest.
Veil of AlarisFragmented Echo Dropped by Breath of Ryken.
House of ThuleMooto's Stone Found via this quest.
The Broken MirrorElegant Spitegem of the Sturdy
House of ThuleFlame of Vox Dropped by A Guardian of Vox.
Shiny Metallic Gloves Found via this quest.
Shiny Metallic Gloves Dropped by a reanimated hand.
Weeping Heaven Qua Dropped by Wandering Spring Soul.
The Broken MirrorStalwart Sulstone of the Resourceful
Veil of AlarisVeiled Leather Glove Seal of the Healer
Primeval Darkforge Gauntlets
Devotee's Attacker of Legacies Lost
House of ThuleTantarene Gem of Heretical Power Found via this quest.
Veil of AlarisVeiled Leather Glove Seal of the Cryomancer
Veil of AlarisVeiled Leather Glove Seal of the Archer
Devotee's Defending Ice of Legacies Lost
Devotee's Defense of Legacies Lost
Secret Dawn Hikma Dropped by Jericog Merkin.
Devotee's Ventral Defense of Legacies Lost
Veil of AlarisVeiled Leather Glove Seal of the Warchief
Devotee's Casting Ice of Legacies Lost
House of ThulePetrified Skull of the Unworthy Found via this quest.
Devotee's Assaulting Ice of Legacies Lost
Veil of AlarisVeiled Leather Glove Seal of the Cutpurse
Veil of AlarisVeiled Leather Glove Seal of the Foot Soldier
Veil of AlarisVeiled Leather Glove Seal of the Assassin
Secrets of FaydwerHardened Steel Spur Found via this quest.
Scars of VeliousOnyx Gauntlets Dropped by Lord Vyemm.
UnderfootJewel of the Self Found via this quest.
Acolyte's Enhancement of Legacies Lost
Scars of VeliousGloves of Stability Dropped by Lendiniara the Keeper.
House of ThuleSlippery Slimerock Found via this quest.
Shadows of LuclinGloves of the Crimson Sigil Dropped by Aten Ha Ra.
Elaborate Defiant Chain Gauntlets Dropped by Diaku Elite Sentry.
Acolyte's Soothing of Legacies Lost
UnderfootIncarnadine Gemstone Found via this quest.
Shadows of LuclinGauntlets of View Dropped by Diabo Xi Va.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathFrosty Gem of Enhanced Protection Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineGloves of Ten Hides Dropped by Oblivion.
Depths of DarkhollowGlossy Plate Gloves Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathFocus Shard of Enhanced Protection Found via this quest.
UnderfootTarnished Stone Found via this quest.
Elegant Defiant Leather Gloves Dropped by an adolescent cave bear.
Scars of VeliousVelium Encrusted Gauntlets Dropped by King Tormax.
Acolyte's Casting Ice of Legacies Lost
Secrets of FaydwerGeartop Gear Dropped by Geartop.
Intricate Consigned Plate Gauntlets
The Buried SeaFabled Silver Skin Gauntlets Dropped by The Fabled Diabo Xi Xin.
Iron Plated Timing Pendulum Model XL Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Acolyte's Ventral Defense of Legacies Lost
UnderfootPolished Rockomancy Diamond Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathGolden Chain Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Elaborate Consigned Chain Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Polished Stone of the Eleventh Hour Found via this quest.
Veil of AlarisSoapstone Crystal Found via this quest.
Seeds of DestructionCurator's Treasure Found via this quest.
Intricate Defiant Plate Gauntlets Dropped by a loathling lich.
Acolyte's Assaulting Ice of Legacies Lost
Secrets of FaydwerCharged Alloy Bolt Dropped by Station Attendant Sparkbolt.
Gem of the Eleventh Defender Found via this quest.
Rain of FearFrozen Orb of the Fabled King Found via this quest.
Rain of FearPossessed Stone Fragment Dropped by The Stone Guardian.
Acolyte's Attacker of Legacies Lost
Bronze Slant Thread Pinion Gear Model XXX Found via this quest.
Acolyte's Defense of Legacies Lost
Omens of WarGloves of the Adept Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowUnderplate Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Seeds of DestructionWhite Dragon Scale Found via this quest.
Rain of FearFrozen Orb of the Fabled King Found via this quest.
UnderfootLeather Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Foot Soldier
UnderfootLeather Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Cryomancer
The Buried SeaHero's Silk Gloves Found via this quest.
UnderfootLeather Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Master
The Broken MirrorCrypt-Hunter's Frostfire Gloves
The Buried SeaPhased Energeiac Silk Gloves
UnderfootLeather Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Arcanist
UnderfootLeather Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Archer
The Buried SeaRefined Energeiac Silk Gloves
The Buried SeaCorrupted Energeiac Silk Gloves
UnderfootLeather Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Traveler
Lost Dungeons of NorrathRoyal Attendant Gauntlets of Sand
Bronze Slant Thread Pinion Gear Model XXIX Found via this quest.
UnderfootLeather Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Magus
Bronze Slant Thread Pinion Gear Model XXVIII Found via this quest.
UnderfootLeather Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Champion
UnderfootLeather Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Cutpurse
Iron Plated Timing Pendulum Model XXXVIII Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
UnderfootLeather Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Assassin
UnderfootGolden Ore Found via this quest.
Iron Plated Timing Pendulum Model XXXIX Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
UnderfootLeather Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Mariner
Extravagant Consigned Leather Gloves
UnderfootLeather Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Chancellor
The Broken MirrorCrypt-Hunter's Flameweaver Gloves
UnderfootLeather Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Berserker
UnderfootLeather Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Advisor
UnderfootLeather Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Pyromancer
Lost Dungeons of NorrathWarlord's Steel Gauntlets Dropped by Steelslave Champion.
Veil of AlarisScar of Rex Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathRoyal Attendant Gauntlets of Sand
UnderfootLeather Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Oracle
UnderfootLeather Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Warmonger
UnderfootLeather Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Plague Bringer
The Broken MirrorCrypt-Hunter's Soulslayer Gloves
The Broken MirrorCrypt-Hunter's Mindlock Gloves
Secrets of FaydwerGlossy Silk Gloves Dropped by Rusty.
UnderfootLeather Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Warchief
UnderfootIcy Heart Dropped by Envoy Frindar.
Veil of AlarisMegalodon Tooth Fragment Found via this quest.
UnderfootLeather Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Healer
UnderfootLeather Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Stargazer
The Buried SeaArcane Energeiac Silk Gloves
UnderfootLeather Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Seafarer
House of ThuleNesalie's Spell Gem Found via this quest.
Veil of AlarisKrucidon's Inverted War Charm Found via this quest.
Secrets of FaydwerIonized Pinion Found via this quest.
Seeds of DestructionArchaic Cloth Gloves
Iron Plated Timing Pendulum Model XXXVI Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowForgotten Artist's Mesh Gloves Found via this quest.
House of ThulePhantasmic Leather Glove Seal of the Cryomancer
Planes of PowerFarwater Plate Gauntlets
Planes of PowerInferno Plate Gauntlets
House of ThuleIreblind Imp Heart Found via this quest.
Seeds of DestructionArchaic Cloth Gloves Dropped by Slitheren.
House of ThulePhantasmic Leather Glove Seal of the Berserker
Rain of FearFear Infused Charcoal Found via this quest.
Bronze Slant Thread Pinion Gear Model XXVI Found via this quest.
Planes of PowerLivestone Plate Gauntlets
House of ThulePhantasmic Leather Glove Seal of the Warchief
Bronze Slant Thread Pinion Gear Model XXVII Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowRagepaw Deathgrips Found via this quest.
Planes of PowerWindessence Plate Gauntlets
UnderfootRock Guardian Shard Found via this quest.
Iron Plated Timing Pendulum Model XXXVII Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Planes of PowerKizrak's Gauntlets of Battle Found via this quest.
UnderfootBleakburn Goo Found via this quest.
Updated TodaySecrets of FaydwerFlawed Defiant Plate Gauntlets
House of ThuleTreant Refuse Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineSunderspring Gloves Dropped by Doomfount.
Bronze Slant Thread Pinion Gear Model XXIV Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowDen Guardian Gloves Found via this quest.
UnderfootSignet of Earthen Devotion Found via this quest.
Bronze Slant Thread Pinion Gear Model XXV Found via this quest.
Iron Plated Timing Pendulum Model XXXV Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Iron Plated Timing Pendulum Model XXXIV Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Electrifying Rose
Weeping Heaven Hikma Dropped by Soothing Wings of Mist.
Rain of FearMoonstone of the Frozen Priest Dropped by Tain Hammerfrost.
Seeds of DestructionRed Dragon Scale Found via this quest.
Thaell Ew
Scars of VeliousTwisted Steel Gauntlets Dropped by Eashen of the Sky.
The Broken MirrorGlowing Mystical Infuser
Updated TodaySecrets of FaydwerFlawed Defiant Plate Gauntlets Dropped by a drolvarg guardian.
Flawed Consigned Plate Gauntlets
Updated TodaySilver Warding Magic of Jubilation Dropped by a wavering chest.
The Broken MirrorElegant Sulstone of the Sturdy
Silver Protecting Magic of Jubilation Found via this quest.
Bronze Slant Thread Pinion Gear Model XXIII Found via this quest.
Iron Plated Timing Pendulum Model XXXIII Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Secrets of FaydwerIonized Pinion Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathMalevolent Gauntlets of Suffering
Elegant Consigned Leather Gloves
Silver Attacker of Jubilation Found via this quest.
Gates of DiscordPlate Gauntlets of the Slayer
Silver Assaulting Magic of Jubilation Found via this quest.
Bronze Slant Thread Pinion Gear Model XXII Found via this quest.
Silver Ventral Defense of Jubilation Found via this quest.
Silver Soothing of Jubilation Found via this quest.
Iron Plated Timing Pendulum Model XXXII Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Silver Dorsal Defense of Jubilation Found via this quest.
Secrets of FaydwerBipolar Interlock Found via this quest.
Bronze Slant Thread Pinion Gear Model XXI Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathHurricane Fists Dropped by Raging Thunderhead.
Depths of DarkhollowBazu Seal of Block
Depths of DarkhollowBazu Seal of Disease
Acolyte's Assaulting Magic of the Selenelion Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowBazu Seal of Healing
Iron Plated Timing Pendulum Model XXXI Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Bronze Slant Thread Pinion Gear Model XVIII Found via this quest.
Seeds of DestructionKsathrax's Amber Found via this quest.
Rain of FearFrozen Orb of the Fabled King Found via this quest.
Seeds of DestructionPolished Moonstone
Depths of DarkhollowBazu Seal of Favorable Breezes
Silver Threaded Worm Gear Model XXXVII Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Gold Plated Contact Spring Model XLI Found via this quest.
Acolyte's Defense of the Selenelion Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowBazu Seal of Parry
Gates of DiscordBlessed Shard Dropped by Primal Arachnid.
Bronze Slant Thread Pinion Gear Model XX Found via this quest.
Prophecy of RoNatureguard's Gauntlets Dropped by Geomancer Unala.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathGuardian's Stone of Enhanced Protection Found via this quest.
Omens of WarSpiritkin Mittens Found via this quest.
Acolyte's Dorsal Defense of the Selenelion Found via this quest.
Omens of WarSunrider's Gloves Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowStone Web Gloves Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowFire-Singed Chain Gloves Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineRunestruck Gloves Found via this quest.
Veil of AlarisShell of Sustainment
Dragons of NorrathDawn Forged Chain Gloves
Acolyte's Casting Magic of the Selenelion Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowBazu Seal of Radiance
Gold Plated Contact Spring Model XLII Found via this quest.
Gold Plated Contact Spring Model XL Found via this quest.
Gold Plated Contact Spring Model XXXIX Found via this quest.
Gem of the Eleventh Duelist Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowBazu Seal of Poison
Omens of WarFiercehand Gloves of the Focused Found via this quest.
Acolyte's Warding Magic of the Selenelion Found via this quest.
Seeds of DestructionDrop of Dread Dropped by Grellik, Master of Torments.
UnderfootBlazing Protective Scales Dropped by A Blazing Basilisk.
Secrets of FaydwerSilver Steamwork Gear Found via this quest.
Gates of DiscordSuede Gloves of Creation Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowBazu Seal of Dodge
Depths of DarkhollowIllsalin Enforcer Medal Found via this quest.
Unharnessed Soul Gem Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathDented Gauntlets of Victory Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowBasilisk Hide Grips Found via this quest.
Omens of WarSavagesoul Gloves of the Wilds Found via this quest.
Bronze Slant Thread Pinion Gear Model XIX Found via this quest.
Secrets of FaydwerFragment of Heavy Steamwork Plating Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowLoathsome Chain Gauntlets Dropped by a Hive breeder.
Shadows of LuclinRune of Judgment Dropped by Diabo Xi Va.
Acolyte's Ventral Defense of the Selenelion Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowBazu Seal of Spells
Serpents SpineJewel of the Stalwart Dropped by Royal Cryptguard Zerakt.
Depths of DarkhollowBazu Seal of Baleful Continuance
Serpents SpineKeikolin`s Forcephase Gloves Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowBazu Seal of Sharpshooting
Serpents SpineForcephase Gloves Found via this quest.
Acolyte's Attacker of the Selenelion Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowBazu Seal of Frost
Scars of VeliousWarlord's Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineDraton`ra`s Blackbone Gloves Found via this quest.
Scars of VeliousChromatic Gauntlets of the Ages Found via this quest.
Gold Plated Contact Spring Model XLIII Found via this quest.
Shadows of LuclinGauntlets of Dark Embers Dropped by Kaas Thox Xi Ans Dyek.
Serpents SpineWebweaver's Silk Gloves Dropped by Demeton, Destroyer of Life.
Shadows of LuclinSanguine Gloves Dropped by Thall Va Kelun.
Depths of DarkhollowBazu Seal of Ferocity
Omens of WarRagebound Chain Mittens Found via this quest.
Admirable Vigorous Gem of Distant Echoes
Iron Plated Timing Pendulum Model XXX Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Intricate Consigned Chain Gauntlets
Serpents SpineKeikolin`s Mindhaze Gloves Found via this quest.
Acolyte's Defending Magic of the Selenelion Found via this quest.
Seeds of DestructionSphere of Purest Ice
Depths of DarkhollowBazu Seal of Extension
Scars of VeliousGauntlets of Dragon Slaying Found via this quest.
Shadows of LuclinGeomantic Fingers of Focus Dropped by Grieg Veneficus.
Depths of DarkhollowBazu Seal of Magic
Omens of WarEverspring Mitts of the Tangled Briars Found via this quest.
Acolyte's Soothing of the Selenelion Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineBlackbone Gloves Found via this quest.
Intricate Defiant Chain Gauntlets Dropped by sebilite juggernaut.
Serpents SpineMindhaze Gloves Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathShadow-Stitched Chain Gloves
Depths of DarkhollowBazu Seal of Cleaving
Depths of DarkhollowBazu Seal of Baleful Breezes
Acolyte's Protecting Magic of the Selenelion
House of ThuleHeroic Flame Alchemist's Jewel
Elegant Defiant Silk Gloves Dropped by a Clan Direwind carrionmancer.
Gold Plated Contact Spring Model XXII Found via this quest.
Acolyte's Enhancement of the Selenelion Found via this quest.
The Buried SeaFabled Circle of Smoke Dropped by The Fabled Vyzh`dra the Cursed.
Secrets of FaydwerColeoptera Mechanical Beetle Eye Dropped by Coleoptera Assault Sweeper.
Depths of DarkhollowDarkenamel Chain Gauntlets Found via this quest.
UnderfootEleventh Shard of Emerald Found via this quest.
Omens of WarCharged Magnetic Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionTimeworn Bone Shard Dropped by Library Director Eslisar.
Serpents SpineForged Froststeel Ingot Dropped by Rallosian Acolyte Aemon.
Depths of DarkhollowBazu Seal of Favorable Celerity
Secrets of FaydwerWarleader's Pearl Dropped by Minotaur Warleader.
Gates of DiscordGloves of Coalesced Flame Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowBazu Seal of Favorable Continuance
Depths of DarkhollowBazu Seal of Celerity
Serpents SpineCrest of the Scarlet Legions Dropped by Argil Oppressor.
House of ThuleHeroic Workmaster's Horn
Omens of WarDarkraider's Gloves Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowBazu Seal of Breezes
Admirable Intellect Gem of Distant Echoes
Serpents SpineKeikolin`s Runestruck Gloves Found via this quest.
House of ThuleGlowing Lena Fete Rune Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowBazu Seal of Baleful Celerity
Shadows of LuclinGloves of Greater Heft Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowBazu Seal of Flame
Gold Plated Contact Spring Model XXXVII Found via this quest.
Elaborate Consigned Leather Gloves
Iron Plated Timing Pendulum Model XXVIII Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Iron Plated Timing Pendulum Model XXIX Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Veil of AlarisCracked Shard of the Brute Found via this quest.
Gold Plated Contact Spring Model XXXV Found via this quest.
Prophet's Rune-Carved Shard Dropped by Cazic Cenobite.
The Buried SeaPolished Energeiac Plate Gauntlets
Dragons of NorrathDeath Lantern Plate Gauntlets
Dragons of NorrathConsecrated Plate Gauntlets
Gold Plated Contact Spring Model XXXVIII Found via this quest.
Gold Plated Contact Spring Model XXXIII Found via this quest.
Extravagant Consigned Silk Gloves
Silver Threaded Worm Gear Model XXXV Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Elaborate Defiant Leather Gloves Dropped by a protector of Ro.
Silver Threaded Worm Gear Model XXXVI Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Gold Plated Contact Spring Model XXXIV Found via this quest.
Gold Plated Contact Spring Model XXXVI Found via this quest.
Bronze Slant Thread Pinion Gear Model XVII Found via this quest.
Gold Plated Contact Spring Model XXI Found via this quest.
Secrets of FaydwerBipolar Interlock Found via this quest.
Gold Plated Contact Spring Model XXVIII Found via this quest.
Updated TodaySecrets of FaydwerFlawed Defiant Chain Gauntlets
Omens of WarLaced Gloves of Superiority Found via this quest.
Silver Threaded Worm Gear Model XXXIII Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Bronze Slant Thread Pinion Gear Model XVI Found via this quest.
House of ThuleBlood-Soaked Spellstone Found via this quest.
Planes of PowerComposer's Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Updated TodaySecrets of FaydwerFlawed Defiant Chain Gauntlets Dropped by a loathling lich.
Secrets of FaydwerMana Laminated Gear Set Found via this quest.
Gold Plated Contact Spring Model XXXI Found via this quest.
Seeds of DestructionBlack Dragon Scale
Silver Steamwork Gear Found via this quest.
Gem of the Eleventh Seer Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathGloves of the Shifting Sands Dropped by Grunk the Wicked.
Omens of WarIron Gauntlets of Ruin Dropped by Girplan Mastercrafter.
Flawed Consigned Chain Gauntlets
Silver Threaded Worm Gear Model XXXIV Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Iron Plated Timing Pendulum Model XXVII Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Prophecy of RoWolf Hide Gloves of the Corrupt Dropped by Trolgar the Tremendous.
Planes of PowerGauntlets of Vengeful Fury Found via this quest.
Omens of WarMuramite Plate Gloves of War Dropped by a chest - Noc Juggernaut.
Serpents SpineGloves of the Black Cliff Dropped by Creeping Death.
Gold Plated Contact Spring Model XXXII Found via this quest.
House of ThuleAnnealed Mana Conductor Found via this quest.
Gates of DiscordJointed Ivory Gauntlets Dropped by Ra`tuk Kjyt Gykk.
Veil of AlarisUdumbara Found via this quest.
Shadows of LuclinFervid Gloves of the Warder Dropped by Va Xi Aten Ha Ra.
Veil of AlarisHeartwood Splinter Found via this quest.
Gold Plated Contact Spring Model XXIX Found via this quest.
Gold Plated Contact Spring Model XXX Found via this quest.
Entrepreneur's Gauntlets
Gold Plated Contact Spring Model XXVII Found via this quest.
Prophecy of RoShadeforge Gloves Dropped by Squall.
Planes of PowerJaylia's Valiant Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Omens of WarSteel-Plated Dragorn Gauntlets Dropped by Dragorn Shadow.
Planes of PowerGauntlets of Emblazoned Souls Found via this quest.
Iron Plated Timing Pendulum Model XXVI Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathGauntlets of Viscous Ooze
The Broken MirrorElegant Spitegem of the Vengeful
Silver Threaded Worm Gear Model XXXI Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Bronze Slant Thread Pinion Gear Model XIII Found via this quest.
Planes of PowerIronmail Gauntlets Dropped by The Diaku Armorer.
House of ThulePhantasmic Silk Glove Seal of the Chancellor
Veil of AlarisVeiled Silk Glove Seal of the Traveler
Iron Plated Timing Pendulum Model XXV Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Bronze Slant Thread Pinion Gear Model XV Found via this quest.
The Broken MirrorElegant Spitegem of the Fulcrum
Veil of AlarisVeiled Silk Glove Seal of the Mariner
Veil of AlarisVeiled Silk Glove Seal of the Healer
House of ThulePhantasmic Silk Glove Seal of the Champion
Veil of AlarisVeiled Silk Glove Seal of the Warmonger
House of ThulePhantasmic Silk Glove Seal of the Cryomancer
House of ThuleStone of Insanity Found via this quest.
Bronze Slant Thread Pinion Gear Model XIV Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowRepaired Danglepop Gloves Found via this quest.
Veil of AlarisLifeguard Ward Found via this quest.
The Broken MirrorMottled Gorgon Feather Dropped by a wailing wretch.
Ornate Consigned Plate Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Veil of AlarisVeiled Silk Glove Seal of the Oracle
House of ThulePhantasmic Silk Glove Seal of the Oracle
Seeds of DestructionEye of the Ghoul Lord Found via this quest.
Veil of AlarisVeiled Silk Glove Seal of the Master
Silver Threaded Worm Gear Model XXXII Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Seeds of DestructionPlatinum Plated Worm Pinion Gear Model XX Found via this quest.
House of ThulePhantasmic Silk Glove Seal of the Seafarer
The Broken MirrorEmblem of Antipathy
The Broken MirrorElegant Spitegem of the Valiant
House of ThulePhantasmic Silk Glove Seal of the Arcanist
Elegant Consigned Silk Gloves
Ornate Defiant Plate Gauntlets Dropped by Happ Findlefinn.
Veil of AlarisVeiled Silk Glove Seal of the Chancellor
The Buried SeaLinked Energeiac Chain Gauntlets
Veil of AlarisVeiled Silk Glove Seal of the Cryomancer
Scars of VeliousGauntlets of the Myrmidon Found via this quest.
Iron Plated Timing Pendulum Model XXIV Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Gold Plated Contact Spring Model XX Found via this quest.
The Broken MirrorElegant Spitegem of the Beneficent
House of ThulePhantasmic Silk Glove Seal of the Magus
Planes of PowerLivestone Chain Gloves
UnderfootSilk Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Master
UnderfootSilk Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Foot Soldier
UnderfootSilk Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Traveler
Depths of DarkhollowWeighted Wurine Fists Found via this quest.
House of ThuleEmascianite Firegem Found via this quest.
Planes of PowerWindessence Chain Gloves
Secrets of FaydwerSilver Steamwork Gear Found via this quest.
House of ThuleTablet of Forgotten Lore Dropped by a stonefist master.
UnderfootSilk Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Warchief
UnderfootSilk Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Oracle
Planes of PowerFarwater Scale Gloves
Planes of PowerInferno Chain Gloves
Bronze Slant Thread Pinion Gear Model XI Found via this quest.
Ethereal Plate Gauntlets Dropped by Summoner Netikos pet.
UnderfootSilk Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Healer
Bronze Slant Thread Pinion Gear Model XII Found via this quest.
UnderfootSilk Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Archer
Crimson Darkscale Gauntlets
UnderfootSilk Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Cryomancer
Scars of VeliousBlood Runed Gauntlets Dropped by Kerd.
UnderfootSilk Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Stargazer
Iron Plated Timing Pendulum Model XXIII Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
UnderfootSilk Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Mariner
UnderfootSilk Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Pyromancer
Silver Threaded Worm Gear Model XXIX Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
UnderfootSilk Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Advisor
UnderfootSilk Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Warmonger
UnderfootSilk Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Chancellor
Omens of WarGauntlets of the Slavetrader Dropped by Trainer Cyrum.
Iron Plated Timing Pendulum Model XXII Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
UnderfootSilk Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Duelist
Seeds of DestructionPlatinum Plated Worm Pinion Gear Model XVIII Found via this quest.
UnderfootSilk Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Seafarer
UnderfootSilk Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Magus
Blackened Darkscale Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionEleventh Shard of Ruby Found via this quest.
UnderfootSilk Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Plague Bringer
Bronze Slant Thread Pinion Gear Model X Found via this quest.
UnderfootSilk Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Berserker
Fulvous Darkscale Gauntlets
UnderfootSilk Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Assassin
Silver Threaded Worm Gear Model XXX Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Seeds of DestructionPlatinum Plated Worm Pinion Gear Model XIX Found via this quest.
UnderfootSilk Cosgrove Glove Seal of the Cutpurse
Serpents SpineStarlight Crystal Dropped by a citizen of Valdeholm.
Master Brewer's Shard Dropped by Master Brewer.
Dragons of NorrathScale Born Plate Gauntlets
Bronze Slant Thread Pinion Gear Model VII Found via this quest.
Seeds of DestructionGold Dragon Scale
Golden Nugget of the Eleventh Hour Found via this quest.
The Buried SeaFabled Dark Hand Wraps Dropped by The Fabled Va Xi Aten Ha Ra.
Depths of DarkhollowUndine Scale Gloves Found via this quest.
The Buried SeaPraetorian's Energeiac Leather Gloves
Serpents SpineGemstone of Scale Dropped by Mirrormask.
Seeds of DestructionPlatinum Plated Worm Pinion Gear Model XVI Found via this quest.
Secrets of FaydwerPolished Caracite Dropped by Dungore.
Seeds of DestructionGnoll's Gnawbone Dropped by an enraged scrawny gnoll.
Depths of DarkhollowStonewarden Dropped by Alex Hutchison.
The Broken MirrorVermiculated Gloves
Seeds of DestructionBonegrinder's Bauble Dropped by an ancient bonegrinder.
Serpents SpineWarbound Gauntlets Dropped by Nanertak.
The Broken MirrorAnthemion Gloves
Dragons of NorrathSpine Forged Plate Gauntlets
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model LXVIII Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Gates of DiscordGaelin's Woodland Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Rain of FearFrightening Salve
Ruins of KunarkCobalt Gauntlets Dropped by a drolvarg captain.
Planes of PowerHurricane Plate Gauntlets
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model LXX Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
The Broken MirrorShiverback-Hide Gloves
Seeds of DestructionSilver Dragon Scale
The Buried SeaTainted Moonstone Shard Found via this quest.
Scars of VeliousCrazy Cleric Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathYenner's Rock of Enhanced Protection Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathGravestone Fragment of Protection Found via this quest.
Secrets of FaydwerAnnealed Mana Conductor Found via this quest.
Ruins of KunarkGloves of Wrath Dropped by froglok chef.
Shadows of LuclinClaw of Vyzh`dra Dropped by Vyzh`dra the Cursed.
UnderfootOrb of Timeless Stone Found via this quest.
Shadows of LuclinForhal's Gauntlets Dropped by Xin Thall Centien.
Silver Threaded Worm Gear Model XXVII Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowNargilor-Imbued Silk Mitts Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowAzure Gloves of the Diplomat Found via this quest.
Legacy of YkeshaWondrous Silver Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Rain of FearImbued Feather Dropped by an angry mob leader.
Omens of WarBazu Gauntlets of Flames
Seeds of DestructionFeral Eye Dropped by Jracsza the Feral.
Iron Plated Timing Pendulum Model XXI Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Fiddletinks' Spinzaflobberator
Scars of VeliousEtched Plate Gauntlets of Fancy Dropped by a wicked performer.
Scars of VeliousMithril Gauntlets Dropped by Lady Mirenilla.
Seeds of DestructionPallorax's Frozen Flame Found via this quest.
Rallos Zek Devotee's Enhancement
Blazing Euphoria Enhancement
Bronze Slant Thread Pinion Gear Model VIII Found via this quest.
Gates of DiscordKizash's Savage Heart Gloves Found via this quest.
Iron Plated Timing Pendulum Model XX Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Silver Threaded Worm Gear Model XXVIII Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathExperimental Gem of Enhanced Protection Found via this quest.
Gates of DiscordPressl's Gloves of Balance Found via this quest.
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model LXIX Found via this quest.
Bronze Slant Thread Pinion Gear Model IX Found via this quest.
Seeds of DestructionPlatinum Plated Worm Pinion Gear Model XVII Found via this quest.
UnderfootTear of the Bellikos Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowCrystalline Webbing of Absorbing Found via this quest.
Gauntlets of the Avaricious
Shadows of LuclinGloves of Warding Dropped by Thall Va Kelun.
The Buried SeaFabled Fire Idol Dropped by The Fabled Fiery Thought Leech.
Omens of WarMagnetic Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionCrystal Dragon Scale
Bronze Slant Thread Pinion Gear Model VI Found via this quest.
Brellium Platemail Gauntlets
Elaborate Consigned Silk Gloves Found via this quest.
Silver Threaded Worm Gear Model XXIV Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Scars of VeliousChampion's Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Blessed Full Mithril Gauntlets
Prophecy of RoSpirit Totem Etched Gloves Dropped by a shadowmane feralist.
Scars of VeliousBladesman's Gauntlets Dropped by a spirit flux wolf.
Silver Threaded Worm Gear Model XXVI Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Full Mithril Gauntlets
Stormreaper Steelwoven Gauntlets
Omens of WarDragonkin Heraldic Gauntlets
Silver Threaded Worm Gear Model XXIII Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathStillmesh Chain Gloves
Clockwork Observer Gauntlets
Gold Plated Contact Spring Model XIX Found via this quest.
Fierce Heraldic Gauntlets
Lost Dungeons of NorrathIncorporeal Gauntlets of the Specter
Depths of DarkhollowGnomework Augmented Gloves Dropped by Vernon.
Prophecy of RoHandwraps of Transcended Immortality Dropped by a screeching bat.
Fetid Heraldic Gauntlets
Elaborate Defiant Silk Gloves Dropped by Lieutenant Noton Jurnnes.
Dragons of NorrathHands of Flame Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Salubrious Heraldic Gauntlets
Silver Threaded Worm Gear Model XXII Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Mischievous Platemail Gauntlets
Teir`Dal Regent Gauntlets
Iron Plated Timing Pendulum Model XIX Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Intricate Defiant Leather Gloves Dropped by a loathling lich.
Planes of PowerPadded Tigerskin Gloves Found via this quest.
Neriad's Steelweave Gauntlets
Helanic Tundra Gauntlets
Rigid Steelweave Gauntlets
Underfoot Platemail Gauntlets
Hateful Heraldic Gauntlets
Fulvous Steelweave Gauntlets
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model LXVII Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathIncorporeal Gauntlets of the Specter
Omens of WarChaos-Imbued Leather Gloves Dropped by a chest - Cipheron.
House of ThuleGem of Unwavering Tenacity Found via this quest.
Seeds of DestructionPlatinum Plated Worm Pinion Gear Model XV Found via this quest.
Fine Heraldic Gauntlets
Depths of DarkhollowDrained Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model LXV Found via this quest.
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model LXIV Found via this quest.
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model LXVI Found via this quest.
Radiant Heraldic Gauntlets
Dragons of NorrathBlack Link Chain Gloves
Stone Ring Grips
Thunderous Heraldic Gauntlets
Serene Steelweave Gauntlets
Secrets of FaydwerSilver Steamwork Gear Found via this quest.
Intricate Consigned Leather Gloves
Luminant Heraldic Gauntlets
Gem of the Eleventh Scholar Found via this quest.
Prophecy of RoEverliving Bramble Gloves Dropped by a carnivorous plant.
Iron Plated Timing Pendulum Model XVIII Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Silver Threaded Worm Gear Model XXV Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
UnderfootPurifying Pyrite Stone Found via this quest.
Dark Prince Regent Gauntlets
Dragons of NorrathIntricate Leatherfoot Gloves Found via this quest.
Updated TodaySecrets of FaydwerFlawed Defiant Leather Gloves Dropped by a wyvern.
Dragons of NorrathIntricate Snowborn Gloves Found via this quest.
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model LXI Found via this quest.
House of ThulePatches' Gnarled Bone Found via this quest.
Omens of WarGlyphwielder's Gloves of the Summoner Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineIntricate Crystalwing Gloves Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathIntricate Wealdstone Gloves Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineElaborate Crystalskin Gloves Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineEmblazoned Leather Gloves Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineBlessed Leather Gloves Found via this quest.
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model LXIII Found via this quest.
Updated TodaySecrets of FaydwerFlawed Defiant Leather Gloves
Dragons of NorrathElaborate Shadowrise Gloves Found via this quest.
Bronze Slant Thread Pinion Gear Model V Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathIntricate Dreadguard Gloves Found via this quest.
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model LX Found via this quest.
UnderfootCrystallized Cliknar Eye Found via this quest.
Silver Threaded Worm Gear Model XIX Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathIntricate Moonglade Gloves Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathElaborate Vah Anima Gloves Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineBark-Inlaid Leather Gloves Found via this quest.
Seeds of DestructionPlatinum Plated Worm Pinion Gear Model XIV Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathElaborate Bloodpact Gloves Found via this quest.
Silver Threaded Worm Gear Model XVII Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Legacy of YkeshaKylong Darkmail Gauntlets Dropped by a highborn.
Dragons of NorrathElaborate Brambleborn Gloves Found via this quest.
Shadows of LuclinRaldukan Gauntlets Dropped by a gantru raldukan.
Ruins of KunarkVibrating Gauntlets of Infuse Found via this quest.
Entrepreneur's Chain Gloves
Serpents SpineInlaid Leather Gloves Found via this quest.
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model LXII Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathElaborate Runeseeker Gloves
Ruins of KunarkDragons of NorrathIntricate Trooper Gloves Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathIntricate Warborn Gloves Found via this quest.
Silver Threaded Worm Gear Model XVIII Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathIntricate Autoactuated Gloves Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathElaborate Reaver Gloves Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathIntricate Stalwart Gloves Found via this quest.
Gates of DiscordIkaav-Scale Gloves Dropped by Pixtt Suir Mindrider.
Serpents SpineMist-Blessed Leather Gloves Found via this quest.
Silver Threaded Worm Gear Model XX Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathElaborate Longstrider Gloves Found via this quest.
Silver Threaded Worm Gear Model XXI Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Omens of WarAcademic's Gloves of the Arcanists Found via this quest.
Elaborate Bounder Gloves
Dragons of NorrathIntricate Khala Dun Gloves
Omens of WarMindreaver's Handguards of Coercion Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathElaborate Driftwalker Gloves Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathIntricate Stormguard Gloves Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathIntricate Seashine Gloves Found via this quest.
Flawed Consigned Leather Gloves
Iron Plated Timing Pendulum Model XVII Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathElaborate Sagacious Gloves Found via this quest.
Omens of WarBlightbringer's Handguards of the Grave Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineEarth-Emblazoned Leather Gloves Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowOrnate Wurine Gloves Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathIntricate Nightkeeper Gloves Found via this quest.
Legacy of YkeshaIntricate Protectorate Gloves
Iron Plated Timing Pendulum Model XVI Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathIntricate Wayguard Gloves
Lost Dungeons of NorrathGloves of Black Mire
Intricate Defiant Silk Gloves Dropped by sebilite juggernaut.
Iron Plated Timing Pendulum Model XV Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Planes of PowerStormrider Gauntlets Dropped by a Koka`Vor chieftain.
UnderfootIncorruptible Tear Dropped by a red gold golem.
Bronze Slant Thread Pinion Gear Model IV Found via this quest.
Gates of DiscordScaled Gloves of the Director Dropped by Officiator Keviazh.
Intricate Consigned Silk Gloves
Gloves of Suffering
Depths of DarkhollowLightfingers, Hand of the Archthief
Omens of WarEleventh Shard of Turquoise Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathSandstorm Fragment Gauntlets
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model LVIII Found via this quest.
Iron Plated Timing Pendulum Model XIV Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Planes of PowerGloves of the Unseen Found via this quest.
UnderfootFacet of the Siren Dropped by Bellikos Bloodsiren.
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model LIX Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Silver Threaded Worm Gear Model XVI Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Ornate Defiant Chain Gauntlets Dropped by an ice giant.
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model LVI Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Linked Scale Gauntlets
Secrets of FaydwerPrime Plate Gauntlets
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model LVII Found via this quest.
Seeds of DestructionExperimental Device Dropped by a cliknar scout.
Depths of DarkhollowDrachnid Exoskeleton Linked Gloves
Ornate Consigned Chain Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowDeep Iron Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Blazing Euphoria Assaulting Fire
The Broken MirrorElegant Sulstone of the Fulcrum
Iron Plated Timing Pendulum Model XIII Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Prophecy of RoHandwraps of Celestial Discipline Found via this quest.
Rallos Zek Devotee's Protecting Ice
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model LIII Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Scars of VeliousShining Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Blazing Euphoria Soothing
The Broken MirrorElegant Sulstone of the Beneficent
Blazing Euphoria Defender
Blazing Euphoria Casting Magic
Stefan's Gauntlets Dropped by Stefan Marsinger.
Silver Threaded Worm Gear Model XIV Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Blazing Euphoria Casting Fire
Gauntlets of Undying Memories
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model LI Found via this quest.
Rallos Zek Devotee's Dorsal Defense
Rallos Zek Devotee's Casting Ice
Silver Threaded Worm Gear Model XV Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Rallos Zek Devotee's Defense
Blazing Euphoria Dorsal Defense
Planes of PowerTon Po's Gloves of Composure Found via this quest.
Iron Plated Timing Pendulum Model XII Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Prophecy of RoGloves of the Wildkin Found via this quest.
Blazing Euphoria Assaulting Magic
Planes of PowerKerasha's Sylvan Gloves Found via this quest.
Scars of VeliousTroubadour's Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Kerasha's Sylvan Gloves
Blazing Euphoria Warding Magic
Rallos Zek Devotee's Defending Ice
Scars of VeliousTemplar's Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Blazing Euphoria Defending Magic
Planes of PowerDumul's Gloves of the Brute Found via this quest.
Blazing Euphoria Protecting Magic
Rallos Zek Devotee's Warding Ice
Seeds of DestructionPlatinum Plated Worm Pinion Gear Model XIII Found via this quest.
Rallos Zek Devotee's Soothing
Blazing Euphoria Attacker
Bronze Slant Thread Pinion Gear Model III Found via this quest.
Mennelle's Tattered Gloves
Blazing Euphoria Protecting Fire
The Broken MirrorElegant Sulstone of the Vengeful
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model LII Found via this quest.
Rallos Zek Devotee's Assaulting Ice
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model LV Found via this quest.
Scars of VeliousMalevolent Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Omens of WarExpert Crafted Gloves of the Attackers Found via this quest.
Blazing Euphoria Ventral Defense
Omens of WarTarnished Dragorn Gloves Dropped by Golem Supplier.
Prophecy of RoWoven Bramble Gloves Found via this quest.
The Broken MirrorElegant Sulstone of the Valiant
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model LIV Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Rallos Zek Devotee's Ventral Defense
Blazing Euphoria Warding Fire
Gold Plated Contact Spring Model XVIII Found via this quest.
Rallos Zek Devotee's Attacker
Loyal Henchmen Plate Gauntlets
Blazing Euphoria Defending Fire
Serpents SpineMagma Lacquer Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Rot-Covered Tombstone Shard Found via this quest.
Scars of VeliousShiny Metallic Gloves Dropped by Lord Kreizenn.
Omens of WarMuramite Chain Gauntlets of Battle Dropped by a chest - Noc Juggernaut.
Omens of WarGloves of the Invader Dropped by Dragorn Strategist.
Whispering Midnight Protecting Magic Dropped by Ruby Icefall Blossom.
Shadows of LuclinCircle of Smoke Dropped by Vyzh`dra the Cursed.
Rallos Zek Acolyte's Attacker
Serpents SpinePortal Scrap Dropped by a timber lizard.
House of ThuleDark Black Gem Dropped by a risen ancestor.
Depths of DarkhollowHivegrime Stone of Avoidance Found via this quest.
Rallos Zek Acolyte's Ventral Defense
Depths of DarkhollowIllsalin Enforcer Symbol Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathRuned Leather Gloves Found via this quest.
The Buried SeaFabled Gloves of the Death Ward Dropped by The Fabled Warder of Death.
Revolting Thought Spur Dropped by Mistress of Scorn - Plane of Hate: Revisited.
Whispering Midnight Ventral Defense Dropped by Depth of Iron.
The Buried SeaGali Vertebra Dropped by Garayy Gali.
Planes of PowerPlanestriders Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Iron Plated Timing Pendulum Model X Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathIntricate Daybreaker Gloves
Gates of DiscordHardened Mastruq-Hide Gloves Dropped by Mastruq Utk Hykat.
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model XLVIII Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Lockpicking Gloves
House of ThuleSlice of Veeshan's Scale Dropped by a Scarlet Legion mender.
Secrets of FaydwerKerafyrm's Blessed Stone Dropped by an air drake.
UnderfootEmpowered Boneshards Found via this quest.
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model XLVII Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model XLVI Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
UnderfootWorkmaster's Horn Fragment Found via this quest.
Omens of WarExpert Crafted Gloves of the Keen Found via this quest.
Gates of DiscordSilken Gloves of the Chaos Found via this quest.
Rallos Zek Acolyte's Soothing
Depths of DarkhollowHeart of Darkhollow Wilds Found via this quest.
Updated TodaySecrets of FaydwerFlawed Defiant Silk Gloves
House of ThuleHeroic Flame Alchemist's Jewel
Omens of WarOre of Stone Strength Dropped by Girplan Shardtender.
Bronze Slant Thread Pinion Gear Model II Found via this quest.
Gates of DiscordGloves of Wicked Ambition Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathIntricate Wirewood Gloves Found via this quest.
Rallos Zek Acolyte's Defending Ice
The Buried SeaCitizen's Energeiac Leather Gloves
Lost Dungeons of NorrathGlowing Gem of Enhanced Protection Found via this quest.
Whispering Midnight Assaulting Fire Dropped by Wilting Flames.
Seeds of DestructionPlatinum Plated Worm Pinion Gear Model XII Found via this quest.
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model XLIX Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Whispering Midnight Protecting Fire
Gore-Covered Tombstone Shard Found via this quest.
Silver Threaded Worm Gear Model XIII Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Whispering Midnight Assaulting Magic
Seeds of DestructionPrescient Petrous Eye Dropped by Hesila, Preceptor of Kaesora.
Dragons of NorrathIntricate Farsight Gloves
Dragons of NorrathIntricate Frostwarded Gloves Found via this quest.
The Buried SeaEleventh Shard of Amethyst Found via this quest.
Secrets of FaydwerScale of Vergalid's Spawn Dropped by a Green Legion overseer.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathUnala's Stone of Enhanced Protection Found via this quest.
UnderfootEye of Conquest Found via this quest.
Rallos Zek Acolyte's Defense
Seeds of DestructionBlood of the Fallen
Gates of DiscordScarred Token of Resistance Dropped by Mastered Destroyer.
Whispering Midnight Warding Fire
Depths of DarkhollowTribal Chain Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Omens of WarBazu Gauntlets
Omens of WarBlood Red Mittens Dropped by an ironbound chest.
Ruins of KunarkDragons of NorrathIntricate Twoscale Gloves Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathIntricate Tyrant Gloves Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathIntricate Lightring Gloves Found via this quest.
Whispering Midnight Dorsal Defense Dropped by Stout Stone Beaten.
Serpents SpineIntricate Crystalscale Gloves Found via this quest.
Gates of DiscordOpaque Sapphire of Bulwark Dropped by Pixtt Airstrangler.
Dragons of NorrathIntricate Stonetooth Gloves
The Broken MirrorElegant Spitegem of the Resourceful
Planes of PowerNight Terror Plate Gauntlets
Shadows of LuclinGauntlets of Living Shadow Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathIntricate Khala Vir Gloves Found via this quest.
Updated TodaySecrets of FaydwerFlawed Defiant Silk Gloves Dropped by a skycinder drake.
Whispering Midnight Defending Magic Dropped by Whispering Depths Sigh.
Planes of PowerHurricane Chain Gloves
Scalemesh Gloves
Dragons of NorrathScale Gloves of the Winds Dropped by Hidekazu.
Flawed Consigned Silk Gloves
Iron Plated Timing Pendulum Model XI Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Prophecy of RoGloves of the Sandglow Guardian Dropped by Night Terror.
Planes of PowerStormriders Gauntlets Dropped by Agnarr the Storm Lord.
Whispering Midnight Defender Dropped by Copper Star.
Dragons of NorrathIntricate Nightfall Gloves Found via this quest.
Planes of PowerStanos' Wicked Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Gates of DiscordAshen Claystone of Aegis Dropped by Hynid Howler.
Seeds of DestructionImperial Shell Dropped by Eazack the Cruel.
Dragons of NorrathIntricate Claviger Gloves Found via this quest.
Rallos Zek Acolyte's Warding Ice
Dragons of NorrathIntricate Servolinked Gloves Found via this quest.
Rallos Zek Acolyte's Dorsal Defense
Serpents SpineElemental Core Dropped by a mischievous stormrider.
Whispering Midnight Enhancement Dropped by Breaker.
Silver Threaded Worm Gear Model XII Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Rallos Zek Acolyte's Enhancement
Shadows of LuclinGloves of the Death Ward Found via this quest.
Secrets of FaydwerThe Universal Cog Dropped by a steamwork ductworker.
Superb Vigorous Gem of Distant Echoes
Prophecy of RoScaled Jewel Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathFocus Stone of Enhanced Protection Found via this quest.
Gates of DiscordJymall's Gloves of Frenzy Found via this quest.
Whispering Midnight Defending Fire
Lost Dungeons of NorrathGeomancer's Gloves of Celerity Found via this quest.
Rallos Zek Acolyte's Assaulting Ice
Omens of WarGround Murkglider Eyes Dropped by Blind Hunter Rekamu.
Scars of VeliousCrystal Chitin Gauntlets Dropped by a blizzard hunter.
Scars of VeliousGloves of Distraction Found via this quest.
UnderfootSteam Sublimated Death Stone Found via this quest.
Prophecy of RoSteelward Stone Dropped by an imprisoned general.
Rallos Zek Acolyte's Casting Ice
Serpents SpineEidolon Plate Gauntlets
House of ThuleHeroic Workmaster's Horn
Rallos Zek Acolyte's Protecting Ice
Whispering Midnight Casting Magic
The Broken MirrorPreserving Sifter's Gloves
Rain of FearSentinel's Claw Dropped by a gnome disciple.
