Butcherblock Mountains

Quick Facts





Level Range:
1 - 15

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The Butcherblock Mountains are the land of the dwarves. This rugged mountain range serves as the gateway into Norrath for the dwarves of Kaladim with its citizens, guards, and vendors well-represented throughout the area.

The Greater Faydark can be found to the East while Dagnor's Cauldron lies to the South. These mountains also connect to both the Ocean of Tears and Timorous Deep as the docks in Port Faydwer service both oceans.
Mountain CoastlineKaladimBlackhammer and GuardsGate to Port FaydwerCoastal Goblin CampPathing Through ButcherblockThe ChessboardThe Wayfarer CampA Kaladim Vendor HousePeg Leg's Bandit CampPort FaydwerThe Sea King Docks
1 2 3 Next »
Post Comment
# Jun 22 2001 at 6:33 AM Rating: Decent
That Greedy Begger is a bum! I don't know about this guy. I find him sleeping at the docks. Well, I poke him a bit and he awakens asking me for some coin. Being the generous cleric that I am, I give him a couple of sp. He gives me thanks and asks if I might spare some more!

I just take off at this point, but he follows me out of the docks. I was about a level 5, at the time.

I go about my business killing some newbie critters; gobbies, bat's etc. After I initiate combat, he butts in. No, he doesn't offer any help with the tougher blue or black cons, he only gets involved with the easy kills, so who needs him! If I get in a tussle with a tougher opponent he backs off and calls for the guards, who never come anyway. I get nada for Exp and guess what? He beats me to the corpses and scarffs up the loot!

I can't get rid of this guy. I can't even attack him! So, finally I just gate back to Kaladin and he is blissfully gone. It may not be PC, but this guy is a BUM.
RE: Aaladmer
# Sep 18 2001 at 6:35 AM Rating: Default
The Greedy Begger helped me with Yellow Cons. I have given him weapons and he uses them. He is very helpful and helped me out many times. I did, however, give him additional coins (coppers) and things like legs and other bits off kills (never a lot). Maybe he is more helpful if you are more generous. He may be shouting Guards! Guards! (but he is fighting the whole time.) extra attacks are always good
greedy begger
# Jun 21 2001 at 4:17 AM Rating: Good
just wanted to tell you my encounter with this guy. I was playing a 4th lvl wizard when i found him wondering the newbie zone. I hailed him and he begged for money, so i gave him all my copper pieces (129 cp). After that he followed me around like an enchanter's pet... only attacking the monsters once they attacked me. Not a bad deal if you want to solo the goblin camps.
greedy begger
# Apr 27 2005 at 7:38 PM Rating: Decent
you dont need 2 give him any coin and he'll still follow you around ..he only does 1dmg i dont know if he'll do more if you pay him?
gretta and the Greedy begger
# Jun 12 2001 at 9:19 AM Rating: Default
ok... I've looked and looked and I can't find anything anywhere about the new dwarf in town called Gretta (I think the last name is) Mottle. She is located in Tumpy's place in town. She talks about loosing all her bakin' supplies off the boat.

Now suddenly I've seen a new NPC at the docks called a Greedy Begger, he's sleeping and when