Silver Threaded Worm Gear Model XI Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Whispering Midnight Attacker
Serpents SpineShaped Turquoise Fragment Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Whispering Midnight Casting Fire Dropped by Forsaken Cloud Sapphire.
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model L Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Whispering Midnight Warding Magic Dropped by Platinum Rainbow Spire.
Scars of VeliousThunder Etched Gauntlets Dropped by a guardian of Zek.
Secrets of FaydwerCursed Obsidian Faycite
Secrets of FaydwerBolstered Gem of Defense Dropped by Decrepit Skeleton.
Dragons of NorrathIntricate Ravager Gloves Found via this quest.
Whispering Midnight Soothing
Serpents SpineSteamvent Ruby Dropped by a black ooze.
Planes of PowerScaled Avatar's Gloves Found via this quest.
Secrets of FaydwerSilver Steamwork Gear Found via this quest.
Disciple's War Gauntlets Dropped by a disciple of Thule.
Silver Threaded Worm Gear Model X Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model XLIV Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathDarkling Chain Gloves
Dragons of NorrathFragile Gauntlets Dropped by Snowclaw.
Chainmail Gloves of the Patriot
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model XLI Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model XLIII Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Rough Defiant Plate Gauntlets Dropped by an initiate familiar.
Iron Plated Timing Pendulum Model IX Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowCorathus Leather Gloves Found via this quest.
Rough Consigned Plate Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Iron Plated Timing Pendulum Model VIII Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathPrimitive Plate Gauntlets Dropped by a fierce drogan spider.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathGhastly Gauntlets of Sacrifice
Lost Dungeons of NorrathFrozen Gloves of the Feral Lord Found via this quest.
Gates of DiscordGauntlets of the Enforcer
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model XLV Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Scars of VeliousBarbed Ringmail Gloves Dropped by Bled.
Scars of VeliousAkkirus' Gauntlets of the Risen Found via this quest.
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model XLII Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathGloves of the Cauldron Cursed Found via this quest.
Freeport Commoner Plate Gauntlets
Tae Ew Plate Gloves
Gold Plated Contact Spring Model XVII Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathDeath Embracer's Gloves
Dragons of NorrathFree Link Chain Gloves
Gates of DiscordSilken Gloves of the Ikaav Dropped by Pixxt Kihkx.
Gates of DiscordBlack Gemstone of Pain Found via this quest.
The Buried SeaBuccaneer's Energeiac Leather Gloves
Prophecy of RoGloves of Phenomenal Power Dropped by a bloodbonded firestarter.
Archthief's Gloves
Depths of DarkhollowMoldy Chain Gloves Dropped by The Sporali Avenger.
Prophecy of RoEleventh Shard of Malachite Found via this quest.
Silver Threaded Worm Gear Model IX Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Serpents SpinePetrified Bladefin Eye Dropped by a bladefin basilisk.
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model XL Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model XXXIX Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Iron Plated Timing Pendulum Model VII Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Blackglyph Chain Gloves
Omens of WarExpert Crafted Gauntlets of the Healers Found via this quest.
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model XXXVI Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Prophecy of RoGloves of Whispered Death Dropped by a Truefaith deathcaster.
Depths of DarkhollowLight Amphibian Hide Gloves Found via this quest.
Ornate Defiant Leather Gloves Dropped by a hill giant.
Depths of DarkhollowPrimal Element Wristcuff Dropped by a bloodbonded archimage.
Prophecy of RoGloves of Eternal Eloquence Dropped by a Truefaith coercer.
Scars of VeliousBlood Lord's Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Scars of VeliousScaled Knight's Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Silver Steamwork Gear Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowBeastly Leather Gloves Found via this quest.
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model XXXV Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Ornate Consigned Leather Gloves Found via this quest.
Planes of PowerGauntlets of the Burning Prince Dropped by Solusek Ro.
Shadows of LuclinDesecrated Platemail Gauntlets Dropped by Arcanist Ukigit.
Shadows of LuclinBlack Acrylia Gauntlets Dropped by a grimling warlord.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathRujarkian Meditation Gloves Found via this quest.
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model XXXVII Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Gates of DiscordBlack Gemstone of Suffering Found via this quest.
Iron Plated Timing Pendulum Model VI Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Omens of WarDiscordant Gloves of Betrayal Dropped by a chest - Cipheron.
Planes of PowerRiveted Joint Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Secrets of FaydwerBlessed Celestine Faycite
Spongy Gloves
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model XXXVIII Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Prophecy of RoLeather Fistwraps of the Avaricious Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowFiebing Dyed Leather Gloves Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowFaydark Brownie Gloves Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathMucus-Drenched Gloves
Omens of WarGreenvale Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model XXXI Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowTrickster's Giggling Gloves Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathTanned Dragonhide Leather Gloves
Shadows of LuclinMoktor Gauntlets Dropped by a gantru moktor.
Scars of VeliousDeceiver's Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model XXXII Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Gates of DiscordScarified Ukun-Skin Gloves Dropped by Pixtt Suir Mindrider.
Iron Plated Timing Pendulum Model V Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model XXIX Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineTomekeeper Silk Gloves Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineKeeper Silk Gloves Found via this quest.
The Buried SeaEnergetic Barnacle Dropped by a sand shark.
Planes of PowerRomar's Gloves of Visions Found via this quest.
Planes of PowerMiragul's Gloves of Risen Souls Found via this quest.
Scars of VeliousGauntlets of Twilight Found via this quest.
Gates of DiscordJennu's Gloves of Creation Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathMucus-Drenched Gloves
Omens of WarStillmind Fistguards Found via this quest.
Prophecy of RoFabled Gauntlets of the Black Dropped by The Fabled Firbrand.
The Buried SeaTempered Energeiac Plate Gauntlets
Silver Threaded Worm Gear Model VIII Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Gates of DiscordNunkin's Gloves of Pure Elements Found via this quest.
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model XXX Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Seeds of DestructionRallosian Casterix Dropped by a Rallosian champion.
Dragons of NorrathCorroded Gloves Dropped by Viridix.
The Broken MirrorApothic Gloves
Lost Dungeons of NorrathPristine Jeweled Gloves Dropped by Sparkling Summoning.
Clear Enamel Chain Gloves
Gold Plated Contact Spring Model XVI Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowCocoon Skin Gloves Found via this quest.
The Broken MirrorCarmine Gloves
Serpents SpineThought-Attuned Silk Gloves Found via this quest.
Gates of DiscordNolaen's Lifereaper Gloves Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineAttuned Silk Gloves Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowGloves of Sneaking Found via this quest.
The Broken MirrorElegant Sulstone of the Resourceful
Prophecy of RoGloves of the Whispering Soul Found via this quest.
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model XXXIII Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Prophecy of RoGloves of Prismatic Power Found via this quest.
Firebrand's Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Planes of PowerMagi`Kot's Gloves of Convergence Found via this quest.
Scars of VeliousCold Steel Gauntlets
Serpents SpineVision-Shrouded Silk Gloves Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineShadow-Vexed Silk Gloves Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowRepugnant Leather Gloves Dropped by a drachnid tormentor.
Omens of WarBeast Tamer's Gloves Found via this quest.
Prophecy of RoGloves of Persuasion Found via this quest.
Planes of PowerMaelin's Gloves of Lore Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineVexed Silk Gloves Found via this quest.
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model XXXIV Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineShrouded Silk Gloves Found via this quest.
Scars of VeliousForest Stalker's Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Prophecy of RoElddar Preserver's Gloves Dropped by Volwen the Unkempt.
The Broken MirrorInsidious Gloves
Serpents SpineWill of Many Hands Dropped by Lorekeeper Gerrod.
Maelin's Gloves of Lore
Romar's Gloves of Visions
Ruins of KunarkGauntlets of the Dark Princess Found via this quest.
Prophecy of RoElemental Essence Wristcuff Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathShadow Dragon Leather Gloves
The Broken MirrorBlighted Gloves
The Buried SeaPraetorian's Energeiac Silk Gloves
Iron Plated Timing Pendulum Model IV Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Gates of DiscordLelyen's Gloves of Entrancement Found via this quest.
Gates of DiscordSmooth Black Matter Gemstone Found via this quest.
Scars of VeliousGolden Leaf Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model XXVIII Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathOrnate Protectorate Gloves Found via this quest.
Rain of FearTranscendent Glove Symbol of Storms
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model XXVI Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Ruins of KunarkDragons of NorrathOrnate Trooper Gloves Found via this quest.
Shadows of LuclinDefender's Gauntlets Dropped by a grol baku taskmaster.
Scars of VeliousShadow Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Rain of FearTranscendent Glove Symbol of the Depths
Scars of VeliousShamanistic Shenanigan Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Scars of VeliousSpirit Caller's Gauntlets Found via this quest.
OriginalSlime Blood of Cazic-Thule Dropped by Fright.
Legacy of YkeshaGauntlets of Suffering Dropped by a blackblooded taskmaster.
Firehide Gloves
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model XXIV Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Planes of PowerStonehide Gloves
Depths of DarkhollowMolted Drachnid Chitin Gloves Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathOrnate Stalwart Gloves Found via this quest.
Gates of DiscordGloves of the Great Earthquake Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathOrnate Stormguard Gloves Found via this quest.
Gates of DiscordBlack Gemstone of Torture Found via this quest.
Planes of PowerTrilounhide Gloves
Rain of FearTranscendent Glove Symbol of the Warmonger
Lost Dungeons of NorrathAggressor's Gauntlets
Ornate Defiant Cloth Gloves Dropped by a hill giant.
Ruins of KunarkSinging Steel Gauntlets Dropped by skeletal lookout.
Dragons of NorrathOrnate Snowborn Gloves Found via this quest.
Shadows of LuclinGauntlets of the Blood Fiend Dropped by Gorelaz Verilak.
Green Plate Gauntlets
Seana's Gauntlets Dropped by Seana Marsinger.
Iron Plated Timing Pendulum Model II Found via this quest.
Rain of FearTranscendent Glove Symbol of Below
Scars of VeliousLegionnaire Scale Gauntlets Dropped by a repulsive rat.
Dragons of NorrathOrnate Wayguard Gloves
Planes of PowerNight Terror Chain Gloves
Rain of FearTranscendent Glove Symbol of Integrity
Ornate Consigned Cloth Gloves Found via this quest.
Silver Steamwork Gear Found via this quest.
Rain of FearTranscendent Glove Symbol of the Brood
Rough Defiant Chain Gauntlets Dropped by a fairy guard.
Shadows of LuclinGloves of Fungal Flesh Found via this quest.
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model XXIII Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Gates of DiscordBlack Gemstone of Death Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineIron Forged Plate Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Legacy of YkeshaBraided Zraxthril Gloves Dropped by Scryer Xvalos.
OriginalLustrous Russet Gauntlets
Rain of FearTranscendent Glove Symbol of Hate
Ruins of KunarkDonal's Gauntlets of Mourning Dropped by a cursed hand.
Rain of FearTranscendent Glove Symbol of Devotion
Iron Plated Timing Pendulum Model III Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Scars of VeliousKobold Bone Gauntlets Dropped by The Brood Master.
Rain of FearTranscendent Glove Symbol of the Skeptic
Dragons of NorrathOrnate Dreadguard Gloves Found via this quest.
Seeds of DestructionPlatinum Plated Worm Pinion Gear Model XI Found via this quest.
Shadows of LuclinLinked Chain Gloves Dropped by a grimling bloodmage.
Gates of DiscordSmooth Black Matter Gemstone Found via this quest.
Legacy of YkeshaWorn Zraxthril Gauntlets Dropped by a Broken Skull dreadguard.
OriginalIndicolite Gauntlets Dropped by phoboplasm.
Scars of VeliousGauntlets of Fire's Fury Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathOrnate Wealdstone Gloves Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathOrnate Autoactuated Gloves Found via this quest.
Rain of FearTranscendent Glove Symbol of Wildfire
The Buried SeaEleventh Shard of Topaz Found via this quest.
Rain of FearTranscendent Glove Symbol of the Farceur
Shadows of LuclinLarge Acrylia Plate Gauntlets
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model XXV Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathOrnate Leatherfoot Gloves Found via this quest.
Shadows of LuclinSmall Acrylia Plate Gauntlets
Rain of FearTranscendent Glove Symbol of Growth
Lost Dungeons of NorrathFallen Specimen's Gloves
Depths of DarkhollowShiliskin Flesh Gloves Found via this quest.
Rain of FearTranscendent Glove Symbol of Stillness
Dragons of NorrathOrnate Moonglade Gloves Found via this quest.
Rain of FearTranscendent Glove Symbol of Infestation
Ruins of KunarkBlood Ember Gauntlets Dropped by Construct of Sathir.
Scars of VeliousWolf Caller's Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model XXVII Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineOrnate Crystalwing Gloves Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathMuck-Covered Chain Links
Silver Threaded Worm Gear Model VII Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Rain of FearTranscendent Glove Symbol of Compassion
Planes of PowerWindskin Gloves
Rough Consigned Chain Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Omens of WarFaded Abhorrent Gauntlets of Darkness Dropped by Lanys T`Vyl.
Dragons of NorrathOrnate Warborn Gloves Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathOrnate Khala Dun Gloves Found via this quest.
Omens of WarFeran Gloves of Ice
Ruins of KunarkDeepwater Gauntlets Dropped by skeletal scryer.
The Buried SeaSmuggler's Energeiac Leather Gloves
Rain of FearTranscendent Glove Symbol of Judgment
Rain of FearTranscendent Glove Symbol of Terror
Shadows of LuclinAcrylia Plate Gauntlets
Dragons of NorrathOrnate Seashine Gloves Found via this quest.
Gold Plated Contact Spring Model XV Found via this quest.
Abhorrent Gauntlets of Darkness
Scars of VeliousDragonscaled Gauntlets Dropped by Marech of the Shrine.
Scars of VeliousSilver Steel Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathOrnate Nightkeeper Gloves Found via this quest.
Ruins of KunarkCelestial Fists Found via this quest.
Shadows of LuclinSlighted Gloves Dropped by a thought stealer.
Prophecy of RoThe Chalice of Life Found via this quest.
Ruins of KunarkAncient Shissar Gauntlet Dropped by Venril Sathir.
Prophecy of RoBell Chime of Dissonance Found via this quest.
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model XX Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Shadows of LuclinGloves of Control Dropped by Rhag`Mozdezh.
OriginalDwarven Plate Gauntlets
Bronze Slant Thread Pinion Gear Model I Found via this quest.
The Buried SeaFractured Shard of Mana Dropped by Tempest Eddy.
UnderfootGem of Bound Voidsouls Found via this quest.
Scars of VeliousStupendous Hand Wraps Dropped by the Master of Mayhem.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathImmortal Blood-Tainted Gloves
Scars of VeliousRoyal Velium Frosted Gauntlets Dropped by An Icewell Sentinel.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathSmooth Silk Gloves Found via this quest.
Secrets of FaydwerTainted Brownie Heart Dropped by Eldervine the Twisted.
Prophecy of RoRoughcut Ragestone Found via this quest.
Scars of VeliousRuned Protector's Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Bloody Tombstone Shard Found via this quest.
Celestial Fists
Depths of DarkhollowDeft Leather Gloves Dropped by Psciospore.
Prophecy of RoSmoldered Gem of Battle Found via this quest.
Secrets of FaydwerDisrupted Stone of Chaos Found via this quest.
Omens of WarStone of Resilience Dropped by Girplan Taskmaster.
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model XVIII Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model XVII Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
The Buried SeaBlack Undead Shissar Scale Dropped by Slitherer.
Scars of VeliousGrand Gauntlets of Goading Found via this quest.
Prophecy of RoMight of Takish-Hiz Dropped by Spirit of the Claw.
Gates of DiscordGemmed Gloves of Guile
Elegant Consigned Goshenite
The Broken MirrorPreserving Sponsor's Gloves
Gates of DiscordLeather Gloves of the Slayer
Scars of VeliousFlexed Protective Gloves Found via this quest.
Omens of WarIgneous Stone of Hatred Dropped by Dragorn Foreman.
Gates of DiscordDaunting Opaque Orb Dropped by Pxet Elite Brawler.
Spiked Gloves of Lunar Light
Scars of VeliousDark Runed Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Prophecy of RoGlass Orb of Consonance Found via this quest.
Planes of PowerElemental Tear Gauntlets Dropped by Servant of Flame.
Engraved Royal Velium Gauntlets
Omens of WarBloodstone of Armored Protection Dropped by Guardian of Veeshan.
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model XXII Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
The Buried SeaJonas Dagmire's Skeletal Hand Found via this quest.
Silver Threaded Worm Gear Model VI Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineShard of Expanding Power Dropped by Corrupted Pusling.
Tae Ew Chain Gloves
Scars of VeliousGauntlets of the Righteous Dropped by a knight of hate.
Depths of DarkhollowIllsalin Wall Fragment Found via this quest.
Scars of VeliousMatchless Dragonhide Gauntlets Dropped by Gangel.
The Buried SeaCitizen's Energeiac Silk Gloves
Secrets of FaydwerEssence of Sorrow Dropped by Sorrow.
Prophecy of RoScaled Alloy Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Scars of VeliousGauntlets of Forbidden Rites Found via this quest.
Enchanted Dwarven Plate Gauntlets
Elegant Defiant Goshenite Dropped by an Icefall crawler.
Secrets of FaydwerAnti-Impact Helical Spring II Dropped by a gnome necromancer.
Scars of VeliousImbued Royal Velium Gauntlets
Dragons of NorrathWar Runner Leather Gloves
Dragons of NorrathSpine-Bristled Leather Gloves
Scars of VeliousGloves of Watery Distraction Dropped by a neriad mistress.
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model XXI Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Ruins of KunarkBlazing Gauntlets of Fennin Ro Dropped by Zordakalicus Ragefire.
Shadows of LuclinDark Hand Wraps Dropped by Va Xi Aten Ha Ra.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathBloodstone of Enhanced Protection Dropped by The Chest of the Scions.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathGloves of True Darkness Dropped by The Crypt Feaster.
Shadows of LuclinSilver Skin Gauntlets Dropped by Diabo Xi Xin.
Clear Corathus Shard of Hardening
Depths of DarkhollowWurine Savage Gloves Found via this quest.
Blazing Gauntlets of Fennin Ro
Scars of VeliousTwisted Nature Gloves Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineCrusader's Luckstone Found via this quest.
Scars of VeliousNoctivagant Gauntlets Dropped by Gale Wolf.
Iron Plated Timing Pendulum Model I Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model XIX Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Defender's Gauntlets of Protection
Shadows of LuclinGloves of Dark Summoning Dropped by Thall Va Kelun.
Gold Plated Contact Spring Model XIII Found via this quest.
Scars of VeliousGloves of Temperantia Dropped by Tjudawos the Ancient.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathRitualist's Orb of Enhanced Protection Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineChip of Fratho's Shield Found via this quest.
Scars of VeliousGauntlets of Stability Dropped by Gale Wolf.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathIce Shard of Enhanced Protection Found via this quest.
Scars of VeliousHardened Protective Gloves Found via this quest.
Gold Plated Contact Spring Model XIV Found via this quest.
Greater Scaled Jewel
Shadows of LuclinLiving Symbol Dropped by Thall Va Xakra.
Scars of VeliousGauntlets of the Black Dropped by Firbrand the Black.
Gates of DiscordBone Shard of Rigidity Dropped by Pxet Elite Hammermaster.
Serpents SpineGauntlets of the Watchtower Dropped by Skycore.
Enchanted Full Plate Gauntlets
Dragons of NorrathElaborate Lorekeeper Gloves Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathOrnate Daybreaker Gloves
Gates of DiscordJagged Black Matter Gemstone Found via this quest.
Electrum Full Plate Gauntlets
Eleventh Shard of Granite Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathElaborate Moonsilver Gloves Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathOrnate Stonetooth Gloves Found via this quest.
Ruins of KunarkMrylokar's Gauntlets Dropped by spectral turnkey.
Scars of VeliousGauntlets of Mortality Dropped by Zlandicar.
Ruins of KunarkDragons of NorrathOrnate Twoscale Gloves Found via this quest.
Gates of DiscordSmooth Black Matter Gemstone
Dragons of NorrathOrnate Wirewood Gloves Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathOrnate Khala Vir Gloves Found via this quest.
Planes of PowerLeaf Scale Gloves Dropped by a gnarled treant.
Serpents SpineFire Sanctified Plate Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Ruins of KunarkIncarnadine Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionPlatinum Plated Worm Pinion Gear Model X Found via this quest.
Lightly Rusted Gauntlets
Serpents SpineOrnate Crystalscale Gloves Found via this quest.
Gold Full Plate Gauntlets
Enchanted Full Plate Gauntlets
Dragons of NorrathOrnate Frostwarded Gloves Found via this quest.
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model XIV Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
OriginalImbrued Platemail Gauntlets Dropped by a scorn banshee.
Dragons of NorrathElaborate Starglow Gloves Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathUncovered Decrepit Sepulcher Gloves Dropped by Ravaging Bloodguard Nightthief.
Dragons of NorrathOrnate Servolinked Gloves Found via this quest.
Seeds of DestructionCarrion Offering Dropped by Shadowpaw.
Scars of VeliousMelodic Gauntlets Dropped by a glade stalker.
Serpents SpineElaborate Crystalweave Gloves Found via this quest.
Shadows of LuclinGauntlets of Loathing Dropped by Bile Spew.
Dragons of NorrathElaborate Metalofiber Gloves Found via this quest.
Enchanted Full Plate Gauntlets
Dragons of NorrathOrnate Ravager Gloves Found via this quest.
Gates of DiscordSmooth Black Matter Gemstone Found via this quest.
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model XIII Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Planes of PowerCheirometric Lockpick Device
Footsoldier's Gloves
Serpents SpineSanity Shard Dropped by a cliknar scout.
Dragons of NorrathOrnate Nightfall Gloves Found via this quest.
Silver Threaded Worm Gear Model V Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Silken Gloves of the Avaricious
Legacy of YkeshaDragons of NorrathOrnate Farsight Gloves Found via this quest.
Heavy Bard Gauntlets
Lost Dungeons of NorrathStone-Linked Gloves
Serpents SpineSwamp Dredged Plate Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model XVI Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Scars of VeliousPeerless Dragonhide Gauntlets Dropped by Uiliak.
Dragons of NorrathOrnate Claviger Gloves Found via this quest.
Gold Plated Contact Spring Model XI Found via this quest.
Scars of VeliousSturdy Blessed Gloves Found via this quest.
Planes of PowerFine Steel Guardian Gauntlets Dropped by a blood leech.
Gloomy Chain Gloves
Omens of WarBrutish Gloves of Bashing Dropped by Noc Slavehunter.
Silver Full Plate Gauntlets
Shadows of LuclinBaleen Plate Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathOrnate Lightring Gloves Found via this quest.
Ruins of KunarkTolan's Darkwood Gauntlets Dropped by skeletal captain.
Gates of DiscordJagged Black Matter Gemstone Found via this quest.
Omens of WarWorn Beast Wrangler Gloves
Platinum Full Plate Gauntlets
Depths of DarkhollowDarkenamel Chain Gloves Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineSteel Toned Plate Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathOrnate Tyrant Gloves Found via this quest.
OriginalWind Etched Gauntlets of Ro
Gauntlets of Gloom
Seeds of DestructionOceangreen Clover Dropped by a Clan Direwind initiate.
Dragons of NorrathFabled Tolan's Darkwood Gauntlets Dropped by The Fabled Skeletal Captain.
Serpents SpineMaiden Blessed Plate Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Dark Linked Chain Gloves
The Buried SeaBuccaneer's Energeiac Silk Gloves
Scars of VeliousResonant Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Omens of WarLythe's Gauntlets Dropped by Lythe Songbird.
Planes of PowerWanderer's Sylvan Gloves Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathElaborate Duskwoven Gloves Found via this quest.
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model XII Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Ruins of KunarkDragons of NorrathElaborate Mistwoven Gloves Found via this quest.
Heavy Warrior Gauntlets
Prophecy of RoDiamond Studded Coldain Historical Seal Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Enchanted Full Plate Gauntlets
Gold Plated Contact Spring Model XII Found via this quest.
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model XV Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathGauntlets of the Storm Dropped by Yukari the Enlightened.
Planes of PowerGauntlets of Enlightenment Found via this quest.
Planes of PowerGloves of the Khati Sha Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathElaborate Stargazer Gloves Found via this quest.
Omens of WarMuramite Leather Wraps of Conflict Dropped by a chest - Noc Juggernaut.
Ruins of KunarkJaundiced Bone Gauntlets Dropped by Sentry of Sathir.
Gates of DiscordSullied Stonemite Hide Gloves Dropped by Xthid the Undying.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathLarge Frosted Steel Gauntlets
Lost Dungeons of NorrathLarge Sandblasted Steel Gauntlets
Scars of VeliousRune Crafter's Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Planes of PowerStorm Rider Gloves
Updated TodaySerpents SpineSimple Consigned Plate Gauntlets
Veil of AlarisNuminous Glove Symbol of the Skeptic
Scars of VeliousBrigand's Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathGothic Steel Gauntlets
Planes of PowerFirestrand Gloves
Depths of DarkhollowIncandescent Silk Gloves Found via this quest.
Silver Threaded Worm Gear Model IV Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathSmall Gothic Steel Gauntlets
Lost Dungeons of NorrathFrosted Steel Gauntlets
Lost Dungeons of NorrathSandblasted Steel Gauntlets
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model XI Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathLavaspun Silk Gloves
Planes of PowerShadowhide Gloves Dropped by Baraguj Szuul.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathLarge Calcified Steel Gauntlets
Depths of DarkhollowBlood Worshipper's Gloves Dropped by a Hive egg tender.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathDeep Cavern Steel Gauntlets
Veil of AlarisNuminous Glove Symbol of Hate
Veil of AlarisNuminous Glove Symbol of Integrity
Depths of DarkhollowSleek Reconnaissance Gloves Found via this quest.
Young Witheran Hide Gloves
Veil of AlarisNuminous Glove Symbol of Below
Planes of PowerEarthweave Gloves
Secrets of FaydwerUnstable Over-Energized Faycite
Glowing Fungus Woven Gloves
Lost Dungeons of NorrathSmall Frosted Steel Gauntlets
Scars of VeliousGloves of Beast Mastery Found via this quest.
Scars of VeliousHeavy Dragonhide Gauntlets Dropped by Klandicar.
Rough Defiant Leather Gloves Dropped by a fairy guard.
Depths of DarkhollowCocoon Handler Gloves Found via this quest.
OriginalValorium Gauntlets Dropped by a fetid fiend - male.
Veil of AlarisNuminous Glove Symbol of Compassion
Teir`Dal Adamantite Gauntlets
Scars of VeliousGuardian Gauntlets Dropped by A Gargoyle Guardian.
Scars of VeliousSentient Gauntlets Dropped by a suit of sentient armor.
Legacy of YkeshaSupple Black Gloves Dropped by Overseer Wrank.
Veil of AlarisNuminous Glove Symbol of Devotion
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model IX Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Prophecy of RoCalcified Bone Gauntlets Dropped by War Bone Overlord.
Simple Defiant Plate Gauntlets Dropped by a ghoul.
Scars of VeliousAssassin's Gauntlets Dropped by a spirit flux wolf.
Teir`Dal Adamantite Gauntlets
Planes of PowerWaterweave Gloves
Lost Dungeons of NorrathGloves of the Whispering Wind Dropped by Overlord Flargor.
Dragons of NorrathShadow Skin Gloves
Dragons of NorrathAutumn Weave Silk Gloves
Veil of AlarisNuminous Glove Symbol of the Warmonger
OriginalUmbral Platemail Gauntlets Dropped by Amygdalan knight.
Veil of AlarisNuminous Glove Symbol of Growth
Veil of AlarisNuminous Glove Symbol of the Brood
Planes of PowerAirstrand Gloves
Depths of DarkhollowEmbroidered Supple Gloves Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathSmall Calcified Steel Gauntlets
Veil of AlarisNuminous Glove Symbol of Storms
Omens of WarFlocculent Gloves of Woe Dropped by Dragorn Foreman.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathSmall Sandblasted Steel Gauntlets
OriginalOgre War Plate Gauntlets
Lost Dungeons of NorrathCalcified Steel Gauntlets
Veil of AlarisNuminous Glove Symbol of Infestation
Veil of AlarisGears of the Mansion Dropped by Glorb.
Omens of WarSpelldeviser's Cloth Gloves Found via this quest.
Viscid Slime Gloves Dropped by an acidic mass.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathLarge Gothic Steel Gauntlets
Depths of DarkhollowWurine Fire Handler Mitts Found via this quest.
Heavy Paladin Gauntlets
Veil of AlarisNuminous Glove Symbol of Terror
Shadows of LuclinGrey Dusted Wraps Dropped by Xerkizh The Creator.
Scars of VeliousRuned Scout's Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathFabled Elder Spiritist's Gauntlets Dropped by The Fabled Hangnail.
Imbued Ogre War Gauntlets
Imbued Koada`Dal Mithril Gauntlets
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model VIII Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathLarge Deep Cavern Steel Gauntlets
Scars of VeliousFist of the Golden Star Found via this quest.
Gold Plated Contact Spring Model X Found via this quest.
Planes of PowerIcefury Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Mystic Koada`Dal Mithril Gauntlets
Omens of WarGloves of Strife
Omens of WarRunemaster's Gloves Found via this quest.
Prophecy of RoFabled Gloves of Earthcrafting Dropped by The Fabled Priest Delar.
Veil of AlarisNuminous Glove Symbol of the Depths
Lost Dungeons of NorrathSmall Deep Cavern Steel Gauntlets
Lost Dungeons of NorrathBattle-Worn Straps of the Spiritbound
Heavy Shadowknight Gauntlets
Imbued Ogre War Gauntlets
Freeport Commoner Rawhide Gloves
Veil of AlarisNuminous Glove Symbol of the Farceur
Veil of AlarisNuminous Glove Symbol of Stillness
Prelate's Chain Gloves Dropped by a Tae Ew spear fisher.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathGauntlets of Muck
Veil of AlarisNuminous Glove Symbol of Wildfire
Veil of AlarisNuminous Glove Symbol of Judgment
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model X Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Nurgan Tribal Gloves
Scars of VeliousGauntlets of the Untamed Dropped by a sinister lich.
Omens of WarDeathcaller's Gloves Found via this quest.
Scars of VeliousSpirit Weaver's Gauntlets Dropped by a glade stalker.
Omens of WarCharmweaver's Mittens Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowShed Fur Gloves Found via this quest.
Prophecy of RoScrollkeeper's Gloves Dropped by Loyalist Tobey.
Rough Consigned Leather Gloves Found via this quest.
Ancient Gauntlets of the Ardent
Gates of DiscordBlack Matter Gemstone Found via this quest.
Mischievous Chainmail Gloves
Legacy of YkeshaBands of Dark Prayers Dropped by the Broken Skull Seer.
Shadows of LuclinDarkened Knight's Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Silver Threaded Worm Gear Model III Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Scars of VeliousClockwork Watchman Gauntlets
Shadows of LuclinShissar Scaled Gauntlets Dropped by Revenant Sthzzzizt.
Omens of WarFeran Gloves
Shadows of LuclinSoldier's Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Shadows of LuclinDark Assassin Gauntlets Dropped by a Dark Assassin.
Gates of DiscordGray Metal Gloves
Underfoot Chainmail Gloves
Shadows of LuclinTerror Gauntlets Dropped by Xilniov.
OriginalGolden Efreeti Gauntlets Dropped by Noble Dojorn.
Ancient Crafted Gauntlets
Scars of VeliousImbued Steelsilk Gauntlets
Dragons of NorrathIntricate Reaver Gloves Found via this quest.
Ruins of KunarkSebilite Scale Gloves Dropped by froglok bartender.
Dragons of NorrathIntricate Driftwalker Gloves Found via this quest.
Shadows of LuclinDark Master Gauntlets Dropped by a Dark Master.
The Buried SeaBeaten Energeiac Chain Gauntlets
Eleventh Shard of Sapphire Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathIntricate Longstrider Gloves Found via this quest.
Fine Seafarer's Gloves
Secrets of FaydwerSilver Steamwork Gear Found via this quest.
Imbued Field Plate Gauntlets
Blackened Darksplint Gloves
Elaborate Consigned Fire Bauble
Piranha Scale Fistwraps Dropped by a blood fin piranha.
Scars of VeliousReinforced Dragonhide Gauntlets Dropped by Gangel.
Imbued Field Plate Gauntlets
Drogan Gauntlets
Shadows of LuclinMighty Earthen Gauntlets Dropped by a hulking gorilla.
Shadows of LuclinValidus Custodus Plate Gauntlets
OriginalEthereal Mist Gauntlets Dropped by a cleric of hate.
Gold Plated Contact Spring Model IX Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathSwift Wolf Leather Gloves
Sabertooth Forged Gauntlets Dropped by a Darkpaw warrior.
Scars of VeliousImbued Steelsilk Gauntlets
Imbued Dwarven Plate Gauntlets
Scars of VeliousSavage Gloves Found via this quest.
Berserker Gloves (Test)
Elaborate Defiant Fire Bauble Dropped by Regrua Overlord.
Leather Loyal Henchmen Gloves
Lost Dungeons of NorrathSand-Coated Gauntlets
Dragons of NorrathIntricate Sagacious Gloves Found via this quest.
Shadows of LuclinPrimitive Leather Gloves Dropped by a Tarmok Defender.
Depths of DarkhollowWell-Formed Chain Gloves Found via this quest.
Ancient Darkforge Gauntlets
Tunarean Scout Gloves
Dragons of NorrathIntricate Bloodpact Gloves Found via this quest.
Imbued Field Plate Gauntlets
Bard Gloves (Test)
Dragons of NorrathIntricate Runeseeker Gloves
Gates of DiscordFabled Darkforge Gauntlets Dropped by The Fabled Corflunk.
Stormreaper Chainwoven Gloves
Lost Dungeons of NorrathGauntlets of Dark Tidings Dropped by Dread Knight T`Kamax.
Prophecy of RoPlatinum Crested Coldain Historical Seal Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model VII Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Sectoid Scale Gloves
OriginalSteelsilk Gauntlets
Scars of VeliousTsiraka's Claws Dropped by Tsiraka.
Warrior Gloves (Test)
Lost Dungeons of NorrathImmortal's Bloodied Gloves
Depths of DarkhollowFingerless Silk Gloves Found via this quest.
Shadows of LuclinLarge Acrylia Chain Gloves
Omens of WarPhosphorescent Gloves Dropped by Guardian of the Beacon.
Intricate Bounder Gloves
Imbued Field Plate Gauntlets
Depths of DarkhollowMold Covered Woven Gloves Found via this quest.
Scars of VeliousImbued Steelsilk Gauntlets
Ruins of KunarkFearsome Skyiron Gloves
Heavy Ranger Gloves
Depths of DarkhollowEnchanted Holloweave Gloves Found via this quest.
Imbued Field Plate Gauntlets
Rough Defiant Cloth Gloves Dropped by a guard.
Ruins of KunarkTruesilver Mail Gloves Dropped by warder of Xalgoz.
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model V Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Bloodstone Encrusted Gauntlets
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model VI Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
The Buried SeaCrude Energeiac Plate Gauntlets
Dragons of NorrathIntricate Vah Anima Gloves Found via this quest.
Heavy Shaman Gloves
Ruins of KunarkKylong Gauntlets Dropped by greater war boned skeleton.
Shadows of LuclinBlessed Knight's Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Gates of DiscordSpeckled Clay Handwraps Dropped by Reluctant Gladiator.
Dragons of NorrathIntricate Shadowrise Gloves Found via this quest.
OriginalGauntlets of Ro Found via this quest.
Veil of AlarisGnomework Gaskets Dropped by Catapult Engineer XIX.
Field Plate Gauntlets
Gates of DiscordJagged Black Matter Gemstone Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowBrownie-Crafted Leather Gloves Found via this quest.
Shadows of LuclinSmall Acrylia Chain Gloves
OriginalGauntlets of the Ardent Found via this quest.
Scars of VeliousFlayed Paebala Gloves Dropped by a Chetari Dominator.
The Buried SeaFitted Energeiac Leather Gloves
Heavy Rogue Gloves
Artificer's Ringmail Gloves
Acrylia Chain Gloves
Shadows of LuclinGauntlets of Dementia Dropped by Deoreo Bexuarrana.
Serpents SpineIntricate Crystalskin Gloves Found via this quest.
Hands of Marr
Clockwork Shadowwalker Gloves
Scars of VeliousColdain Skin Gloves Found via this quest.
Scars of VeliousRy`Gorr Chain Gloves Dropped by a Ry`Gorr legionaire.
Dragons of NorrathBasilisk Hide Leather Gloves
Crimson Darksplint Gloves
OriginalLambent Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Gates of DiscordBlack Matter Gemstone Found via this quest.
Ancient Gauntlets of Ro
Small Crafted Gauntlets
Dwarven Plate Gauntlets
OriginalCrafted Gauntlets Found via this quest.
OriginalDarkforge Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Rough Consigned Cloth Gloves Found via this quest.
Imbued Field Plate Gauntlets
Seeds of DestructionPlatinum Plated Worm Pinion Gear Model IX Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathIntricate Brambleborn Gloves Found via this quest.
Scars of VeliousSentry Gauntlets Dropped by Sentry Enots.
Gates of DiscordJagged Black Matter Gemstone Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowLoose Weave Gloves Found via this quest.
OriginalTeir`Dal Adamantite Gauntlets Dropped by Adjutant D`kan.
Depths of DarkhollowHewit's Powdered Leather Gloves Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathImmortal's Bloodied Gloves
Fulvous Darksplint Gloves
Imbued Field Plate Gauntlets
Scars of VeliousMischievous Dazzler Gloves Found via this quest.
Brellium Chainmail Gloves
Legacy of YkeshaEarthen Gloves of Wisdom Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathGloves of the Jeweled Guard Found via this quest.
OriginalLarge Crimson Fine Plate Gauntlets
OriginalSmall Blue Fine Plate Gauntlets
OriginalBlue Fine Plate Gauntlets
OriginalLarge Grey Fine Plate Gauntlets
OriginalSmall Red Rust Fine Gauntlets
Ancient Totemic Gauntlets
OriginalLarge Brown Rust Fine Gauntlets
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model III Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Scars of VeliousWorked Dragonhide Gauntlets Dropped by Klandicar.
Spun Drachnid Silk Gloves
OriginalKedgemail Gauntlets Dropped by Cauldronboil.
The Buried SeaWorked Energeiac Chain Gauntlets
OriginalPale Green Small Fine Gauntlets
OriginalGreen Small Fine Plate Gauntlets
Scars of VeliousImbued Cabilis Scale Gloves
OriginalLarge Rose Fine Plate Gauntlets
OriginalSmall Grey Fine Plate Gauntlets
OriginalIvy Etched Gauntlets Found via this quest.
OriginalPale Yellow Fine Plate Gauntlets
Scars of VeliousGloves of the Beastlord Found via this quest.
Updated TodaySerpents SpineSimple Consigned Chain Gauntlets
Simple Defiant Chain Gauntlets Dropped by a faerie guard.
OriginalRune Etched Gauntlets Dropped by a spite golem.
OriginalRed Fine Plate Gauntlets
OriginalDark Green Small Fine Gauntlets
OriginalSmall Crimson Fine Plate Gauntlets
OriginalRed Rust Fine Plate Gauntlets
OriginalSmall Pale Blue Fine Gauntlets
OriginalLarge Pale Yellow Fine Gauntlets
Serpents SpineRitual Embossed Chain Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Legacy of YkeshaMoss Covered Handwraps Dropped by Hierophant Ginai.
Serpents SpineBlade Notched Chain Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Oakenfist Gloves Dropped by Jerg Oakenfist.
OriginalThorny Vine Gauntlets Dropped by a tentacle tormentor.
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model IV Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
OriginalSmall Red Fine Plate Gauntlets
Shadows of LuclinBravado's Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Shadows of LuclinWoodsman's Gauntlets Found via this quest.
OriginalCrimson Fine Plate Gauntlets
OriginalSmall Yellow Fine Plate Gauntlets
OriginalSmall Pale Yellow Fine Gauntlets
OriginalSmall Black Fine Plate Gauntlets
Ruins of KunarkTrooper Scale Gauntlets Found via this quest.
OriginalLarge Yellow Fine Plate Gauntlets
OriginalLarge Red Fine Plate Gauntlets
Shadows of LuclinAugur's Gauntlets Found via this quest.
OriginalLarge Dark Blue Fine Gauntlets
OriginalWoven Shadow Gauntlets Dropped by phoboplasm.
OriginalLarge Slate Fine Plate Gauntlets
OriginalGreen Fine Plate Gauntlets
OriginalSlate Fine Plate Gauntlets
Lost Dungeons of NorrathGloves of the Rujarkian Slave
OriginalLarge Black Fine Plate Gauntlets
Lost Dungeons of NorrathResplendent Gloves of Purity Dropped by Arcanist V`Gimis.
OriginalLarge Pale Blue Fine Gauntlets
Dragons of NorrathRiver Silk Gloves
OriginalLarge Dark Yellow Fine Gauntlets
OriginalBrown Rust Fine Plate Gauntlets
OriginalPale Green Large Fine Gauntlets
Lost Dungeons of NorrathBone-Dust Gauntlets
Koada`Dal Mithril Gauntlets
Lost Dungeons of NorrathGeomancer's Gloves
Planes of PowerSoft Tooled Gloves Dropped by Overlord Banord Paffa.
Gold Plated Contact Spring Model VII Found via this quest.
OriginalBlack Fine Plate Gauntlets
Omens of WarEthereal Wraps of Might Dropped by Noc Brightblade.
The Buried SeaSmuggler's Energeiac Cloth Gloves
OriginalSmall Slate Fine Plate Gauntlets
OriginalDark Green Fine Plate Gauntlets
OriginalPale Blue Fine Plate Gauntlets
House of ThuleSlithering Vapor
OriginalDark Green Large Fine Gauntlets
Faded Chain Gloves
OriginalLarge Red Rust Fine Gauntlets
OriginalSmall Rose Fine Plate Gauntlets
OriginalLarge Fine Plate Gauntlets
Legacy of YkeshaZraxthril Linked Gloves Dropped by Harbinger Stimika.
OriginalRubicite Gauntlets Dropped by a lizard defender.
Serpents SpineBlood Blackened Chain Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Scars of VeliousScaled Hierophant Gauntlets Dropped by a spite golem.
OriginalGreen Large Fine Plate Gauntlets
OriginalRavenscale Gloves Dropped by a Silverflank guardian.
OriginalPale Green Fine Plate Gauntlets
OriginalSmall Dark Blue Fine Gauntlets
Serpents SpineThorn Bonded Chain Gauntlets Found via this quest.
OriginalDark Yellow Fine Plate Gauntlets
OriginalYellow Fine Plate Gauntlets
Monkey Hide Gauntlets
OriginalLarge Blue Fine Plate Gauntlets
Shadows of LuclinGauntlets of Concealment Found via this quest.
OriginalDark Blue Fine Plate Gauntlets
Serpents SpineForged Plate Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Gates of DiscordGloves of Waking Dreams Dropped by a mastruq spiritbrute.
OriginalSmall Dark Yellow Fine Gauntlets
OriginalSmall Brown Rust Fine Gauntlets
Shadows of LuclinCombine Plate Gauntlets
OriginalTotemic Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathAshweave Silk Gloves
OriginalSmall Fine Plate Gauntlets
OriginalRose Fine Plate Gauntlets
Gold Plated Contact Spring Model VIII Found via this quest.
OriginalGrey Fine Plate Gauntlets
Lost Dungeons of NorrathRujarkian Gauntlets of Battle
Scars of VeliousCrustacean Shell Gauntlets
Shadows of LuclinGauntlets of the Holy Rite Found via this quest.
OriginalFine Plate Gauntlets
Silver Threaded Worm Gear Model I Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Scars of VeliousGauntlets of Power Dropped by Yaka Razorhoof.
Paladin Gloves (Test)
Dragons of NorrathGlyphed Stone of Defense Dropped by Ice Vein.
Serpents SpineBlessed Plate Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Shadows of LuclinGauntlet of the Fire Ring Found via this quest.
Prophecy of RoBlack Orb of Scrykin Found via this quest.
Medium Bard Gauntlets
Planes of PowerDream Haunt Gloves
Etched Gauntlets of Leaves
Secrets of FaydwerHeart of the Elddar Forest Dropped by a woodland grizzly.
Omens of WarForsaken Stone of Ire Dropped by Granitesmash.
Depths of DarkhollowDiscordant Seal of Ferocity
Medium Iksar Gloves
House of ThuleIllustrious Glove Symbol of Growth
Planes of PowerSilken Augmenter's Gloves Found via this quest.
Shadows of LuclinEarthen Gauntlets Dropped by Terra.
Ornate Mithril Gauntlets
Serpents SpineMinohten Chain Gloves Dropped by Anghel.
Gates of DiscordLeather Gloves of the Enforcer
House of ThuleIllustrious Glove Symbol of Hate
House of ThuleIllustrious Glove Symbol of Infestation
Dragons of NorrathSimple Warborn Gloves Found via this quest.
OriginalDark Mail Gauntlets Dropped by a ghoul sentinel.
The Buried SeaMud Covered Blood Ruby Dropped by Mudpuppy.
Fist Wraps of Burning Embers Dropped by Flamebite.
Medium Shaman Gloves
Scaled Jewel
Depths of DarkhollowDiscordant Seal of Frost
Dragons of NorrathPetrified Dragon Scale
Omens of WarGloves of Penitence Dropped by Noc Bonecleaver.
Serpents SpineStone of Greatness Dropped by an unmasked changeling.
Gauntlets of Oasis
Dragons of NorrathAncient Dragon Scale
Scars of VeliousRoyal Velium Gauntlets
Omens of WarMuramite Silk Gloves of Contention Dropped by a chest - Noc Juggernaut.
Ancient Dark Mail Gauntlets
Serpents SpineShield of the Otherworld Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowDiscordant Seal of Dodge
Dragons of NorrathSimple Seashine Gloves Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowDiscordant Seal of Spells
Depths of DarkhollowDiscordant Seal of Magic
Lost Dungeons of NorrathGeomancer's Sandshaping Gloves
Dragons of NorrathSimple Khala Dun Gloves Found via this quest.
Omens of WarMurkglider Gloves
Scars of VeliousHandwraps of the Chosen Dropped by a hedge magus.
Eleventh Shard of Jade Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineDredged Plate Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Scars of VeliousFist of the White Lotus Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowDiscordant Seal of Extension
Prophecy of RoFabled Wurm Meat Dropped by The Fabled Shardwurm Broodmother.
Legacy of YkeshaDragons of NorrathSimple Protectorate Gloves Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathSimple Leatherfoot Gloves Found via this quest.
House of ThuleIllustrious Glove Symbol of the Skeptic
Lost Dungeons of NorrathSparkling Gem Gloves of Solitude
Depths of DarkhollowDiscordant Seal of Flame
House of ThuleIllustrious Glove Symbol of the Depths
Dragons of NorrathSimple Stalwart Gloves Found via this quest.
Omens of WarAsh Covered Wraps Dropped by Culthor the Gatekeeper.
Gates of DiscordBlack Matter Gemstone Found via this quest.
Gates of DiscordAdventurer's Stone of Might Found via this quest.
Scars of VeliousNature Walker's Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Intricate Consigned Spotstone
Stoneleaf Gloves
Depths of DarkhollowDiscordant Seal of Celerity
Prophecy of RoSilk Freeport Commoner Gloves Found via this quest.
Medium Shadowknight Gauntlets
Depths of DarkhollowDiscordant Seal of Sharpshooting
OriginalGauntlets of Fiery Might Dropped by Lord Nagafen.
House of ThuleIllustrious Glove Symbol of Storms
Veil of AlarisDragorn Fang
Gauntlets of Tranquility
Fired Gauntlets of Honor
Planes of PowerStormweave Gloves
Depths of DarkhollowDiscordant Seal of Baleful Breezes
The Buried SeaFabled Rockhopper Spirit Fetish Dropped by The Fabled Ancient Rockhopper.
Planes of PowerElemental Gloves of the Prime Found via this quest.
Exquisite Violet Gauntlets
Dragons of NorrathSimple Moonglade Gloves Found via this quest.
Verdant Chain Gloves
House of ThuleIllustrious Glove Symbol of Devotion
House of ThuleIllustrious Glove Symbol of the Warmonger
Shadows of LuclinElysian Gloves Dropped by disturbed elysian remains.
Seeds of DestructionPlatinum Plated Worm Pinion Gear Model VIII Found via this quest.
Scars of VeliousFist of the Grand Master Found via this quest.
Seeds of DestructionShard of True Power Dropped by a twitching bonewalker.
Primeval Impskin Gloves
Depths of DarkhollowDiscordant Seal of Breezes
Rogue Gloves (Test)
Imbued Dwarven Chain Gloves
Serpents SpineSimple Crystalwing Gloves Found via this quest.
Scars of VeliousBestial Gauntlets Dropped by a sanguine kodiak.
Imbued Dwarven Chain Gloves
Depths of DarkhollowDiscordant Seal of Favorable Celerity
Medium Paladin Gauntlets
Omens of WarDesecrated Gloves of Order Dropped by Discordling Warfiend.
Shadowknight Gloves (Test)
Ruins of KunarkIksar Scaled Gloves Dropped by Grachnist the Destroyer.
Planes of PowerVorshar's Gloves of the Blight Found via this quest.
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model II Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Medium Cleric Gauntlets
Dragons of NorrathGloves of the Light Earth Dropped by Bathhouse Manager Hakvar.
Prophecy of RoSilken Savage Gloves Dropped by Vaslaghul Bonelord.
Small Velium Gauntlets
Dragons of NorrathSimple Nightkeeper Gloves Found via this quest.
House of ThuleIllustrious Glove Symbol of the Brood
House of ThuleIllustrious Glove Symbol of Compassion
Depths of DarkhollowMushroom Cap Gloves Dropped by a reeking corathus.
Gloves of the Mediator
Prophecy of RoDreadscale Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowDiscordant Seal of Parry
Shadows of LuclinSnakefingers Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowPaw Wraps Found via this quest.
Shadows of LuclinSteel Threaded Hand Wraps Found via this quest.
Gloves of the Wanderer
Prophecy of RoPendant of the Overspirit Found via this quest.
OriginalShadow Rage Gloves Dropped by a samhain.
Ruins of KunarkDreadscale Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Gates of DiscordBlack Matter Gemstone Found via this quest.
Cloudy Corathus Shard of Hardening
Gates of DiscordFine Moss-Stitched Gloves Dropped by Cryxtetl.
Serpents SpineCracked Gem of Lucidity Dropped by a murkglider.
Etched Iron Gauntlets Dropped by a highland kobold shaman.
Scars of VeliousSilver Chitin Hand Wraps Dropped by a Frenzied Velium Stalker.
Slime-Covered Tombstone Shard Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathSimple Wayguard Gloves
Serpents SpineBlightstone Dropped by Grenrik the Addled.
House of ThuleIllustrious Glove Symbol of Judgment
Silver Threaded Worm Gear Model II Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Ruins of KunarkDragons of NorrathSimple Trooper Gloves Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowDiscordant Seal of Radiance
Heavy Fistfighters Gloves
Depths of DarkhollowHolloweave Gloves Found via this quest.
House of ThuleIllustrious Glove Symbol of the Farceur
Gates of DiscordAdventurer's Stone of Power Found via this quest.
Scars of VeliousFist of the Silver Moon Dropped by a sanguine kodiak.
Dragons of NorrathSimple Dreadguard Gloves Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathSimple Wealdstone Gloves Found via this quest.
Gold Plated Contact Spring Model VI Found via this quest.
Omens of WarUkun Handler Gloves Dropped by Kirspos the Cruel.
Depths of DarkhollowDiscordant Seal of Cleaving
Serpents SpineToned Plate Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowDiscordant Seal of Favorable Continuance
Serpents SpineShard of Increasing Power Dropped by an obsolete unit.
Depths of DarkhollowDiscordant Seal of Favorable Breezes
Dragons of NorrathSimple Autoactuated Gloves Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineCorrupted Peridot Amulet Dropped by Dulein Gedasai.
Depths of DarkhollowDiscordant Seal of Poison
Gauntlets of Desire
Dragons of NorrathSimple Stormguard Gloves Found via this quest.
Twisted Gauntlets of Despair
House of ThuleIllustrious Glove Symbol of Integrity
Gloves of the Seas
Scars of VeliousCerulean Gauntlets Dropped by Slaggak the Trainer.
Fistwraps of Humility
Scars of VeliousBlack Gloves of Talent Dropped by an astray hand.
Serpents SpineDisk of Warriors Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowDiscordant Seal of Baleful Continuance
Depths of DarkhollowDiscordant Seal of Block
Chromatic Gloves
Ruins of KunarkJarsath Scale Gauntlets Dropped by skeletal scryer.
Serpents SpineCrystalwing Goru`kar Scout Shielding Stone Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineSanctified Plate Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Shadows of LuclinHollowed Bone Gauntlets Dropped by Clati Soriz.
House of ThuleIllustrious Glove Symbol of Below
Depths of DarkhollowDiscordant Seal of Baleful Celerity
Ranger Gloves (Test)
Serpents SpineDiaku Armor Fragment Dropped by Diaku Elite Sentry.
Omens of WarExpert Crafted Gloves of the Arcane Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowDiscordant Seal of Disease
Planes of PowerArantir's Gloves of Discovery Found via this quest.
Prophecy of RoGolden Crested Coldain Historical Seal Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Prophecy of RoDevastating Augment of Protection
Prophecy of RoStone of Twisted Protection Found via this quest.
House of ThuleIllustrious Glove Symbol of Wildfire
Depths of DarkhollowDiscordant Seal of Healing
Beastlord Gloves (Test)
House of ThuleIllustrious Glove Symbol of Terror
Medium Warrior Gauntlets
Heavy Cleric Gauntlets
Scars of VeliousGloves of Earthcrafting Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowBrownie-Blessed Gloves Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathSimple Snowborn Gloves Found via this quest.
House of ThuleIllustrious Glove Symbol of Stillness
Serpents SpineHeart of the Sky Dropped by a grimling bloodguard.
Serpents SpineCrest of Valor Dropped by a Guardian of Marr.
Intricate Defiant Spotstone Dropped by sebilite juggernaut.
Prophecy of RoGem of Scrykin Magus Dropped by Tallongast the Discarded.
Dragons of NorrathSimple Lightring Gloves Found via this quest.
Ruins of KunarkScaled Mystic Gauntlets Found via this quest.
The Buried SeaGloves of the Attackers Found via this quest.
Tae Ew Leather Gloves
Scars of VeliousGloves of Harmony Dropped by hateplane - a disciple of hate.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathCalcified Ringmail Gloves
Ornate Gold Chain Gloves
Large Ornate Gold Chain Gloves
Lost Dungeons of NorrathGothic Ringmail Gloves
Serpents SpineSimple Crystalscale Gloves Found via this quest.
Ogre Splintmail Gauntlets
Golden Gauntlets
OriginalSeafarer Ring Gauntlets
Lost Dungeons of NorrathSmall Frosted Ringmail Gloves
Shadows of LuclinShadowscream Steel Gloves
Legacy of YkeshaPadding Stitched Gauntlets Dropped by a manaetic contraption.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathSmall Gothic Ringmail Gloves
Dragons of NorrathSimple Ravager Gloves Found via this quest.
Silt-Encrusted Chain Links
Seeds of DestructionPirate's Medallion
OriginalSmall Bronze Gauntlets Dropped by a ghoulish ancille.
Simple Claviger Gloves Found via this quest.
Omens of WarDelicate Netted Gloves Dropped by Slavedriver Menlo.
Issued Heavy Gauntlets
Dragons of NorrathGossamer Silk Gloves
Ogre Imbued Splint Gauntlets
Lost Dungeons of NorrathGloves of Chaotic Magic
Lost Dungeons of NorrathMana-Woven Gloves
Gloves of the Pine Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathFrosted Ringmail Gloves
Dragons of NorrathSimple Nightfall Gloves Found via this quest.
Ruins of KunarkTrakanasaur Hide Gloves Dropped by a trakanasaur.
Ruins of KunarkDragons of NorrathSimple Twoscale Gloves Found via this quest.
OriginalLarge Bronze Gauntlets Dropped by a greater ice bones.
Seeds of DestructionPlatinum Plated Worm Pinion Gear Model VII Found via this quest.
Gold-Threaded Silk Gloves
Ogre Imbued Splint Gauntlets
Tunarean Soldier Gloves
Large Ornate Platinum Chain Gloves
Dragons of NorrathSimple Wirewood Gloves Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathSmall Deep Cavern Ringmail Gloves
Dragons of NorrathSimple Frostwarded Gloves Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineGravelskin Gloves Dropped by Firebelly the Cook.
Small Ornate Gold Gloves
Planes of PowerPrisoner Crafted Digging Gloves
Lost Dungeons of NorrathSmall Sandblasted Ringmail Gloves
Shadows of LuclinFeral Gloves Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathSimple Tyrant Gloves Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathDeep Cavern Ringmail Gloves
Scars of VeliousImbued Northman Ring Gauntlets
Lost Dungeons of NorrathSandblasted Ringmail Gloves
Slimy Plate Gauntlets
Cold Iron Gauntlets Dropped by King Gragnar.
Shadows of LuclinDark Animist's Gloves Dropped by Draz Nurakk.
Omens of WarDiscordant Silk Gloves Dropped by Trainer Dysarth.
Black Plate Gauntlets
Lost Dungeons of NorrathLarge Sandblasted Ringmail Gloves
Black Lace-Boned Gloves
Dragons of NorrathSimple Daybreaker Gloves
Dragons of NorrathDarkmesh Silk Gloves
Large Plate Gauntlets
OriginalPlate Gauntlets
Simple Defiant Leather Gloves Dropped by orc emissary.
Small Ornate Platinum Gloves
Silken Gloves of the Loyal Henchman
Depths of DarkhollowMana-Soaked Silk Gloves Found via this quest.
Shadows of LuclinEarth Blessed Gloves Found via this quest.
Medium Rogue Gloves
Issued Guard Gauntlets
Medium Ranger Gloves
Ruins of KunarkElder Spiritist's Gauntlets Dropped by Hangnail.
The Buried SeaGloves of the Keen Found via this quest.
OriginalPaineel Plate Gauntlets Dropped by a wanderer.
Dragons of NorrathSimple Khala Vir Gloves Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathSimple Servolinked Gloves Found via this quest.
Gates of DiscordFabled Dusty Bloodstained Gloves Dropped by The Fabled Reclusive Ghoul Magus.
Serpents SpineNightmare Fragment Dropped by a cliknar scout.
Shadows of LuclinAcrylia Reinforced Gloves
Legacy of YkeshaDragons of NorrathSimple Farsight Gloves Found via this quest.
Gold Plated Contact Spring Model V Found via this quest.
House of ThuleShard of Living Ice Dropped by an ice tiger.
OriginalBronze Gauntlets Dropped by a deathly usher.
Updated TodaySerpents SpineSimple Consigned Leather Gloves
Ornate Platinum Chain Gloves
Entrancing Enchanters Gloves
Legacy of YkeshaLarge Deep Cavern Ringmail Gloves
Lost Dungeons of NorrathLarge Gothic Ringmail Gloves
Lost Dungeons of NorrathLarge Frosted Ringmail Gloves
Plate Gauntlets
Scars of VeliousDrakkel Plate Gauntlets
Blued Plate Gauntlets
Scars of VeliousCured Tizmak Gloves Dropped by a furious tizmak warrior.
Stormreaper Boned Gloves
Phantom Plate Gauntlets
OriginalNorthman Ring Gauntlets
Prophecy of RoGloves of the Overthere Dropped by a Sarnak overlord.
Dwarven Chain Gloves
Serpents SpineGarudon's Scale Dropped by a cliknar scout.
OriginalSmall Plate Gauntlets
Dragons of NorrathSimple Stonetooth Gloves Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathLarge Calcified Ringmail Gloves
Lost Dungeons of NorrathSmall Calcified Ringmail Gloves
Gauntlets of the Axebringer Found via this quest.
Legacy of YkeshaInitiate's Gauntlets of War Found via this quest.
Templar of Fright Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Shadows of LuclinGauntlets of the Cleansed Circle Found via this quest.
Legacy of YkeshaGauntlets of the Rainkeeper Found via this quest.
Bloodstained Gloves
Dragons of NorrathMoldered Silk Gloves Dropped by Stone-Gazing Basilisk.
Legionnaire Gloves
Initiate's Gauntlets of Darkness Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathOrnate Shadowrise Gloves Found via this quest.
Flawed Consigned Quartz
Serpents SpineStone of Might Dropped by an unmasked changeling.
Updated TodaySerpents SpineSimple Consigned Cloth Gloves
Dragons of NorrathOrnate Longstrider Gloves Found via this quest.
Updated TodaySecrets of FaydwerFlawed Defiant Quartz Dropped by a repulsive rat.
The Buried SeaSpun Energeiac Cloth Gloves
Plague Raiser Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Mediocre Scaled Jewel
Scars of VeliousCobalt Drake Gloves
Dragons of NorrathOrnate Bloodpact Gloves Found via this quest.
Legacy of YkeshaDa Basher Gauntlets Found via this quest.
UnderfootVenerable Glove Symbol of the Warmonger
UnderfootVenerable Glove Symbol of the Depths
Ruins of KunarkGauntlets of Potence Dropped by a goblin bodyguard.
OriginalOrnate Chain Gloves
Lost Dungeons of NorrathBone-Dust Gloves
Legacy of YkeshaSoot Covered Hand Wraps Dropped by an ore refinery overseer.
Planes of PowerPrime Healers Initiate Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Felwithe Defenders Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Truthbringer's Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Legacy of YkeshaGauntlets of the Northern Wolf Found via this quest.
UnderfootVenerable Glove Symbol of Infestation
Proudfoot Platemail Gauntlets Found via this quest.
UnderfootVenerable Glove Symbol of Storms
Arctic Wyvern Gloves
Depths of DarkhollowRagged Holloweave Gloves Found via this quest.
Shadows of LuclinShojen Gauntlets Dropped by a gantru shojen.
Legacy of YkeshaGauntlets of the Shin Initiate Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineMesa Fossil Dropped by a mesa bear.
OriginalSmall Ornate Chain Gloves
Planes of PowerGauntlets of the Stormhealer Found via this quest.
Legacy of YkeshaGauntlets of the Kor Initiate Found via this quest.
Planes of PowerSongweavers Platemail Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Legacy of YkeshaSylvan Initiate Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Legacy of YkeshaUnderfoot Defenders Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Scars of VeliousHaze Panther Gloves
UnderfootVenerable Glove Symbol of the Farceur
UnderfootVenerable Glove Symbol of Compassion
Lost Dungeons of NorrathKelp Wrapped Gloves Dropped by High Priestess Sercema.
UnderfootVenerable Glove Symbol of Wildfire
Scars of VeliousUlthork Hide Gloves Dropped by an ulthork hunter.
Ruins of KunarkCabilis Scale Gloves
Goo-Covered Tombstone Shard Found via this quest.
Brell's Blessed Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathOrnate Vah Anima Gloves Found via this quest.
Seeds of DestructionPlatinum Plated Worm Pinion Gear Model VI Found via this quest.
Shadows of LuclinGauntlets of the Darkpriest Found via this quest.
Legacy of YkeshaGauntlets of the Scourge Knight Found via this quest.
Planes of PowerGauntlets of the Lightbringer Found via this quest.
Planes of PowerInitiate Watchman's Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Planes of PowerSentinel's Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Plague Knight Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineHateful Eye Dropped by Noc Deathstalker.
Planes of PowerOrc Slayer Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Scars of VeliousTigeraptor Gloves
Serpents SpineBlackened Chain Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Deep Muses Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Shadows of LuclinGloves of Altered Reality Dropped by Possessor Gooplart.
Shadows of LuclinGold Threaded Cloth Gloves Dropped by an ancient shrieker sporemaster.
Scars of VeliousSly Summoners Gloves Found via this quest.
OriginalTreant Fists Found via this quest.
Ruins of KunarkAtrocious Gauntlets Dropped by Overseer Henxsa.
Planes of PowerGauntlets of the Ordained Found via this quest.
Secrets of FaydwerSeal of Prismatic Power
Serpents SpineBlackfeather Noble's Gloves Dropped by a harpy aristocrat.
Armsman Gauntlets
Shadows of LuclinTurtle Wrangler's Gloves Dropped by A Turtle Wrangler.
Shadows of LuclinDeepcarver Plate Gauntlets
Gauntlets of the Corrupt Kor Initiate
Bravefoot Mail Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Prophecy of RoGreater Coldain Historical Seal Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Gauntlets of the Battlemaster Found via this quest.
Shadows of LuclinMakilu Takund Dropped by a gor taku worker.
Dusky Chain Gloves
Serpents SpineNotched Chain Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Small Ornate Electrum Gloves
Fell Blade Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Dark Basher's Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathOrnate Sagacious Gloves Found via this quest.
Gauntlets of the Corrupt Bok Initiate
Legacy of YkeshaSteel Warriors Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Ichor Cured Leather Gloves
The Buried SeaGauntlets of the Healers Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineBonded Chain Gauntlets Found via this quest.
UnderfootVenerable Glove Symbol of Stillness
UnderfootVenerable Glove Symbol of Integrity
OriginalGem Inlaid Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Scars of VeliousRowyl's Gauntlets of Nature Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowAntique Leather Gloves Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineBurning Wood Coal
Gauntlets of the Stoutdeacon Found via this quest.
Large Ornate Electrum Chain Gloves
Serpents SpineFeather Bundle Dropped by a healthy mountain puma.
UnderfootVenerable Glove Symbol of the Brood
UnderfootVenerable Glove Symbol of Growth
Scars of VeliousWoven Grass Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineEmbossed Chain Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Shadows of LuclinWind Spirits Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathMuck-Stained Hand Wraps
Gates of DiscordSmokey Green Gemstone Found via this quest.
Emerald Novice Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Shadows of LuclinSoft Satin Gloves Dropped by Rumblecrush.
Dragons of NorrathOrnate Runeseeker Gloves
Ornate Electrum Chain Gloves
Ruins of KunarkWild Lord's Gauntlets Dropped by the Crypt Keeper.
UnderfootVenerable Glove Symbol of Hate
Ancient Treant Fists
Dragons of NorrathOrnate Brambleborn Gloves Found via this quest.
UnderfootVenerable Glove Symbol of the Skeptic
Legacy of YkeshaGauntlets of the Dar Initiate Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathVelvet Gloves of the Forsaken Dropped by Guardian of the Seal.
Planes of PowerDismal Knight Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Shadows of LuclinShaded Hide Gloves
Ruins of KunarkDeathwing Gloves Dropped by A black ravenger.
Tranquilsong Platemail Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Scars of VeliousMaleficent Gloves Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathOrnate Driftwalker Gloves Found via this quest.
UnderfootVenerable Glove Symbol of Devotion
UnderfootVenerable Glove Symbol of Terror
Serpents SpineOrnate Crystalskin Gloves Found via this quest.
UnderfootVenerable Glove Symbol of Below
Gates of DiscordAdventurer's Stone of Blessing Found via this quest.
Black Scale Gloves
Planes of PowerDismal Warrior Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Ornate Bounder Gloves
Ruins of KunarkNathsar Gauntlets Dropped by Battle Master Ska`tu.
OriginalBlackened Alloy Gloves Dropped by Battlelord Paluk.
Dragons of NorrathStone of the Defensive Arts Dropped by Tunk the Fluid.
Legacy of YkeshaGauntlets of the Pestilence Priest Found via this quest.
Gates of DiscordSmokey Green Gemstone Found via this quest.
Legacy of YkeshaGauntlets of the Scourge Warrior Found via this quest.
Planes of PowerStormcaller's Molar Dropped by Oljin Stormtide.
Gold Plated Contact Spring Model IV Found via this quest.
Shadows of LuclinFaith Healer's Gloves
Planes of PowerDismal Priest Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathSynarcana-Touched Gloves Dropped by Fierce Abomination.
UnderfootVenerable Glove Symbol of Judgment
Scars of VeliousWily Warlock Gloves Found via this quest.
Simple Defiant Cloth Gloves Dropped by an elite gnoll guard.
Legacy of YkeshaShortnoble Platemail Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Bone Mail Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Plague Warrior Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Hymnist Gauntlets
OriginalLarge Ornate Chain Gloves
Planes of PowerTranslucent Skin Gloves Dropped by War Chieftain Dorwikak.
Divine Protector's Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathOrnate Reaver Gloves Found via this quest.
Gates of DiscordAdventurer's Stone Of Magic Found via this quest.
Imbued Elven Chainmail Gloves
Shadows of LuclinLoda Kai Gauntlets Dropped by a Loda Kai trader.
Depths of DarkhollowFaded Silk Gloves Found via this quest.
Shadows of LuclinCoterie Gloves Dropped by a coterie legionnaire.
Pickbringers Chainmail Gloves
Gold Plated Contact Spring Model III Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathIntricate Moonsilver Gloves Found via this quest.
Legacy of YkeshaGloves of the Fallen Spirit Dropped by Dulein Gedasai.
Scars of VeliousGiant Scalemail Gloves Dropped by Trooper Jhonev.
OriginalShin Gauntlets Dropped by a froglok shin warrior.
Ruins of KunarkDragons of NorrathIntricate Mistwoven Gloves Found via this quest.
OriginalBanded Gauntlets
Seal of Captured Earth
OriginalLarge Banded Gauntlets
Enchanted Teir`Dal Chain Gloves
Scars of VeliousFrosted Gloves Dropped by Elyshum Fe`Dhar.
Scars of VeliousLaoch Combat Gauntlets Dropped by Elyshum Fe`Dhar.
Dragons of NorrathIntricate Metalofiber Gloves Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineIntricate Crystalweave Gloves Found via this quest.
Shadows of LuclinAcrylia Studded Gloves
Scars of VeliousPlague Bearer's Gloves Found via this quest.
Scars of VeliousGloves of the Invoker Found via this quest.
Enchanted Elven Chainmail Gloves
Serpents SpineBarkmelter Beetle
Imbued Teir`Dal Chain Gloves
Clay Encrusted Gloves
Scars of VeliousDazzling Gloves Found via this quest.
Gloomiron Gauntlets Dropped by Pox.
Shadows of LuclinBronze Brigandine Gloves Dropped by a recondite pickpocket.
Secrets of FaydwerPhosphorescent Powder
Lost Dungeons of NorrathArchaic Strands of Chaos
Koada`Dal Hide Gloves
Depths of DarkhollowGently Stitched Silk Gloves Found via this quest.
Imbued Mithril Reinforced Gloves
Scars of VeliousDrakkel Wolfhide Gloves Dropped by a domesticated direwolf.
OriginalSmall Banded Gauntlets
Dragons of NorrathIntricate Lorekeeper Gloves Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathIntricate Stargazer Gloves Found via this quest.
Crude Consigned Plate Gauntlets
OriginalLarge Banded Gloves
Depths of DarkhollowLamellae Gloves Dropped by an oozing corathus.
Gates of DiscordGloomingdeep Kobold Plate Gauntlets Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Barkleather Gloves Dropped by a dryad.
Seeds of DestructionPlatinum Plated Worm Pinion Gear Model V Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathIntricate Starglow Gloves Found via this quest.
OriginalCharred Gauntlets
Shadows of LuclinCombine Chainmail Gloves
Shadows of LuclinFordel Scout Gauntlets
Serpents SpineFrozen Crystalline Eye Dropped by Librarian assistant.
Scars of VeliousSummoner's Gloves Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathIntricate Duskwoven Gloves Found via this quest.
Vale Reinforced Gloves
Shadows of LuclinSmall Bronze Brigandine Gloves Dropped by a recondite pickpocket.
Scars of VeliousDainty Gloves Dropped by Tukaarak the Warder.
Slimy Chain Gauntlets
Black Pantherskin Gloves
Lost Elven Gloves
Lost Dungeons of NorrathEnchanted Chain Links
Secrets of FaydwerCrude Defiant Plate Gauntlets Dropped by a gnoll.
Imbued Vale Reinforced Gloves
Shadows of LuclinLarge Bronze Brigandine Gloves
Mithril Reinforced Gloves
Ruins of KunarkGoblin Forged Chainmail Gloves
Scars of VeliousGreen Silk Woven Gloves Found via this quest.
Scars of VeliousGiant Scalemail Gauntlets Found via this quest.
The Buried SeaSculpted Energeiac Leather Gloves
Pine Scout Gloves Found via this quest.
Initiate's Gauntlets of Protection Found via this quest.
Blessed Artkeeper's Gloves
OriginalBloodforge Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Shadows of LuclinReinforced Hopperhide Gloves
Lost Dungeons of NorrathCracked Bone Gloves
Ruins of KunarkLupine Forged Fists
OriginalElemental Gloves Dropped by Master of Elements.
Plague Rust Gloves Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineIchor Encrusted Chain Gloves Dropped by Plaguebringer.
OriginalLarge Reinforced Gloves
Gates of DiscordSavageclaw Gloves Found via this quest.
Shadows of LuclinDream Caller Gloves
Ruins of KunarkSilk Gloves of the Night Dropped by Stabber Remmy.
Shadows of LuclinWoven Bark Gloves
Elven Chainmail Gloves
Prophecy of RoColdain Historical Seal Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Gauntlets of the Corrupt Gaz Initiate
Gates of DiscordStrongbear Gloves Found via this quest.
OriginalShadowBound Gloves Found via this quest.
Spirit Scale Gloves
Seeds of DestructionPlatinum Plated Worm Pinion Gear Model IV Found via this quest.
Shadows of LuclinSpore Covered Gloves Dropped by A Fungoid Sporeling.
OriginalVermiculated Gloves Dropped by a gorgon.
Ruins of KunarkRuined Scaled Gloves Dropped by lesser icebone skeleton.
Vale Studded Gloves
Depths of DarkhollowWhispering Gloves of Sorcery Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineCorpse-Fed Blossom Dropped by a primalist.
Shadows of LuclinXakra Dat Gauntlets Dropped by A Shak Dratha Hunter.
Seal of Captured Fire
Fulvous Woven Platinum Gloves
Serpents SpineStone Formed Leather Gloves Found via this quest.
Gates of DiscordGray Hide Gloves
Legacy of YkeshaSturdy Workmans Gloves Found via this quest.
Imbued Mithril Studded Gloves
Planes of PowerNight Terror Gloves
Secrets of FaydwerCrude Defiant Chain Gauntlets Dropped by a decaying dwarf skeleton.
Gloves of the Dar Khura
Artkeeper's Mithril Gloves
Chainmail Gloves
Serpents SpineVine Imprinted Leather Gloves Found via this quest.
Dark Muslin Gloves
Legacy of YkeshaBloodgill Hide Gloves Dropped by a bloodgill warlord.
Bamboo Splint Gloves
Serpents SpineSavage Runic Leather Gloves Found via this quest.
Embroidered Gloves Dropped by Ixiblat Fer.
Gates of DiscordRabidwolf Gloves Found via this quest.
Shadows of LuclinGrey Flesh Gloves Dropped by A Shattered Golem.
Phantom Chain Gloves
Mithril Studded Gloves
OriginalIncandescent Gloves Found via this quest.
Gates of DiscordSmokey Green Gemstone Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathSilken Gloves of Fortitude
Enchanter Gloves (Test)
Gates of DiscordFancy Whitened Gloves Found via this quest.
Trueshot Chainmail Gauntlets Found via this quest.
OriginalRingmail Gloves Dropped by a smuggler.
Imbued Vale Studded Gloves
Planes of PowerBloodwolf Gloves Found via this quest.
Neriad's Woven Platinum Gloves
Gold Plated Contact Spring Model I Found via this quest.
Large Ringmail Gloves Dropped by an ogre guard.
OriginalLarge Chainmail Gloves
Ruins of KunarkFaydark Ringmail Gloves Found via this quest.
Ashen Bone Mail Gloves Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathSpore-Covered Gloves
OriginalReinforced Gloves
OriginalBlack Wolf Gloves Found via this quest.
OriginalSmall Chainmail Gloves
Gates of DiscordSmokey Green Gemstone Found via this quest.
Issued Medium Gloves
Gates of DiscordStonewrath Gloves Found via this quest.
Taruun Gloves
Woven Platinum Gloves
Shadows of LuclinGreyhopper Hide Gloves
OriginalSmall Reinforced Gloves
Serpents SpineHive Worker's Leather Gloves Dropped by Honeytender Jozy.
Gates of DiscordDirty Green Gemstone
Depths of DarkhollowThreadbare Silk Gloves Found via this quest.
Gates of DiscordHandwraps of Devastation Dropped by Warlord Vokken.
Scars of VeliousGloves of Kromzek Might Dropped by a holgresh raider.
Beast Tamer's Gauntlets
Gauntlets of the Tunarean Scout Found via this quest.
Blackened Iron Gloves Dropped by Goblin Elite Guard.
Gold Plated Contact Spring Model II Found via this quest.
Apprentice Miners Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathSludge-Covered Hand Wraps
Putrid Flesh Gloves
OriginalSmall Ringmail Gloves Dropped by a goblin.
Legacy of YkeshaCoalition Trader Gloves Found via this quest.
Serene Woven Platinum Gloves
Ancient Incandescent Gloves
Necromancer Gloves (Test)
Lost Dungeons of NorrathMucky Glowing Gloves
Tae Ew Silk Gloves
Gauntlets of Justice Found via this quest.
OriginalTeir`Dal Chainmail Gloves Dropped by Coercer Q`ioul.
Teir`Dal Sovereign Gloves
Gates of DiscordGloomingdeep Kobold Chain Gauntlets Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Dark Prince Sovereign Gloves
Darkenamel Chain Gauntlets
Legacy of YkeshaGauntlets of the Yun Initiate Found via this quest.
Crude Consigned Chain Gauntlets
Planes of PowerSpiritcharmers Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Dew Woven Gauntlets Dropped by Queen Nhyalia.
Gloves of the White Rose Found via this quest.
Blue Bamboo Splint Gloves Dropped by a highland kobold shaman.
Planes of PowerGloves of Flowing Ooze Dropped by Rallius Rattican.
Gauntlets of the Slickfinger Found via this quest.
Shadowwalkers Chainmail Gloves Found via this quest.
Thorn Mail Gloves Found via this quest.
Issued Light Gloves
Gates of DiscordDirty Green Gemstone Found via this quest.
Secrets of FaydwerCrude Defiant Leather Gloves Dropped by a decaying dwarf skeleton.
Seeds of DestructionDeadeye Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathStone Eye of the Guardian Dropped by Akihiro.
Dragons of NorrathSimple Shadowrise Gloves Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathShimmering Brooch
Serpents SpineMesa Hardstone Dropped by a mesa bear.
Serpents SpineSimple Crystalskin Gloves Found via this quest.
Ruins of KunarkBurynai Hide Gloves Dropped by lesser icebone skeleton.
Legacy of YkeshaDull Metallic Gloves Dropped by an old sea dog.
Ornate Defiant Harmonagate Dropped by a hill giant.
Shadows of LuclinTwilight Cloth Gloves
Scars of VeliousRotting Gloves Found via this quest.
Jonas Dagmire's Long Finger Middle Phalanx Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
OriginalWithered Leather Gloves Dropped by Niltoth the Unholy.
Crude Consigned Leather Gloves
Dragons of NorrathOrnate Starglow Gloves Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowFrayed Silk Gloves Found via this quest.
The Buried SeaRough Energeiac Leather Gloves
Serpents SpineCorrupted Opal Amulet Dropped by a blightfire witchlamp.
Gloomchain Gauntlets
Ornate Consigned Harmonagate
Scars of VeliousSage's Gloves Found via this quest.
Scars of VeliousGloves of the Bonecaster Dropped by a rolling plains steed.
Shadows of LuclinRebirth Leather Gloves Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Ghoul Flesh Gloves
Seal of Captured Air
Dragons of NorrathSimple Longstrider Gloves Found via this quest.
The Buried SeaStitched Energeiac Cloth Gloves
Tattered Panther Hide Gloves Dropped by Theoris Bladespur.
Serpents SpinePolished Green Softstone Dropped by a kly cohort.
Scars of VeliousResplendent Gloves Dropped by a sanguine kodiak.
Dragons of NorrathOrnate Moonsilver Gloves Found via this quest.
Forest Woven Gloves Found via this quest.
Seeds of DestructionGlittering Monofaceted Eye Found via this quest.
Frosty Marble Sphere of Augmenting
Jonas Dagmire's Capitate Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Scars of VeliousGnome Skin Gloves Dropped by a shadow beast.
Shadows of LuclinHolpa Mak Gor Takund Dropped by a gor taku worker.
Prophecy of RoVertekin's Blessing of Combat Dropped by Vertekin the Soothsayer.
Saprophyte Spore Gloves Dropped by The Great Saprophyte.
OriginalLarge Studded Gloves
Scars of VeliousNetted Kelp Gloves Dropped by a neriad maiden.
Cunning Gauntlets of the Kin
Dragons of NorrathSimple Driftwalker Gloves Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineEarth Melded Cloth Gloves Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathRujarkian Hand Wraps
The Buried SeaFabled Ancient Fossil Dropped by The Fabled Ancient Zelniak.
Bloody Signet
Seal of Captured Ice
Fish-Netted Gloves
Scars of VeliousIcicle Gloves Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathOrnate Metalofiber Gloves Found via this quest.
Wraps of Flowing Water
Lost Dungeons of NorrathRujarkian Orc's Gloves
Simple Bounder Gloves
Rough Consigned Nihilite Shard
Depths of DarkhollowDarkpalm Gloves Found via this quest.
The Buried SeaJonas Dagmire's Skeletal Backhand Found via this quest.
Legacy of YkeshaDragons of NorrathOrnate Lorekeeper Gloves Found via this quest.
Legacy of YkeshaWoven Vine Gloves Dropped by Hatethorn.
Ancestor's Knuckle Bone Dropped by Grunzigar the Eater.
Serpents SpineGreater Stone of Power Dropped by a frenzied ghoul.
Scars of VeliousSorcerer's Gloves
Dragons of NorrathOrnate Duskwoven Gloves Found via this quest.
The Buried SeaJonas Dagmire's Little Finger Distal Phalanx Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineBone Twisted Cloth Gloves Found via this quest.
Ruins of KunarkGauntlets of Brute Strength Dropped by Joojooga.
Ruins of KunarkReinforced Rhino Gloves Dropped by greater scalebone.
Serpents SpineBlackfeather Raider Bauble Dropped by Blackfeather Raid Leader.
Serpents SpineGlinting Sunstone Dropped by a lightcrawler.
OriginalAnthemion Gloves Dropped by a decrepit warder.
Shadows of LuclinShaded Gloves Dropped by Rygan Anisher.
Shadows of LuclinBlood Weave Gloves Dropped by Renaldok Masric.
The Buried SeaBlacksail Bones Dropped by Redfoot Pete.
Damaged Steel Gauntlets
Serpents SpineOrnate Crystalweave Gloves Found via this quest.
Heavy Druid Gloves
Rough Defiant Nihilite Shard Dropped by a basalt gargoyle.
Scars of VeliousPrestidigitator's Gloves Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathSimple Reaver Gloves Found via this quest.
Serpents SpinePearlescent Fragment Dropped by a cliknar scout.
Lionskin Gloves Found via this quest.
Scars of VeliousWarlock's Gloves Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathSimple Bloodpact Gloves Found via this quest.
Villainous Vessel Dropped by a vapor golem.
Dragons of NorrathSimple Runeseeker Gloves
Dragons of NorrathOrnate Stargazer Gloves Found via this quest.
The Buried SeaFabled Lucid Shard Dropped by A Muddy Corpse.
OriginalSmall Studded Gloves
Carefully Weighted Brass Pinion Model I Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
OriginalStudded Gloves
OriginalShiverback-Hide Gloves Dropped by a shiverback.
Blue Wicker Gloves Dropped by a greater kobold shaman.
Scars of VeliousBeguiler's Gloves Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathSimple Brambleborn Gloves Found via this quest.
Shadows of LuclinShadowhide Gloves
Dragons of NorrathSimple Vah Anima Gloves Found via this quest.
Jonas Dagmire's Skeletal Long Finger Found via this quest.
Gloves of Woven Energy
Dragons of NorrathOrnate Mistwoven Gloves Found via this quest.
Scourgers' Swindling Hands
Dragons of NorrathSimple Sagacious Gloves Found via this quest.
Scars of VeliousGloves of Conjuration Dropped by a rolling plains steed.
Serpents SpineIce Woven Cloth Gloves Found via this quest.
OriginalBearskin Gloves Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Scars of VeliousIllusionist's Gloves Found via this quest.
Shadows of LuclinGloves of the Arcane Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathSoapstone Brooch
Jonas Dagmire's Skeletal Little Finger Found via this quest.
Shadows of LuclinStudded Hopperhide Gloves
Shadows of LuclinDream Weaver Gloves Dropped by a fallen soldier.
Gates of DiscordGloomingdeep Kobold Leather Gloves Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Shadows of LuclinBloodling Plate Gauntlets
Blackened Mithril Netted Gloves
Seeds of DestructionPlatinum Plated Worm Pinion Gear Model III Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineRune Tailored Cloth Gloves Found via this quest.
Scars of VeliousArch Mage's Gloves Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineDull Diamondine Dropped by sabretooth tiger.
Prophecy of RoShadowed Stone of Hidden Flame Dropped by The Eviscerator.
Pristine Studded Leather Gloves Dropped by befallen 1.0 - Guardian of T`Vyl.
Shadows of LuclinLarge Rough Hide Gloves
Shadows of LuclinPadded Leather Gloves
Gatorclaw Gloves
Shadows of LuclinShaded Hopperhide Gloves
OriginalSplit Paw Hide Gloves Dropped by a Tesch Mas Gnoll.
OriginalWhite Satin Gloves Dropped by The Spiroc Lord.
Dragons of NorrathFistwraps of Pain Found via this quest.
Leather Gloves Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Shadows of LuclinGloves of Detonation Found via this quest.
Lupine Claw Gauntlets Found via this quest.
Spiritist Gloves
Serpents SpineTwisted Cloth Gloves Found via this quest.
The Buried SeaPressed Energeiac Cloth Gloves
Gates of DiscordDirty Green Gemstone Found via this quest.
Issued Mesh Gauntlets
Geomancer Gloves
Omens of WarFine Insidious Gloves Dropped by a forsaken revenant - female.
Ruins of KunarkWhite Silk Gloves Dropped by a drolvarg captain.
Depths of DarkhollowTorn Silk Gloves Found via this quest.
OriginalRaw-Hide Gloves Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Shattered Highlander's Trinket Dropped by an ancient anaconda.
Serpents SpineEnchanted Werebone
Seeds of DestructionPlatinum Plated Worm Pinion Gear Model I Found via this quest.
Shadows of LuclinGloves of the Damned Dropped by Renaldok Masric.
OriginalCured Silk Handwraps
Shadows of LuclinRotting Flesh Gloves Dropped by a netherbian ravager.
Serpents SpineRunic Leather Gloves Found via this quest.
Issued Silken Gloves
OriginalMesh Gauntlets Dropped by a froglok shin warrior.
Gloves of the Stonehand Found via this quest.
Tundra Wolf Gloves
OriginalCarmine Gloves Dropped by a frightfinger.
Wolfskin Gloves Found via this quest.
Shadows of LuclinCured Shade Silk Gloves
OriginalBlighted Gloves Dropped by a boogeyman.
Secrets of FaydwerCrude Defiant Cloth Gloves Dropped by a large skeleton.
Issued Scout Gloves
Seeds of DestructionPlatinum Plated Worm Pinion Gear Model II Found via this quest.
Shadows of LuclinXakra Kel Gloves Dropped by a shak dratha shawi.
Shadows of LuclinFungal Fiend Membrane Gloves Dropped by a plerg phlarg fiend.
Gates of DiscordDirty Green Gemstone Found via this quest.
Monk Gloves (Test)
Gates of DiscordGloomingdeep Kobold Cloth Gloves Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Gossamer Gloves Dropped by a festering hag.
Black Silk Gloves Dropped by a deathly usher.
Scars of VeliousIce Silk Gloves
Serpents SpineImprinted Leather Gloves Found via this quest.
OriginalGriffon Talon Gloves Dropped by Callowwing.
Blood Cured Wraps Dropped by Grodl Ripclaw.
Gloves of Strength
Medium Druid Gloves
OriginalApothic Gloves Dropped by a forsaken revenant - male.
Shadows of LuclinGloves of Pestilence Found via this quest.
OriginalElf-Hide Gloves Dropped by the froglok warden.
Jagged Tombstone Shard Found via this quest.
Ruins of KunarkRhino Hide Gloves
Shadows of LuclinRough Hide Gloves
OriginalSmall Raw-Hide Gloves Dropped by an aqua goblin.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathGloves of the Bloodless
OriginalShiny Silk Gloves Dropped by an injured rat.
Serpents SpineWoven Cloth Gloves Found via this quest.
OriginalInsidious Gloves Dropped by Coercer T`vala.
Ruins of KunarkWorm-Eaten Gloves Dropped by lumpy goo.
Serpents SpineFormed Leather Gloves Found via this quest.
Clawscale Gloves
Soft Wicker Gloves Dropped by a kobold guard.
Shadows of LuclinFungal Fiend Membrane Gauntlets Dropped by a plerg phlarg fiend.
Prophecy of RoLesser Coldain Historical Seal Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
OriginalWu's Fighting Gauntlets
Serpents SpineStained Leather Gloves Dropped by a young puma.
Cleric Gloves (Test)
Planes of PowerPine Druid Gloves Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Ruins of KunarkSmall Black Gloves Dropped by halfling swashbuckler.
OriginalLarge Leather Gloves
OriginalGrobb Oven Mittens Found via this quest.
Scars of VeliousSpider Fur Gloves Dropped by a blizzard hunter.
Ancient Elf-Hide Gloves
Serpents SpineTailored Cloth Gloves Found via this quest.
Shadows of LuclinPhantom Leather Gloves
Legacy of YkeshaMoss Toe Gloves Found via this quest.
Woven Seaweed Gloves
OriginalSmall Leather Gloves Dropped by Whimsy Larktwitter.
OriginalLarge Raw-Hide Gloves Dropped by an orcish mountaineer.
Shadows of LuclinGloves of Enrapturement Found via this quest.
Initiate's Gauntlets of the Scale Found via this quest.
OriginalLoam Encrusted Gloves Dropped by an elemental warrior.
Gloves of the Leafrunner Found via this quest.
OriginalCryosilk Gloves Dropped by a spinechiller spider.
Druid Gloves (Test)
Scars of VeliousOtterhide Gloves Dropped by Keref Spiritspear.
Serpents SpineMelded Cloth Gloves Found via this quest.
Snakeskin Gloves Dropped by a gnoll noble.
Scars of VeliousOthmir Hide Gloves
Ravaged Gnollish Gloves
Radiant Gloves Dropped by Radiant.
Shadows of LuclinGloves of Matter Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineChunk of Congealed Elements Dropped by a Frostflake champion.
Crude Consigned Cloth Gloves
Shaman Gloves (Test)
Prophecy of RoEnraged Flesh Gloves Found via this quest.
Shadows of LuclinHopperhide Gloves
Glowing Gloves Dropped by a shadowed man.
Serpents SpineWorn Scattercloud Gauntlets Dropped by a hollows spiderling.
Legacy of YkeshaUnholy Silk Gloves Found via this quest.
Secrets of FaydwerSplintered Obsidian Faycite Shard Found via this quest.
Ruins of KunarkScaled Wolf Hide Gloves Dropped by goblin warlord.
Planes of PowerGloves of the Collective Initiate Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Ruins of KunarkSparring Grappler Gloves Found via this quest.
Serpents SpinePebble of Ill Omen Dropped by a cliknar scout.
Gloves of the Silent Fist Found via this quest.
Ruins of KunarkPatch Hide Gloves
Heavy Caster Gloves
Shadows of LuclinDingy Gloves Dropped by a nuisance.
Medium Fistfighters Gloves
Medium Caster Gloves
Ratskin Gloves Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Terrorscale Gloves
Secrets of FaydwerMarred Obsidian Faycite Shard Found via this quest.
OriginalGloves of the Gatecaller Found via this quest.
Damask Gloves Dropped by a magician.
Magician Gloves (Test)
OriginalWoven Gloves Dropped by a froglok novice.
Gloves of the Arcane Order Found via this quest.
Planes of PowerArcane Scientists Gloves Found via this quest.
Secrets of FaydwerDark Obsidian Faycite Shard Found via this quest.
Shadows of LuclinTattered Hopperhide Gloves
Ruins of KunarkLeech Husk Gloves Found via this quest.
Plague Sorcerer Gloves Found via this quest.
OriginalBone Fingered Gloves Dropped by a warbone monk.
Handwraps of the Corrupt Zol Initiate
Dragons of NorrathSimple Lorekeeper Gloves Found via this quest.
Gates of DiscordGreen Hued Gemstone
Shadows of LuclinPadded Gloves Found via this quest.
Secrets of FaydwerDull Obsidian Faycite Shard Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineSimple Crystalweave Gloves Found via this quest.
Legacy of YkeshaGloves of the Craft Keeper Found via this quest.
OriginalLarge Tattered Gloves Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
OriginalRaw Silk Gloves
Blue Burlap Gloves Dropped by spider handler lockbox.
Serpents SpineSeal of Torsis Dropped by Neh`Ashiir.
Serpents SpineCursed Marble Dropped by Mossback.
Dragons of NorrathSimple Stargazer Gloves Found via this quest.
Wizard Gloves (Test)
Ruins of KunarkCrescent Fighting Gloves Dropped by a kly follower.
Dragons of NorrathSimple Metalofiber Gloves Found via this quest.
Simple Defiant Bluestone Dropped by an evil eye.
Gloomleather Gloves Dropped by Pox.
Serpents SpineReinforced Incendiary Gauntlets Dropped by a hollows spiderling.
Ruins of KunarkGoblin Sparring Gloves Dropped by a goblin pit fighter.
Dragons of NorrathSimple Starglow Gloves Found via this quest.
Shadows of LuclinShade Silk Gloves
Serpents SpineWoven Crescent Gloves Dropped by a hollows spiderling.
Art Keeper Initiate Gloves Found via this quest.
Gates of DiscordGreen Hued Gemstone Found via this quest.
Abattoir Initiate Gloves Found via this quest.
Legacy of YkeshaGloves of the Scourge Sorcerer Found via this quest.
Legacy of YkeshaRage Sorcerer Gloves Found via this quest.
OriginalSmall Tattered Gloves Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Rough Consigned Trillion Amethyst
Rough Defiant Trillion Amethyst Dropped by a froglok shin knight.
Serpents SpineComposite Field Gauntlets Dropped by a hollows spiderling.
Dragons of NorrathSimple Duskwoven Gloves Found via this quest.
Tattered Gloves
Gloves of the Rock Climber Dropped by Old Ghostback.
Ruins of KunarkDragons of NorrathSimple Mistwoven Gloves Found via this quest.
Legacy of YkeshaHandwraps of the Jin Initiate Found via this quest.
Shadows of LuclinGhulam Gloves Found via this quest.
Shadows of LuclinGloves of the Grimling Sorceress Dropped by grimlingforest 1.0 - Sorceress Gnildaria.
Serpents SpineWrit of Certitude Dropped by a putrid skeleton.
Scars of VeliousCrystalline Silk Gloves
Ruins of KunarkCurscale Gloves Found via this quest.
Updated TodaySerpents SpineSimple Consigned Bluestone
Dragons of NorrathSimple Moonsilver Gloves Found via this quest.
Simple Defiant Alexandrite Shard Dropped by a brownie.
Pit Fighter Handwraps Dropped by a kobold pit fighter.
Scars of VeliousCrystallized Shadow Gloves Dropped by Librarian.
Ruined Gnoll Leather Gloves Dropped by a gnoll.
Gates of DiscordGreen Hued Gemstone
Serpents SpineClump of Bixie Pollen Dropped by a hive sentinel.
Clear Celestine Faycite Shard Found via this quest.
Scars of VeliousPurified Spirit Gloves Found via this quest.
Enchanted Kelp Gauntlets Dropped by a neriad mistress.
Scourgers' Raider Gloves
Secrets of FaydwerSmall Obsidian Faycite Shard Found via this quest.
Legacy of YkeshaGloves of the Spurned Initiate Found via this quest.
OriginalTiger Hide Gloves Dropped by Jo Jo.
Issued Footman Gloves
Prophecy of RoMinor Coldain Historical Seal Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Secrets of FaydwerScratched Obsidian Faycite Shard Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowEmbroidered Supple Gloves Found via this quest.
Secrets of FaydwerPolished Celestine Faycite Shard Found via this quest.
Updated TodaySerpents SpineSimple Consigned Alexandrite Shard
Bristle Silk Gloves
Secrets of FaydwerSmooth Celestine Faycite Shard Found via this quest.
OriginalLarge Cloth Gloves Dropped by a bandit.
OriginalCloth Gloves Dropped by a decaying skeleton.
Serpents SpineFrozen Kodiak Claw Dropped by Guard Korik.
Secrets of FaydwerBright Celestine Faycite Shard Found via this quest.
Sporali Gloves Dropped by The Sporali Moldmaster.
Serpents SpineMoonbeam Pearl Dropped by a zelniak.
Gates of DiscordStitched Burlap Gloves Found via this quest.
Scars of VeliousGloves of Bladecalling Dropped by Velketor the Sorcerer.
Secrets of FaydwerPure Celestine Faycite Shard Found via this quest.
Dusty Burlap Gloves
Gates of DiscordGreen Hued Gemstone Found via this quest.
Gloomsilk Gloves Dropped by Selandoor.
Serpents SpineBall of Primeval Lava
Shadows of LuclinFungus Flesh Gloves Dropped by The Reishicyben.
Serpents SpinePilgrim's Protector Dropped by a drolvarg scavenger.
OriginalSmall Cloth Gloves Dropped by a goblin lookout.
Secrets of FaydwerDeep Obsidian Faycite Shard Found via this quest.
Bog Slime Dropped by a sediment delver.
OriginalDusty Bloodstained Gloves Dropped by reclusive ghoul magus.
OriginalRuined Gnoll Chain Gloves Dropped by a gnoll.
Ruins of KunarkIksar Skin Gloves Dropped by Overseer Dal`guur.
OriginalNetted Gloves Dropped by a froglok tad.
Secrets of FaydwerTiny Celestine Faycite Shard Found via this quest.
Dusty Bloodstained Gloves Dropped by Reclusive ghoul magus.
Secrets of FaydwerChipped Obsidian Faycite Shard Found via this quest.
Secrets of FaydwerTransparent Celestine Faycite Shard Found via this quest.
Ancient Impskin Gloves
Secrets of FaydwerShiny Celestine Faycite Shard Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineMinor Stone of Power Dropped by an unmasked changeling.
Secrets of FaydwerLight Celestine Faycite Shard Found via this quest.
OriginalImpskin Gloves Dropped by Kindle.
Scars of VeliousGauntlets of Iron Tactics Found via this quest.
Shadows of LuclinKhati Sha Handwraps
Serpents SpineAlpine Rune Dropped by a mountain giant tump.
Crude Consigned Amethyst
Serpents SpineSinged Goblin Eye Dropped by cinder goblin.
Ceremonial Rogue Gauntlets
Brown Leather Gloves Found via this quest.
Updated TodaySerpents SpineCrude Defiant Amethyst Dropped by a lesser mummy.
Ceremonial Battle Gauntlets
Resin Covered Leaves Dropped by a dryad.
Ogre Butcher Gloves Found via this quest.
Ceremonial Holy Gauntlets
Serpents SpineCompressed Froglok Bile Dropped by a froglok nokta shaman.
Serpents SpineIceborn Granite Dropped by an adolescent cave bear.
Seeds of DestructionAk`Anon Clockwork Chain Hands Ornament
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Ignite Memories
Salus Faycite Shard: Daria's Mending
Seeds of DestructionIrae Faycite Shard: Fickle Blaze
Lost Dungeons of NorrathFractured Iced Gem of Knowledge Found via this quest.
Omens of WarBrilliant Kyanite of Pure Sight
Depths of DarkhollowFang of the Third Vampire Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Gates of DiscordRallic's Rune of Secrets
The Broken MirrorDamsel of Decay Plate Hands Ornament Dropped by a rotting chest - Ruins of Lxanvom.
Irae Faycite Shard: Throttling Grip
Dragons of NorrathGround Healer's Stone
Phantasmal Luclinite Stone of Savviness
Rain of FearTempus Faycite Shard: Advanced Retaliation
Earthground Fragment
The Darkened SeaDurus Faycite Shard: Bewildering Flash
Prophecy of RoGlyphed Petrified Dragon Eye Found via this quest.
Omens of WarStone of Planar Protection
Tempus Faycite Shard: Enraging Drop Kicks
Irae Faycite Shard: Mind Whirl
Earthground Sliver
Secrets of FaydwerCrude Defiant Emerald Dropped by orc centurion.
Secrets of FaydwerSublime Glove Symbol of Wildfire
Silver Coil Spring Dropped by Fractured Sweeper.
Omens of WarPrismatic Stone of Guarding Dropped by Vornad Deathtusk.
Seeds of DestructionTempus Faycite Shard: Blinding Spark
Lost Dungeons of NorrathExquisite Diamond of Chilling Protection
Rain of FearAncient Ssraeshzian Chain Hand Ornament Found via this quest.
Greater Corathus Shard of Power
Acrylian Chain Hands Ornament Dropped by a solid chest.
House of ThuleRaze's Brainstem Found via this quest.
Secrets of FaydwerRunic Gemstone Dropped by Gillipuzz.
Depths of DarkhollowMark of the Legion Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineHoneystone of Magicjum Found via this quest.
Welaar's Vah Shir Ringmail Hands Ornament
House of ThuleTempus Faycite Shard: Knuckle Snap
Serpents SpineGrim Memento Dropped by a lighthouse operator.
Welaar's Vah Shir Plate Hands Ornament
Bronzed Crystalline Oscillator Model II Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
The Broken MirrorAugust Sulstone of Foresight
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Hykast's Insult
Rain of FearDrop of Crystallized Thought Dropped by Silandra the Cruel.
Seeds of DestructionIrae Faycite Shard: Summer Solstice
The Broken MirrorWither and Decay Chain Hands Ornament
UnderfootEssence Scour Found via this quest.
Secrets of FaydwerGyro Core: Dream Found via this quest.
Prophecy of RoMediocre Gem of Sathir Found via this quest.
The Broken MirrorRegal Spitegem of Swiftness
Prophecy of RoPristine Petrified Dragon Eye Found via this quest.
Gates of DiscordRune of Indifference
Ring of ScaleTempus Faycite Shard: Reckless Servant
Lost Dungeons of NorrathExquisite Emerald of Poison Protection
Depths of DarkhollowCrystalline Webbing of Brilliance Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathBor`Wul Rune
Ruins of KunarkGloves of Fire Dropped by Ixiblat Fer.
Ring of ScaleDi`Zok Plate Hands Ornament Dropped by Cactiikii.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathLimestone Shard of Battle Cries
Omens of WarNauseating Bilestone Dropped by Murkglider School Leader.
Serpents SpinePetrified Bixie Pollen Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Empires of KunarkAmorphous Cohort's Gauntlets Found via this quest.
UnderfootCrystalline Tear Found via this quest.
Ring of ScaleMilitant's Iksar Chain Hands Ornament
Veil of AlarisOld Valiant Plate Hands Ornament
Irae Faycite Shard: Tears of the Rescued
Depths of DarkhollowClear Corathus Shard of Magic Found via this quest.
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Thricewoven Potential
Lost Dungeons of NorrathSlime Covered Stone of Life Found via this quest.
Seeds of DestructionRed Dragon Tooth Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowChronal Seal of Ferocity
Ring of ScaleScale Touched Intensity
Jonas Dagmire's Hamate Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineRage of the Harpies Dropped by a dangerous harpy.
Irae Faycite Shard: Pure Wildmagic XI
The Darkened SeaTempus Faycite Shard: Stormstrike Blades
Ring of ScaleArcron Chain Hands Ornament
Faded Abhorrent Gauntlets of Darkness
Serpents SpineDeathcalm Stone Dropped by a Clan Direwind initiate.
Cloth Gloves of the Harbingers
Lost Dungeons of NorrathEnchanted Shard of Unrivaled Vengeance Found via this quest.
The Broken MirrorRegal Sulstone of Allure
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Tears of Syrkl
Irae Faycite Shard: Divine Censure
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Horde of Mutillids
Tempus Faycite Shard: Incapacitating Blade
Mortal Corporeal Brawny Zephyr Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Rain of FearFrigid Frostfell Leather Hands Ornament Found via this quest.
Omens of WarRadiant Kyanite of Pure Potency
Serpents SpineBlood Red Stone of Loss Dropped by a Netherbian Drone.
Serpents SpineStonefed Chip Found via this quest.
Veil of AlarisViolet Crystallized Essence Dropped by a blistering shade.
Secrets of FaydwerChunk of Ferucite Dropped by Arachnotron.
Gates of DiscordGloves of Concealed Blades
The Broken MirrorRegal Spitegem of Scholarship
Seeds of DestructionMajor Untempered Quartzite
Lost Dungeons of NorrathBlack Diamond of Knowledge
Rain of FearFrigid Frostfell Chain Hands Ornament Found via this quest.
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Bolt of Molten Steel
Depths of DarkhollowNargil Sharpening Stone Dropped by a splorgath nightmare.
Dragons of NorrathGem of the Spring Wind
Serpents SpineBlack Sapphire of Eldritch Focus Dropped by Firbulg, Tactician of Ice.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathSmooth Stone of Blissful Tranquility Found via this quest.
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Magmalisk's Burning Call
Tempus Faycite Shard: Axe of Derakor
OriginalMywyn's Feir'Dal Chain Hands Ornament
Omens of WarBrilliant Kyanite of Alacrity
Irae Faycite Shard: Spear of Bloodwretch
Irae Faycite Shard: Lure of the Cold Moon
The Broken MirrorExtravagant Spitegem of Allure
Rain of FearTempus Faycite Shard: Forestall Death
Windblown Fragment
Gates of DiscordPetrified Aneuk Eye Dropped by an aneuk fleshthreader pet.
Omens of WarEmerald of Fortitude Dropped by Illis Mindweaver.
Ring of ScaleMcDaniel's Northman Leather Hands Ornament
Depths of DarkhollowHivegrime Stone of Swiftness Found via this quest.
Jonas Dagmire's Scaphoid Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
The Broken MirrorGlorious Spitegem of Deftness
Dragons of NorrathSacred Glove Symbol of the Farceur
Ring of ScaleConflagrant Gem of Brilliance
Ring of ScaleDurus Faycite Shard: Merciful Elixir
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Bolt of Molten Shieldstone
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Denon's Dirge of Disruption
Secrets of FaydwerExalted Glove Symbol of Integrity
Dragons of NorrathGem of Briar Thorn
Lost Dungeons of NorrathMarble Sphere of Conservation
Veil of AlarisDurus Faycite Shard: Sedative Stare
Gates of DiscordBroken Shard of Chaos Dropped by Hexxt Jkak Miq.
Depths of DarkhollowGnomework Metabolizer Dropped by a super-plated gnomework.
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Thricewoven Mana
Dragons of NorrathSacred Glove Symbol of Terror
Durus Faycite Shard: Still Mind
Dragons of NorrathJewel of the Enlightened Spirit Dropped by a silent hunter.
Auburn Hero's Forge Plate Hands Ornament
Tempus Faycite Shard: Pulverizing Volley
Lost Dungeons of NorrathValdoon's Bloodstone of Power Found via this quest.
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Ignite Potential
Secrets of FaydwerTempus Faycite Shard: Delay Death
Salus Faycite Shard: Dire Renewal
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Heliacal Fire
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Repudiate the Undead
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Burst of Sand
Secrets of FaydwerExalted Glove Symbol of the Warmonger
Serpents SpineBlackfeather Focus Stone Found via this quest.
Durus Faycite Shard: Deceiving Flash
Dragons of NorrathFastfinger Stone
Irae Faycite Shard: Spear of Cadcane
Serpents SpineBrittle Yellow Stone Dropped by Midnight.
Durus Faycite Shard: Growl of the Clouded Leopard
The Broken MirrorCourageous Hematite Dropped by a pestilent priest.
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Gash
The Darkened SeaSalus Faycite Shard: Survival of the Serendipitous
Golden Hero Cloth Hands Ornament
Rain of FearEye of Ocululor Dropped by Ocululor.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathShiny Teal Crystal of Enticement
Lost Dungeons of NorrathCrystal Prism of Perception
Tempus Faycite Shard: Crinotoxin Discipline
Serpents SpineCrystalwing Goru`kar Scout Power Stone Found via this quest.
The Darkened SeaSalus Faycite Shard: Ardent Light
Serpents SpineHero's Promise Dropped by Fihulf, Hero of the People.
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Spirited Axe Throw
Lost Dungeons of NorrathSparkling Garnet of Constitution
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Ekron's Chill
Irae Faycite Shard: Beam of Molten Dacite
Bronzed Crystalline Oscillator Model I Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Consecration
Empires of KunarkWrathful Teir`Dal Plate Hands Ornament
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Chill of the Visionary
Ring of ScaleTempus Faycite Shard: Tendon Rupture
Steel Lined Gloves
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Glistenwing Venom
Gates of DiscordGlobe of the Enforcer
Serpents SpineRune of Abominable Rituals
Omens of WarBrilliant Cut Kyanite
Serpents SpineDisk of Kings Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathBlood Spring Stone
Call of the ForsakenTome of Manipulation Dropped by Arch Lich Lyra D`Croix.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathArctic Ice Shard of Keenness
Emberquartz Wayfarer
Secrets of FaydwerSublime Glove Symbol of Growth
Omens of WarBrilliant Kyanite of Minor Ferocity
Rain of FearSalus Faycite Shard: Cloudburst
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Dire Declaration
Rain of FearSoloist Planar Glove Seal of the Cryomancer
Rain of FearDurus Faycite Shard: Siavonn's Chant of Disease
Ring of ScaleTempus Faycite Shard: Temple Slam
Empires of KunarkLcea Katta Plate Hands Ornament
Seeds of DestructionSalus Faycite Shard: Twelfth Night
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Chill of the Copsetender
Tempus Faycite Shard: Aggravate
Salus Faycite Shard: Heroic Renewal
Depths of DarkhollowStone of Focused Rage Found via this quest.
Windblown Shard
Serpents SpineStone of Light Dropped by an air elemental breeze lord.
The Darkened SeaDurus Faycite Shard: Anodyne Stare
Ring of ScaleTempus Faycite Shard: Warrior's Bastion
Jonas Dagmire's Skeletal Ring Finger Found via this quest.
Secrets of FaydwerGlorbglop Dropped by Glorb.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathPeerless Sphere of Fortitude
Ring of ScaleSalus Faycite Shard: Curavida
Salus Faycite Shard: Rowain's Recourse
Secrets of FaydwerExalted Glove Symbol of the Skeptic
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Reefcrawler Blade Strike
Lost Dungeons of NorrathPristine Diamond of Chilling Protection Dropped by a skeletal apprentice.
Depths of DarkhollowCrystalline Webbing of Willpower Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowDrachnid Empath Stone Found via this quest.
Irae Faycite Shard: Raging Shadow
Omens of WarBrilliant Kyanite of Minor Battle
Dragons of NorrathLife Root Stone
Lost Dungeons of NorrathFlawed Gray Gemstone of Knowledge Dropped by a Captive Coin battler.
Empires of KunarkMalevolent Teir`Dal Scalemail Hands Ornament
Pieces of Shredded Wings Dropped by Queen Hotaria.
Ring of ScaleWarmaker's Iksar Plate Hands Ornament
The Broken MirrorGlorious Sulstone of Allure
Soulsiphon's Jewel Dropped by Soul Siphon.
Depths of DarkhollowChronal Seal of Cleaving
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Spear of Grelleth
Depths of DarkhollowEnchanted Darkhollow Water Dropped by a mature splorgath.
Serpents SpineCracked Ruby of Bloodletting Dropped by Captain Hectov.
Serpents SpineEye of the Storm Dropped by a scorned tronendi.
The Broken MirrorElegant Sulstone of Foresight
Tempus Faycite Shard: Gather Vigor
The Darkened SeaDurus Faycite Shard: Drown
Insidious Cloth Hands Ornament
Irae Faycite Shard: Putrefying Wounds
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Rebuke
Secrets of FaydwerSublime Glove Symbol of Stillness
Irae Faycite Shard: Ice Burrower Swarm
Glowing Emerald Found via this quest.
Salus Faycite Shard: Solemn Touch
Luclinite Ensanguined Proficiency
Seeds of DestructionSalus Faycite Shard: Adrenaline Burst
Omens of WarRadiant Kyanite of Minor Efficiency
Empires of KunarkPraetor Denik Cloth Hands Ornament
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Termination
Ring of ScaleSalus Faycite Shard: Furial Renewal
Secrets of FaydwerCorrupted Netherstone Amulet Dropped by a cursed Bloodwing minion.
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Repudiate the Unnatural
Serpents SpineBloody Orb of the Green Legion Dropped by a Kickpick slave.
Call of the ForsakenPin of Deception Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathRaw Sapphire of Proficiency
The Broken MirrorStalwart Sulstone of Stability
Intense Stone of Perpetual Reverie
Rain of FearDurus Faycite Shard: Demand for Power
Hero's Forge Chain Hands Ornament
Tempus Faycite Shard: Breath of Stillness
The Buried SeaShaped Crystalline Gem
Seeds of DestructionTempus Faycite Shard: Defer Death
Taygeta's Gem of Heliacal Rising
Salus Faycite Shard: Adrenaline Deluge
Lost Dungeons of NorrathCracked Pearl of Magical Warding
Omens of WarKyanite of Minor Alacrity
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Ri`zyr's Rain of Venom
Lost Dungeons of NorrathGargoyle's Stone of Vitality Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathRotted Soil of Avoidance
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Heartsplit
Lost Dungeons of NorrathQuintessence Jewel of Fiery Pain Found via this quest.
Secret Dawn Proficiency
Serpents SpineFroglok Egg Capsule
Emberquartz Conjuror
Tempus Faycite Shard: Ward of Righteousness
House of ThuleDurus Faycite Shard: Growl of the Tiger
Ring of ScaleTempus Faycite Shard: Cascading Deathshield
all primary secondary range charm aug //G21AV hSta
Depths of DarkhollowDuskstone of the Marshes Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Jonas Dagmire's Trapezoid Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Irae Faycite Shard: Direfang's Bite
UnderfootObsidianite Spar Dropped by a sand genati.
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Strangulate
Seascoured Stone
Ring of ScaleTempus Faycite Shard: Storm of Claws
Seeds of DestructionDurus Faycite Shard: Talendor's Chant of Flame
Dragons of NorrathRevered Glove Symbol of Devotion
Ruby Stone of Efficiency
Secrets of FaydwerDurus Faycite Shard: Shade of Renewal
Seeds of DestructionIrae Faycite Shard: Klixcxyk's and Icesheet Casc.
Secrets of FaydwerIrae Faycite Shard: Multichromatic Assault
Ring of ScaleTempus Faycite Shard: Wounding Blade
Citrine of Conjuration Found via this quest.
Secrets of FaydwerUn-Cored Silk Gloves Template
Bronzed Crystalline Oscillator Model XIII Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
House of ThuleJyleel's Seal Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathPolished Sandstone of Ire
Salus Faycite Shard: Fervent Light
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Skorpikis Blade Strike
Serpents SpineDryad Maiden Bauble Found via this quest.
Prophecy of RoStone of the Immortal Pond Dropped by a woodland tiger.
Jonas Dagmire's Skeletal Thumb Found via this quest.
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Nature's Scorching Wrath
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Nectar of Woe
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Glacial Claw
Irae Faycite Shard: Ruination of Sand
Call of the ForsakenSplinter of Potency Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Veil of AlarisTempus Faycite Shard: Diamondpalm Discipline
Veil of AlarisTempus Faycite Shard: Sundering Volley
Lost Dungeons of NorrathCracked Emerald of Poison Protection
Empires of KunarkGreen Glory Dropped by Drillmaster Mak`tak.
Irae Faycite Shard: Unscrupulous Blight
Tempus Faycite Shard: Skull Strike
Tempus Faycite Shard: Preemptive Retaliation
Jonas Dagmire's Trapezium Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathCut Bloodclot Stone
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Crush of the Iceclad
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Vital Strike
Lost Dungeons of NorrathJeweled Sentinel's Broken Aura Found via this quest.
Rain of FearSalus Faycite Shard: Fifteenth Emblem
Ring of ScaleWarmaker's Iksar Leather Hands Ornament
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Sephry's Malady
Seeds of DestructionIrae Faycite Shard: Thricewoven Energy
Gates of DiscordAura of Judgement
Secrets of FaydwerBrownie Cut Gemstone Dropped by Lerosma.
Serpents SpineEssence of Stone Dropped by Gatewatch Urgwit.
Gates of DiscordSullon's Gem of Paroxysm
Lost Dungeons of NorrathMicrocline Shard of Quickness
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Annihilation
Durus Faycite Shard: Neutralizing Wave
Secrets of FaydwerTempus Faycite Shard: Third Wind
Seeds of DestructionTempus Faycite Shard: Fourth Wind
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Chromatic Flicker
Glowing Emerald Found via this quest.
Irae Faycite Shard: Lightning Cyclone
House of ThuleSoloist Dream Glove Seal of the Cryomancer
Irae Faycite Shard: Polyradiant Assault
Salus Faycite Shard: Avowed Touch
Irae Faycite Shard: Lure Enhancement
Durus Faycite Shard: Petition for Honor
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Touch of Dyalgem
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Remembrance
Irae Faycite Shard: Uncia's Malady
Omens of WarBrilliant Kyanite of Pure Ferocity
Lost Dungeons of NorrathPeerless Shard of Might
Secrets of FaydwerSalus Faycite Shard: Chorus of Restoration
Rain of FearTempus Faycite Shard: Ward of Certitude
Depths of DarkhollowNisch Mal Engraved Splitpaw Jade Found via this quest.
Irae Faycite Shard: Uncia's Fang
Salus Faycite Shard: Salve of Tobart
Gates of DiscordBloodfire Cabochon Found via this quest.
Seeds of DestructionCorrupted Damascite Shard
Dragons of NorrathEye of the Kirin Found via this quest.
OriginalWintershade's Dwarven Cloth Hands Ornament
Depths of DarkhollowEye Stone Found via this quest.
Noble Plate Hands Ornament
Irae Faycite Shard: Cremating Sands
Sterope's Gem of Heliacal Rising
Secrets of FaydwerXII Repair Core Dropped by Engineer LXII.
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Nectar of Sholoth
Veil of AlarisSalus Faycite Shard: Sanavida
Lost Dungeons of NorrathDull Purple Gem of Deftness
Rain of FearCrystallized Slug Found via this quest.
The Broken MirrorGlorious Spitegem of Scholarship
Dragons of NorrathEminent Glove Symbol of the Skeptic
Glacial Frost Cloth Hands Ornament Dropped by a chilly chest.
Seeds of DestructionLesser Jolted Quartzite
Ring of ScaleDurus Faycite Shard: Cloud of Renewal
The Darkened SeaDurus Faycite Shard: Horthin's Chant of Disease
Lost Dungeons of NorrathWorn Gravestone of Awareness
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Pure Wildflash Azia
Lost Dungeons of NorrathNight Agent Gravestone Fragment
Ring of ScaleTempus Faycite Shard: Reject Death
House of ThuleTempus Faycite Shard: Heartrend
Omens of WarKyanite of Pure Potency
The Broken MirrorResplendent Sulstone of Deftness
Gates of DiscordShard of Perpetuity Dropped by Kyv Rux Vhedt.
Flamesealed Fragment
House of ThuleSalus Faycite Shard: Earnest Light
Durus Faycite Shard: Forthright Cleansing
Ring of ScaleConflagrant Proficiency
Serpents SpineLava-Sealed Marble of Mana Found via this quest.
Irae Faycite Shard: Restless Ice Cascade
Irae Faycite Shard: Howling Hail
Lost Dungeons of NorrathPeerless Gemstone of Knowledge
Depths of DarkhollowPillaged Charm of Sturdiness Found via this quest.
Prophecy of RoGleaming Kromzek Insignia Found via this quest.
Seeds of DestructionAk`Anon Clockwork Leather Hands Ornament
The Broken MirrorElegant Spitegem of Scholarship
Lost Dungeons of NorrathImperfect Garnet of Constitution
Lost Dungeons of NorrathSlippery Slimestone of Endurance
House of ThuleTempus Faycite Shard: Blinding Glare
Omens of WarKyanite of Ferocity
Splendid Panther Figurine Dropped by Kurati the Feral.
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Spinechiller's Spear of Venom
Depths of DarkhollowCrystalline Webbing of Vitality Found via this quest.
Omens of WarRadiant Kyanite of Minor Haste
Secrets of FaydwerUndocumented Stabilizing Compensator Dropped by a gnome medic.
Updated TodaySerpents SpineSimple Consigned Garnet
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Summer's Storm
Rain of FearTempus Faycite Shard: Force of the Iceclad
UnderfootThe Eye of the Serpent Dropped by Ring.
Unadorned Gauntlets
Omens of WarBrilliant Kyanite of Celerity
Irae Faycite Shard: Va Xakra's Rain of Venom
Lost Dungeons of NorrathScion's Shard of Death Chants Found via this quest.
Seeds of DestructionTempus Faycite Shard: Jeer
Irae Faycite Shard: Tempestuous Hail
Salus Faycite Shard: Angst
Gates of DiscordOnyx Pebble of Learnedness Dropped by Tqiv Araxt the Enraged.
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Phantasmal Assault
House of ThuleTempus Faycite Shard: Deny Death
Serpents SpineCorrupted Sapphire Amulet Dropped by Prunae.
Irae Faycite Shard: Heliacal Immolation
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Pure Wildflash
Rain of FearDurus Faycite Shard: Confound
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Ivrikdal's Pallid Haze
Irae Faycite Shard: Assert for Blood
Call of the ForsakenStone of Tranquility Dropped by a legend of Kolos.
Empires of KunarkEmblem of Lcea Katta's Insight
Lost Dungeons of NorrathAncient Blue Jewel of Nimbleness Dropped by a Captive Coin drudge.
all primary secondary range charm aug //G21AV Bala
Delight Dropped by Guard Captain Krizad.
Rain of FearSsraeshzian Cloth Hand Ornament Found via this quest.
Omens of WarBrilliant Kyanite of Minor Sundering
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Glistenwing Blood
Lost Dungeons of NorrathMummy's Stone of Fury Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathPeerless Opal of Illness Warding
Lost Dungeons of NorrathImmaculate Pearl of Magical Warding Dropped by a skeletal scholar.
Irae Faycite Shard: Omorden's Insult
Crude Consigned Stone Fragment
Lost Dungeons of NorrathLustrous Pearl of Magical Warding
The Darkened SeaSalus Faycite Shard: Historian's Intervention
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Anabatic Roar
Echoing Memoryweave Leather Hands Ornament Dropped by a vindicated chest.
Echoing Memoryweave Chain Hands Ornament Dropped by a vindicated chest.
Hero's Forge Plate Hands Ornament
Secrets of FaydwerAmethyst of the Staunch Dropped by Drangol Foreman.
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Distasteful Bargain
The Broken MirrorRegal Spitegem of Courage
Veil of AlarisDurus Faycite Shard: Provocation for Power
Durus Faycite Shard: Yelinak's Chant of Frost
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Sermon of Condemnation
Veil of AlarisSoloist Ascension Glove Seal of the Cryomancer
Omens of WarRadiant Kyanite of Quickening
Serpents SpineOrb of Flowing Pollen Dropped by Slavemistress Hizja.
Earthground Gemstone
Seeds of DestructionSalus Faycite Shard: Frenetic Renewal
Lost Dungeons of NorrathGeomantic Compact's Healing Gem Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowCrushbone Mana Charm Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathCracked Green Shard of Might
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Effluvium
The Buried SeaShaped Phosphite Gem
Irae Faycite Shard: Lunarflare Ash
Wanderer's Ayr`Dal Scalemail Hands Ornament
Tempus Faycite Shard: Cascading Shadeshield
The Broken MirrorExtravagant Sulstone of Swiftness
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Folasar's Decay
Irae Faycite Shard: Obeah
Ring of ScaleTempus Faycite Shard: Enraging Wheel Kicks
OriginalWibble's Halfling Leather Hands Ornament
Ring of ScaleFereth Plate Hands Ornament
Call of the ForsakenSpirit of the Wind Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathGlowing Ore of Rapid Thought
Omens of WarBrilliant Kyanite of Pure Dexterity
Gates of DiscordEmerald Stone of Relief
The Broken MirrorVim and Vigor Plate Hands Ornament
Gates of DiscordBronzed Ingot of Insanity
Earthground Stone
Irae Faycite Shard: Pyre of the Neglected
Serpents SpineGreater Stone of Might Dropped by an unmasked changeling.
Serpents SpineFrozen Heart of the Snow Spider Queen Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathBlessed Glove Symbol of the Skeptic
Dragons of NorrathFar Sight Scout's Stone
Gates of DiscordFlamestone of the Arcane Found via this quest.
Irae Faycite Shard: Red Eye's Spear of Venom
Depths of DarkhollowKorlach Larva Heart Dropped by Commander Olag.
Omens of WarJagged Stone of Intellectual Renewal Dropped by Yellowfang.
Mortal Celestial Equilibrium Spark Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Admonish
Rain of FearFrigid Frostfell Plate Hands Ornament Found via this quest.
Secrets of FaydwerDurus Faycite Shard: Severilous' Chant of Poison
Dragons of NorrathSkyshorn Aquamarine
Seeds of DestructionIrae Faycite Shard: Summer's Mist
Veil of AlarisSalus Faycite Shard: Progenitor's Intervention
Rain of FearDurus Faycite Shard: Gosik's Chant of Flame
Seeds of DestructionIrae Faycite Shard: Finsternacht Orb
Depths of DarkhollowChronal Seal of Frost
Tempus Faycite Shard: Zelinstein's Lively Cresc.
Irae Faycite Shard: Shock of Burning Steel
Secrets of FaydwerGlowing Metal Bearing Dropped by Head Scientist Belnot.
Massive Stone of Hsagra Dropped by a chilly chest.
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Tears of Narendi
Omens of WarHulcror Pearl Dropped by Hulcror.
Secrets of FaydwerIrae Faycite Shard: Rotmarrow Spear
Irae Faycite Shard: Restless Roar
House of ThuleSalus Faycite Shard: Survival of the Propitious
Lost Dungeons of NorrathNotched Shard of Lost Spirits
Durus Faycite Shard: Mesmeric Stare
Irae Faycite Shard: Neurofreeze
UnderfootFaintly Pulsating Crystallized Cosgrove Shard Dropped by Foul Deeping Ooze.
Wanderer's Ayr`Dal Ringmail Hands Ornament
Glowing Emerald Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowChronal Seal of Parry
Marnek's Mankind Cloth Hands Ornament
Seeds of DestructionSalus Faycite Shard: Renewal of Cadwin
Ring of ScaleDurus Faycite Shard: Ekron's Chant of Frost
Depths of DarkhollowSymbol of Praetorian Devotion Found via this quest.
The Broken MirrorElegant Sulstone of Resilience
Corathus Shard of Power
Omens of WarRune of Living Lightning Dropped by Damlin Lingering Charge.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathLustrous Diamond of Chilling Protection
Serpents SpineCorrupted Citrine Amulet Dropped by a Broken Skull scout.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathSparkling Quartz of Resistance
Irae Faycite Shard: Plague of Zlandicar
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Bite of the Blightwolf
Velium Infused Proficiency
Ring of ScaleArcron Leather Hands Ornament
Valiant Cloth Hands Ornament
The Broken MirrorResplendent Spitegem of Stability
Lost Dungeons of NorrathEnchanted Crystal of the Synarcana Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineFragment of Corrupted Ice Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathSharp Gravestone Shard Found via this quest.
Old Sylvan Chain Hands Ornament
Serpents SpineFrosted Diamond of Elemental Fury Dropped by Quartermaster Balrik.
Omens of WarMaster's Prism of Domination Dropped by Noc Slavehunter.
Seeds of DestructionIrae Faycite Shard: Touch of Lanys
Scars of VeliousTattered Silk Gloves
Depths of DarkhollowDuskstone of the Tundra Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Ring of ScaleSalus Faycite Shard: Prehistoric Intervention
Dragons of NorrathDeepwalker's Soapstone
Lost Dungeons of NorrathEnchanted Chunk of Graying Flesh Found via this quest.
Seeds of DestructionIrae Faycite Shard: Tears of Xadrith
Irae Faycite Shard: Horde of Hyperboreads
The Buried SeaStone of Dark Tidings Found via this quest.
The Darkened SeaEye of Fire Dropped by Fire Eyes.
Salus Faycite Shard: Sincere Touch
Call of the ForsakenPollen Pod Found via this quest.
The Buried SeaJonas Dagmire's Long Finger Metacarpal Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Bolt of Skyfire
Durus Faycite Shard: Protest for Honor
The Darkened SeaTempus Faycite Shard: Prior Retaliation
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Sunblaze
Tempus Faycite Shard: Tendon Rip
Serpents SpineDingy Grey Stone Dropped by a dragon construct.
Old Hero's Forge Cloth Hands Ornament
Seeds of DestructionIrae Faycite Shard: Pure Wildmagic
Lost Dungeons of NorrathEternal Ice Prism of Sense
Tempus Faycite Shard: Shadow Harvest
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Vigilant Strike
Seeds of DestructionLesser Bored Quartzite
Serpents SpineBlackfeather Healthstone Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathFrigid Shard of Cleverness
Violet Hero's Forge Chain Hands Ornament
Serpents SpineShard of Incandescent Power Dropped by sonic bat.
Gates of DiscordDarkened Coldstone Found via this quest.
Omens of WarRadiant Kyanite of Virility
Omens of WarBrilliant Kyanite of Dexterity
Carved Panther Fang Dropped by Ol` Grinnin` Finley - CoV.
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Dire Accusation
Serpents SpineDecomposing Scroll of Lore Dropped by strathbone healer.
Irae Faycite Shard: Fever Surge
Restless Ice Cloth Hands Ornament Dropped by an ice encrusted chest.
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Flashfreeze and Flashsear
Old Hero's Forge Leather Hands Ornament
Purified Dungeon Rot Found via this quest.
Irae Faycite Shard: Hymnal
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Dire Allegation
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Pyre of the Forsaken
Depths of DarkhollowChronal Seal of Disease
The Darkened SeaTempus Faycite Shard: Warrior's Bulwark
Mortal Corporeal Nimble Zephyr Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Ring of ScaleTempus Faycite Shard: Torrid Frenzy
Depths of DarkhollowAncient Dragon's Eggshell Fragment Dropped by a servant.
Tempus Faycite Shard: Docent of Toxicity
Jonas Dagmire's Triquetrum Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Mindcleave
Depths of DarkhollowDrachnid Eye Dropped by a Hive caretaker.
Secrets of FaydwerSalus Faycite Shard: Frantic Renewal
Updated TodaySecrets of FaydwerFlawed Defiant Amberstone Dropped by a loathling lich.
Old Violet Hero's Forge Plate Hands Ornament
Serpents SpineMolded Agate Trinket Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathSharp Crystal of Learning
Gates of DiscordPebble of Minor Disruption Dropped by a clay monolith.
Secrets of FaydwerCrude Defiant Turquoise Dropped by a patrolling gnoll.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathGeomantic Compact Chanting Stone Found via this quest.
Rain of FearTempus Faycite Shard: Reflexive Bladespurs
Veil of AlarisDurus Faycite Shard: Mind Spiral
Omens of WarRune of Astral Celerity Dropped by Damlin Lingering Charge.
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Fjilnauk's Insult
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Chromabash
Seeds of DestructionSalus Faycite Shard: Antecedent's Intervention
Serpents SpineGoru's Trinket of Fidelity Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathGlittering Ametrine Garnet
Irae Faycite Shard: Sermon of Injunction
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Summer's Tempest Burn
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Strike of Many
Irae Faycite Shard: Maiming Axe Throw
Tempus Faycite Shard: Cascading Dreadshield
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Frostbite Pillar
Ring of ScaleMcDaniel's Northman Cloth Hands Ornament
Veil of AlarisTempus Faycite Shard: Early Retaliation
Durus Faycite Shard: Deceive
Lost Dungeons of NorrathAncient Purple Gem of Deftness Dropped by a wooden barrel.
Dragons of NorrathSacred Glove Symbol of Judgment
Lost Dungeons of NorrathNightstone of the Vampire Slayer Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathHiw`Wul Rune
The Broken MirrorGlorious Sulstone of Stability
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Thoughtfreeze
Serpents SpineMossy Stone Dropped by Skycore.
The Buried SeaJonas Dagmire's Forefinger Distal Phalanx Found via this quest.
OriginalMywyn's Feir'Dal Leather Hands Ornament
Lost Dungeons of NorrathJagged Froststone of Enchantments Found via this quest.
House of ThuleEssence of Fright Found via this quest.
Jonas Dagmire's Long Finger Proximal Phalanx Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Plunder Essence
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Touch of Falsin
Depths of DarkhollowChronal Seal of Breezes
Seeds of DestructionIrae Faycite Shard: Severilous' Spear of Venom
Salus Faycite Shard: Survival of the Unrelenting
Dragons of NorrathEminent Glove Symbol of Storms
Depths of DarkhollowFishgil Stone Found via this quest.
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Spreading Darkness
Seeds of DestructionGlowing Athlai Gloves Dropped by Tranixx Darkpaw - undead.
Velium Convoker
Corathus Shard of Magical Replenishment
Depths of DarkhollowShiliskin Reef Navigator Fetish Found via this quest.
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Scintillate Bones
Mandaril's Erudite Scalemail Hands Ornament
Lost Dungeons of NorrathWarden's Stone of Prowess Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineCorrupted Sunstone Amulet Dropped by Shrouded Anisher.
Irae Faycite Shard: Crush of the Wayunder
Ring of ScaleTempus Faycite Shard: Ward of Assurance
Lost Dungeons of NorrathDusty Gravestone of Destruction
Seeds of DestructionGreater Bored Quartzite
Veil of AlarisOld Valiant Chain Hands Ornament
The Broken MirrorAugust Spitegem of Stability
Irae Faycite Shard: Lance
Ring of ScaleDraconic Proficiency
Old Bloodforged Leather Hands Ornament
Empires of KunarkWrathful Teir`Dal Leather Hands Ornament
Phantasmal Luclinite Stone of Resilience
The Darkened SeaTempus Faycite Shard: Force of the Darkened Sea
Rain of FearDurus Faycite Shard: Savage Rage
Seeds of DestructionMinor Dyadic Quartzite
Secrets of FaydwerExalted Glove Symbol of the Brood
Lost Dungeons of NorrathRefined Ore of Harmonies
Depths of DarkhollowExcellent Eye Stone Found via this quest.
Irae Faycite Shard: Spear of Lazam
Irae Faycite Shard: Dire Indictment
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Rain of Cutlasses
Seeds of DestructionGreater Dyadic Quartzite
Dragons of NorrathVolcanic Farcaster's Stone
Omens of WarBrilliant Kyanite of Pure Haste
UnderfootPatch of Sporali Skin Dropped by Blightcap.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathCracked Blue Jewel of Nimbleness
Cloth Hands Ornament of Swirling Spirits Dropped by a rough chest.
Gates of DiscordShard of Insanity
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Vicious Cycle
The Broken MirrorElegant Spitegem of Stability
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Constrict
Lost Dungeons of NorrathRadiant Prism of Lucidity
Salus Faycite Shard: Radiant Light
The Darkened SeaDurus Faycite Shard: Grasping Darkness
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Compel for Blood
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Dire Insinuation
Gates of DiscordGleaming Stone of Vengeance Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathEminent Glove Symbol of Integrity
all primary secondary range charm aug //G21AV hWis
Durus Faycite Shard: Sylra Fris' Chant of Frost
Flayed Paebala Stone Eye Dropped by a chilly chest.
Omens of WarBrilliant Kyanite of Pure Potency
Mandaril's Erudite Ringmail Hands Ornament
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Ethereal Empowerment
Lost Dungeons of NorrathCauldron-Cursed Shard of Power Found via this quest.
Omens of WarBrilliant Kyanite of Virility
Combine Power
Lost Dungeons of NorrathAncient Gray Gemstone of Knowledge Dropped by A Steelslave Legionnaire.
Celerity Stone of Perpetual Reverie
Irae Faycite Shard: Despicable Bargain
Lost Dungeons of NorrathExperimental Gem of Haste Found via this quest.
Ring of ScaleSalus Faycite Shard: Expiation
The Broken MirrorResplendent Spitegem of Scholarship
Depths of DarkhollowPickclaw Trinket Found via this quest.
Omens of WarKyanite of Minor Efficiency
Ring of ScaleDi`Zok Leather Hands Ornament Dropped by a hero`s satchel.
UnderfootBrilliantly Pulsating Crystallized Cosgrove Shard Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Seeds of DestructionTempus Faycite Shard: Eradicator's Volley
Luclinite Ensanguined Resilience
Septagonal Sapphire Dropped by Arcanaforged.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathSapphire Sphere of Havoc
Lost Dungeons of NorrathPristine Opal of Illness Warding Dropped by A Flesheater.
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Lure of Travenro
Depths of DarkhollowDuskstone of the Oceans Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Seeds of DestructionIrae Faycite Shard: Gelid and Flashblaze
Gates of DiscordSullon's Disc of Paroxysm
Secret Dawn Harmony
Insidious Leather Hands Ornament
Beryl Hero's Forge Leather Hands Ornament
UnderfootCosgrove Soloist Glove Seal of the Cryomancer
Irae Faycite Shard: Chill of the Arbor Tender
Irae Faycite Shard: Pyre of the Lifeless
The Darkened SeaSalus Faycite Shard: Reckless Regeneration
Lost Dungeons of NorrathImmaculate Emerald of Poison Protection Dropped by a tortured toiler.
Irae Faycite Shard: Bloodmaw's Bite
The Darkened SeaPurity of Chastity Dropped by Angry Alfred.
Gleaming Silver Conjuror
Omens of WarKyanite of Celerity
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Frozen Cyanin
Lost Dungeons of NorrathCrushed Slate of Health
Tempus Faycite Shard: Wallop
The Broken MirrorStalwart Sulstone of Deftness
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Scarab Swarm
Irae Faycite Shard: Windwhip Bite
Shiny Gem of Health
Gates of DiscordSandstone of Yearning
Old Beryl Hero's Forge Cloth Hands Ornament
Veil of AlarisOld Insidious Plate Hands Ornament
Dragons of NorrathBurnished Bloodstone
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Heliacal Eruption
Dragons of NorrathEminent Glove Symbol of Stillness
Gem of Unnatural Regrowth
Intricate Defiant Crystal Shard Dropped by sebilite juggernaut.
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Plague of Klonda
Secrets of FaydwerTempus Faycite Shard: Pinpoint Weaknesses
Secret Dawn Resilience
House of ThuleSalus Faycite Shard: Frenzied Renewal
The Broken MirrorWither and Decay Cloth Hands Ornament
Dragons of NorrathBlessed Glove Symbol of Infestation
OriginalScalding Rune
Illusive Sound Dropped by a shadowed chest - Shei Vinitras.
Omens of WarBrilliant Kyanite of Minor Sight
Lost Dungeons of NorrathDull Garnet of Constitution
Rain of FearTempus Faycite Shard: Punch in the Throat
Irae Faycite Shard: Zelniak's Bite
Ring of ScaleScale Touched Celerity
Old Ebon Hero's Forge Cloth Hands Ornament Dropped by a wretched scavenger.
Empires of KunarkTsaph Katta Plate Hands Ornament Dropped by Gorenaire.
Dragons of NorrathGlowing Ametrine Garnet
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Yubai's Rain of Venom
Hero's Forge Cloth Hands Ornament
Omens of WarStone of Lost Memories Dropped by Murkglider Deathsting.
Serpents SpineStone of Power Dropped by an unmasked changeling.
Valiant Chain Hands Ornament Found via this quest.
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Sunflash
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Elkikatar's Endemic
The Buried SeaDrop of Sunlight Found via this quest.
Ring of ScaleSalus Faycite Shard: Adrenaline Barrage
Rain of FearDurus Faycite Shard: Quiescent Mind
Prophecy of RoInsidious Corruption Dropped by Anastasia the Thought Drinker.
Dragons of NorrathSpellslinger's Focus Stone
Velium Threaded Intensity
Irae Faycite Shard: Chaotic Calamity
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Wildfire Ash
Tempus Faycite Shard: Third Wind
Ring of ScaleWolfkin's Northman Chain Hands Ornament
Serpents SpineKrithgor Ribshard Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Ring of ScaleMcDaniel's Northman Ringmail Hands Ornament
Ring of ScaleDurus Faycite Shard: Growl of the Sabretooth
Irae Faycite Shard: Cerebrumfreeze
Prophecy of RoFlawless Gem of Sathir Found via this quest.
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Fickle Magma
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Lure of the Depths
Rain of FearSalus Faycite Shard: Burst of Sunrise
Secrets of FaydwerDark Faycite Shard Dropped by Hikor the Pitmaster.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathPerfect Garnet of Constitution Dropped by an elder flame protector.
Veil of AlarisTempus Faycite Shard: Force of Oseka
Serpents SpineChipped Fang of the Lost Found via this quest.
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Bitter Wind
Irae Faycite Shard: Chaos Flare
Irae Faycite Shard: Lenrel's Curse
Rain of FearSalus Faycite Shard: Chorus of Salarra
Sagacious Moon Sliver Dropped by an efreeti.
House of ThuleSalus Faycite Shard: Thirteenth Salve
Ring of ScaleArcron Plate Hands Ornament Dropped by a Krellnakor enforcer.
Irae Faycite Shard: Lightning Maelstrom
Serpents SpineMorning Star Dropped by a cliknar scout.
Empires of KunarkMeanderer's Ayr`Dal Ringmail Hands Ornament
Call of the ForsakenPriceless Diamond of Ethernere Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathTainted Shard of Ingenuity
Gates of DiscordGnarled Shard of Torment
Seeds of DestructionGem of the Thaumatox Shard Dropped by a Rallosian champion.
Gates of DiscordMuramite Gemstone of Fortitude Dropped by Hexxt Warmonger.
Wiska's Ogre Plate Hands Ornament
Lost Dungeons of NorrathLustrous Ruby of Fiery Warding
Depths of DarkhollowCrystalline Webbing of Precision Found via this quest.
Irae Faycite Shard: Cloudburst Stormbolt
Rain of FearTempus Faycite Shard: Eagle's Balance
Secrets of FaydwerExalted Glove Symbol of Compassion
Bloodforged Leather Hands Ornament Dropped by High Ritualist Valdeev.
Rain of FearTempus Faycite Shard: Zalikor's Fang
Secrets of FaydwerTempus Faycite Shard: Crystalpalm Discipline
UnderfootStone of the Sovereign Found via this quest.
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Summer's Squall Burn
Velium Mendicant
Dragons of NorrathDream Delver's Stone
Durus Faycite Shard: Afflicted Darkness
Dragons of NorrathRevered Glove Symbol of Stillness
Omens of WarRadiant Kyanite of Pure Celerity
Durus Faycite Shard: Sincere Cleansing
The Buried SeaBlessing of Shifting Smoke Found via this quest.
Tempus Faycite Shard: Blinding Glister
Irae Faycite Shard: Luggald Venom
Fine Vigorous Gem of Distant Echoes
Secrets of FaydwerIrae Faycite Shard: Reaver's Pyre
Lost Dungeons of NorrathThick Soil of Vitality
The Broken MirrorGlorious Spitegem of Allure
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Sunflame
Call of the ForsakenStone of Judgment Dropped by a guardian of Narikor.
Ring of ScaleFereth Cloth Hands Ornament
Chain Hands Ornament of Swirling Spirits Dropped by a rough chest.
Depths of DarkhollowPlundered Shard of Hardiness Found via this quest.
Irae Faycite Shard: Blood of Ikatiar
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Biting Wind
Irae Faycite Shard: Scalding Shadow
Tempus Faycite Shard: Razor Tongue Discipline
Veil of AlarisDurus Faycite Shard: Talisman of the Lion
House of ThuleTempus Faycite Shard: Fifth Wind
Serpents SpineFrozen Spider Eye Dropped by a shard spider.
Irae Faycite Shard: Bite of the Vitrik
Salus Faycite Shard: Culpability
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Summer Sunfire
Auburn Hero's Forge Chain Hands Ornament Dropped by an umbrous toiler.
Bronzed Crystalline Oscillator Model X Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
The Darkened SeaDurus Faycite Shard: Impose for Honor
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Windblast Enigma
Serpents SpineSuspended Wyvern Blood Dropped by a mottled wyvern.
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Claw of the Abyss
Enchanted Darkhollow Harvester
Faded Gauntlets of Fiery Might Dropped by The Fabled Talendor.
Resilient Stone of Perpetual Reverie
Depths of DarkhollowRosch Mal Splitpaw Jade Found via this quest.
Irae Faycite Shard: Extort Essence
Secrets of FaydwerSalus Faycite Shard: Eleventh-Hour
Wintershade's Dwarven Plate Hands Ornament
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Shock of Ethereal Steel
Decayed Froglok Eye Dropped by a deadly black widow.
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Heartcleave
Call of the ForsakenBixie Plate Hands Ornament
Tempus Faycite Shard: Ward of Persistence
Irae Faycite Shard: Crystalline Lance
The Buried SeaLeft Eye of Ateleka Dropped by Phobolyten.
Omens of WarSapphire of Frozen Thought Dropped by Gelidran Icekeeper.
Dire Fulgurating Amethyst Dropped by a solid chest.
Irae Faycite Shard: Mind Vortex
Serpents SpineFossilized Tae Ew Eye Dropped by a Tae Ew crusader.
Glacial Frost Plate Hands Ornament Dropped by a chilly chest.
Ring of ScaleTempus Faycite Shard: Dragonstrike Blades
The Buried SeaDazzling Gem of Flight Dropped by Iolana the Defender.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathPristine Garnet of Constitution Dropped by a guardian of sand.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathCloudy Ruby of Fiery Warding
Lost Dungeons of NorrathShard of Guktan Hate Found via this quest.
Omens of WarEye of the Dragorn Dropped by Ukun Slavehunter.
Serpents SpineArcane Wavebender Prism Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Veil of AlarisSalus Faycite Shard: Salve of Yubai
Serpents SpineCrystalwing Goru`kar Scout Striker Stone Found via this quest.
House of ThuleSalus Faycite Shard: Salve of Sevna
Lost Dungeons of NorrathDull Turquoise Fragment of Intellect
Serpents SpineUdengar's Thornmesh of War Found via this quest.
The Darkened SeaSalus Faycite Shard: Chorus of Sionachie
Seascoured Sliver
Ring of ScaleTempus Faycite Shard: Rapid Reflexes
Omens of WarRadiant Kyanite of Minor Extension
OriginalWibble's Halfling Cloth Hands Ornament
Ring of ScaleConflagrant Harmony
Lost Dungeons of NorrathYellow Microcline Shard of Vigor
The Broken MirrorStalwart Spitegem of Courage
Shadowed Stone of Cleverness
Seeds of DestructionSalus Faycite Shard: Survival of the Felicitous
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Slaunk's Spear of Venom
Veil of AlarisDurus Faycite Shard: Growl of the Lion
Lost Dungeons of NorrathBlack Diamond of Advantage
Serpents SpineShard of Imperceptible Power Dropped by Rognarog the Infuriated.
Emerald of Abjuration Found via this quest.
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Freezing and Flashpyre
Irae Faycite Shard: Bolt of Molten Olivine
Rain of FearDurus Faycite Shard: Dirge of Salubra
Rain of FearSparking Scale Found via this quest.
Rain of FearSalus Faycite Shard: Dazzling Light
Topaz of Evocation Found via this quest.
Omens of WarWarm Ore of Redemption Dropped by Revolter Yernom.
Call of the ForsakenDoomscale Gem
Depths of DarkhollowDrachnid Focusing Lens Found via this quest.
Axenic's Tears Dropped by Lord Vyemm - CoV.
House of ThuleBrilliant Fragment of an Innocent Dream
House of ThuleDurus Faycite Shard: Fergar's Chant of Frost
Irae Faycite Shard: Grip of Zorglim
Gates of DiscordSparkling Gem of Protection Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathPristine Sapphire of Insight
Serpents SpineJaggedpine Resin Dropped by a trakaraptor.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathRadiant Ore of Combat
Irae Faycite Shard: Svartmane's Affliction
Ring of ScaleTempus Faycite Shard: Aculeus Discipline
Irae Faycite Shard: Mawmun's Bite
The Broken MirrorAugust Sulstone of Resilience
Seeds of DestructionIrae Faycite Shard: Jolt of Many
Gates of DiscordSlayer's Ruby
Empires of KunarkKunark Volcanic Dynamo
Gates of DiscordStone of Portal Calling Dropped by a kyv silentbow.
Veil of AlarisSalus Faycite Shard: Zealous Touch
Serpents SpinePorous Lifestone Found via this quest.
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Bomoda's Pallid Haze
Ornate Consigned Geode
The Broken MirrorResplendent Spitegem of Swiftness
Ring of ScaleWarmaker's Iksar Cloth Hands Ornament
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Chromarift
Veil of AlarisTempus Faycite Shard: Heartrip
Prophecy of RoPrismatic Crystal Fragment Found via this quest.
Omens of WarKyanite of Sundering
Secrets of FaydwerIrae Faycite Shard: Ruinous Venin
Veil of AlarisSalus Faycite Shard: Adrenaline Flood
Irae Faycite Shard: Fevered Endemic
The Broken MirrorElegant Sulstone of Courage
Used Merchants Gloves Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Velium Infused Celerity
Seeds of DestructionIrae Faycite Shard: Pure Wildmagic
Veil of AlarisTempus Faycite Shard: Accost
Omens of WarEnchanted Orb of Replenishment Dropped by Nexona.
Dragons of NorrathBlessed Glove Symbol of Stillness
Irae Faycite Shard: Glacial Ice Cascade
Seeds of DestructionTempus Faycite Shard: Pinpoint Vitals
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Touch of Iglum
Veil of AlarisDurus Faycite Shard: Daevan's Chant of Flame
Veil of AlarisSpinestone of the Gravemaster Found via this quest.
Gates of DiscordDisc of the Executioner
Irae Faycite Shard: Ice Salvo
Irae Faycite Shard: Incinerating Sands
Seeds of DestructionIrae Faycite Shard: Fellid's Pallid Haze
Crystalline Webbing of the Mind
Luclinite Convoker
Tempus Faycite Shard: Ward of Commitment
The Buried SeaJonas Dagmire's Ring Finger Distal Phalanx Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Chaos Scintillation
The Darkened SeaGrubson's Signet Dropped by Katelyn Grubson.
Gates of DiscordSmooth Gem of the Tides Dropped by Grimy Turepta.
Tempus Faycite Shard: Axe of Xin Diabo
Gates of DiscordJade Prism of Hatred
Lost Dungeons of NorrathAbjuration Stone of Focus Found via this quest.
Omens of WarBrilliant Kyanite of Pure Efficiency
Secrets of FaydwerPrismatic Stone Dropped by an air drake.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathRitana's Refracting Prism Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathCloudy Opal of Illness Warding
Tempus Faycite Shard: Dragon's Poise
Mortal Celestial Deft Spark Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Seeds of DestructionGlowing Bored Quartzite
Depths of DarkhollowOrichalcum Gem Found via this quest.
Gates of DiscordInk of Judgement
Omens of WarFrozen Gem of Fortitude Dropped by Girplan Architect.
Irae Faycite Shard: Sermon of Admonition
Secrets of FaydwerUn-Cored Leather Gloves Template
Depths of DarkhollowChronal Seal of Sharpshooting
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Abolish the Divergent
Dragons of NorrathRefracted Dusk Amethyst
Omens of WarSteadfast Muramite Emerald Dropped by The Prime Mover.
Tempus Faycite Shard: Regar's Lively Crescendo
Secrets of FaydwerIrae Faycite Shard: Tundra Crumble
Dragons of NorrathPreserved Citrine Spell Stone
Dragons of NorrathSacred Glove Symbol of Below
Omens of WarKyanite of Pure Haste
Irae Faycite Shard: Char Bones
Dragons of NorrathGem of the Thundering Brass
Lost Dungeons of NorrathFlawless Teal Crystal of Enticement Dropped by a skeletal apprentice.
Secrets of FaydwerCrude Defiant Granite Pebble Dropped by a gnoll guardsman.
Dragons of NorrathWarded Rose Stone
Salus Faycite Shard: Viridavida
Lost Dungeons of NorrathLedanne's Jewel of Cessation Found via this quest.
Durus Faycite Shard: Spectre of Renewal
Old Hero's Forge Plate Hands Ornament
The Darkened SeaSolo Elder Glove Seal of the Drummer
Serpents SpinePolished Blue Softstone Dropped by Dragorn Champion.
Ring of ScaleWarmaker's Iksar Scalemail Hands Ornament
Gates of DiscordAura of Slaughter
Omens of WarEnchanted Orb of Burning Spikes Dropped by Guardian of Veeshan.
Flamesealed Stone
Seeds of DestructionIrae Faycite Shard: Blood of Jaled'Dar
Omens of WarKyanite of Efficiency
Secrets of FaydwerBronzed Crystalline Oscillator Model XVII Found via this quest.
Beryl Hero's Forge Plate Hands Ornament
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Skyfire Ash
Rain of FearDurus Faycite Shard: Growl of the Snow Leopard
Gates of DiscordMuck-Covered Stone Dropped by Slime Devourer.
Ring of ScaleMcDaniel's Northman Chain Hands Ornament
Dragons of NorrathRevered Glove Symbol of the Farceur
Jonas Dagmire's Little Finger Middle Phalanx Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Omens of WarRadiant Kyanite of Pure Sundering
Lost Dungeons of NorrathRadiant Orb of Aggression
Lost Dungeons of NorrathCracked Opal of Illness Warding
Dragons of NorrathSparkling Ametrine Garnet
Prophecy of RoPetrified Dragon Eye Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathPolished Gemstone of Aggression Found via this quest.
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Hoshkar's Malady
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Mind Helix
Prophecy of RoPolished Kromzek Insignia Found via this quest.
Omens of WarKyanite of Pure Alacrity
Secrets of FaydwerMechanical Spider Drone Core Dropped by Mechano Sendaii Dronequeen.
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Volley of Many
The Darkened SeaSalus Faycite Shard: Krasir's Mending
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Plummeting Hail
House of ThuleTempus Faycite Shard: Fifth Wind
Gates of DiscordWhite Rune of Lethargy
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Burning Shadow
The Darkened SeaTempus Faycite Shard: Refuse Death
Lost Dungeons of NorrathNuj`Bin Rune
Lost Dungeons of NorrathDull Blue Jewel of Nimbleness
Tempus Faycite Shard: Temple Crack
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Hex
Chunk of Hardened Slime
Crude Consigned Ruby Shard
Rain of FearTempus Faycite Shard: Capricious Rage Discipline
Lost Dungeons of NorrathValdoon's Stone Beast Shard Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathGlowing Sandstone of Focus
Veil of AlarisDurus Faycite Shard: Wasinai's Chant of Disease
Salus Faycite Shard: Elizerain Spring
Salus Faycite Shard: Darkflow Spring
The Broken MirrorRegal Sulstone of Deftness
Serpents SpineHotsprings Pumice Dropped by a black ooze.
Irae Faycite Shard: Pyre of Klraggek
Seeds of DestructionGreater Jolted Quartzite
Lost Dungeons of NorrathPristine Ruby of Fiery Warding Dropped by A Trueborn Idealist.
Noble Cloth Hands Ornament
Secrets of FaydwerIrae Faycite Shard: Shock of Cineral Steel
Serpents SpineMelted Stone Crystal Dropped by a highland kobold shaman.
Weltria's Erudite Plate Hands Ornament
Dragons of NorrathCrystallized Voice
Omens of WarRadiant Kyanite of Healing
Seeds of DestructionMinor Corrupted Quartz
Phantasmal Luclinite Stone of Proficiency
Irae Faycite Shard: Sunscald
Aluminum Coil Spring Dropped by Breaker.
Serpents SpineSphere of the Ancients Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineUncut Ruby of Purity Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Irae Faycite Shard: Decree
Empires of KunarkLcea Katta Chain Hands Ornament Dropped by a mountain giant peak.
Depths of DarkhollowPlundered Shard of Minor Resistance Found via this quest.
Prophecy of RoFabled Chrysolite Dropped by The Fabled Azureake.
Rain of FearAntithesis of Fear Dropped by Tain Hammerfrost.
The Darkened SeaTempus Faycite Shard: Lacerating Blade
Lost Dungeons of NorrathShiny Gray Gemstone of Knowledge
Irae Faycite Shard: Rending Axe Throw
Depths of DarkhollowCrushbone Mana Amulet Found via this quest.
Tempus Faycite Shard: Eagle's Poise
Irae Faycite Shard: Netherbian Blade Strike
Seeds of DestructionDurus Faycite Shard: Gorenaire's Chant of Frost
Old Auburn Hero's Forge Cloth Hands Ornament Dropped by a palace beast handler.
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Cloudburst Stormstrike
Lost Dungeons of NorrathJagged Ore of Foresight
The Broken MirrorTipsy Gnomework Cloth Hands Ornament Found via this quest.
Omens of WarElemental Stone Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathUneven Quartz of Sturdiness
Insidious Plate Hands Ornament
Prophecy of RoWorn Fragment of Pure Rage Dropped by an imprisoned general.
Tempus Faycite Shard: Breath of Tranquility
Nimble Crystalline Shard Dropped by Kaas Thox Xi Ans Dyek - ToL.
Irae Faycite Shard: Dire Rebuke
Serpents SpineLesser Stone of Power Dropped by an unmasked changeling.
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Frostbite Lance
Veil of AlarisDurus Faycite Shard: Suffocation
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Splirt
Lost Dungeons of NorrathSharp-Edged Pearl Shard Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathVolcanic Farcaster Stone
Gates of DiscordFragment of Crumbling Jade Dropped by an enslaved destroyer.
Irae Faycite Shard: Pure Wildscorch X
Tempus Faycite Shard: Warrior's Rampart
Lost Dungeons of NorrathFlawless Yellow Sphere of Fortitude Dropped by A Scion Cyst Maker.
Irae Faycite Shard: Septic Wounds
Tempus Faycite Shard: Bristle
Irae Faycite Shard: Ikaav Blood
Omens of WarBrilliant Kyanite of Sundering
Irae Faycite Shard: Spear of Molten Komatiite
Dragons of NorrathBlessed Glove Symbol of the Brood
Lost Dungeons of NorrathAlluring Limestone of Thrift
Depths of DarkhollowIllsalin Stone of Courage Found via this quest.
Bloodforged Cloth Hands Ornament Dropped by Plaguespine.
Veil of AlarisOld Valiant Cloth Hands Ornament
Ring of ScaleMcDaniel's Northman Plate Hands Ornament
Irae Faycite Shard: Nature's Boiling Wrath
Marnek's Mankind Plate Hands Ornament
Servant's Sustenance Dropped by Irate Servant of Luclin.
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Mindslash
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Kromtus Roar
Rain of FearDurus Faycite Shard: Eye of the Storm
The Darkened SeaTempus Faycite Shard: Demolishing Volley
Serpents SpineBottled Frost Essence Dropped by a blizzard spider.
Irae Faycite Shard: Eoreg's Insult
The Broken MirrorAugust Spitegem of Resilience
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Blisterbeetle Swarm
Veil of AlarisOld Insidious Cloth Hands Ornament
The Broken MirrorStalwart Spitegem of Resilience
Seeds of DestructionMindshear Tooth Dropped by a kyv.
Irae Faycite Shard: Pyre of Va Xakra
Omens of WarPolished Kyanite
Lost Dungeons of NorrathChilling Orb of Dark Sight
Lost Dungeons of NorrathRuby Sphere of Intellect
Velium Threaded Proficiency
Lost Dungeons of NorrathLimonite Orb of Attack
Prophecy Shard Dropped by Amontehepna the Second.
The Darkened SeaSolo Elder Glove Seal of the Cryomancer
Omens of WarKyanite of Minor Virility
Omens of WarKyanite of Minor Ferocity
Festive Frostfell Cloth Hands Ornament
Irae Faycite Shard: Crush of the Umbra
Empires of KunarkMeanderer's Ayr`Dal Scalemail Hands Ornament
Prophecy of RoGnarlibramble's Heart Dropped by Gnarlibramble.
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Consume Essence
Durus Faycite Shard: Protest for Power
The Buried SeaBlue Pirate Prayer Bead Dropped by Friar Jake.
Rain of FearTempus Faycite Shard: Earthforce Discipline
Omens of WarRadiant Kyanite of Minor Potency
Mottled Cocoon Silk
Ring of ScaleTempus Faycite Shard: Mangle
Irae Faycite Shard: Tears of Kasha
Depths of DarkhollowPetrified Drachnid Egg Found via this quest.
OriginalMort's Dwarven Ringmail Hands Ornament
Lost Dungeons of NorrathEternal Ice of Reconstruction
Gates of DiscordOpal of Hollow Words
Scars of VeliousTorn Enchanted Silk Gloves Dropped by a guardian of Zek.
Empires of KunarkNathsar Diamond
Omens of WarRadiant Kyanite of Pure Virility
Omens of WarRadiant Cut Kyanite
The Broken MirrorResplendent Spitegem of Resilience
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Plexipharia's Pallid Haze
Gates of DiscordShard of Fleeting Thoughts Dropped by Ikaav Firecaller.
Ring of ScaleTempus Faycite Shard: Burning Shout
Prophecy of RoPiece of a Petrified Dragon Eye Found via this quest.
Gates of DiscordBlack Pearl of Slaughter
Omens of WarBrilliant Kyanite of Pure Quickening
OriginalWintershade's Dwarven Leather Hands Ornament
The Darkened SeaSalus Faycite Shard: Spiritual Remedy
Gates of DiscordGem of Peace Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Secrets of FaydwerFocused Stone of Chaos Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowCrystalline Webbing of Elements Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathEnchanted Orb of Matter Found via this quest.
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Tears of Gosik
Omens of WarBroken Rock of Rejuvenation Dropped by Murkglider Lurker.
Call of the ForsakenBixie Cloth Hands Ornament
Gates of DiscordAgate of Guile
Dragons of NorrathRevered Glove Symbol of Hate
Lost Dungeons of NorrathCloudy Pearl of Magical Warding
Veil of AlarisOld Eternal Grove Chain Hands Ornament
Seeds of DestructionMinor Contuse Quartzite
Jonas Dagmire's Thumb Proximal Phalanx Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathHiw`Bin Rune
Prophecy of RoWorn Kromzek Insignia Found via this quest.
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Bond of Korum
Windstalker's Mankind Cloth Hands Ornament
Veil of AlarisSalus Faycite Shard: Fourteenth Catalyst
Jonas Dagmire's Little Finger Proximal Phalanx Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Omens of WarRadiant Kyanite of Minor Sundering
Serpents SpineLava-Seared Drakkin Heart Dropped by a reliquary guardian.
Ingenious Stone of Perpetual Reverie
Depths of DarkhollowRight Eye of the Third Vampire Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Liquefaction
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Pure Wildmana
Dragons of NorrathFaceted Sky Stone
Rain of FearSliggles' Magic Powder Dropped by Sliggles the Sneak.
Seeds of DestructionGlowing Corrupted Quartz
Depths of DarkhollowUndershore Fish Liver Found via this quest.
The Broken MirrorClockwork Leather Hands Ornament
The Darkened SeaSalus Faycite Shard: Krasir's Recourse
Lost Dungeons of NorrathCloudy Emerald of Poison Protection
The Darkened SeaSalus Faycite Shard: Word of Greater Reformation
The Darkened SeaDurus Faycite Shard: Nilsara's Chant of Flame
Death Beetle Eye Dropped by Death Beetle.
Ethereal Gold Dragon Heart Dropped by Tjudawos the Ancient - CoV.
Veil of AlarisOld Noble Chain Hands Ornament Found via this quest.
Omens of WarBrilliant Kyanite of Minor Haste
Secrets of FaydwerIrae Faycite Shard: Vestax's Spear of Venom
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Sanction
Lost Dungeons of NorrathTweyne's Condensed Tidal Sands Found via this quest.
Irae Faycite Shard: Tears of Xenacious
Seeds of DestructionIrae Faycite Shard: Harvesting Inferno
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Frost Snap
Ring of ScaleScale Touched Resilience
The Darkened SeaTempus Faycite Shard: Remorseless Servant
Lost Dungeons of NorrathBor`Xik Rune
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Shock of Blistersteel
Seascoured Shard
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Blood of Bonemaw
Gates of DiscordBloodrune of Slaughter
House of ThuleTempus Faycite Shard: Temple Strike
Rain of FearSigil of the Believer Dropped by Alsecht the Believer.
Dragons of NorrathVolcanic Spell Slinger's Stone
Seeds of DestructionLesser Struck Quartzite
Omens of WarKyanite of Battle
Seaglass Curio Dropped by Morwenna Undertow - CoV.
Seeds of DestructionAk`Anon Clockwork Cloth Hands Ornament
Omens of WarKyanite of Pure Virility
Dragons of NorrathSacred Glove Symbol of Integrity
Omens of WarGemstone of Enhanced Health Dropped by Guardian of Veeshan.
Seeds of DestructionGlowing Jolted Quartzite
Empires of KunarkLcea Katta Leather Hands Ornament Dropped by a Sarnak dragoon.
Bronzed Crystalline Oscillator Model XVIII Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Ring of ScaleSalus Faycite Shard: Word of Greater Restoration
Old Auburn Hero's Forge Plate Hands Ornament Dropped by an enraged dwarf skeleton.
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Bolt of Rhyolite
Serpents SpineLoreward Found via this quest.
Secrets of FaydwerIrae Faycite Shard: Benediction
The Darkened SeaTempus Faycite Shard: Enraging Cut Kicks
Gates of DiscordAgate of the Slayer
Serpents SpineKrithgorian Hearthstone Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathBlackened Ore of Retribution
Secrets of FaydwerExalted Glove Symbol of Terror
Ring of ScaleDurus Faycite Shard: Mollified Mind
House of ThuleDurus Faycite Shard: Constrict
Dark Essence
Tempus Faycite Shard: Spiraling Blades
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Claw of the Ashwing
Depths of DarkhollowPreserved Shiliskin Heart Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineCrystallized Dew Dropped by a froglok nokta shaman.
Omens of WarCold Ore of Redemption Dropped by Toiler Opanin.
Rain of FearTempus Faycite Shard: Heartspike
Omens of WarEye of the Lightninglord Found via this quest.
The Broken MirrorGlorious Sulstone of Swiftness
Tempus Faycite Shard: Tiger's Symmetry
OriginalWyn's Feir'Dal Scalemail Hands Ornament
The Broken MirrorResplendent Sulstone of Resilience
Prophecy of RoSapphire Shard of the Infiltrator Found via this quest.
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Icefloe Cascade
Depths of DarkhollowDrachnid Cocoon Secretion Found via this quest.
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Necrotizing Wounds
Irae Faycite Shard: Summer's Deluge
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Gorgon Spear
Enchanted Gloves
Irae Faycite Shard: Frostblast
Weltria's Erudite Leather Hands Ornament
Draconic Lava Chain Hands Ornament Found via this quest.
Seeds of DestructionIrae Faycite Shard: Scorching Shadow
Depths of DarkhollowShadowspine Extract Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathCitrine Spell Bauble
Dragons of NorrathLuminous Tsavorite Garnet
Tempus Faycite Shard: Ambuscade
The Broken MirrorStalwart Sulstone of Allure
Tempus Faycite Shard: Vindicating Volley
Irae Faycite Shard: Crush of Restless Ice
Rain of FearDurus Faycite Shard: Clutching Darkness
Irae Faycite Shard: Mindrend
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Cyclonic Roar
Serpents SpineGoru`kar Finger Bone Dropped by Bigone.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathSparkling Sapphire of Insight
Beryl Hero's Forge Cloth Hands Ornament
Seeds of DestructionGreater Contuse Quartzite
Depths of DarkhollowDrachnid Tongue Dropped by a Hive corpsemaster.
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Doom
Lost Dungeons of NorrathScion Stone of Disruption Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathIcy Prism of Avoidance
Gates of DiscordCrackled Gem of Quickness Dropped by Sludge-Eating Fly.
Eternal Grove Chain Hands Ornament Dropped by Ashenback.
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Circle of Flame
Beryl Hero's Forge Chain Hands Ornament
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Mind Squall
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Mind Storm
Lost Dungeons of NorrathGravestone of Dire Melodies
Depths of DarkhollowCrystallized Teardrop of Vule Dropped by Master Vule the Silent Tear.
Secrets of FaydwerLiving Stone of Chaos Found via this quest.
Ring of ScaleEclipsed Bloodflower Ornament Found via this quest.
Phantasmal Luclinite Stone of Intensity
Depths of DarkhollowSolidified Shadow Spine Magical Taint Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathGround Healer's Stone
Omens of WarBegrimed Gem of Battle Dropped by High Priest Wersin.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathIcy Orb of Tranquility Found via this quest.
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Grip of Zalikor
OriginalWibble's Halfling Chain Hands Ornament
Omens of WarRadiant Kyanite of Minor Sight
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Thoughtburn
Ring of ScaleTempus Faycite Shard: Hiatus
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Beam of Molten Rhyolite
The Broken MirrorStalwart Spitegem of Scholarship
Gates of DiscordEngraved Onyx of Wrath Dropped by Cragbeast Rager.
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Chromaclash
Enchanted Gem of the Warden Found via this quest.
Gates of DiscordDiamond of the Enforcer
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Horde of Scoriae
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Crush of the Timorous Deep
Wanderer's Ayr`Dal Leather Hands Ornament
UnderfootLump of Felsic Lava Found via this quest.
Gates of DiscordRed Mark of the Slayer
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Lightning Tempest
Seeds of DestructionIrae Faycite Shard: Claw of Gorenaire
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Vespid Swarm
Lost Dungeons of NorrathVelrek's Shimmering Thought Stone Found via this quest.
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Fickle Flames
Seeds of DestructionSalus Faycite Shard: Salve of Reshan
Rain of FearDurus Faycite Shard: Wisp of Renewal
Omens of WarRadiant Kyanite of Battle
Serpents SpineMolten Salve
Ring of ScaleDurus Faycite Shard: Nexona's Chant of Poison
Gates of DiscordFragment of Glowing Shale Dropped by a clay monolith.
Irae Faycite Shard: Neemzaq's Endemic
Lost Dungeons of NorrathCrushed Ice Fragment of Visions
Tempus Faycite Shard: Primed Retaliation
Irae Faycite Shard: Twilight Chill
Pure Blackburrow Garnet Dropped by Tranixx Darkpaw - undead.
Salus Faycite Shard: Reckless Renewal
Omens of WarKyanite of Pure Efficiency
Empires of KunarkMalevolent Teir`Dal Plate Hands Ornament
Lost Dungeons of NorrathExperimental Smoldering Stone Found via this quest.
Rain of FearThe Warden's Glacial Stare Found via this quest.
Irae Faycite Shard: Cloudburst Joltstrike
Rain of FearTempus Faycite Shard: Temple Crush
Lost Dungeons of NorrathGrainy Sandstone of Clarity
Irae Faycite Shard: Extermination
Irae Faycite Shard: Charka's Bite
Wiska's Ogre Ringmail Hands Ornament
Irae Faycite Shard: Remonstrate
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Shock of Argathian Steel
Veil of AlarisDurus Faycite Shard: Peaceful Wave
Valiant Leather Hands Ornament
Secrets of FaydwerIrae Faycite Shard: Blackwater Bite
Salus Faycite Shard: Antediluvian Intervention
Lost Dungeons of NorrathGlowing Sapphire of Courage
Lost Dungeons of NorrathShard of Shrunken Bone Found via this quest.
The Darkened SeaTempus Faycite Shard: Nimble Reflexes
UnderfootSoothsayer's Eye Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathBright Volcanic Shard Dropped by Ezekl the Charred.
Omens of WarBrilliant Kyanite of Minor Efficiency
Seeds of DestructionSalus Faycite Shard: Word of Recovery
Seascoured Gemstone
Irae Faycite Shard: Fandrel's Curse
The Darkened SeaDurus Faycite Shard: Ardent Cleansing
Lost Dungeons of NorrathValdoon's Immortal Blood Gem Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowShiny Sapphire Dropped by Grumblebum.
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Kromrif Roar
Glowing Emerald Found via this quest.
The Darkened SeaSalus Faycite Shard: Adrenaline Torrent
Irae Faycite Shard: Hoarfrost Roar
Call of the ForsakenDark Elf Cloth Hands Ornament
Lost Dungeons of NorrathEnchanted Gem of the Scout Found via this quest.
The Broken MirrorRegal Sulstone of Stability
Veil of AlarisClearstone of Justice Found via this quest.
Irae Faycite Shard: Shock of Carbide Steel
The Broken MirrorGlorious Sulstone of Courage
The Darkened SeaReginasaur's Tooth Dropped by Reginasaur.
OriginalSsraeshzian Chain Hand Ornament Found via this quest.
House of ThuleDurus Faycite Shard: Serene Wave
Merope's Gem of Heliacal Rising
Irae Faycite Shard: Chill of the Ferntender
Shadowed Stone of Waves
Tempus Faycite Shard: Bushwhack
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Spear of Sholoth
Seeds of DestructionIrae Faycite Shard: Annihilate the Anomalous
Irae Faycite Shard: Fusillade of Many
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Plague of Holmein
Serpents SpineDirewind Corpse Stone Dropped by a Clan Direwind initiate.
The Broken MirrorClockwork Cloth Hands Ornament
The Darkened SeaSalus Faycite Shard: Panavida
Platinum Rune-Etched Gloves
Lost Dungeons of NorrathNuj`Xik Rune Dropped by a wooden box.
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Naganaga
Depths of DarkhollowDark Nargilor Shard of Divination Found via this quest.
Irae Faycite Shard: Nature's Fervid Wrath
Seeds of DestructionGreater Untempered Quartzite
The Broken MirrorElegant Sulstone of Swiftness
Veil of AlarisOld Valiant Leather Hands Ornament
Gates of DiscordCloudy Jewel of Growth Dropped by Pxet Elite Spearmaster.
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Horde of Vespids
Omens of WarRadiant Kyanite of Minor Virility
The Broken MirrorExtravagant Sulstone of Allure
Seeds of DestructionSalus Faycite Shard: Shining Light
Serpents SpineHarpy Powerstone Dropped by a violent harpy.
Salus Faycite Shard: Adrenaline Fury
The Broken MirrorExtravagant Sulstone of Stability
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Halstor's Pallid Haze
Irae Faycite Shard: Laurion Ash
Secrets of FaydwerTempus Faycite Shard: Whorl Blade
Gates of DiscordAranini's Sandstone of Fortitude Dropped by Tqiv Qukret the Furious.
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Vanquishing Strike
Depths of DarkhollowEnchanted Heavy Metal Dropped by a ruins scavenger.
Serpents SpineVermin Model IV's Diseased Bauble Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Xalgoz's Bite
Irae Faycite Shard: Summer Sunshock
Omens of WarThorny Stone of Bitterness Dropped by Ikaav Slumberer.
Gates of DiscordTiny Pristine Diamond Dropped by an aneuk darkdiviner.
Ring of ScaleSalus Faycite Shard: Desperate Dewcloud
Salus Faycite Shard: Desperate Meltwater
Lost Dungeons of NorrathCracked Gray Gemstone of Knowledge
Serpents SpineCrystallized Griffon Eye Dropped by an injured mountain snake.
Empires of KunarkMeanderer's Ayr`Dal Chain Hands Ornament
Irae Faycite Shard: Touch of Drendar
Mortal Celestial Vigorous Spark Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Empires of KunarkWrathful Teir`Dal Cloth Hands Ornament
Empires of KunarkVakov's Pendant of Obscurity Dropped by Overseer Vakov.
House of ThuleDurus Faycite Shard: Earnest Elixir
Lost Dungeons of NorrathRadiant Gravestone of Endurance
Omens of WarRadiant Kyanite of Pure Ferocity
Secrets of FaydwerDurus Faycite Shard: Tjudawos' Chant of Flame
Serpents SpinePristine Harpy Claw Dropped by Plasa.
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Lightning Storm
Lost Dungeons of NorrathResearcher's Stone of Power Found via this quest.
Secrets of FaydwerSublime Glove Symbol of Terror
Secrets of FaydwerPolished Bronze Gear Dropped by Foreman Bronzecoat.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathShard of the Cursed Mind Found via this quest.
Secrets of FaydwerTempus Faycite Shard: Harrow
Secrets of FaydwerIrae Faycite Shard: Rimefall Bite
Gates of DiscordDisc of Slaighter
Ring of ScaleSalus Faycite Shard: Virzak's Melioration
Dragons of NorrathGlowing Ametrine Gemstone
Intricate Consigned Crystal Shard
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Abolish the Undead
Irae Faycite Shard: Fleshrot's Decay
Gates of DiscordRune of the Butcher
Dragons of NorrathSpellslinger's Focus Stone
Lost Dungeons of NorrathRuby of Bloody Vengeance Found via this quest.
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Crush of E'Ci
Rain of FearRed Eye of Gosik Found via this quest.
Veil of AlarisTempus Faycite Shard: Cyclonic Blades
Seeds of DestructionMinor Struck Quartzite
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Brilliant Exoneration
Seeds of DestructionIrae Faycite Shard: Tsetsian Endemic
Irae Faycite Shard: Chromaruption
Lost Dungeons of NorrathDull Sapphire of Insight
Serpents SpineSpring Minerals
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Polybiad Blood
Lost Dungeons of NorrathAncient Ice Shard of Life Found via this quest.
Ring of ScaleWarmaker's Iksar Ringmail Hands Ornament
Salus Faycite Shard: Sjeon's Mending
Irae Faycite Shard: Narandi's Spear of Venom
House of ThuleDurus Faycite Shard: Penumbra of Renewal
Serpents SpineFrostflake of the All-Enduring Dropped by a spirit of Zek.
Serpents SpineBrigand's Sunken Treasure Dropped by an emaciated zombie.
Shard of Enchanted Visions Found via this quest.
Irae Faycite Shard: Ethereal Immolation
Gates of DiscordTiny Orb of Defense Dropped by an ancient stonemite.
Depths of DarkhollowCarved Splitpaw Ritual Jade Found via this quest.
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Ethereal Skyfire
Ring of ScaleConflagrant Celerity
Restless Ice Plate Hands Ornament Dropped by a returned dracoliche.
Omens of WarEmerald of Precision Found via this quest.
Durus Faycite Shard: Cruor's Chant of Poison
Farsoth Mal's Necromantic Jade Found via this quest.
Salus Faycite Shard: Solemn Remedy
Lost Dungeons of NorrathFractured Sapphire of Insight
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Laudation
Omens of WarBrilliant Kyanite of Minor Aggression
Secrets of FaydwerTempus Faycite Shard: Third Wind
Irae Faycite Shard: Scorching Sands
Lost Dungeons of NorrathCherished Companion Shard Found via this quest.
Irae Faycite Shard: Sogran's Insult
Kyv Eye of Marksmanship
Dragons of NorrathRevered Glove Symbol of Terror
Lost Dungeons of NorrathFlawed Blue Jewel of Nimbleness
Serpents SpineCurious Ice Shard Dropped by a coldain wolfmaster.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathFroststone of Health Found via this quest.
The Broken MirrorStalwart Spitegem of Stability
Lost Dungeons of NorrathIcy Shard of Resonance
Plate Hands Ornament of Swirling Spirits Dropped by a rough chest.
The Broken MirrorAugust Sulstone of Deftness
The Darkened SeaDegmar Signet
Corrupted Rhodium Shard
Veil of AlarisSalus Faycite Shard: Brilliant Light
Tempus Faycite Shard: Eviscerating Volley
Seeds of DestructionTempus Faycite Shard: Maelstrom Blade
Durus Faycite Shard: Deceiving Stare
Gates of DiscordPulsing Gem of Refreshment Dropped by Chavoor the Trickster.
Glowing Emerald Found via this quest.
Violet Hero's Forge Cloth Hands Ornament
Ring of ScaleSalus Faycite Shard: Survival of the Auspicious
Veil of AlarisTempus Faycite Shard: Six Breaths
Ruby of Offense Found via this quest.
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Hiqork's Spear of Venom
Seeds of DestructionIrae Faycite Shard: Bond of Laarthik
Salus Faycite Shard: Guileless Remedy
Irae Faycite Shard: Forgebound Blood
Lost Dungeons of NorrathCracked Limestone of Aggression
Lost Dungeons of NorrathDull Green Shard of Might
Velium Threaded Harmony
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Paean
The Broken MirrorResplendent Sulstone of Foresight
Veil of AlarisSalus Faycite Shard: Fervent Renewal
Lost Dungeons of NorrathSparkling Sapphire of Insight
Serpents SpinePristine Granite Stone Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
The Broken MirrorAugust Spitegem of Swiftness
Secrets of FaydwerUn-Cored Plate Gauntlets Template
Glacial Frost Leather Hands Ornament Dropped by a chilly chest.
Depths of DarkhollowBloodsoaked Stone Dropped by Grotesque Gargoyle.
Omens of WarKyv Eye of Marksmanship Dropped by Damlin Lingering Charge.
Jasper Infused Velium Jewel
Serpents SpineFrost-Etched Ruby of Vitality Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Omens of WarShiny Rock of Influence Dropped by Silentpaw.
Omens of WarRadiant Kyanite of Celerity
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Elsrop's Malady
Ring of ScaleTempus Faycite Shard: Nine Breaths
Serpents SpineGeothermal Pumice Dropped by a black ooze.
Simple Defiant Jasper Dropped by an evil eye.
The Broken MirrorExtravagant Spitegem of Deftness
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Crush of Tarew
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Touch of T`Vem
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Energetic Axe Throw
Omens of WarKyanite of Haste
Call of the ForsakenHeart of Rot Found via this quest.
Golden Hero Plate Hands Ornament
Veil of AlarisTempus Faycite Shard: Tumult of Claws
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Kreig's Bite
Salus Faycite Shard: Adrenaline Spate
Bejeweled Bellikos Doll
Irae Faycite Shard: Deterioration
Irae Faycite Shard: Restless Ice Pillar
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Bond of Malthiasiss
Secrets of FaydwerFesterclaw's Molar Dropped by Festerclaw.
Serpents SpineSeal of Superiority Dropped by a cliknar scout.
Prophecy of RoValik's Stone of Accuracy Dropped by Valik the Cruel.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathNuj`Vec Rune Dropped by a frost covered barrel.
Irae Faycite Shard: Sunpyre
House of ThuleDurus Faycite Shard: Earnest Cleansing
Rain of FearCandle of Hollow Souls Dropped by Soulhollow.
The Broken MirrorDamsel of Decay Chain Hands Ornament Dropped by a rotting chest - Ruins of Lxanvom.
Stately Seal of Takish`Hiz Dropped by a lich.
Ondine Plate Hands Ornament Dropped by a hero`s satchel.
House of ThuleSalus Faycite Shard: Adrenaline Blast
Dragons of NorrathRevered Glove Symbol of Wildfire
Irae Faycite Shard: Oka's Bite
Tempus Faycite Shard: Pinpoint Fault
Empires of KunarkMeanderer's Ayr`Dal Plate Hands Ornament
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Nak's Maelstrom
House of ThuleSalus Faycite Shard: Jorra's Mending
Lost Dungeons of NorrathKel`Wul Rune
Depths of DarkhollowHivegrime Stone of Nullification Found via this quest.
Prophecy of RoFoundation Stone Chip Dropped by Restrained Cereton.
Empires of KunarkSebilisian Efficacy Dropped by a chokidai fleshripper.
Secrets of FaydwerSublime Glove Symbol of Devotion
Windstalker's Mankind Leather Hands Ornament
Secrets of FaydwerIrae Faycite Shard: Nectar of Rancor
Lost Dungeons of NorrathGory Crypt Stone of Strength
Ring of ScaleTempus Faycite Shard: Slander
Omens of WarKyanite of Pure Aggression
The Broken MirrorGlorious Sulstone of Resilience
The Broken MirrorRegal Spitegem of Resilience
Irae Faycite Shard: Maraud Essence
Festive Frostfell Plate Hands Ornament
Terracotta Torc Dropped by Terrastride.
Serpents SpineRunic Scrap Dropped by a cliknar scout.
Secrets of FaydwerExalted Glove Symbol of Infestation
Rain of FearFjeka's Fang Found via this quest.
Brilliant White Pearl Dropped by Octave Sforzando - CoV.
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Smouldering Shadow
Irae Faycite Shard: Draw Essence
Irae Faycite Shard: Dire Censure
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Combust Bones
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: All Vortices
Dragons of NorrathDark Heart of Vishimtar Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Secrets of FaydwerPrismatic Shard Dropped by a prismatic wyvern.
Empires of KunarkEmblem of Adroitness Dropped by Blooddrinker Furasza.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathSapphire Sphere of Comprehension
Rain of FearQuicksilver Globule Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathTaskmaster's Enchanted Stone of Pain Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathFlowkeeper's Gem of Replenishment Found via this quest.
Prophecy of RoKromzek Insignia Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathTrapped Elven Soul
Tempus Faycite Shard: Eclipsed Auspice
Ring of ScaleScale Touched Savviness
Omens of WarRadiant Kyanite of Pure Haste
Gates of DiscordRune of Betrayal
Rain of FearNefori's Horn Found via this quest.
Irae Faycite Shard: Beam of Molten Komatiite
Gates of DiscordEbony Spherule of Focus Dropped by Pixtt Airstrangler.
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Ice Burst
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Cloudburst Tempest
Depths of DarkhollowChronal Seal of Block
Depths of DarkhollowCrystalline Webbing of Wrath Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathBlighted Stone of the Heathen Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathGlowing Stone of Agility Found via this quest.
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Dreadbeetle Swarm
Irae Faycite Shard: Malediction
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Storm of Many
Dragons of NorrathRevered Glove Symbol of Integrity
House of ThuleTempus Faycite Shard: Wheeling Blades
Gates of DiscordJewel of Focus Found via this quest.
Irae Faycite Shard: Touch of Flariton
House of ThuleDurus Faycite Shard: Trial for Honor
Rain of FearTempus Faycite Shard: Armor of Stalwart Runes
Serpents SpineLava-Drenched Gnoll Heart Dropped by Magmaraug.
Prophecy of RoBrilliant Sapphire of the Infiltrator Found via this quest.
Salus Faycite Shard: Burst of Dawnlight
Tempus Faycite Shard: Convalesce
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Ralstok's Bite
Lost Dungeons of NorrathRadiant Orb of Dark Sight
Gates of DiscordUncut Shimmering Emerald Dropped by Nijacka the Scourge.
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Lure Empowerment
Omens of WarBrilliant Kyanite of Sight
Dragons of NorrathEnchanted White Ash
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Beam of Brimstone
Secrets of FaydwerTempus Faycite Shard: Wheel of Fists
Irae Faycite Shard: Decree for Blood
Tempus Faycite Shard: Blinding Flare
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Sermon of Sanction
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Beam of Rhyolite
Irae Faycite Shard: Polycascading Assault
Depths of DarkhollowCharm of Good Luck Found via this quest.
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Bond of Bonemaw
Gates of DiscordRune of the Relentless
Gates of DiscordKelekdrix's Bronze Sphere of Tenacity
Timeworn Blood
Lost Dungeons of NorrathCrushed Crypt Stone of Genius
Tempus Faycite Shard: Armor of Akhevan Runes
Veil of AlarisTempus Faycite Shard: Temple Smash
Velium Troll Figurine Dropped by an icy torment.
The Buried SeaPolished Crystalline Jewel
Doodad of Aurora's Luminosity Dropped by a solid chest.
Secrets of FaydwerIrae Faycite Shard: Blood of Kerafyrm
Lost Dungeons of NorrathQuintessence Gem of Enhanced Agression Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathSacred Glove Symbol of the Depths
Depths of DarkhollowHivegrime Stone of Thinking Found via this quest.
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Mawmun's Bite
Tempus Faycite Shard: Eruption of Claws
Omens of WarKyanite of Quickening
Ring of ScaleMilitant's Iksar Scalemail Hands Ornament
Irae Faycite Shard: Sylra Fris' Chill
Lost Dungeons of NorrathRadiant Crystal of Constitution
Ring of ScaleDi`Zok Chain Hands Ornament Dropped by a hero`s satchel.
Dragons of NorrathBlessed Glove Symbol of the Depths
Gates of DiscordGlyphed Kyv Heart Dropped by Pixtt Ravager.
Dragons of NorrathVolcanic Spellslinger's Stone
Veil of AlarisGravel of the Sacred Temple Found via this quest.
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Hemorrhage Essence
Depths of DarkhollowChronal Seal of Baleful Breezes
Gates of DiscordGlowing Jasper of Apathy
Lost Dungeons of NorrathHeretic Runeword
Irae Faycite Shard: Tears of Wildfire
Empires of KunarkAmorphous Velazul's Gauntlets Dropped by a reward chest - Lceanium: Doorstep of War.
Seeds of DestructionTempus Faycite Shard: Lesson in Toxicity
Velium Threaded Resilience
Ring of ScaleTempus Faycite Shard: Jembel's Lively Crescendo
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Chromaruin
Dragons of NorrathThrice-Warded Malachite
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Bond of Ralstok
Omens of WarKyanite of Minor Haste
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Rime-Laced Wind
Gates of DiscordSymbol of Dark Life
Ring of ScaleSalus Faycite Shard: Merciful Light
Dragons of NorrathDeep Bloodstone
Irae Faycite Shard: Brightfeld's Affliction
Veil of AlarisOld Noble Cloth Hands Ornament Found via this quest.
Gates of DiscordEtched Droplet of Ire Dropped by Controlled Spirithunter.
Serpents SpineShard of Faint Power Dropped by a crystal webmaster.
Gates of DiscordMarble of Scholarly Insight Dropped by Aneuk Overseer.
Durus Faycite Shard: Marsin's Chant of Poison
Rain of FearTempus Faycite Shard: Eight-Step Pattern
Salus Faycite Shard: Bethun's Mending
The Broken MirrorExtravagant Sulstone of Scholarship
Durus Faycite Shard: Spirit of Renewal
Irae Faycite Shard: Spinalfreeze
Rain of FearTempus Faycite Shard: Reflexive Rancor
Pearlescent Scale Dropped by Desirae Fanfare - CoV.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathFinely Cut Ruby of Capability
Dragons of NorrathEminent Glove Symbol of Wildfire
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Chromatic Blink
The Broken MirrorAugust Spitegem of Foresight
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Rain of Knives
Scars of VeliousUnadorned Chain Gauntlets
Lost Dungeons of NorrathLustrous Emerald of Poison Protection
Lost Dungeons of NorrathBurning Acid Shard Found via this quest.
Serpents SpinePetrified Stonefin Egg Dropped by Doomfount.
House of ThuleSalus Faycite Shard: Burst of Daybreak
The Broken MirrorSwift Pear-Cut Diamond
Dragons of NorrathVein Whisper Stone
Durus Faycite Shard: Parlay for Power
The Buried SeaFabled Vampyre Volatilis Ashes Dropped by The Fabled Valdanov Zevfeer.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathDull Sandstone of Ire
OriginalWintershade's Dwarven Ringmail Hands Ornament
Irae Faycite Shard: Splort
Depths of DarkhollowChronal Seal of Flame
Depths of DarkhollowClipped Shadowmane Ear Found via this quest.
Glowing Emerald Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowCrushbone Mana Trinket Found via this quest.
Rain of FearDurus Faycite Shard: Stifle
Seeds of DestructionIrae Faycite Shard: Megrima's Decay
Mandaril's Erudite Leather Hands Ornament
Dragons of NorrathBlessed Glove Symbol of Integrity
Ring of ScaleArcron Cloth Hands Ornament Dropped by The Gatekeeper.
Windblown Sliver
Lost Dungeons of NorrathShard of Burning Ooze Found via this quest.
Greater Corathus Shard of Health
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Asp Blood
Irae Faycite Shard: Ethereal Burn
Empires of KunarkMalevolent Teir`Dal Chain Hands Ornament
Ring of ScaleDi`Zok Cloth Hands Ornament Dropped by Cactiikii.
Jonas Dagmire's Forefinger Proximal Phalanx Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Lightning Squall
Omens of WarOrb of Gathered Power Dropped by Guardian of Veeshan.
Serpents SpineDecaying Orb of the Green Legion Dropped by a Green Legion overseer.
Call of the ForsakenGuardian Ornament Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Violet Hero's Forge Plate Hands Ornament
Lost Dungeons of NorrathShiny Green Shard of Might
The Broken MirrorStalwart Sulstone of Resilience
Tempus Faycite Shard: Roiling Servant
Dragons of NorrathUncut Life Stone
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Spear of Molten Steel
Secrets of FaydwerGearmost Core Dropped by Commander Gearmost.
Serpents SpineOrb of Mystic Fury Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathFrozen Gem of Strength Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowSoothing Cocoon Silk Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathCooling Stone of Health Found via this quest.
Maia's Gem of Heliacal Rising Dropped by Fowl Matriarch.
Ring of ScaleDurus Faycite Shard: Delude
Gates of DiscordGlinting Onyx of Might Found via this quest.
The Buried SeaSea Tear Dropped by Teragadon.
The Broken MirrorElegant Spitegem of Swiftness
The Broken MirrorExtravagant Spitegem of Scholarship
The Darkened SeaTempus Faycite Shard: Armor of Darkened Runes
Lost Dungeons of NorrathIce Shards of Deadly Strikes Found via this quest.
The Broken MirrorAugust Sulstone of Allure
Elder Pickclaw Talisman
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Fickle Flare
Salus Faycite Shard: Burst of Wakening
Rain of FearTempus Faycite Shard: Fearless Frenzy
Seeds of DestructionIrae Faycite Shard: Slitheren Venom
Secrets of FaydwerIrae Faycite Shard: Tangleweave Energy
Ring of ScaleWarmaker's Iksar Chain Hands Ornament
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Beam of Molten Steel
House of ThuleHeroic Workmaster's Horn
Lost Dungeons of NorrathBloodstone of Blinding Strikes Found via this quest.
Serpents SpinePolished Crysolite Dropped by a pledge familiar.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathLight Stone of Life Found via this quest.
The Buried SeaJonas Dagmire's Thumb Metacarpal Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Irae Faycite Shard: Nectar of Misery
Omens of WarKyanite of Minor Potency
Gates of DiscordRagestone of Hateful Thoughts Found via this quest.
Flamesealed Sliver
Gates of DiscordBauble of Rejuvenation Found via this quest.
Rain of FearRune of the Harbinger Dropped by Harbinger Krask.
Rain of FearTerrortangler's Gem Dropped by Ixmilsh the Terrortangler.
Serpents SpineIceborn Diamond Dropped by an icefall hare.
Rain of FearSalus Faycite Shard: Jaerol's Mending
Echoing Memoryweave Plate Hands Ornament Dropped by a vindicated chest.
Depths of DarkhollowSpiny Cocoon Silk Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathPerfect Sapphire of Insight Dropped by a Jeweled Guard hero.
The Broken MirrorAugust Sulstone of Stability
Sylvan Chain Hands Ornament Dropped by Mother Virgia.
The Buried SeaMuckdiver's Eye Dropped by Muckdiver.
Depths of DarkhollowInset Razortooth Coral Dropped by a massive Deep Orc.
Depths of DarkhollowLeft Eye of the Third Vampire Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Seeds of DestructionIrae Faycite Shard: Ethereal Enhancement
Irae Faycite Shard: Hornet Swarm
Omens of WarBrilliant Kyanite of Pure Battle
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Sermon of Rebuke
The Darkened SeaTempus Faycite Shard: Maul
Welaar's Vah Shir Scalemail Hands Ornament
Serpents SpinePolished Opal of Vigor Dropped by Lorekeeper Thoren Goldentongue.
Dragons of NorrathWarded Tear Stone
Omens of WarRadiant Kyanite of Minor Ferocity
Eclipsed Light Leather Hands Ornament Dropped by a lost treasure.
Dragons of NorrathEminent Glove Symbol of the Farceur
Lost Dungeons of NorrathKel`Bin Rune
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Hoarfrost Cascade
Rain of FearTempus Faycite Shard: Warrior's Auspice
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Binaesa Venom
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Provocation for Blood
Omens of WarKyanite of Pure Celerity
Secret Dawn Savviness
Secrets of FaydwerExalted Glove Symbol of Stillness
Seeds of DestructionGlowing Untempered Quartzite
The Broken MirrorVim and Vigor Chain Hands Ornament Dropped by a favored functionary.
Empires of KunarkSebilisian Intensity Dropped by a goblin depredator lord.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathDokorel's Renewal Stone Found via this quest.
Rain of FearSalus Faycite Shard: Blezon's Mending
Omens of WarKyanite of Minor Extension
Irae Faycite Shard: Restless Wind
Seeds of DestructionMajor Jolted Quartzite
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Flamelocked Pillar
Empires of KunarkWrathful Teir`Dal Chain Hands Ornament
Hero's Forge Leather Hands Ornament
Gates of DiscordSlayer's Bauble
Lost Dungeons of NorrathEternal Ice of Avoidance
Seeds of DestructionTempus Faycite Shard: Foray
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Poantaar's Bite
Seeds of DestructionMajor Dyadic Quartz
Velium Infused Harmony
Serpents SpineOrb of Chilling Grace Dropped by Royal Guard Captain Helgar.
Irae Faycite Shard: Vicious Revolution
Secrets of FaydwerSublime Glove Symbol of the Warmonger
Dragons of NorrathBlessed Glove Symbol of Storms
The Darkened SeaArx Mentis Mana Gem Dropped by Principal Indagatrix Lucia.
Omens of WarGem of Unnatural Regrowth Dropped by Damlin Lingering Charge.
Irae Faycite Shard: Chromatic Spike
Irae Faycite Shard: Bond of Bynn
The Buried SeaMolten Iron Ingot Dropped by Spiritflame of the Drowned.
Secrets of FaydwerCrude Defiant Stone Fragment Dropped by a gnoll.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathGem of Burning Rage Found via this quest.
Gates of DiscordImperfect Onyx Shard Dropped by Nijacka the Scourge.
Omens of WarRune of Grim Portents Dropped by Damlin Lingering Charge.
Seeds of DestructionIrae Faycite Shard: Pyre of the Forgotten
Omens of WarRadiant Kyanite of Alacrity
Seeds of DestructionIrae Faycite Shard: Frigid Lance
House of ThuleEye of Rot Found via this quest.
Irae Faycite Shard: Bond of Tatalros
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Mindsunder
Serpents SpineWindwillow Sap Bauble Found via this quest.
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Naeya Venom
Dragons of NorrathDusty Volcanic Shard Dropped by Stoneclaw.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathPurple Gem of Deftness
Muada's Vah Shir Ringmail Hands Ornament
Durus Faycite Shard: Reverie of Renewal
Veil of AlarisDurus Faycite Shard: Zealous Elixir
Lost Dungeons of NorrathCracked Slimestone of Combat
Veil of AlarisTempus Faycite Shard: Knuckle Break
Tidal Force Cloth Hands Ornament
Luclinite Ensanguined Harmony
Irae Faycite Shard: Horde of Hotaria
Dragons of NorrathEminent Glove Symbol of Hate
Omens of WarGolem Heartstone Dropped by Neuromancer Vionne.
Omens of WarBrilliant Kyanite of Pure Sundering
Icy Barrier of the Loresinger Dropped by a chilly chest.
Radiant Shard of Insight
Depths of DarkhollowChronal Seal of Healing
Irae Faycite Shard: Winter's Wildshock
Lost Dungeons of NorrathFlawed Purple Gem of Deftness
Lost Dungeons of NorrathNoxious Soil of Stability
Dragons of NorrathGlittering Tsavorite Garnet
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Inevitable End
Empires of KunarkMalevolent Teir`Dal Leather Hands Ornament
Irae Faycite Shard: Mind Coil
Omens of WarKyanite of Sight
Secrets of FaydwerDurus Faycite Shard: Strangling Air
Secrets of FaydwerStatic Bolt Dropped by Leafrot.
Dragons of NorrathWarded Dragon Egg Fragment
Tempus Faycite Shard: Temple Shatter
Gates of DiscordKelnathor, Rune of Darkness
Lost Dungeons of NorrathFlawless Purple Gem of Deftness Dropped by a Scion crypt creeper.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathBloodied Soil of Wit
Durus Faycite Shard: Flummoxing Flash
Ring of ScaleFereth Chain Hands Ornament
UnderfootBloodbound Ruby Dropped by Tracker Klarden Valorstriker.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathRadiant Shard of Thought
Empires of KunarkTsaph Katta Chain Hands Ornament Dropped by Gorenaire.
Empires of KunarkEmblem of Combine Diplomacy Dropped by Tithnak Shadowhunter.
Gates of DiscordIlluminated Gem of Concentration Dropped by Ukun Packleader.
Tempus Faycite Shard: Enraging Roundhouse Kicks
Salus Faycite Shard: Salve of Jaegir
Lost Dungeons of NorrathIntricate Prism of Perception
Gates of DiscordBlack Diamond of Slaughter
Lost Dungeons of NorrathCracked Yellow Sphere of Fortitude
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Blistering Shadow
Omens of WarRadiant Kyanite of Pure Dexterity
Gates of DiscordStar Rose of Focused Disruption Dropped by an ikaav detainer.
Ornate Defiant Geode Dropped by a hill giant.
Depths of DarkhollowBlurred Corathus Shard of Health Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathLost Jewel of Shifting Colors Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathEnchanted Orb of Hardened Mud Found via this quest.
Irae Faycite Shard: Pure Wildscorch IX
Salus Faycite Shard: Survival of the Heroic
Tempus Faycite Shard: Decimator's Volley
Lost Dungeons of NorrathPeerless Jewel of Nimbleness
Seeds of DestructionMajor Corrupted Quartzite
Depths of DarkhollowChronal Seal of Baleful Continuance
Dragons of NorrathSecrets of FaydwerSublime Glove Symbol of Integrity
Salus Faycite Shard: Determined Renewal
House of ThuleSalus Faycite Shard: Ascendant's Intervention
Elaborate Defiant Coldstone Dropped by Yendar Starpyre.
Ring of ScaleMilitant's Iksar Cloth Hands Ornament
Lost Dungeons of NorrathGypsum Flake of Improvement
Gates of DiscordPulsing Globe of Antiquity
Irae Faycite Shard: Grip of Quietus
Durus Faycite Shard: Sontalak's Chant of Flame
Lost Dungeons of NorrathPristine Pearl of Magical Warding Dropped by a Jeweled Guard hero.
Irae Faycite Shard: Rain of Falchions
Empires of KunarkEmblem of Tenacity
Irae Faycite Shard: Dracnia's Pallid Haze
Lost Dungeons of NorrathPristine Limestone of Hatred
Gates of DiscordGlowing Red Gem of Vengeance Dropped by Cryxtetl.
Dragons of NorrathThrice-Warded Malachite
Durus Faycite Shard: Quelling Wave
Serpents SpineAncient Orb of the Green Legion Dropped by a savage caiman.
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Arachne's Pallid Haze
Abhorrent Brimstone of Charring
The Broken MirrorResplendent Spitegem of Deftness
Ring of ScaleDraconic Intensity Dropped by an undead oblation.
The Darkened SeaTempus Faycite Shard: Blinding Burst
Illsalin Seeing Stone
Fractured Sapphire of Insight
all primary secondary range charm aug //G21AV hDex
Rain of FearTempus Faycite Shard: Aspbleeder Discipline
House of ThuleShining Fragment of an Innocent Dream
The Broken MirrorRegal Sulstone of Scholarship
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Ethereal Skyblaze
Irae Faycite Shard: Crush of the Heroic
Secrets of FaydwerSublime Glove Symbol of Storms
Veil of AlarisMephit Blood Stone Found via this quest.
Superior Vigorous Gem of Distant Echoes
Rain of FearTempus Faycite Shard: Seven Breaths
Seeds of DestructionFrost-Runed Gemstone
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Tears of Zykean
Seeds of DestructionTempus Faycite Shard: Fourth Wind
Depths of DarkhollowDuskstone of the Reefs Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Empires of KunarkSebilisian Celerity Dropped by Black Spot.
Rain of FearTempus Faycite Shard: Motlak's Lively Crescendo
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Plague of Piqiorn
Divine Medallion Found via this quest.
Salus Faycite Shard: Reckless Reinvigoration
Irae Faycite Shard: Ignite Intellect
Lost Dungeons of NorrathMagnetite Fragment of Fortitude
Ondine Chain Hands Ornament Dropped by a hero`s satchel.
Irae Faycite Shard: Thricewoven Lunacy
Shadowed Stone of Tranquility
Dragons of NorrathOre of the Nest Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathSlime-Soaked Jewel Found via this quest.
House of ThuleSalus Faycite Shard: Benevida
Gates of DiscordNihil Chanter Ritual Gem Dropped by Hexxt Pzik Shziaak.
Velium Infused Savviness
Lost Dungeons of NorrathFeldspar Fragment of Tolerance
Ring of ScaleSalus Faycite Shard: Wellspring
Lost Dungeons of NorrathGleaming Prism of Destruction
The Darkened SeaSalus Faycite Shard: Blessed Light
Seeds of DestructionIrae Faycite Shard: Shock of Discordant Steel
Seeds of DestructionIrae Faycite Shard: Eulogy
Serpents SpineBlue Flecked Rock Dropped by a stalag terror.
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Horde of Aculeids
Serpents SpineSerric's Virulent Augmentation Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
The Darkened SeaSalus Faycite Shard: Ardent Touch
Ring of ScaleTempus Faycite Shard: Tiger's Poise
Irae Faycite Shard: Lazam's Chill
Dragons of NorrathDeep Moonstone
Lost Dungeons of NorrathFlawless Green Shard of Might Dropped by a bubbling clod of flesh.
Serpents SpineCorrupted Agate Amulet Dropped by an orc warrior.
Prophecy of RoBlood-Fueled Ragestone Found via this quest.
Rain of FearSalus Faycite Shard: Desperate Drenching
Omens of WarOrb of Forbidden Laughter Dropped by Damlin Lingering Charge.
House of ThuleDurus Faycite Shard: Confrontation for Honor
Irae Faycite Shard: Lightning Roar
Lost Dungeons of NorrathPolished Ore of Power
Call of the ForsakenDark Elf Plate Hands Ornament
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Rotsil's Bite
Empires of KunarkExtra Planar Potential Shard Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathBurnished Aquamarine
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Kromtus Lance
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Silverstorm Pillar
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Chromatic Percussion
Irae Faycite Shard: Pulmonary Grip
Empires of KunarkSebilisian Brilliance Dropped by War Leader Callex.
Seeds of DestructionIrae Faycite Shard: Nectar of the Slitheren
Silver Frost Crystal Dropped by Fjokar Frozenshard.
Irae Faycite Shard: Chromashear
Salus Faycite Shard: Clotavida
Omens of WarBrilliant Kyanite of Battle
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Cytotoxic Wounds
Ring of ScaleDurus Faycite Shard: Refute for Power
Lost Dungeons of NorrathRadiant Slimestone of Retribution
House of ThuleTempus Faycite Shard: Tendon Lacerate
Irae Faycite Shard: Vitriolic Darkness
Veil of AlarisTempus Faycite Shard: Razor's Edge Discipline
Prismatic Permafrost Crystal Dropped by Snowfang.
Durus Faycite Shard: Sincere Elixir
Irae Faycite Shard: Spear of Molten Dacite
The Broken MirrorScholarly Scalestone
Dragons of NorrathRevered Glove Symbol of the Skeptic
Depths of DarkhollowChronal Seal of Dodge
Lost Dungeons of NorrathGlowing Stone of Precision Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathCracked Teal Crystal of Enticement
Secrets of FaydwerMinotaur Mane Soot Dropped by Sootmane the Brute.
Serpents SpineDragon Scale Sliver Dropped by a cave bear.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathScarred Limestone of Vengeance
Veil of AlarisTempus Faycite Shard: Pinpoint Liabilities
Rain of FearRingmail Gloves of the Harbingers
House of ThuleDurus Faycite Shard: Shiverback's Chant of Disease
Serpents SpineBlackfeather Powerstone Found via this quest.
Ring of ScaleTempus Faycite Shard: Lie in Wait
Rain of FearTempus Faycite Shard: Blinding Blaze
Dragons of NorrathGrey Stone of Potency Found via this quest.
House of ThuleTempus Faycite Shard: Jolting Hook Kicks
Durus Faycite Shard: Harrowing Darkness
Salus Faycite Shard: Zrelik's Recourse
The Broken MirrorResplendent Spitegem of Allure
Irae Faycite Shard: Fleshrot's Spear of Venom
The Broken MirrorDeft Diamond
Rain of FearSalus Faycite Shard: Antecessor's Intervention
Serpents SpineLesser Stone of Might Dropped by an unmasked changeling.
Gates of DiscordBlackstone of Radical Thought Found via this quest.
Seeds of DestructionGreen Dragon Scale
Jonas Dagmire's Pisiform Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Secrets of FaydwerGrimy Worm Gear Model IV Found via this quest.
Irae Faycite Shard: Withering Venin
Lost Dungeons of NorrathOnyx Orb of Aggression
The Broken MirrorResplendent Sulstone of Courage
Irae Faycite Shard: Thricewoven Effulgence
Tempus Faycite Shard: Tendon Slice
Lost Dungeons of NorrathExquisite Pearl of Magical Warding
Glowing Emerald Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowPreserved Wurine Brain Found via this quest.
Ring of ScaleDurus Faycite Shard: Perplexing Wave
UnderfootBrightly Pulsating Crystallized Cosgrove Shard Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Ruins of KunarkBlockcutter Gloves Dropped by Burynai Cutter.
Depths of DarkhollowWurine Feeling Stone Found via this quest.
Tempus Faycite Shard: Tendon Sever
Lost Dungeons of NorrathImperfect Opal of Illness Warding
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Spinechiller Blood
Prophecy of RoLesser Gem of Sathir Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathCylindrical Shard of Acuity
OriginalMort's Dwarven Scalemail Hands Ornament
Ring of ScaleSalus Faycite Shard: Merciful Touch
Omens of WarBrilliant Kyanite of Minor Healing
Lost Dungeons of NorrathDark Shard of Destruction Found via this quest.
Irae Faycite Shard: Zelnithak's Pallid Haze
OriginalMywyn's Feir'Dal Scalemail Hands Ornament
Irae Faycite Shard: Frozen Creep
Irae Faycite Shard: Ignite Remembrance
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Pyre of the Piq'a
Veil of AlarisDurus Faycite Shard: Zealous Cleansing
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Cloudburst Storm
Rain of FearSalus Faycite Shard: Word of Reformation
Ring of ScaleSalus Faycite Shard: Lunasalve
Ring of ScaleDraconic Resilience Dropped by a chokidai stalker.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathGreen Microcline Shard of Health
Veil of AlarisSalus Faycite Shard: Chorus of Lunanyn
Seeds of DestructionIrae Faycite Shard: Blood of Laarthik
Durus Faycite Shard: Stupefying Wave
Dragons of NorrathEminent Glove Symbol of Below
Rain of FearTempus Faycite Shard: Stormwheel Blades
Veil of AlarisTempus Faycite Shard: Seven-Step Pattern
Secrets of FaydwerIrae Faycite Shard: Horde of Fireants
Viridian Hero's Forge Plate Hands Ornament
Irae Faycite Shard: Divine Writ
Serpents SpineCrystalwing Goru`kar Scout Health Stone Found via this quest.
Prophecy of RoBlood-Fueled Ragestone Found via this quest.
Veil of AlarisTempus Faycite Shard: Tiger's Balance
Secrets of FaydwerIrae Faycite Shard: Shock of Many
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Frostreave Chill
Lost Dungeons of NorrathGlowing Prism of Brawling
Seeds of DestructionTempus Faycite Shard: Punch Through
Rain of FearTempus Faycite Shard: Harassing Shout
Serpents SpineXacine's Wondrous Trinket Dropped by Corpsetender Xacine.
The Darkened SeaTempus Faycite Shard: Arcwork Discipline
Acrylian Leather Hands Ornament Dropped by a solid chest.
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Vicious Cyclone
Planes of PowerChunk of Warm Brimstone Found via this quest.
Omens of WarBrilliant Kyanite of Potency
Depths of DarkhollowPillaged Charm of Health Found via this quest.
Tempus Faycite Shard: Gloaming Auspice
Gates of DiscordGem of Rancor
Auburn Hero's Forge Leather Hands Ornament
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Nectar of Suffering
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Polyrefractive Assault
Gates of DiscordTwisted Rune of the Slayer
Irae Faycite Shard: Virulent Darkness
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Bond of Xalgoz
Veil of AlarisTempus Faycite Shard: Blinding Gleam
Omens of WarRadiant Kyanite of Pure Healing
Secrets of FaydwerPowdered Minotaur Hoof Dropped by Ironfoot.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathImperfect Emerald of Poison Protection
Seeds of DestructionDurus Faycite Shard: Ensorcelling Wave
Echoing Memoryweave Cloth Hands Ornament Dropped by a vindicated chest.
Old Sylvan Cloth Hands Ornament Dropped by Velishan.
House of ThuleSalus Faycite Shard: Renewal of Volark
Windstalker's Mankind Plate Hands Ornament
Depths of DarkhollowTrapped Shiliskin Spirit Dropped by a witheran gnasher.
Seeds of DestructionDurus Faycite Shard: Charge for Power
Secrets of FaydwerTempus Faycite Shard: Knuckle Smash
Secrets of FaydwerFailed Experiment Geza MCXLIV Dropped by a steamwork reaver.
Tempus Faycite Shard: Maelstrom of Claws
Salus Faycite Shard: Survival of the Favored
Serpents SpineLump of Pus Dropped by a swamp rat.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathImmaculate Diamond of Chilling Protection Dropped by a Scion shadow agent.
Ring of ScaleDraconic Savviness Dropped by a Gorowyn citizen.
Seeds of DestructionGlowing Corrupted Quartzite
Salus Faycite Shard: Chorus of Shalowain
Mortal Celestial Brawny Spark Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineDrop of Dragorn's Blood Dropped by Guardian of Kaavi.
Call of the ForsakenStrength of the Adherent Found via this quest.
Seeds of DestructionSalus Faycite Shard: Chorus of Rodcet
Secrets of FaydwerCrude Defiant Ruby Shard Dropped by orc centurion.
House of ThuleTempus Faycite Shard: Force of Marr
Gates of DiscordKelekdrix's Sandstone of Fortitude Found via this quest.
Salus Faycite Shard: Primordial Intervention
Gates of DiscordBroken Skull of Silence
Veil of AlarisTempus Faycite Shard: Crane Stance
Seeds of DestructionIrae Faycite Shard: Mindfreeze Strike
House of ThuleDurus Faycite Shard: Baffling Flash
Dragons of NorrathFastfinger Stone
Secrets of FaydwerIrae Faycite Shard: Bite of the Brownie
The Buried SeaStone of Might Dropped by Agrima.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathTranslucent Orb of Trapped Mana Found via this quest.
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Polyfluorescent Assault
Crystalline Webbing of Health
Salus Faycite Shard: Word of Greater Vivification
The Darkened SeaWorker Power Source
Depths of DarkhollowWard of the Legion Found via this quest.
Tourmaline of Alteration Found via this quest.
Irae Faycite Shard: Eranon's Decay
The Broken MirrorGlorious Sulstone of Foresight
Veil of AlarisDurus Faycite Shard: Kalbrok's Chant of Frost
Lost Dungeons of NorrathBrittle Ruby Fragment of Brawn
Seeds of DestructionSalus Faycite Shard: Devout Touch
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Chill of the Natureward
Irae Faycite Shard: Cloudburst Bolts
Scars of VeliousCorroded Plate Gauntlets Dropped by a guardian of Zek.
OriginalMort's Dwarven Chain Hands Ornament
Shard of Increased Health
House of ThuleTempus Faycite Shard: Savage Volley
Dragons of NorrathEminent Glove Symbol of the Warmonger
Lost Dungeons of NorrathPeerless Pearl of Magical Warding
The Broken MirrorElegant Spitegem of Resilience
Pickclaw Savage Charm
Wanderer's Ayr`Dal Plate Hands Ornament
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Heartcarve
Ring of ScaleConflagrant Resilience
Ring of ScaleSalus Faycite Shard: Reckless Rejuvenation
Lost Dungeons of NorrathRitualist's Stone of Rage Found via this quest.
House of ThuleScale of the Dark Serpent Found via this quest.
Seeds of DestructionMinor Jolted Quartzite
Dragons of NorrathEminent Glove Symbol of the Depths
Irae Faycite Shard: Sermon of Repentance
Tempus Faycite Shard: Gather Zeal
Lost Dungeons of NorrathSmokey Quartz of Peculiarity
Tempus Faycite Shard: Cascading Runeshield
Salus Faycite Shard: Raptured Light
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Seedspitter's Bite
The Darkened SeaSalus Faycite Shard: Salve of Clorith
House of ThuleTempus Faycite Shard: Pinpoint Flaws
all primary secondary range charm aug //G21AV hAgi
Empires of KunarkEmblem of Potency Found via this quest.
Crude Consigned Turquoise
The Darkened SeaTempus Faycite Shard: Axe of Numicia
The Buried SeaZaushiz's Bauble Dropped by Defiler Zaushiz.
Irae Faycite Shard: Venomous Blade
Master's Curio Found via this quest.
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Livio's Affliction
Gates of DiscordBlackened Skull Rune
Irae Faycite Shard: Mortimus' Bite
Updated TodaySerpents SpineSimple Consigned Jasper
Prophecy of RoArcstone Lavarock Dropped by a lost scrykin servant.
Ossified Eye of the Eelworm Dropped by Eelworm.
Gates of DiscordDarkscale Rune of the Ancients
Dragons of NorrathBurnished Turquoise
Omens of WarStone of Horrid Transformation Dropped by Damlin Lingering Charge.
Omens of WarKyanite of Potency
Salus Faycite Shard: Matlock's Mending
Omens of WarKyanite of Aggression
Rain of FearTempus Faycite Shard: Beset
Seeds of DestructionSalus Faycite Shard: Dannal's Mending
The Broken MirrorStalwart Sulstone of Foresight
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Thricewoven Capacity
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Wound
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Asp Blade Strike
Prophecy of RoGreater Gem of Sathir Found via this quest.
Irae Faycite Shard: Nectar of Obscurity
Ring of ScaleSalus Faycite Shard: Deltro's Mending
Durus Faycite Shard: Growl of the Lioness
Old Sylvan Plate Hands Ornament
Irae Faycite Shard: Destruction of Sand
Durus Faycite Shard: Docile Mind
Irae Faycite Shard: Ignite Cognition
Lost Dungeons of NorrathLustrous Opal of Illness Warding Dropped by A Jeweled Guard Master.
House of ThuleTempus Faycite Shard: Armor of Phantasmic Runes
The Broken MirrorGlorious Spitegem of Resilience
Lost Dungeons of NorrathCursed Stone of the Dead Found via this quest.
Rain of FearTempus Faycite Shard: Reflexive Righteousness
House of ThuleDurus Faycite Shard:Spinechiller's Chant of Poison
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Sermon of Censure
Gates of DiscordRageshale of Bolstering Found via this quest.
Irae Faycite Shard: Oblivion
Depths of DarkhollowImperfect Eye Stone Found via this quest.
Irae Faycite Shard: Desperate Vampyre Blood
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Tears of Dragoflux
Windstalker's Mankind Scalemail Hands Ornament
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Refute for Blood
Tempus Faycite Shard: Force of the Wayunder
Dragons of NorrathSacred Glove Symbol of the Brood
Diamond Shard of Unity
Coagulated Marrow
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Yubai's Affliction
The Broken MirrorAugust Sulstone of Swiftness
Durus Faycite Shard: Tormenting Darkness
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Pyre of the Shadewarden
The Broken MirrorRegal Sulstone of Swiftness
Veil of AlarisShaded Orb of Infusion Found via this quest.
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Frigid Wind
Lost Dungeons of NorrathFlawless Gray Gemstone of Knowledge Dropped by a skeletal apprentice.
Irae Faycite Shard: Tundra Ice Cascade
Irae Faycite Shard: Heartruin
Irae Faycite Shard: Shock of Memorial Steel
Refining Spring Dropped by Repair for Pieces.
Call of the ForsakenBixie Leather Hands Ornament
Shadowed Stone of Crises
House of ThuleTempus Faycite Shard: Jab Through
Crude Consigned Emerald
Dragons of NorrathEminent Glove Symbol of Compassion
Shadowed Stone of Storms
Irae Faycite Shard: Jagged Torrent
Violet Hero's Forge Leather Hands Ornament
Ring of ScaleV'Deers' Seer's Sneer Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowChronal Seal of Poison
Gates of DiscordGlobe of Convulsion
all primary secondary range charm aug //G21AV hStr
Seeds of DestructionIrae Faycite Shard: Mojo
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Hateful Bargain
Serpents SpineCorrupted Diamond Amulet Dropped by a mastruq warfiend.
Irae Faycite Shard: Chastise
The Broken MirrorRegal Spitegem of Deftness
Warlord's Stone Dropped by a chilly chest.
Ring of ScaleTempus Faycite Shard: Tenebrous Auspice
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Claw of the Oceanlord
Salus Faycite Shard: Chorus of Vhal`Sera
Serpents SpineDryad Protector Bauble Found via this quest.
Irae Faycite Shard: Broiling Shadow
Restless Ice Leather Hands Ornament Dropped by an ice encrusted chest.
Secrets of FaydwerIrae Faycite Shard: Chaos Conflagration
Prophecy of RoArcstone Token Dropped by a firetail ashfang.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathHardened Slate of Protection
Omens of WarKyanite of Dexterity
Lost Dungeons of NorrathSparkling Garnet of Constitution
Serpents SpineKyv Arrowhead Dropped by Ukun Gutfeaster.
Empires of KunarkMeanderer's Ayr`Dal Leather Hands Ornament
Dragons of NorrathPetrified Pine Sap
The Darkened SeaTempus Faycite Shard: Dragon's Balance
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Reefmaw's Bite
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Korum's Bite
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Shiverback Endemic
Omens of WarRadiant Kyanite of Minor Healing
Secrets of FaydwerIrae Faycite Shard: Touch of Kildrukaun
Omens of WarPetrified Girplan Heart Dropped by Damlin Lingering Charge.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathRadiant Diamond of Assault
Lost Dungeons of NorrathTransparent Shard of Thought
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Ice Mass
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Touch of Urash
Depths of DarkhollowCrushbone Mana Crystal Found via this quest.
Rain of FearLysergic Powder Found via this quest.
Corathus Shard of Regeneration
Tempus Faycite Shard: Rending Blade
The Broken MirrorClockwork Plate Hands Ornament
Rain of FearTempus Faycite Shard: Pummel
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Blighted Venin
Lost Dungeons of NorrathRinged Stone of Advantage Found via this quest.
Wiska's Ogre Cloth Hands Ornament
Seeds of DestructionIrae Faycite Shard: Mind Twist
Secrets of FaydwerDurus Faycite Shard: Vyskudra's Chant of Disease
Seeds of DestructionIrae Faycite Shard: Touch of Tharoff
Depths of DarkhollowDuskstone of the White Cliffs Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Venerating Strike
Gates of DiscordEthereal Bijou Dropped by Pixtt Sho`Val Kqi.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathMicrocline Shard of Knowledge
Seeds of DestructionTempus Faycite Shard: Temple Bash
Emerald Chip of Vigor Found via this quest.
Irae Faycite Shard: Drachnid Blade Strike
Rain of FearSsraeshzian Leather Hand Ornament Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathBlessed Glove Symbol of Devotion
Irae Faycite Shard: Requiem
Lost Dungeons of NorrathFetid Soil of Hardiness
Lost Dungeons of NorrathCracked Purple Gem of Deftness
Omens of WarKyanite of Pure Ferocity
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Rirwech's Affliction
Irae Faycite Shard: Heliacal Embers
Secrets of FaydwerIrae Faycite Shard: Rime and Flashflames
Ring of ScaleDurus Faycite Shard: Gnawing Darkness
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Rimeblast Cascade
Seeds of DestructionIrae Faycite Shard: Enraging Shot
Mandaril's Erudite Cloth Hands Ornament
The Broken MirrorCourageous Sardonyx
Tempus Faycite Shard: Blinding Frenzy
Marnek's Mankind Chain Hands Ornament
Call of the ForsakenVial of Perfected Mana Dropped by Entrancer R`Ker.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathImperfect Diamond of Chilling Protection
Omens of WarBrilliant Kyanite of Pure Celerity
Omens of WarBrilliant Kyanite of Haste
Veil of AlarisOld Noble Leather Hands Ornament Found via this quest.
OriginalMywyn's Feir'Dal Plate Hands Ornament
Gates of DiscordUncut Pristine Ruby Dropped by Nijacka the Scourge.
Secrets of FaydwerOily Crystal Shard Dropped by Head Scientist Spodwork.
Secrets of FaydwerGyro Core: Consort Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineFrozen Ball Lightning Dropped by a vann niesa.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathRefined Ore of Regeneration
Irae Faycite Shard: Chromatic Flare
Omens of WarLambent Stone of Focus Dropped by Stoneworker Stonetooth.
Irae Faycite Shard: Equinox Brand
Weltria's Erudite Scalemail Hands Ornament
Irae Faycite Shard: Ikatiar's Blood
Bolstering Spring Dropped by Best Museum Security.
Gates of DiscordOrb of Slaughter
Bloodforged Chain Hands Ornament
Depths of DarkhollowCrystalline Webbing of Deflecting Found via this quest.
House of ThuleHeroic Flame Alchemist's Jewel
Omens of WarKyanite of Pure Sundering
Prophecy of RoPristine Petrified Dragon Eye Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathRaw Ruby Shard of the Arcane
The Broken MirrorAugust Sulstone of Scholarship
Old Violet Hero's Forge Leather Hands Ornament
Rain of FearSalus Faycite Shard: Adrenaline Rush
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Ice Floe
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Wuran's Decay
Seeds of DestructionGreater Corrupted Quartzite
Lost Dungeons of NorrathTainted Soil of Battle Stance
Hivegrime Stone of Vitality Found via this quest.
The Buried SeaFabled Mark of Melody Dropped by The Fabled Ancient Darkwing Bat.
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Spear of Molten Arcronite
Dragons of NorrathPetrified Drake Blood
Lost Dungeons of NorrathGray Magnetite of Ingenuity
Serpents SpinePetrified Holgresh Eye Dropped by a faerie dragon.
Powered Gloves
Serpents SpinePrism of Captured Energy Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowChronal Seal of Favorable Continuance
Seeds of DestructionTempus Faycite Shard: Tendon Shear
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Brilliant Vindication
Gates of DiscordRuby Stone of Requim
Seeds of DestructionDimly Pulsating Chronal Shear Dropped by a Rallosian champion.
Irae Faycite Shard: Touch of Txiki
Lost Dungeons of NorrathWarm Ruby of Wellness
Phantasmal Luclinite Stone of Ingenuity
Dragons of NorrathSacred Glove Symbol of Compassion
The Darkened SeaPlexipharia's Powder Dropped by Plexipharia.
Secrets of FaydwerIrae Faycite Shard: Nature's Burning Wrath
Mortal Corporeal Vigorous Zephyr Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Seeds of DestructionAk`Anon Clockwork Plate Hands Ornament
Depths of DarkhollowEffulgent Pearl Dropped by a witheran feeder.
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Impel for Blood
The Broken MirrorElegant Spitegem of Foresight
Dragons of NorrathMist Root Stone
Irae Faycite Shard: Brilliant Exculpation
Irae Faycite Shard: Summer's Viridity
Irae Faycite Shard: Polyluminous Assault
Topaz Infused Velium Jewel
Lost Dungeons of NorrathJagged Gravestone of Affliction
Tempus Faycite Shard: Blinding Candescence
Depths of DarkhollowChronal Seal of Favorable Breezes
Irae Faycite Shard: Claw of Ankexfen
Tempus Faycite Shard: Enraging Axe Kicks
Omens of WarRadiant Kyanite of Sight
Omens of WarRadiant Kyanite of Minor Aggression
Empires of KunarkGlowing Sebilisian Gloves Dropped by sebilite guardian.
Mort's Dwarven Cloth Hands Ornament
Serpents SpineRegurgitated Crystals Dropped by a crystal webmaster.
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Ethereal Incandescence
Dragons of NorrathBlessed Glove Symbol of Below
Bronzed Crystalline Oscillator Model XIV Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Omens of WarCipher of Veeshan Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathRitual Nexus Opal
Seeds of DestructionDurus Faycite Shard: Shadow of Renewal
Velium Infused Intensity
OriginalMillin's Halfling Ringmail Hands Ornament
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Crush of Tides
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Demolishing Axe Throw
OriginalWyn's Feir'Dal Chain Hands Ornament
UnderfootPulsating Crystallized Cosgrove Shard Dropped by Grai.
Secrets of FaydwerExalted Glove Symbol of Storms
Secrets of FaydwerSalus Faycite Shard: Puravida
Lost Dungeons of NorrathStone Guardian's Conjuration Shard Found via this quest.
Gates of DiscordStone of Dark Essence Dropped by Pixtt Souleater.
The Broken MirrorGlorious Spitegem of Swiftness
Luclinite Ensanguined Celerity
Gates of DiscordSanguine Jewel of Health Dropped by Mastruq Utk Hykat.
Depths of DarkhollowHivegrime Stone of Gracefulness Found via this quest.
The Broken MirrorExtravagant Spitegem of Foresight
The Darkened SeaTempus Faycite Shard: Insult
House of ThuleSalus Faycite Shard: Qirik's Mending
OriginalMillin's Halfling Scalemail Hands Ornament
Seeds of DestructionTempus Faycite Shard: Fourth Wind
Old Violet Hero's Forge Chain Hands Ornament
Serpents SpineSymbiotic Blightfire Moss Dropped by a giant bog rat.
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Tears of Visius
Tempus Faycite Shard: Clobber
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Pyre of Hazarak
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Cloudburst Thunderbolt
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Hailstorm
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Mindscythe
Irae Faycite Shard: Chill of the Dusksage Tender
Lost Dungeons of NorrathKel`Xik Rune
Lost Dungeons of NorrathSparkling Sphere of Resistance
Serpents SpineBluegreen Rock Dropped by a bloodtribe warrior.
Serpents SpineClipped Griffon Wings Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathBlessed Glove Symbol of the Farceur
House of ThuleTempus Faycite Shard: Fifth Wind
Lost Dungeons of NorrathGauntlet Stone of Fortitude Found via this quest.
Rain of FearTempus Faycite Shard: Axe of Zurel
Dragons of NorrathGlittering Tsavorite Gemstone
Rain of FearSalus Faycite Shard: Salve of Blezon
Shadows of LuclinGloves of the Brood Dropped by Shissar Assassin.
Irae Faycite Shard: Forlorn Chill
Rain of FearTempus Faycite Shard: Tendon Gash
Lost Dungeons of NorrathEternal Ice of Replenishment
Depths of DarkhollowChronal Seal of Celerity
The Darkened SeaDurus Faycite Shard: Bewilder
Secrets of FaydwerSalus Faycite Shard: Gemmi's Mending
The Broken MirrorDamsel of Decay Leather Hands Ornament Dropped by a rotting chest - Ruins of Lxanvom.
Prophecy of RoAgate of Transfusion Found via this quest.
Prophecy of RoRuby of the Bulwark Dropped by an imprisoned hero.
Salus Faycite Shard: Desperate Quenching
OriginalMywyn's Feir'Dal Ringmail Hands Ornament
Valiant Plate Hands Ornament
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Frosthowl Chill
Ring of ScaleDurus Faycite Shard: Hoshkar's Chant of Disease
Old Hero's Forge Chain Hands Ornament
Salus Faycite Shard: Devout Light
Irae Faycite Shard: Ethereal Ignition
Rain of FearSalus Faycite Shard: Lunassuage
Scars of VeliousAncient Tarnished Chain Gauntlets
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Frozen Miasma
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Mortiferous Wounds
Lost Dungeons of NorrathDistilled Ice of Insight
Dragons of NorrathOculus of Yar`Lir Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathSacred Glove Symbol of Infestation
Sylvan Plate Hands Ornament Dropped by Bloodmaw.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathRitualist's Stone of Flowing Health Found via this quest.
Irae Faycite Shard: Thricewoven Radiance
Sublime Glove Symbol of Infestation
Lost Dungeons of NorrathResearcher's Exacting Ore Found via this quest.
Call of the ForsakenDark Elf Leather Hands Ornament
Irae Faycite Shard: Bite of the Borrower
Rain of FearSsraeshzian Plate Hand Ornament Found via this quest.
Omens of WarPetrified Bazu Bone Dropped by Battlemaster Denik.
Velium Threaded Savviness
Serpents SpineIridescent Pearl of Icy Precision Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Beastwood Ash
Ring of ScaleDurus Faycite Shard: Refute for Honor
Lost Dungeons of NorrathPeerless Crystal of Enticement
Ring of ScaleMilitant's Iksar Ringmail Hands Ornament
Omens of WarKyanite of Minor Battle
The Buried SeaJonas Dagmire's Thumb Distal Phalanx Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathExquisite Ruby of Fiery Warding
Secrets of FaydwerFrozen Pyrilen Eye Dropped by a companion chimera.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathRitualist's Divination Gem Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineFossilized Bone Shard Dropped by Blood Ritualist Taprom.
Planes of PowerEye of the Storm Dropped by a storm gruezok.
Durus Faycite Shard: Serene Mind
Noble Chain Hands Ornament
Rain of FearDurus Faycite Shard: Edoth's Chant of Frost
Old Beryl Hero's Forge Leather Hands Ornament Dropped by a rotdog scavenger.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathCracked Sandstone of Health
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Winter's Wildflame Frostbite
Omens of WarKyanite of Pure Sight
Serpents SpineFossilized Griffon Eye Dropped by a healthy mountain puma.
Dragons of NorrathGreater Mind Schism Stone
Salus Faycite Shard: Avowed Remedy
Depths of DarkhollowCrystalline Webbing of Musing Found via this quest.
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Bonemaw's Bite
Empires of KunarkTsaph Katta Cloth Hands Ornament Dropped by Gorenaire.
Rain of FearGlobule of Goo Dropped by Kaas Thox.
Secrets of FaydwerExalted Glove Symbol of Growth
Secrets of FaydwerIrae Faycite Shard: Bond of the Blackwater
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Beramos' Maelstrom
Proficient Stone of Perpetual Reverie
Rain of FearSalus Faycite Shard: Blezon's Recourse
Bronzed Crystalline Oscillator Model VII Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowForged Silver Fang Dropped by Master Vule the Silent Tear.
Omens of WarKyanite of Minor Celerity
Ring of ScaleTempus Faycite Shard: Sucker Punch
Old Viridian Hero's Forge Chain Hands Ornament
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Deceitful Blight
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Broiling Sands
The Broken MirrorSwift Blueseed
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Nectar of Anguish
Irae Faycite Shard: Vicious Vortex
Secrets of FaydwerIrae Faycite Shard: Galvanic Ash
Irae Faycite Shard: Vulak's Bite
Prophecy of RoGem of Sathir Found via this quest.
Omens of WarRadiant Kyanite of Dexterity
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Blood of Ralstok
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Chromaburst
The Darkened SeaSalus Faycite Shard: Ardent Healing
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Plague of Iglum
Blakn's Box of Diamonds Dropped by an avaricious mass.
Irae Faycite Shard: Frozen Malignance
OriginalMillin's Halfling Chain Hands Ornament
The Darkened SeaTactics of the Warleader Dropped by Warleader Jocelyn.
Depths of DarkhollowDrachnid Regenerating Brain Dropped by a drachnid bloodknight.
Secrets of FaydwerBloodmoon Stained Faycite Dropped by a Bloodmoon shaman.
Dragons of NorrathEminent Glove Symbol of Growth
Malevolent Teir`Dal Ringmail Hands Ornament
Rain of FearTempus Faycite Shard: Gashing Blade
Secret Dawn Celerity
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Plague of Hemofax
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Jinx
Secrets of FaydwerIrae Faycite Shard: Inizen's and Glacial Collapse
Depths of DarkhollowConqueror Stone Found via this quest.
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Grip of Jabaum
The Broken MirrorRegal Sulstone of Foresight
OriginalWibble's Halfling Plate Hands Ornament
Depths of DarkhollowDuskstone of the Mountains Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Seeds of DestructionTempus Faycite Shard: Knuckle Crush
Ancient Ishva Mal Worrystone Found via this quest.
Omens of WarBrilliant Kyanite of Minor Extension
Ring of ScaleFereth Leather Hands Ornament
Gates of DiscordEmerald of the Relentless
Tempus Faycite Shard: Premature Retaliation
Irae Faycite Shard: Ander's Bite
Omens of WarRadiant Kyanite of Minor Dexterity
Gates of DiscordSullon's Rune of Rage
Lost Dungeons of NorrathBor`Vec Rune
Eternal Grove Plate Hands Ornament Dropped by Ashenback.
Hivegrime Stone of Spirit Found via this quest.
Glowing Emerald Found via this quest.
Gates of DiscordEmbalmed Eye Dropped by Hexxt Jkak Miq.
Ring of ScaleDurus Faycite Shard: Merciful Cleansing
Lost Dungeons of NorrathPristine Sapphire of Insight Dropped by a clay vase.
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Burning Ash
Lost Dungeons of NorrathBlack Diamond of Deception Dropped by a Geomantic Compact prodigy.
Omens of WarShard of Incandescence Dropped by Attendant of Light.
The Buried SeaRough Phosphite Fragment
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Salvo of Many
Irae Faycite Shard: Obliterate the Undead
Serpents SpineHoneystone of Dream Delights Found via this quest.
Gem of the Lifeblood Dropped by mistmoore 2.0 - High Scion Bligne.
House of ThuleSalus Faycite Shard: Word of Resurgence
Candescent Heliotrope Dropped by a fading chest.
Muada's Vah Shir Scalemail Hands Ornament
Irae Faycite Shard: Grip of Terrastride
Secrets of FaydwerSublime Glove Symbol of Compassion
Salus Faycite Shard: Burst of Dawnbreak
Seeds of DestructionGreater Dyadic Quartz
Ring of ScaleWolfkin's Northman Plate Hands Ornament
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Skullfreeze
Depths of DarkhollowHivegrime Stone of Willpower Found via this quest.
Seeds of DestructionDurus Faycite Shard: Mind Twist
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Chromarend
Omens of WarRaw Gem of Health Found via this quest.
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Ulork's Decay
Lost Dungeons of NorrathTeal Crystal of Enticement
Serpents SpineFlowing Magma Soulstone Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Festive Frostfell Chain Hands Ornament
Draconic Lava Cloth Hands Ornament Found via this quest.
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Annihilate the Divergent
Serpents SpineCentaur Eye Dropped by a cliknar scout.
Gates of DiscordMisshapen Bronze Sphere
Stone of Unified Spirits Dropped by Bavanjam.
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Hoshkar's Fang
Lost Dungeons of NorrathCracked Ruby of Fiery Warding
Lost Dungeons of NorrathYellowish Magnetite of Vitality
Pristine Crystalline Triad
Secrets of FaydwerSublime Glove Symbol of Below
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Glacial Lance
Acrylian Cloth Hands Ornament Dropped by a solid chest.
Equivalence of the Trepid Water Dropped by Bunion.
Secrets of FaydwerDeep Emerald Stone
House of ThuleSalus Faycite Shard: Chorus of Renewal
The Darkened SeaDurus Faycite Shard: Kirchen's Chant of Frost
Seeds of DestructionIrae Faycite Shard: Sermon of Castigation
Prophecy of RoGleaming Kromzek Insignia Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathBlessed Glove Symbol of Compassion
Irae Faycite Shard: Danvid's Decay
Dragons of NorrathCut Lifestone
Irae Faycite Shard: Tempest Roar
Omens of WarShimmering Emerald of Mana Dropped by Discordling Chaosfiend.
Veil of AlarisSalus Faycite Shard: Gotikan's Mending
Ring of ScaleConflagrant Intensity
The Broken MirrorStalwart Sulstone of Courage
Omens of WarRadiant Kyanite of Minor Battle
Irae Faycite Shard: Ankexfen Lance
Old Viridian Hero's Forge Plate Hands Ornament Dropped by a junk golem.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathDull Yellow Sphere of Fortitude
The Darkened SeaSalus Faycite Shard: Sabhattin's Mending
Salus Faycite Shard: Burst of Sunspring
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Lunar Chill
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Lightning Helix
Omens of WarKyanite of Pure Dexterity
Seeds of DestructionLesser Contuse Quartzite
Dragons of NorrathBanded Jade Mind Stone
all primary secondary range charm aug //G21AV hInt
Omens of WarTopaz Focus Stone Dropped by Elite Overlord Vijaz.
Regenerative Spirit Stone
Rain of FearTempus Faycite Shard: Seventh Wind
Irae Faycite Shard: Decomposition
Sigil of the Spire Dropped by a Thought Leech.
Durus Faycite Shard: Addling Flash
The Buried SeaStonejaw Shell Chip Dropped by Stonejaw.
The Broken MirrorResplendent Sulstone of Swiftness
Omens of WarRadiant Kyanite of Minor Celerity
Irae Faycite Shard: Bloodbeetle Swarm
Omens of WarRadiant Kyanite of Sundering
Omens of WarRuddy Garnet Dropped by Kyv HeadHunter.
The Broken MirrorGlorious Spitegem of Foresight
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Ethereal Blaze
Serpents SpineTear of Wandering Souls Dropped by Western Moorwalker.
Secrets of FaydwerDurus Faycite Shard: Solemn Elixir
House of ThuleMalleable Core of the Guardian Found via this quest.
Irae Faycite Shard: Mind Oscillate
Rain of FearDurus Faycite Shard: Demand for Honor
Pulsating Sliver of Ataxia Dropped by Brakor Riftpaw - Qeynos Hills.
Omens of WarBrilliant Kyanite of Pure Aggression
Irae Faycite Shard: Spear of Molten Luclinite
Seeds of DestructionFaintly Pulsating Chronal Shear Dropped by a Rallosian champion.
Serpents SpinePickled Froglok Eye Dropped by sebilite juggernaut.
Crystallized Memories Dropped by Ascendant Svartmane.
Rain of FearTempus Faycite Shard: Pinpoint Deficiencies
Irae Faycite Shard: Chromaflare
Prophecy of RoBadge of the Skylance Guard Found via this quest.
Irae Faycite Shard: Chromablast
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Tears of Wreliard
Tempus Faycite Shard: Grisly Blade
Dragons of NorrathAncient Life Root Stone
Secrets of FaydwerIrae Faycite Shard: Venonscale Venom
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Drown
Irae Faycite Shard: Nature's Sweltering Wrath
Bronzed Crystalline Oscillator Model XV Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Veil of AlarisTempus Faycite Shard: Axe of Illdaera
Serpents SpineGolden Shardstone Dropped by Ukun Gutfeaster.
Rain of FearSalus Faycite Shard: Reverent Light
Omens of WarKyanite of Pure Extension
Call of the ForsakenEnigmatic Teir`Dal Eye Found via this quest.
Glowing Emerald Found via this quest.
Empires of KunarkWrathful Teir`Dal Ringmail Hands Ornament
Gates of DiscordSymbol of the Executioner
Veil of AlarisTempus Faycite Shard: Sixth Wind
Lost Dungeons of NorrathJagged Shard of Rejuvenation Found via this quest.
House of ThuleSparkling Fragment of an Innocent Dream
The Broken MirrorRaw Crypt-Hunter's Gloves Dropped by Vizier Albert.
Secrets of FaydwerSublime Glove Symbol of Judgment
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Tears of Skrizix
Scorpikis Worry
Gates of DiscordColdstone of Continuance Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathLimestone of Suffocation
Depths of DarkhollowFlowing Fish Grease Dropped by a rabid witheran.
Gates of DiscordSapphire of Capricious Magic Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Infuriating Shot
Lost Dungeons of NorrathBlue Jewel of Nimbleness
Undead Priest's Guardstone Dropped by a priest of najena.
Gates of DiscordPolished Gem of Curiosity Dropped by Blistering Larva.
Call of the ForsakenStomach of the Devourer Dropped by The Lost Devourer.
Secrets of FaydwerDurus Faycite Shard: Solemn Cleansing
Prophecy of RoPolished Sapphire of the Infiltrator Found via this quest.
Ring of ScaleWisdom of the Kylong Dropped by Blood-Thirsty Racnar.
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Pyre of the Bereft
Prophecy of RoCrazed Stone of Shielding Dropped by Mad Mary-Anne.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathPrismatic Crystal of Intellect
Ring of ScaleScale Touched Proficiency
Dragons of NorrathEminent Glove Symbol of Judgment
Durus Faycite Shard: Goremand's Chant of Disease
Depths of DarkhollowAspiring Gemstone Found via this quest.
Tempus Faycite Shard: Crepuscular Auspice
Serpents SpineLifeseed Emerald Dropped by Sellezra, Trideath`s Mate.
Dragons of NorrathGraycloud Gem of Health Dropped by a puma.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathShiny Purple Gem of Deftness
Serpents SpineBlackfeather Ablestone Found via this quest.
Prophecy of RoCoalesced Drop of Focused Thought Dropped by Razorclaw the Defiant.
Mythic Charm Found via this quest.
Ring of ScaleTempus Faycite Shard: Blinding Brilliance
Seeds of DestructionLesser Dyadic Quartzite
Dragons of NorrathWarded Tear Stone
Irae Faycite Shard: Cloudburst Lightningstrike
Irae Faycite Shard: Malvus's Malady
Serpents SpineClockwork Reinforcement Dropped by a rusted model.
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Spear of Tylix
Veil of AlarisAfton's August Amethyst Found via this quest.
Peridot of Divination Found via this quest.
The Broken MirrorExtravagant Spitegem of Stability
Secrets of FaydwerDurus Faycite Shard: Kildrukaun's Chant of Poison
Phantasmal Luclinite Stone of Celerity
Dragons of NorrathSacred Glove Symbol of Devotion
Gates of DiscordUncut Quartz of Defense Dropped by Mastruq Beast Warden.
Enchanted Orb of Spirit Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathPristine Emerald of Poison Protection Dropped by A Steelslave Bruiser.
Omens of WarGem of the Chosen Ones Dropped by a kyv heartpiercer.
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Summer Zenith
The Broken MirrorExtravagant Sulstone of Deftness
The Buried SeaElemental Ice Fragment Dropped by Brine of Prexus.
Crude Consigned Granite Pebble
Omens of WarRadiant Kyanite of Pure Alacrity
Miniature Spring Dropped by Malfunctioning Iron Legion Hug.
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Nexona's Spear of Venom
Elaborate Consigned Coldstone
House of ThuleSalus Faycite Shard: Purefont
Lost Dungeons of NorrathEtched Sandstone of Warmth
The Buried SeaJonas Dagmire's Ring Finger Metacarpal Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathRadiant Chunk of Warmth
Seeds of DestructionPulsating Chronal Shear Found via this quest.
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Lyrin's Insult
Depths of DarkhollowHivegrime Stone of Cunning Found via this quest.
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Edoth's Chill
Empires of KunarkWrathful Teir`Dal Scalemail Hands Ornament
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Blistering Sands
Irae Faycite Shard: Summer Sunscald
Lost Dungeons of NorrathBurning Crypt Stone Fragment
Seeds of DestructionMinor Untempered Quartzite
Omens of WarBrilliant Kyanite of Aggression
Prophecy of RoOrnate Petrified Dragon Eye Found via this quest.
Seeds of DestructionDurus Faycite Shard: Charge for Honor
Depths of DarkhollowShimmering Illsalin Jewelcrafter Stone Found via this quest.
Cloudy Corathus Shard of Aggression
Seeds of DestructionDurus Faycite Shard: Trakanon's Chant of Disease
UnderfootCorrupted Stellite Shard
Dragons of NorrathSparkling Nest Ornament Dropped by a Nest defender.
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Blood of Drakus
Salus Faycite Shard: Immortal Intervention
Lost Dungeons of NorrathOpaque Crystal of Deftness
Depths of DarkhollowOrichalcum Stone Found via this quest.
Rain of FearIron Gloves of the Harbingers
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Polybiad Venom
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Frigid Lure
Tempus Faycite Shard: Repeal Death
Irae Faycite Shard: Obliterate the Unnatural
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Spinechiller Blood
Depths of DarkhollowCrystalline Webbing of Diminishment Found via this quest.
Viridian Hero's Forge Leather Hands Ornament
Veil of AlarisBlue Crystallized Essence Dropped by a dirty oashim.
Irae Faycite Shard: Restless Lance
Lost Dungeons of NorrathNuj`Wul Rune
Depths of DarkhollowVoyager Stone Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowPlundered Crystal of Vigor Found via this quest.
Irae Faycite Shard: Nocturnal Boon
House of ThuleHeroic Flame Alchemist's Jewel
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Eradicate the Unnatural
Durus Faycite Shard: Smother
House of ThuleTempus Faycite Shard: Fifth Wind
Lost Dungeons of NorrathGray Gemstone of Knowledge
The Buried SeaJonas Dagmire's Long Finger Distal Phalanx Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Veil of AlarisDurus Faycite Shard: Phantom of Renewal
Dragons of NorrathNexus Stone of Gathered Magic
Auburn Hero's Forge Cloth Hands Ornament
Windstalker's Mankind Chain Hands Ornament
Seeds of DestructionMinor Dyadic Quartz
Omens of WarRadiant Kyanite of Potency
Secrets of FaydwerZeka Launch Core Dropped by Zeka Repairer III.
Durus Faycite Shard: Avowed Elixir
The Broken MirrorAugust Sulstone of Courage
Dragons of NorrathRevered Glove Symbol of the Depths
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Spear of Vizat
Bronzed Crystalline Oscillator Model XVI Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Ondine Cloth Hands Ornament Dropped by a hero`s satchel.
Depths of DarkhollowPlundered Shard of Minor Resistance Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineDisk of Heroes Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowDrachnid Leg Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathTundra Ice of Improvement
Gates of DiscordBlack Emerald of Blood
Lost Dungeons of NorrathGlowing Stone of Frozen Slime Found via this quest.
Eclipsed Light Cloth Hands Ornament Dropped by a lost treasure.
Irae Faycite Shard: Zlexak's Fang
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Sermon of Justice
Seeds of DestructionIrae Faycite Shard: Smother
The Broken MirrorResilient Swirlstone
Mortal Celestial Nimble Spark Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
The Broken MirrorStalwart Spitegem of Deftness
Lost Dungeons of NorrathFlawed Green Shard of Might
Seeds of DestructionIrae Faycite Shard: Nature's Searing Wrath
Lost Dungeons of NorrathRaw Quartz Crystal of Peculiarity
Lost Dungeons of NorrathTweyne's Stone of Evocation Found via this quest.
Irae Faycite Shard: Icerend Chill
Serpents SpineCoagulated Darkness Dropped by a shrieker.
Dragons of NorrathWarded Dragon Egg Fragment
Serpents SpineCorrupted Emerald Amulet Dropped by fire goblin wizard.
Orb of Forbidden Laughter
Dragons of NorrathStriped Jade Mindstone
Veil of AlarisTempus Faycite Shard: Armor of Mystical Runes
Lost Dungeons of NorrathGlacial Ice of Toughness
Secrets of FaydwerUn-Cored Chain Gauntlets Template
Call of the ForsakenBixie Summoner's Stone Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Irae Faycite Shard: Banish the Undead
Depths of DarkhollowCracked Eye Stone Found via this quest.
Wanderer's Ayr`Dal Chain Hands Ornament
Lost Dungeons of NorrathPeerless Emerald of Poison Protection
Ebon Hero's Forge Leather Hands Ornament
Rain of FearDurus Faycite Shard: Confounding Flash
Ring of ScaleMilitant's Iksar Plate Hands Ornament
Prophecy of RoKotiz's Empowering Essence Found via this quest.
The Broken MirrorAugust Spitegem of Allure
The Darkened SeaDurus Faycite Shard: Serisaria's Chant of Poison
Lost Dungeons of NorrathShiny Turquoise Fragment of Intellect Dropped by a sand shaper.
Tempus Faycite Shard: Moment of Stillness
House of ThuleTempus Faycite Shard: Six-Step Pattern
Dragons of NorrathSacred Glove Symbol of Stillness
Chunk of Glowing Health Dropped by Blasphemous Steel.
Rain of FearSalus Faycite Shard: Graceful Remedy
Rain of FearThrumming Violet Shard Found via this quest.
The Darkened SeaTempus Faycite Shard: Eight Breaths
Gates of DiscordBloodstone of the Butcher
Salus Faycite Shard: Dragonscale Aquifer
Durus Faycite Shard: Zlexak's Chant of Disease
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Garugaru
Empires of KunarkMalevolent Teir`Dal Cloth Hands Ornament
Lost Dungeons of NorrathSparkling Ruby of Fortune
Irae Faycite Shard: Hotaria Swarm
The Broken MirrorRegal Sulstone of Courage
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Chromacleave
Rain of FearMedal of Honor Found via this quest.
Windblown Gemstone
Luclinite Ensanguined Ingenuity
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Dissolution
Dragons of NorrathRevered Glove Symbol of Below
Seeds of DestructionTempus Faycite Shard: Heartpierce
Rain of FearTempus Faycite Shard: Jolting Heel Kicks
Depths of DarkhollowCrystalline Webbing of Gracefulness Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineRune-Etched Granite Fragment Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineFrozen Diamond of Purification Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathIcy Bone Chip of the Elements
Lost Dungeons of NorrathSlime-Coated Shard of Hate Found via this quest.
Omens of WarDull Stone of Sorrow Dropped by Ukun Gutfeaster.
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Cortexfreeze
Gates of DiscordCharcoal Gem of Insight Dropped by Hexxt Warmonger.
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Bolt of Molten Magma
Lost Dungeons of NorrathMuddy Stone of Earthen Redemption Dropped by Overlord Flargor.
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Rain of Molten Steel
Lost Dungeons of NorrathGravestone Fragment of Battle Mastery
Salus Faycite Shard: Sincere Light
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Thricewoven Stormstrike
Dragons of NorrathInfused Battlestone
Secrets of FaydwerExalted Glove Symbol of Wildfire
Depths of DarkhollowDarter Stone Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathPolar Ice of Virtue
Irae Faycite Shard: Heartsunder
The Broken MirrorElegant Spitegem of Courage
Seeds of DestructionSalus Faycite Shard: Oceangreen Aquifer
Ring of ScaleSalus Faycite Shard: Eyrzekla's Recourse
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Brutal Axe Throw
Ondine Leather Hands Ornament Dropped by a hero`s satchel.
Jonas Dagmire's Ring Finger Proximal Phalanx Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Mind Spiral
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Cloudburst Thunderbolt
Depths of DarkhollowHivegrime Stone of Warding Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathImperfect Sapphire of Insight
OriginalWyn's Feir'Dal Cloth Hands Ornament
Secrets of FaydwerDurus Faycite Shard: Zeixshi-Kar's Chant of Frost
UnderfootMold-Covered Stone Dropped by Gomphus.
Rain of FearTempus Faycite Shard: Reflexive Rending
Depths of DarkhollowShiliskin Focusing Lens Dropped by Overseer Xygern.
Depths of DarkhollowBluespotter Spore Dropped by an infected slitherer.
Gates of DiscordCompressed Amber Dropped by Pixtt Souleater.
Irae Faycite Shard: Coagulated Wind
Rain of FearSalus Faycite Shard: Survival of the Fortuitous
Depths of DarkhollowHive Ooze Dropped by a Hive sentinel.
The Broken MirrorRegal Spitegem of Foresight
The Buried SeaShard of Dark Earth Dropped by Lutzan, the Magma Reaver.
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Lithara's and Glacial Cascade
Irae Faycite Shard: Tears of Night Fire
Ring of ScaleSalus Faycite Shard: Chorus of Xigam
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Winter's Wildfire
Dragons of NorrathGem of the Sky Spirit
Sylvan Cloth Hands Ornament Dropped by Hamed Grarr.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathEroded Soil of Tenacity
Veil of AlarisOld Eternal Grove Plate Hands Ornament Dropped by Warden Hanvar.
Old Beryl Hero's Forge Plate Hands Ornament
Rain of FearDurus Faycite Shard: Mesmerizing Stare
Corathus Shard of Healing
The Broken MirrorAugust Spitegem of Courage
House of ThuleTempus Faycite Shard: Heartsting
The Broken MirrorWither and Decay Leather Hands Ornament
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Spectral Assault
Serpents SpineEggshell Fragment Dropped by Quartermaster Ilzjinn.
Eclipsed Light Chain Hands Ornament Dropped by a lost treasure.
Omens of WarSapphire of Inner Reflection
Secrets of FaydwerShard of Phenomenal Power Dropped by a butcher.
Dragons of NorrathShard of the Spring Wind
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Crush of Povar
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Phase Spider Blood
Seeds of DestructionGlowing Dyadic Quartzite
Weltria's Erudite Cloth Hands Ornament
Bronzed Crystalline Oscillator Model III Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Muada's Vah Shir Leather Hands Ornament
Irae Faycite Shard: Blood of Shoru
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Heliacal Flare
Omens of WarBrilliant Kyanite of Pure Alacrity
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Frozen Carbomate
Seeds of DestructionMajor Bored Quartzite
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Spear of Blistersteel
Secrets of FaydwerExalted Glove Symbol of Judgment
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Chaos Incandescence
Dragons of NorrathWayfinder's Soapstone
The Darkened SeaAzurlight Stone
UnderfootTainted Chip of Hardened Clay Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathEnchanted Stone of Burning Rage Found via this quest.
Irae Faycite Shard: Odious Bargain
The Darkened SeaTempus Faycite Shard: Tormenting Shout
Lost Dungeons of NorrathHiw`Vec Rune
Seeds of DestructionMajor Corrupted Quartz
Veil of AlarisEffervescent Swamp Moss Dropped by a frenzied Tae Ew.
The Buried SeaJonas Dagmire's Forefinger Metacarpal Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Living Hive Stone
Jonas Dagmire's Skeletal Forefinger Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathIcy Orb of Frozen Time Found via this quest.
Viridian Hero's Forge Cloth Hands Ornament
Lost Dungeons of NorrathHiw`Xik Rune
Durus Faycite Shard: Bewildering Wave
Call of the ForsakenStone of Judgment Found via this quest.
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Pernicious Wounds
The Darkened SeaTempus Faycite Shard: Tendon Tear
Salus Faycite Shard: Meltwater Spring
Veil of AlarisTempus Faycite Shard: Kolain's Lively Crescendo
Ring of ScaleScale Touched Ingenuity
Salus Faycite Shard: Lunarush
UnderfootCosgrove Soloist Glove Seal of the Drummer
Veil of AlarisSalus Faycite Shard: Survival of the Prosperous
Glacial Frost Chain Hands Ornament Dropped by a chilly chest.
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Blood of Malthiasiss
Corrupted Crystal of Decay
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Frostrift Lance
Empires of KunarkTsaph Katta Leather Hands Ornament Dropped by Gorenaire.
Depths of DarkhollowShiliskin Reef Swimmer Fetish Found via this quest.
The Darkened SeaDurus Faycite Shard: Shear of Renewal
The Broken MirrorDeft Half-Ruby
Dragons of NorrathDeathfetch Greenstone
The Broken MirrorStalwart Spitegem of Allure
Lesser Corrupted Quartz
Gates of DiscordJarsath Gem of Anger
Omens of WarPrismatic Orchid Amethyst Dropped by an ironbound chest.
Omens of WarKyanite of Alacrity
Viridian Hero's Forge Chain Hands Ornament
Caleano's Gem of Heliacal Rising
Seeds of DestructionBrightly Pulsating Chronal Shear Found via this quest.
Gates of DiscordBloodgem of the Relentless
Seeds of DestructionIrae Faycite Shard: Soul Reaper's Pyre
Rain of FearOath of Marr Dropped by Sir Raint.
Depths of DarkhollowDuskstone of the Deserts Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Tempus Faycite Shard: Swift Punch
Dragons of NorrathSacred Glove Symbol of Wildfire
The Broken MirrorVim and Vigor Leather Hands Ornament Dropped by an intrepid thief.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathCracked Diamond of Chilling Protection
Omens of WarRadiant Kyanite of Pure Extension
Secret Dawn Ingenuity
Rain of FearTempus Faycite Shard: Reflexive Retort
OriginalWibble's Halfling Ringmail Hands Ornament
Jonas Dagmire's Forefinger Middle Phalanx Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Smoldering Darkness
Secret Dawn Intensity
Omens of WarBrilliant Kyanite of Minor Virility
Lost Dungeons of NorrathDull Sapphire of Insight
Irae Faycite Shard: Truthful Strike
Seeds of DestructionDurus Faycite Shard: Devout Elixir
OriginalWyn's Feir'Dal Plate Hands Ornament
Lost Dungeons of NorrathOoze-Covered Stone Found via this quest.
Bronzed Crystalline Oscillator Model V Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathRevered Glove Symbol of Storms
Durus Faycite Shard: Coagulus' Chant of Disease
Prophecy of RoGem of Sathir Found via this quest.
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Surreptitious Blight
OriginalMywyn's Feir'Dal Cloth Hands Ornament
Windstalker's Mankind Ringmail Hands Ornament
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Justice
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Spear of Molten Shieldstone
Omens of WarRadiant Kyanite of Minor Quickening
Serpents SpineShard of Growing Power Dropped by a temple guard.
Seeds of DestructionIrae Faycite Shard: Malarian Spear
Dragons of NorrathSparkling Ruby of Seamanship Found via this quest.
Tidal Force Chain Hands Ornament
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Ostracize
Tempus Faycite Shard: Rabbit Punch
Ring of ScaleSalus Faycite Shard: Eyrzekla's Mending
Tidal Force Leather Hands Ornament
The Darkened SeaSalus Faycite Shard: Desperate Dousing
Rain of FearIssis' Fang Dropped by Maid Issis.
The Broken MirrorResplendent Spitegem of Foresight
Irae Faycite Shard: Visziaj's Pallid Haze
Lost Dungeons of NorrathRadiant Prism of Perception
Irae Faycite Shard: Summer's Torrent
Omens of WarKyanite of Minor Dexterity
Rain of FearAncient Ssraeshzian Cloth Hand Ornament Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathDeep Vein Turquoise
Secrets of FaydwerSalus Faycite Shard: Revival of Aenro
Prophecy of RoGlowing Remnant of Creation Dropped by an imprisoned hero.
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Coruscating Shadow
Seeds of DestructionIrae Faycite Shard: Reprehend
Dragons of NorrathSparkling Ametrine Gemstone
Lost Dungeons of NorrathBloodied Ore of Vengeance
Tribute to the Fallen Dropped by Shoru.
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Summer's Cyclone Burn
Secrets of FaydwerIrae Faycite Shard: Denon's Dirge of Devastation
Veil of AlarisTempus Faycite Shard: Sixth Wind
Secrets of FaydwerExalted Glove Symbol of Devotion
Secrets of FaydwerIrae Faycite Shard: Touch of the Soulbleeder
Dragons of NorrathEminent Glove Symbol of Terror
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Censure
Omens of WarKyanite of Minor Sundering
Irae Faycite Shard: Rain of Kukris
Ring of ScaleConflagrant Savviness
Old Ebon Hero's Forge Leather Hands Ornament Dropped by a guard - Erillion, City of Bronze.
Omens of WarRadiant Kyanite of Efficiency
Durus Faycite Shard: Addle
Dragons of NorrathMark of the Focused Life Dropped by Stoneskin.
Muada's Vah Shir Cloth Hands Ornament
Veil of AlarisSalus Faycite Shard: Desperate Downpour
Gates of DiscordMurky Plated Mindstone Dropped by Pixtt Venomblade.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathFlawless Blue Jewel of Nimbleness Dropped by a Jeweled Guard hero.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathVelrek's Enchanted Prism Found via this quest.
Salus Faycite Shard: Reckless Resurgence
Tempus Faycite Shard: Tempest Blades
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Chaos Blaze
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Nature's Withering Wrath
Lost Dungeons of NorrathColorless Crystal of Prevention
Irae Faycite Shard: Pyre of the Abandoned
The Broken MirrorStalwart Sulstone of Swiftness
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Chaotic Inferno
Secrets of FaydwerExalted Glove Symbol of Hate
Secrets of FaydwerTear of Resistance Dropped by Nightwalker Assassin.
Omens of WarFrosted Gem of Ferocity Dropped by Gelidran Frostformer.
Velvet Frost
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Duplicitous Blight
Depths of DarkhollowGem of Feral Shielding Found via this quest.
Amethyst Infused Velium Jewel
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Ignite Synapses
Rain of FearDurus Faycite Shard: Reverent Cleansing
Gates of DiscordUnwieldy Irestone of Savagery Dropped by Pixtt Venomblade.
Dragons of NorrathWhite Malachite of the Brooding Mind
Lost Dungeons of NorrathShiny Yellow Sphere of Fortitude
Lost Dungeons of NorrathFlawed Yellow Sphere of Fortitude
Rain of FearTempus Faycite Shard: Relentless Servant
Irae Faycite Shard: Nefarious Blight
Ring of ScaleWolfkin's Northman Cloth Hands Ornament
Elisel's Gem of Virtue Dropped by a fading chest.
Resilient Cocoon Silk
House of ThuleDurus Faycite Shard: Soporific Stare
The Broken MirrorScholarly Amethyst Dropped by a bubonian commander.
Veil of AlarisTempus Faycite Shard: Kick in the Teeth
Depths of DarkhollowCracked Eye Stone Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathSacred Glove Symbol of the Warmonger
Irae Faycite Shard: Rime Pillar
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Searing Sands
Serpents SpineGaze of the Griffon Dropped by a violent harpy.
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Summer Sunflame
Salus Faycite Shard: Korah's Mending
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Mangling Axe Throw
Rain of FearDurus Faycite Shard: Slaunk's Chant of Poison
Irae Faycite Shard: Vampyric Endemic
Gates of DiscordRune of the Enforcer
Salus Faycite Shard: Lunalesce
Omens of WarWhisperfoot Charm Dropped by Fleshthreader Dashii.
Irae Faycite Shard: Firethorn's Burning Call
Tempus Faycite Shard: Ravening Servant
Depths of DarkhollowInset Thought Coral Dropped by a spiny cryptstealer.
Rain of FearDurus Faycite Shard: Reverent Elixir
Gates of DiscordSlayer's Gemstone
Gates of DiscordRuby of Steadfastness Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Irae Faycite Shard: Typhonic Roar
Tempus Faycite Shard: Zburator's Lively Crescendo
Rain of FearSalus Faycite Shard: Sorrow
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Binaesa Blood
Salus Faycite Shard: Kallis' Melioration
Scars of VeliousAncient Leather Gloves
Irae Faycite Shard: Slash
Empires of KunarkForgotten Gemstone Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathFlawed Turquoise Fragment of Intellect
Amber Infused Velium Jewel
Dragons of NorrathEminent Glove Symbol of the Brood
Gates of DiscordIngot of the Fallen
Irae Faycite Shard: Unmend the Unnatural
Tempus Faycite Shard: Disciplined Reflexes
Irae Faycite Shard: Crush of the Grotto
Simple Defiant Garnet Dropped by an evil eye.
Shadowed Stone of Showers
Seeds of DestructionNeskuisa's Augmentation Dropped by Researcher Neskuisa.
Gates of DiscordHigh Priest Riwirn's Rejuvenating Pebble Dropped by Tqiv Araxt the Enraged.
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Kaficus' Insult
Elegant Consigned Nightstone
Irae Faycite Shard: Dismantle the Unnatural
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Argendev's Venom
Secrets of FaydwerSalus Faycite Shard: Salve of Feldan
Ring of ScaleSalus Faycite Shard: Merciful Healing
The Darkened SeaDurus Faycite Shard: Deadening Wave
The Broken MirrorGlorious Spitegem of Stability
Old Ebon Hero's Forge Plate Hands Ornament Dropped by a palace guard.
Irae Faycite Shard: Cruor's Malady
Veil of AlarisTempus Faycite Shard: Barrage
The Broken MirrorElegant Spitegem of Allure
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Winter's Wildblaze Frostbite
Secrets of FaydwerIrae Faycite Shard: Searing Shadow
The Darkened SeaSalus Faycite Shard: Lunasoothe
Seeds of DestructionSalus Faycite Shard: Cadmael's Mending
Gates of DiscordDiscord Deathstone Dropped by Mastered Destroyer.
The Darkened SeaSalus Faycite Shard: Grief
Dragons of NorrathQuietmind Emerald
Alcyone's Gem of Heliacal Rising
Veil of AlarisSalus Faycite Shard: Faithful Remedy
Tempus Faycite Shard: Blinding Glint
Secrets of FaydwerIrae Faycite Shard: Annihilate the Aberrant
Lost Dungeons of NorrathSmooth Gemstone of Tranquility Dropped by Silverwing.
Dragons of NorrathRevered Glove Symbol of the Warmonger
Orcish Runeword
Serpents SpinePetrified Goblin Eye Dropped by a goblin slavedriver.
Ring of ScaleDraconic Harmony
Dragons of NorrathTurquoise Stone of Insight Found via this quest.
Draconic Lava Leather Hands Ornament Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathRefracted Dawn Amethyst
Omens of WarBrilliant Kyanite of Pure Healing
Omens of WarRadiant Kyanite of Extension
Secrets of FaydwerIrae Faycite Shard: Blood of the Blackwater
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Scorpikis Blood
Serpents SpineSpotted Lava Rock Dropped by a forest giant arbor.
Rain of FearFrigid Frostfell Cloth Hands Ornament Found via this quest.
Irae Faycite Shard: Crystal Crawler Venom
Lost Dungeons of NorrathGem of Whirling Auras Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowCrushbone Mana Trinket Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathExquisite Opal of Illness Warding
Seeds of DestructionIrae Faycite Shard: Beam of Molten Scoria
Irae Faycite Shard: Krizad's Affliction
Gates of DiscordHeart-Etched Discord Stone Dropped by Pixtt Ravager.
Serpents SpineArcane Actuator Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
The Broken MirrorElegant Sulstone of Stability
Lost Dungeons of NorrathPerfect Garnet of Constitution
Lost Dungeons of NorrathBastnasite Fragment of Might
Salus Faycite Shard: Lunacea
Gates of DiscordOnyx Shard of Enlightenment Found via this quest.
Ring of ScaleTempus Faycite Shard: Force of the Timorous Deep
Secrets of FaydwerSublime Glove Symbol of Hate
Dragons of NorrathRevered Glove Symbol of Compassion
Lost Dungeons of NorrathImmaculate Ruby of Fiery Warding Dropped by a wooden barrel.
Salus Faycite Shard: Desperate Geyser
Omens of WarKyanite of Extension
Lost Dungeons of NorrathRune of Souls Dropped by a rotting barrel.
Seeds of DestructionLesser Untempered Quartzite
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Nectar of Torment
Irae Faycite Shard: Infected Wounds
Secrets of FaydwerSublime Glove Symbol of the Skeptic
Old Viridian Hero's Forge Cloth Hands Ornament Dropped by a palace guard.
Irae Faycite Shard: Uncia's Pallid Haze
Luclinite Ensanguined Savviness
Lost Dungeons of NorrathMagnetite Prism of Stoutness
Tempus Faycite Shard: Armor of Relentless Runes
Irae Faycite Shard: Supplication of Blood
Flamesealed Gemstone
Lost Dungeons of NorrathGreen Shard of Might
Gates of DiscordPrimal Eye Dropped by Primal Arachnid.
UnderfootJewel of the Flame Alchemist Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathPeerless Ruby of Fiery Warding
Gates of DiscordMark of Slaughter
Serpents SpineWarpower Stone Dropped by Royal Guard Captain Helgar.
Rain of FearSalus Faycite Shard: Reverent Touch
Irae Faycite Shard: Bond of Vulak
House of ThuleSoloist Dream Glove Seal of the Drummer
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Castigation
Ring of ScaleDraconic Celerity Dropped by a wulthan priest.
Serpents SpineNightmoon Stone Found via this quest.
Irae Faycite Shard: Upbraid
Lost Dungeons of NorrathObsidian Fragment of Durability
Irae Faycite Shard: Chromatic Stab
Bloodforged Plate Hands Ornament Dropped by Kaevon Maelora.
Tempus Faycite Shard: Punch to the Gut
Irae Faycite Shard: Ice Barrage
Seeds of DestructionIrae Faycite Shard: Ribbon Lightning
Gates of DiscordGlobe of the Executioner
Empires of KunarkSebilisian Prudence Dropped by Deathgazer.
Irae Faycite Shard: Tears of Aaryonar
Seeds of DestructionIrae Faycite Shard: Plague of the Karanas
Dragons of NorrathBlessed Glove Symbol of Terror
The Broken MirrorGlorious Spitegem of Courage
Dragons of NorrathLesser Mind Schism Stone
Irae Faycite Shard: Lure of Winter Memories
Irae Faycite Shard: Chaotic Pyroclasm
Seeds of DestructionPyramid Capstone Shard Dropped by a venomous snake.
Seeds of DestructionMinor Bored Quartzite
OriginalWintershade's Dwarven Chain Hands Ornament
Veil of AlarisTempus Faycite Shard: Decry Death
Veil of AlarisDurus Faycite Shard: Provocation for Honor
Scars of VeliousUnadorned Leather Gloves
Lost Dungeons of NorrathCrypt Stone of Mind Enhancement
Prophecy of RoFiery Kromzek Insignia Found via this quest.
Veil of AlarisTempus Faycite Shard: Barbed Tongue Discipline
Rain of FearDurus Faycite Shard: Talisman of the Snow Leopard
Empires of KunarkEmblem of Vigor
Lost Dungeons of NorrathIcy Shard of Illness Protection
Salus Faycite Shard: Thornhost's Mending
House of ThuleDurus Faycite Shard: Mystifying Flash
Dragons of NorrathEminent Glove Symbol of Devotion
Lost Dungeons of NorrathCold Slimestone of Fury
Empires of KunarkEmblem of Tsaph Katta's Wisdom Dropped by Kergag, the Mountain.
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Winter's Sear Frostbite
Old Beryl Hero's Forge Chain Hands Ornament
Depths of DarkhollowHivegrime Stone of Faith Found via this quest.
Irae Faycite Shard: Coldburst
Seeds of DestructionIrae Faycite Shard: Horde of the Hive
Tempus Faycite Shard: Night's Calming
Marnek's Mankind Ringmail Hands Ornament
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Claw of Travenro
Serpents SpinePulsing Emerald of Life Dropped by Gatewatch Urgwit.
Tempus Faycite Shard: Chelicerae Discipline
Rain of FearAncient Ssraeshzian Plate Hand Ornament Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineBlackfeather Stone of Sufficiency Dropped by a griffon enforcer.
Ring of ScaleConflagrant Ingenuity
Restless Ice Chain Hands Ornament Dropped by Margidor.
Empires of KunarkPraetor Denik Plate Hands Ornament
Irae Faycite Shard: Vindicating Axe Throw
Old Viridian Hero's Forge Leather Hands Ornament
Irae Faycite Shard: Luclin's Burning Call
Muada's Vah Shir Chain Hands Ornament
House of ThuleHeroic Flame Alchemist's Jewel
Veil of AlarisSalus Faycite Shard: Zealous Light
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Hemocoraxius' Endemic
Call of the ForsakenDark Elf Chain Hands Ornament
Durus Faycite Shard: Shak Dathor's Chant of Flame
Irae Faycite Shard: Brilliant Denouncement
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Slice
The Broken MirrorTipsy Gnomework Plate Hands Ornament Found via this quest.
Rain of FearAncient Ssraeshzian Leather Hand Ornament Found via this quest.
Ring of ScaleMilitant's Iksar Leather Hands Ornament
Irae Faycite Shard: Winter's Blaze
Dragons of NorrathBroken Volcanic Shard Dropped by Smoketail.
Gates of DiscordJagged Stone of Hatred Dropped by Blistering Larva.
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Toxic Blade Strike
Irae Faycite Shard: Fickle Pyroclasm
Serpents SpineStone of Departed Spirits
Durus Faycite Shard: Flummox
Lazam's Tune Dropped by Underboss Lazam.
Seeds of DestructionBlue Dragon Scale
Irae Faycite Shard: Revelation
Irae Faycite Shard: Hemorrhagic Venom
Irae Faycite Shard: Reaping Inferno
Savvy Stone of Perpetual Reverie
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Summer Prominence
Irae Faycite Shard: Carve
The Buried SeaJonas Dagmire's Lunate Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
House of ThuleTempus Faycite Shard: Rush
Dragons of NorrathHealer's Greenstone
Festive Frostfell Leather Hands Ornament
Rain of FearTempus Faycite Shard: Ridicule
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Chaos Char
Lost Dungeons of NorrathAncient Teal Crystal of Enticement Dropped by an ancient chest.
The Broken MirrorExtravagant Sulstone of Courage
The Darkened SeaTempus Faycite Shard: Temple Demolish
Irae Faycite Shard: Marlek's Curse
Secrets of FaydwerIrae Faycite Shard: Pocus
Serpents SpineAsh of the Fallen Dropped by Pyre Lord Narseekin.
Ring of ScaleTempus Faycite Shard: Armor of Tenacious Runes
Seeds of DestructionIrae Faycite Shard: Bite of the Ukun
The Broken MirrorAugust Spitegem of Deftness
Veil of AlarisTears of the Rathe Dropped by a Rallosian provost.
Depths of DarkhollowCrushbone Mana Talisman Found via this quest.
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Rime Cascade
Salus Faycite Shard: Korah's Mending
Tempus Faycite Shard: Distressing Shout
Seeds of DestructionTempus Faycite Shard: Whorl of Fists
The Broken MirrorExtravagant Spitegem of Swiftness
Rain of FearSoloist Planar Glove Seal of the Drummer
Seeds of DestructionMajor Contuse Quartzite
Irae Faycite Shard: Extirpate the Undead
Depths of DarkhollowIllsalin Templar Medal Found via this quest.
Omens of WarRadiant Kyanite of Haste
House of ThuleSalus Faycite Shard: Earnest Remedy
Irae Faycite Shard: Bolt of Molten Komatiite
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Heliacal Pyre
Tempus Faycite Shard: Axe of Orrak
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Repugnant Bargain
Dragons of NorrathCrystallized Voice
UnderfootEchoing Shriek Found via this quest.
Irae Faycite Shard: Denon's Dirge of Discord
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Ice Squall
Tempus Faycite Shard: Riotous Servant
Dragons of NorrathRevered Glove Symbol of the Brood
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Mortification
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Elegy
Lost Dungeons of NorrathAncient Yellow Sphere of Fortitude Dropped by a blistering glob of flesh.
Depths of DarkhollowHealthy Cocoon Silk Dropped by Wicyl, the Watcher.
Irae Faycite Shard: Polar Roar
Tempus Faycite Shard: Barrage of Claws
Ring of ScaleDurus Faycite Shard: Transfixing Stare
Prophecy of RoShard of a Petrified Dragon Eye Found via this quest.
Omens of WarBrilliant Kyanite of Extension
Salus Faycite Shard: Sincere Remedy
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Putrefying Darkness
Secrets of FaydwerSalus Faycite Shard: Adrenaline Swell
Omens of WarKyanite of Virility
Rain of FearTempus Faycite Shard: Eye of the Storm
Tempus Faycite Shard: Restless Frenzy
The Broken MirrorStalwart Spitegem of Swiftness
Call of the ForsakenFaceted Gem of the Sun Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathGuardian Underfoot Gem
Irae Faycite Shard: Miasma
Durus Faycite Shard: Mind Oscillate
Lost Dungeons of NorrathCrushed Frozen Shard of Brilliance
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Glorious Exculpation
Serpents SpineCorrupted Blue Diamond Amulet Dropped by A vind geistlig.
Tempus Faycite Shard: Defy Death
Secrets of FaydwerMechanical Dragon Heart Dropped by Gearlord Memorantis.
Veil of AlarisTempus Faycite Shard: Sixth Wind
Irae Faycite Shard: Abhorrent Bargain
Seeds of DestructionLesser Corrupted Quartzite
Luclinite Mendicant
Dragons of NorrathAncient Mist Root Stone
The Broken MirrorWither and Decay Plate Hands Ornament
Velium Threaded Celerity
The Broken MirrorExtravagant Spitegem of Courage
Ring of ScaleWolfkin's Northman Scalemail Hands Ornament
Durus Faycite Shard: Kindleheart's Chant of Flame
The Broken MirrorRaw Deathseeker's Gloves Dropped by Triad`s Chest.
Rain of FearTempus Faycite Shard: Swift Reflexes
The Broken MirrorTipsy Gnomework Chain Hands Ornament Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowRoyal Jewel of Protection Found via this quest.
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Eradicate the Undead
Gates of DiscordRune of Slaughter
Irae Faycite Shard: Proclamation for Blood
The Broken MirrorAugust Spitegem of Scholarship
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Arcane Assault
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Shock of Darksteel
Prophecy of RoEtched Sapphire of the Infiltrator Found via this quest.
Irae Faycite Shard: Plague of Fleshrot
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Frostbite Roar
Tempus Faycite Shard: Rescind Death
Irae Faycite Shard: Vicious Whirl
Irae Faycite Shard: Rain of Scimitars
Lost Dungeons of NorrathReflection Shard of Kel`Novar Found via this quest.
Call of the ForsakenHarell's Dark Flame Dropped by Guardian Harell.
OriginalMillin's Halfling Leather Hands Ornament
Ring of ScaleSalus Faycite Shard: Merciful Remedy
The Broken MirrorVim and Vigor Cloth Hands Ornament Dropped by an honored citizen.
Serpents SpineStone of Dragon Scales Dropped by Laila the Forgotten.
Secrets of FaydwerExalted Glove Symbol of Below
Depths of DarkhollowDrachnid Heart Dropped by a drachnid construct.
Secrets of FaydwerPrismatic Essence Dropped by a prismatic overlord.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathDusty Ruby Shard of Prowess
Dragons of NorrathThrice-Warded Obsidian
Dragons of NorrathDisc of the Dragon Kind Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Omens of WarRadiant Kyanite of Aggression
Tempus Faycite Shard: Sneer
Rain of FearTempus Faycite Shard: Cascading Boneshield
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Malthiasiss's Bite
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Suffocation
Omens of WarKyanite of Minor Aggression
Ring of ScaleDraconic Ingenuity
Sylvan Leather Hands Ornament Dropped by Familiar Venomtail.
Irae Faycite Shard: Darkice Pillar
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Provoking Shot
Irae Faycite Shard: Unrelenting Hail
Ring of ScaleSalus Faycite Shard: Burst of Morninglight
UnderfootEye of the Spitting Firebug Found via this quest.
Ebon Hero's Forge Plate Hands Ornament
Ring of ScaleTempus Faycite Shard: Mangling Volley
Eternal Grove Cloth Hands Ornament Dropped by Ashenback.
Omens of WarKyanite of Pure Healing
Pleione's Gem of Heliacal Rising
Serpents SpineEverlasting Forge Coal Found via this quest.
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Lightning Swarm
Seeds of DestructionGlowing Dyadic Quartz
Serpents SpineRuby of Screaming Facets Dropped by an advance scout.
Secrets of FaydwerStatic Etched Core Dropped by Commander Shockmore.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathUnala's Jewel of Life Found via this quest.
Secrets of FaydwerDesiccated Tongue Dropped by Shadowhunter.
Serpents SpineLost Essence of the Elddar Dropped by a tallonrake griffon.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathTranslucent Ore of Courage
Dragons of NorrathTrapped Froglok Soul
Ring of ScaleMcDaniel's Northman Scalemail Hands Ornament
Call of the ForsakenRelic of Foresight Dropped by Brodhas.
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Frozen Wind
Irae Faycite Shard: Goremand's Decay
Tempus Faycite Shard: Twilight Shout
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Reef Crawler Blood
Empires of KunarkPraetor Denik Leather Hands Ornament
Omens of WarBrilliant Kyanite of Efficiency
Veil of AlarisTempus Faycite Shard: Eradicator's Discipline
Draconic Lava Plate Hands Ornament Found via this quest.
Mandaril's Erudite Chain Hands Ornament
Irae Faycite Shard: Torrid Sands
Seeds of DestructionSalus Faycite Shard: Granvida
Spite-Fused Drachnid Eggs
Empires of KunarkSebilisian Harmony
Lost Dungeons of NorrathRadiant Garnet of Constitution
Omens of WarFragment of Fossilized Marrow Dropped by Bone Cracker.
Prophecy of RoRuned Petrified Dragon Eye Found via this quest.
Norrathian Stone of Sure Flight Dropped by Diabo Tatrua - ToL.
Empires of KunarkPraetor Denik Chain Hands Ornament
Depths of DarkhollowMind of the Third Vampire Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Tempus Faycite Shard: Force of the Umbra
Omens of WarRadiant Kyanite of Pure Efficiency
Irae Faycite Shard: Beam of Molten Olivine
Omens of WarBrilliant Kyanite of Minor Celerity
Omens of WarRadiant Kyanite of Pure Battle
Seeds of DestructionMajor Dyadic Quartzite
Seeds of DestructionLesser Dyadic Quartz
The Buried SeaPolished Phosphite Jewel
Irae Faycite Shard: Akhevan Blood
Perfectly Balanced Pocketknife Dropped by Mace.
Dragons of NorrathBlessed Glove Symbol of Hate
Seeds of DestructionDurus Faycite Shard: Devout Cleansing
Ruby Infused Velium Jewel
Lost Dungeons of NorrathPeerless Gem of Deftness
Depths of DarkhollowCrystalline Webbing of Growth Found via this quest.
Omens of WarBrilliant Kyanite of Pure Extension
Scars of VeliousCorroded Chain Gauntlets Dropped by a guardian of Zek.
Bronzed Crystalline Oscillator Model IX Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Chaos Burn
Lost Dungeons of NorrathGleaming Sandstone of Deflection
Irae Faycite Shard: Ethereal Brand
Rekindled Ember Dropped by a fading chest.
Dragons of NorrathRevered Glove Symbol of Infestation
Lost Dungeons of NorrathFlawed Sapphire Sphere of War
Veil of AlarisOld Insidious Chain Hands Ornament
Irae Faycite Shard: Summer's Sleet
The Broken MirrorGlorious Sulstone of Deftness
Serpents SpineTreat Frost Found via this quest.
Irae Faycite Shard: Chromaclap
Depths of DarkhollowCrystalline Webbing of Warding Found via this quest.
The Broken MirrorElegant Spitegem of Deftness
The Broken MirrorResplendent Sulstone of Scholarship
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Coruscate Bones
The Buried SeaPolished Fire Coral Dropped by Rockcrusher.
Omens of WarBluestitch Stone Dropped by Kyv Hunter Lheun.
Seeds of DestructionRune of the Oasis Dropped by an efreeti lord.
Irae Faycite Shard: Heliacal Conflagration
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Clash of Many
Dragons of NorrathVolcanic Bloodstone
Tempus Faycite Shard: Exotoxin Discipline
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Grip of Zargo
Gates of DiscordGlyphed Sandstone of Idealism Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathCold Quartz of Resilience
Rain of FearSalus Faycite Shard: Huaene's Melioration
Bronzed Crystalline Oscillator Model XII Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Pyre of Marnek
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Pyre of Jorobb
Prophecy of RoBauble of the Priesthood Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineRuby of Destructive Runes Dropped by Whitewater.
Scars of VeliousUnadorned Plate Gauntlets
The Buried SeaRight Eye of Ateleka Dropped by Rockstorm.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathEnchanted Jewel of Shielding Found via this quest.
OriginalMort's Dwarven Leather Hands Ornament
Dragons of NorrathBlessed Glove Symbol of the Warmonger
Veil of AlarisTempus Faycite Shard: Sixth Wind
Irae Faycite Shard: Ravaging Sands
Seeds of DestructionGlowing Contuse Quartzite
Gates of DiscordStrange Glowing Stone Dropped by Cryxtetl.
Gates of DiscordSapphire of Anger
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Shock of Arcronite Steel
Ring of ScaleTempus Faycite Shard: Axe of Rekatok
Irae Faycite Shard: Claw of the Void
Lost Dungeons of NorrathCracked Turquoise Fragment of Intellect
Gates of DiscordDisc of Slaughter
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Hack
Shard of Snarlwood
Seeds of DestructionBrilliantly Pulsating Chronal Shear Found via this quest.
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Visoracius's Maelstrom
Omens of WarStone of Planar Protection Dropped by Damlin Lingering Charge.
Secrets of FaydwerSublime Glove Symbol of the Farceur
Gates of DiscordIrestone of Might Dropped by Pxet Elite Blademaster.
UnderfootShard of Pain Found via this quest.
Gates of DiscordEbony Ore of Revenge Dropped by Hexxt Gkon.
Scars of VeliousEroded Leather Gloves
Mortal Celestial Incisive Spark Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Nature's Incenerating Wrath
Old Bloodforged Cloth Hands Ornament Dropped by Tidalmage Narens.
Gates of DiscordCracked Sandstone of Fortitude Dropped by a clay monolith.
Prophecy of RoKotiz's Essence of Demise Found via this quest.
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Chromareave
Omens of WarChipped Ruby of Binding Dropped by Builder Gorb.
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Falhotep's Rain of Venom
Lost Dungeons of NorrathShiny Blue Jewel of Nimbleness
Seascoured Fragment
Veil of AlarisTempus Faycite Shard: Gouging Blade
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Nature's Blistering Wrath
Depths of DarkhollowDrachnid Skull Dropped by a drachnid fanatic.
Veil of AlarisTempus Faycite Shard: Ruthless Servant
Ebon Hero's Forge Chain Hands Ornament
Secrets of FaydwerAuthentic Treasure Map Dropped by a cliknar scout.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathBloodied Gravestone Fragment Found via this quest.
Weltria's Erudite Ringmail Hands Ornament
Dragons of NorrathSacred Glove Symbol of Growth
Lost Dungeons of NorrathFlawless Turquoise Fragment of Intellect Dropped by a bubbling clod of flesh.
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Travenro's Insult
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Flashfrost
Serpents SpineCorrupted Ruby Amulet Dropped by Count Morin.
Irae Faycite Shard: Va Xakra's Maelstrom
Lost Dungeons of NorrathImperfect Sapphire of Insight
Phantasmal Luclinite Stone of Harmony
House of ThuleRallosian Power Gem Dropped by a Rallosian champion.
Glowing Stone of Regeneration
Salus Faycite Shard: Propitiation
Seeds of DestructionMinor Corrupted Quartzite
Lost Dungeons of NorrathImperfect Ruby of Fiery Warding
Lost Dungeons of NorrathBloodbond Stone Found via this quest.
Mortal Corporeal Incisive Zephyr Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Blackburrow Opal Dropped by Djerr Darkpaw.
Irae Faycite Shard: Plague of the Fleawalker
Dragons of NorrathWhite Malachite of the Brooding Mind
Rain of FearTempus Faycite Shard: Brutal Volley
Omens of WarKyanite of Pure Quickening
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Burning Sands
Earthground Shard
Serpents SpineSinged Orb of the Hive Dropped by a finicky flower.
Mortal Corporeal Equilibrium Zephyr Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathPerfect Sapphire of Insight
Insidious Chain Hands Ornament
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Summer Suncrest
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Remonstrance
The Darkened SeaTempus Faycite Shard: Tempest of Claws
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Kromrif Lance
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Stifle
Dragons of NorrathRitual Nexus Opal
Lost Dungeons of NorrathMiragul's Enchanted Focusing Shard Found via this quest.
Prophecy of RoSpirited Stone of Life and Power Found via this quest.
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Fickle Conflagration
OriginalWyn's Feir'Dal Ringmail Hands Ornament
Seeds of DestructionSliver of Korascian Dropped by a Rallosian champion.
Rain of FearDurus Faycite Shard: Mind Squall
Depths of DarkhollowRagepaw Swiftness Charm Found via this quest.
Secrets of FaydwerConflicted Stone of Chaos Found via this quest.
Omens of WarBrilliant Kyanite of Quickening
Irae Faycite Shard: Cruor's Bite
Omens of WarPolished Stone of Renewal Dropped by Dragorn Firekeeper.
House of ThuleDurus Faycite Shard: Sotor's Chant of Flame
Serpents SpinePetrified Bloodgill Eye Dropped by an explorer.
Dragons of NorrathPreserved Citrine Spell Stone
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Erogo's Curse
Lost Dungeons of NorrathAncient Green Shard of Might Dropped by a Frostfoot scamp.
Frozen Gnome Eye Dropped by a shrouded bat - rare.
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Vileoak Ash
Old Auburn Hero's Forge Leather Hands Ornament Dropped by a gargoyle.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathLich's Shard of Vitality Found via this quest.
Omens of WarKyanite Dropped by a dragorn vanquisher.
Wanderer's Ayr`Dal Cloth Hands Ornament
Prophecy of RoEmerald of Savage Fury Dropped by Restrained Cereton.
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Winter's Pyre
Radiant Sapphire of Insight
The Darkened SeaDurus Faycite Shard: Growl of the Leopard
House of ThuleSalus Faycite Shard: Earnest Touch
Dragons of NorrathWarded Rose Stone
Irae Faycite Shard: Rolling Lightning
Gates of DiscordStone of Dark Health Dropped by Pixtt Ttinq Val.
Veil of AlarisGreen Crystallized Essence Dropped by Templar Razkin.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathThosan's Geomantic Compact Jewel Found via this quest.
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Suppurating Darkness
Omens of WarCipher of Veeshan Found via this quest.
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Vicious Spiral
Salus Faycite Shard: Word of Greater Rejuvenation
Lost Dungeons of NorrathRadiant Ore of Dark Healing
Omens of WarRadiant Kyanite of Pure Quickening
Old Auburn Hero's Forge Chain Hands Ornament Dropped by Larq the Butcher.
Muada's Vah Shir Plate Hands Ornament
Irae Faycite Shard: Heavy Sleet
The Broken MirrorElegant Sulstone of Deftness
Gates of DiscordDiamond of Paroxysm
Gates of DiscordRuby of Slaughter
Depths of DarkhollowCrushbone Spirit Charm Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineUndershore Fungus Dropped by a witheran gnasher.
Dragons of NorrathStillmind Emerald
Gates of DiscordFine Shimmering Onyx Dropped by a fervid revenant.
Dragons of NorrathGlittering Ametrine Gemstone
Serpents SpineLuminous Wisp Trinket Dropped by a rotwood treant.
House of ThuleDurus Faycite Shard: Talisman of the Tiger
Secrets of FaydwerEye of Raknos Dropped by Raknos the Fang.
Tempus Faycite Shard: Bamboozle
Serpents SpineBarbed Dragon Bones Dropped by Core Flame.
Noble Leather Hands Ornament
OriginalWibble's Halfling Scalemail Hands Ornament
Irae Faycite Shard: Sermon of the Decree
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Glorious Expurgation
Seeds of DestructionTempus Faycite Shard: Fourth Wind
Lost Dungeons of NorrathFlowkeeper's Shard of Knowledge Found via this quest.
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Bite of the Grendlaen
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Brainfreeze Strike
OriginalWintershade's Dwarven Scalemail Hands Ornament
Irae Faycite Shard: Bolt of Molten Dross
Lost Dungeons of NorrathTurquoise Fragment of Intellect
Secrets of FaydwerRaknos' Lost Fang Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowHivegrime Stone of Health Found via this quest.
Veil of AlarisTempus Faycite Shard: Scorn
Salus Faycite Shard: Vivavida
Serpents SpineRuby of Wards Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathHeated Shard of Protection
Irae Faycite Shard: Cremate Bones
Velium Infused Resilience
Secrets of FaydwerKerafyrm's Blessed Essence Dropped by a prismatic overlord.
Irae Faycite Shard: Endaroky's Chill
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Grip of Kraz
The Broken MirrorResplendent Spitegem of Courage
Lost Dungeons of NorrathDull Garnet of Constitution
Serpents SpineBrawler's Last Grasp
Seeds of DestructionLump of Frost
Secrets of FaydwerExalted Glove Symbol of the Depths
Gates of DiscordGolden Stone of War
Gates of DiscordGem of Bolstered Power Found via this quest.
The Darkened SeaMedal of the Commander Found via this quest.
Bronzed Crystalline Oscillator Model VIII Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Gargoyle Sharpening Stone
Black Iron Spring Dropped by Tatters.
Flawed Consigned Amberstone
Bronzed Crystalline Oscillator Model XI Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowDuskstone of the Sand Flats Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathImperfect Pearl of Magical Warding
Call of the ForsakenDeathswell Crystal
Lost Dungeons of NorrathBloodied Gravestone of Cunning
Golden Hero Leather Hands Ornament
Secrets of FaydwerTempus Faycite Shard: Third Wind
Gates of DiscordHollow Stone of Wind Dropped by Mastered Destroyer.
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Bonecrawler Swarm
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Dunkelnacht Orb
Empires of KunarkMeanderer's Ayr`Dal Cloth Hands Ornament
Sapphire Infused Velium Jewel
Lost Dungeons of NorrathIcy Diamond of Assault
Gargoyle Skin Shard
Ebon Hero's Forge Cloth Hands Ornament
The Broken MirrorDeft Azure Cabochon Dropped by a devout adherent.
Tempus Faycite Shard: Desperate Frenzy
Durus Faycite Shard: Malvus's Chant of Poison
Empires of KunarkSebilisian Resilience Dropped by Blood of Droga.
The Darkened SeaDurus Faycite Shard: Mind Storm
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Nature's Fiery Wrath
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Roar of Kolos
Bronzed Crystalline Oscillator Model VI Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Windborne Chill
Seeds of DestructionIrae Faycite Shard: Beetle Swarm
The Darkened SeaDurus Faycite Shard: Ardent Elixir
Secrets of FaydwerBlood-Tinged Sliver Dropped by Minotaur Pit Boss.
Veil of AlarisOld Insidious Leather Hands Ornament
Welaar's Vah Shir Leather Hands Ornament
Gates of DiscordRed Mark of the Executioner
Seeds of DestructionKraszen's Azure Eye Dropped by Blademaster Kraszen.
The Darkened SeaTempus Faycite Shard: Ward of Surety
Seeds of DestructionIrae Faycite Shard: Splart
Welaar's Vah Shir Cloth Hands Ornament
Veil of AlarisDahlena's Pommel Gem Found via this quest.
Omens of WarAbhorrent Brimstone of Charring Dropped by Damlin Lingering Charge.
Seeds of DestructionSalus Faycite Shard: Devout Remedy
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Horde of Polybiads
Irae Faycite Shard: Pyre of the Wretched
The Broken MirrorExtravagant Sulstone of Foresight
The Broken MirrorRegal Sulstone of Resilience
Serpents SpineElectrified Bauble of Rigor Found via this quest.
Irae Faycite Shard: Heartbreak
Irae Faycite Shard: Sunshock
Lost Dungeons of NorrathPristine White Sapphire of Sense
Lost Dungeons of NorrathFlawed Ruby Shard of Victory
Seeds of DestructionIrae Faycite Shard: Chromassail
Lost Dungeons of NorrathEnchanted Stone of Research Found via this quest.
Eclipsed Light Plate Hands Ornament Dropped by a lost treasure.
The Broken MirrorRummager's Bauble Dropped by Akkapan Adan.
Omens of WarBrilliant Kyanite of Minor Dexterity
Lost Dungeons of NorrathBrittle Slate of Keenness
Depths of DarkhollowHivegrime Stone of Stamina Found via this quest.
Gates of DiscordGreen Stone of Efficaciousness Dropped by Diseased Larva.
Secrets of FaydwerExalted Glove Symbol of the Farceur
The Darkened SeaTempus Faycite Shard: Surprise Attack
Eternal Grove Leather Hands Ornament Dropped by Construct of Pain.
OriginalMillin's Halfling Plate Hands Ornament
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Lacerate
Serpents SpineShard of Minor Power Dropped by A Mind Leech.
The Broken MirrorGlorious Sulstone of Scholarship
Irae Faycite Shard: Injunction
Serpents SpinePolished Anthracite Dropped by a goblin aggressor.
Gates of DiscordWorry Stone of Silence Dropped by Rav Ptvin.
House of ThuleTempus Faycite Shard: Soothing Harvest
House of ThuleDurus Faycite Shard: Confrontation for Power
Depths of DarkhollowChronal Seal of Favorable Celerity
House of ThuleTempus Faycite Shard: Scoff
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Crush of the Darkened Sea
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Annihilate the Divergent
Lost Dungeons of NorrathBroken Limestone of Focus
Gates of DiscordBlazing Opal of Rekindling Dropped by Pixtt Venomblade.
Irae Faycite Shard: Rimeclaw's Maelstrom
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Abrogate the Undead
Irae Faycite Shard: Restless Blood
The Darkened SeaTempus Faycite Shard: Stormwild Frenzy
Seeds of DestructionOrb of Delvers' Overzeal Dropped by a Rallosian champion.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathPeerless Diamond of Chilling Protection
Lost Dungeons of NorrathGleaming Ore of Dark Healing
House of ThuleTempus Faycite Shard: Instruction in Toxicity
Elegant Defiant Nightstone Dropped by a Drangol sifter.
Glowing Emerald Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowHivegrime Stone of Musing Found via this quest.
Irae Faycite Shard: Extinction
Durus Faycite Shard: Parlay for Honor
Lost Dungeons of NorrathDull Teal Crystal of Enticement
Acrylian Plate Hands Ornament Dropped by a solid chest.
Old Sylvan Leather Hands Ornament Dropped by Beast Caller Plakt.
Depths of DarkhollowHivegrime Stone of Deflecting Found via this quest.
Durus Faycite Shard: Avowed Cleansing
Veil of AlarisThe Sum of Skal`s Nightmares Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineSnakeskin Gem Dropped by A Shissar Arch Warlock.
Dragons of NorrathCitrine Spell Stone
Jade Infused Velium Jewel
Irae Faycite Shard: Chromassault
Omens of WarRune of Futile Resolutions Dropped by Damlin Lingering Charge.
Depths of DarkhollowShadowmane Swiftness Charm Found via this quest.
The Broken MirrorEmbalmer's Catalyst Dropped by The Curator.
Irae Faycite Shard: Asphyxiating Grasp
Gates of DiscordHeart of the Beast Dropped by Primal Arachnid.
Irae Faycite Shard: Horde of Duskwigs
Dragons of NorrathGem of Poisoned Barbs
Tempus Faycite Shard: Infuriate
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Summer's Gale
Serpents SpineDryad Focusing Bauble Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowScratched Eye Stone Found via this quest.
Moongem of the Faithful
Omens of WarBrilliant Kyanite of Ferocity
Irae Faycite Shard: Shockwave of Many
Serpents SpineHoneystone of Buzzitude Found via this quest.
Veil of AlarisSalus Faycite Shard: Word of Rehabilitation
The Broken MirrorRegal Spitegem of Stability
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Mind Tempest
Mortal Celestial Shrewd Spark Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
The Broken MirrorAlluring Peridot Dropped by a leprous heretic.
Salus Faycite Shard: Chorus of Shei Vinitras
House of ThuleSalus Faycite Shard: Joyous Light
The Broken MirrorTipsy Gnomework Leather Hands Ornament Found via this quest.
Durus Faycite Shard: Growl of Yasil
Lost Dungeons of NorrathEnchanted Orb of Defense Found via this quest.
Irae Faycite Shard: Chromashock
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Synapsefreeze
Irae Faycite Shard: Vitriolic Blight
Irae Faycite Shard: Summer Sunpyre
The Buried SeaRough Crystalline Fragment
Lost Dungeons of NorrathFractured Garnet of Constitution
Irae Faycite Shard: Chaotic Magma
Irae Faycite Shard: Laarthik's Bite
Dragons of NorrathBlessed Glove Symbol of Judgment
House of ThuleTempus Faycite Shard: Temple Chop
Ring of ScaleWolfkin's Northman Ringmail Hands Ornament
Rain of FearTempus Faycite Shard: Umbral Auspice
Dragons of NorrathSacred Glove Symbol of the Skeptic
Dragons of NorrathBurnished Moonstone
Irae Faycite Shard: Caustic Blood
Dragons of NorrathFar Sight Scout's Stone
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Serisaria's Spear of Venom
Dragons of NorrathJewel of the Enlightened Body Dropped by Jadewing.
Irae Faycite Shard: Mindrift
Dragons of NorrathGem of the Thundering Brass
Serpents SpineSignet of the Witch Hunter Found via this quest.
Rain of FearSalus Faycite Shard: Fraught Renewal
Stone of Horrid Transformation
Veil of AlarisDurus Faycite Shard: Hiqork's Chant of Poison
Lost Dungeons of NorrathRobust Blue-Flecked Quartz Shard
UnderfootAlgid Ice Cube Found via this quest.
Veil of AlarisSalus Faycite Shard: Burst of Splendor
Veil of AlarisOld Eternal Grove Leather Hands Ornament
Depths of DarkhollowCrystalline Webbing of Avoidance Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineFlawless Natimbi Pearl Dropped by a hynid fleshripper.
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Silbar's Endemic
Lost Dungeons of NorrathFlowkeeper's Shard of Vitality Found via this quest.
Shadowed Stone of Knowledge
Tempus Faycite Shard: Contemplative Harvest
Empires of KunarkLcea Katta Cloth Hands Ornament Dropped by The Possessed.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathCorroded Crypt Stone of Protection
The Broken MirrorResplendent Sulstone of Allure
Omens of WarBrilliant Kyanite of Healing
Secrets of FaydwerSalus Faycite Shard: Solemn Light
Salus Faycite Shard: Salve of Homer
Serpents SpineCreepy Bone Chips Dropped by a mindspore thrall.
Gates of DiscordDusty Mudstone of Life Found via this quest.
Durus Faycite Shard: Hallowed Elixir
Lost Dungeons of NorrathFrigid Shard of Acuteness
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Chill of the Wildtender
Rapidious Sun Shaving Dropped by a djinn.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathDull Gray Gemstone of Knowledge
OriginalWyn's Feir'Dal Leather Hands Ornament
Ring of ScaleSalus Faycite Shard: Salve of Artikla
Lost Dungeons of NorrathWarden's Peculiar Gem of Thought Found via this quest.
Veil of AlarisOld Noble Plate Hands Ornament Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathFarcaster's Pumice Stone
Ring of ScaleDurus Faycite Shard: Ragged Edge Discipline
Depths of DarkhollowChronal Seal of Magic
The Broken MirrorScholarly Turquoise
House of ThuleDurus Faycite Shard: Mind Helix
Dragons of NorrathEminent Glove Symbol of Infestation
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Dire Testimony
Driz's Rage Dropped by Shoen the Fanatic - CoV.
Irae Faycite Shard: Evil Eye
Empires of KunarkEmblem of Finesse Dropped by The Blazing Hen.
Depths of DarkhollowElder Pickclaw Spirit Shard Found via this quest.
Serpents SpineEmerald of the Oasis Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowChronal Seal of Baleful Celerity
The Broken MirrorClockwork Chain Hands Ornament
Seeds of DestructionIrae Faycite Shard: Ice Sheet
Bronzed Crystalline Oscillator Model IV Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathRadiant Slate of Health
Sapphire of Defense Found via this quest.
The Broken MirrorResplendent Sulstone of Stability
Seeds of DestructionGreater Struck Quartzite
Fractured Garnet of Constitution
Serpents SpineBlackfeather Rock Dropped by a violent harpy.
Seeds of DestructionIrae Faycite Shard: Bolt of Molten Scoria
Rain of FearLeather Gloves of the Harbingers
Depths of DarkhollowDrachnid Cocoon Skin Found via this quest.
Dragons of NorrathGreater Dream Delver's Stone
Gates of DiscordDarkened Treant Sap
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Pyre of the Fereth
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Livianus' Decay
Depths of DarkhollowWurine Sense Stone Found via this quest.
Secrets of FaydwerRough Pyrite Nugget Dropped by Drangol Overseer.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathStone of Icy Bolstering Dropped by Windspirit Glorn.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathCrumbling Crypt Stone of Power
Seeds of DestructionIrae Faycite Shard: Cloudburst Levin
Secrets of FaydwerGyro Core: Druadic Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowChronal Seal of Extension
Lost Dungeons of NorrathPeerless Fragment of Intellect
Dragons of NorrathVolcanic Moonstone
Leather Hands Ornament of Swirling Spirits Dropped by a rough chest.
Ring of ScaleSalus Faycite Shard: Merciful Light
Irae Faycite Shard: Pyre of Illandrin
Jonas Dagmire's Ring Finger Middle Phalanx Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Shade Stone of Intellect Dropped by Thox Xakra.
Irae Faycite Shard: Annihilate the Aberrant
Glowing Emerald Found via this quest.
Irae Faycite Shard: Strangling Air
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Frozen Pillar
The Darkened SeaSalus Faycite Shard: Fervid Renewal
Secrets of FaydwerDurus Faycite Shard: Trial for Power
Lost Dungeons of NorrathBor`Bin Rune
Irae Faycite Shard: Bolt of Molten Dacite
Salus Faycite Shard: Burst of Morrow
Irae Faycite Shard: Barrage of Many
Simple Fetish
Gleaming Gloves
Depths of DarkhollowPlundered Shard of Toughness Found via this quest.
Pristine Purifying Sapphire Dropped by Scorchfist.
House of ThuleTempus Faycite Shard: Ruinous Servant
The Darkened SeaTempus Faycite Shard: Silisia's Lively Crescendo
Depths of DarkhollowWarm Coral Stone Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathFocused Prism of Accuracy Found via this quest.
Planes of PowerUncut Lavastorm Diamond Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowPreserved Wurine Heart Found via this quest.
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Pyre of the Lost
Irae Faycite Shard: Winter's Flare
Irae Faycite Shard: Immolate Bones
Depths of DarkhollowDuskstone of the Forests Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Marnek's Mankind Leather Hands Ornament
Veil of AlarisOld Eternal Grove Cloth Hands Ornament
Ransomed Collection Dropped by a fading chest.
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Impose for Blood
Veil of AlarisTempus Faycite Shard: Tendon Slash
Omens of WarBrilliant Kyanite of Minor Potency
Dragons of NorrathFire Rain Stone
Old Bloodforged Plate Hands Ornament Dropped by Rotticus.
Discord-Infused Loadstone
Durus Faycite Shard: Reckless Edge Discipline
Prophecy of RoKotiz's Essence of Eradication Found via this quest.
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Burn Bones
Seeds of DestructionIrae Faycite Shard: Polychaotic Assault
The Buried SeaTetraton Shell Dropped by Tetraton.
Irae Faycite Shard: Vkjen's Maelstrom
Omens of WarBrilliant Kyanite of Minor Alacrity
Irae Faycite Shard: Frozen Blight Poison
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Touch of Lutzen
Gates of DiscordIncised Bloodstone of Renewal Dropped by Subjugated Vrex Caller.
The Broken MirrorStalwart Spitegem of Foresight
Omens of WarRadiant Kyanite of Pure Sight
Gates of DiscordStone of Recovery Found via this quest.
Greater Corrupted Quartz
Tempus Faycite Shard: Armor of Rallosian Runes
Lost Dungeons of NorrathFlowing Gem of the Ritualist Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowDark Void Essence Found via this quest.
Tempus Faycite Shard: Hurricane Blades
Tempus Faycite Shard: Oppressing Shout
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Blazing Shadow
Irae Faycite Shard: Mindreap
Lost Dungeons of NorrathYellow Sphere of Fortitude
Gates of DiscordFirerune of the Relentless
Secrets of FaydwerPrecisely Weighted Timing Gear Dropped by Steam Engineer LIIV.
Dragons of NorrathRevered Glove Symbol of Judgment
Mysterious Medicine Vessel Found via this quest.
Enchanted Ancient Chain Dropped by Miscreation the Timeless - CoV.
Jonas Dagmire's Little Finger Metacarpal Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Irae Faycite Shard: Brilliant Acquittal
Rain of FearTempus Faycite Shard: Terrorpalm Discipline
Prophecy of RoDenon's Failed Inspiration Dropped by Maestro Tan`lor.
Chipped Phosphite Shard
The Broken MirrorResilient Amber Dropped by a gleaming lifegiver.
Seeds of DestructionIrae Faycite Shard: Chaos Combustion
Durus Faycite Shard: Swarn's Chant of Frost
Serpents SpineShard of Power Dropped by a drakkel dire wolf.
Call of the ForsakenBixie Chain Hands Ornament
The Darkened SeaSalus Faycite Shard: Cloudfont
Seeds of DestructionCarnival Prize Dropped by a Drangol sifter.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathNeyremal's Shard of Prowess Found via this quest.
Velium Threaded Ingenuity
Omens of WarRadiant Kyanite of Minor Alacrity
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Katabatic Roar
Lost Dungeons of NorrathMagnetite Shard of Stalwartness
Lost Dungeons of NorrathRefined Ore of Wellness
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Falhotep's Affliction
Irae Faycite Shard: Nectar of Destitution
Serpents SpineMinor Stone of Might Dropped by an unmasked changeling.
Depths of DarkhollowHivegrime Stone of Fury Found via this quest.
Veil of AlarisSoloist Ascension Glove Seal of the Drummer
Salus Faycite Shard: Soothing Touch
The Broken MirrorExtravagant Sulstone of Resilience
OriginalMort's Dwarven Plate Hands Ornament
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Thricewoven Electricity
Salus Faycite Shard: Word of Greater Replenishment
Lost Dungeons of NorrathCracked Icy Shard of Research
Lost Dungeons of NorrathRitualist's Gem of Power Found via this quest.
Tempus Faycite Shard: Heron Stance
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Mourgis' Decay
UnderfootCorrupted Vitallium Shard
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Pyre of Nos
Lost Dungeons of NorrathSharp-Edged Pearl Shard Found via this quest.
Twin Effigies of Knowledge and Experience Dropped by Skitter.
The Darkened SeaTempus Faycite Shard: Cascading Doomshield
Irae Faycite Shard: Claw of Selig
Lost Dungeons of NorrathQuartz Shard of Force
Golden Hero Chain Hands Ornament
Tidal Force Plate Hands Ornament
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Blazing Sands
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Angering Shot
Irae Faycite Shard: Sofia's Burning Call
Secrets of FaydwerSublime Glove Symbol of the Brood
The Buried SeaGem of Judgment Dropped by The Gerratar.
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Vigorous Strike
Tempus Faycite Shard: Force of the Grotto
OriginalMillin's Halfling Cloth Hands Ornament
Omens of WarKyanite of Pure Battle
Irae Faycite Shard: Chaos Inferno
Mortal Corporeal Deft Zephyr Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathPristine Prism of Lucidity
Irae Faycite Shard: Pestilent Darkness
Omens of WarFirestone of Might Dropped by Ukun Fleshflayer.
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Pure Wildspark
Lost Dungeons of NorrathBroken Crypt Stone of Fortitude
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Chromatic Flash
Dragons of NorrathCompressed White Ash
Omens of WarPolished Chunk of Rage Dropped by Guardian of Veeshan.
UnderfootDimly Pulsating Crystallized Cosgrove Shard Dropped by a cliknar raider.
Veil of AlarisTempus Faycite Shard: Enraging Crescent Kicks
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Flashrime
Depths of DarkhollowPreserved Shiliskin Brain Found via this quest.
Prophecy of RoStone of Vampiric Shadows Dropped by Vasella Fireblood.
Corrupted Palladium Shard
The Broken MirrorElegant Sulstone of Scholarship
The Darkened SeaDurus Faycite Shard: Impose for Power
Lost Dungeons of NorrathImmaculate Opal of Illness Warding Dropped by A Ghoulish Darta Knight.
Gates of DiscordRuby of Discord
Dragons of NorrathSacred Glove Symbol of Storms
Welaar's Vah Shir Chain Hands Ornament
Gates of DiscordShimmering Granite Found via this quest.
Salus Faycite Shard: Grayleaf's Recourse
Dragons of NorrathFarcaster's Pumice Stone
Tempus Faycite Shard: Batter
Omens of WarKyanite of Minor Healing
Ring of ScaleDurus Faycite Shard: Qunard's Chant of Flame
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Lure of the Wastes
Lost Dungeons of NorrathFlawed Teal Crystal of Enticement
Velium Infused Ingenuity
Veil of AlarisDurus Faycite Shard: Misleading Flash
Dragons of NorrathBlessed Glove Symbol of Growth
Seeds of DestructionMajor Struck Quartzite
The Broken MirrorCourageous Diamondel Dropped by a unicorn.
Harmonious Stone of Perpetual Reverie
Scars of VeliousAncient Silk Gloves Dropped by a lava dancer.
Rain of FearSalus Faycite Shard: Reckless Restoration
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Beam of Molten Shieldstone
Seeds of DestructionWorldslayer Blessed Crystal Found via this quest.
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Sraskus' Curse
Ring of ScaleTempus Faycite Shard: Proactive Retaliation
Durus Faycite Shard: Petition for Power
The Broken MirrorRegal Spitegem of Allure
Lost Dungeons of NorrathCloudy Diamond of Chilling Protection
The Buried SeaChipped Crystalline Shard
Tempus Faycite Shard: Relax
The Darkened SeaSalus Faycite Shard: Burst of Dayspring
Rain of FearDurus Faycite Shard: Slackening Wave
Depths of DarkhollowShard of Nargilor Magic Found via this quest.
Rain of FearSalus Faycite Shard: Sterivida
Serpents SpineHive Worker's Orb of Health Dropped by Arcanist Moxia.
House of ThuleIrae Faycite Shard: Sarsez' Bite
Scars of VeliousAncient Tarnished Plate Gauntlets
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Frozen Toxin
Dragons of NorrathFire Rain Stone
Irae Faycite Shard: Gelid Wind
The Broken MirrorStalwart Sulstone of Scholarship
Ring of ScaleScale Touched Harmony
Irae Faycite Shard: Blood of Tearc
Seeds of DestructionHagorn's Gem of Fortification Dropped by a Rallosian champion.
The Broken MirrorElegant Sulstone of Allure
Serpents SpineChunk of Amorphous Granite Dropped by a goblin evoker.
Clipped Ragepaw Ear
Dragons of NorrathThrice-Warded Obsidian
Ring of ScaleWolfkin's Northman Leather Hands Ornament
The Buried SeaAmulet of the Combine Plague Dropped by Thunderstep.
Tempus Faycite Shard: Tendon Shred
Lost Dungeons of NorrathMossy Enchanted Stone Found via this quest.
Rain of FearTempus Faycite Shard: Clamor of Claws
Ring of ScaleDurus Faycite Shard: Deluding Flash
Omens of WarRadiant Kyanite of Pure Aggression
The Darkened SeaOld Spirespine's Spine Dropped by Old Spirespine.
Flamesealed Shard
Omens of WarBrilliant Kyanite of Pure Virility
Omens of WarHardened Mindstorm Oil Dropped by Strategist Kin`Muram.
Serpents SpineTwilight Adornment Dropped by a filthy rat.
The Darkened SeaIrae Faycite Shard: Kirchen's Chill
Serpents SpineDirewind Plague Stone Dropped by a mountain griffon.
Dragons of NorrathLuminous Tsavorite Gemstone
Omens of WarKyanite of Minor Quickening
Lost Dungeons of NorrathRitualist's Fury Stone Found via this quest.
Gates of DiscordGlyphed Sandstone Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Omens of WarKyanite of Healing
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Exterminate the Unnatural
Irae Faycite Shard: Lure Burn
Gates of DiscordGlyph of Souls Found via this quest.
Tempus Faycite Shard: Storied Reflexes
The Darkened SeaTempus Faycite Shard: Kick in the Shins
Irae Faycite Shard: Pyroclastic Ash
Veil of AlarisIrae Faycite Shard: Hoodoo
The Broken MirrorDamsel of Decay Cloth Hands Ornament Dropped by a rotting chest - Ruins of Lxanvom.
Omens of WarKyanite of Minor Sight
The Darkened SeaStone of Dark Waters
Dragons of NorrathNexus Stone of Gathered Magic
Salus Faycite Shard: Sincere Light
House of ThuleHandful of the Patch Guardian's Straw Found via this quest.
Pickclaw Shiny Bauble
Lost Dungeons of NorrathGem of Focused Rage Found via this quest.
Corrupted Iridium Shard
Depths of DarkhollowTesch Splitpaw Jade Found via this quest.
Seeds of DestructionIrae Faycite Shard: Cataclysm Ash
Pale Plate Gauntlets of Rage
Seeds of DestructionIrae Faycite Shard: Exigency for Blood
Lost Dungeons of NorrathKel`Vec Rune
Irae Faycite Shard: Bloody Roar
Glistening Stone of the Inferno Dropped by Siliena the Wicked.
Irae Faycite Shard: Claw of Gozzrem
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Ice Shards
Irae Faycite Shard: Frostsquall Boon
Dragons of NorrathBlessed Glove Symbol of Wildfire
Lost Dungeons of NorrathPristine Garnet of Constitution Dropped by a bone pile.
Dragons of NorrathUncut Bloodclot Stone
Lost Dungeons of NorrathAnomalous Rock of Alteration Found via this quest.
Secrets of FaydwerSublime Glove Symbol of the Depths
Durus Faycite Shard: Entrancing Stare
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Natigo's Endemic
The Darkened SeaTempus Faycite Shard: Darkened Auspice
Mortal Corporeal Shrewd Zephyr Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Lost Dungeons of NorrathImperfect Garnet of Constitution
Seeds of DestructionIrae Faycite Shard: Annihilate the Anomalous
Omens of WarBrilliant Kyanite of Minor Quickening
Irae Faycite Shard: Chillblast
Old Ebon Hero's Forge Chain Hands Ornament Dropped by a phase spider.
Prophecy of RoFaceted Sapphire of the Infiltrator Found via this quest.
Irae Faycite Shard: Lure of Restless Ice
Serpents SpineShard of Phosphorescent Power Dropped by Drillak the Slayer.
Irae Faycite Shard: Crush of the Twilight Sea
Luclinite Ensanguined Intensity
Omens of WarRadiant Kyanite of Ferocity
Omens of WarRidged Gem of Durability Dropped by Jaggers.
Dragons of NorrathSacred Glove Symbol of Hate
Dragons of NorrathRevered Glove Symbol of Growth
Serpents SpineShard of Slight Power Dropped by a cliff golem.
Ring of ScaleIrae Faycite Shard: Plunging Hail
Serpents SpineClergyman's Stone of Purity Found via this quest. Found via this quest. Found via this quest.
Depths of DarkhollowChronal Seal of Radiance
Empires of KunarkSebilisian Proficiency Dropped by Blood of Droga.
Serpents SpineRuned Diamond Found via this quest.
Windblown Stone
Depths of DarkhollowCracked Nargilor Gem Found via this quest.
Seeds of DestructionGlowing Struck Quartzite
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Ignite Thoughts
The Broken MirrorExtravagant Spitegem of Resilience
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Chromacrush
Old Bloodforged Chain Hands Ornament
Seeds of DestructionDurus Faycite Shard: Befuddling Flash
Lost Dungeons of NorrathAncient Turquoise Fragment of Intellect Dropped by a droning malformation.
Marnek's Mankind Scalemail Hands Ornament
Dire Hairball Dropped by Shrapnel - CoV.
Omens of WarStone of the Bloodstill Dropped by Odiumate Isienne.
Gates of DiscordBlack Ruby
Rain of FearIrae Faycite Shard: Pure Wildether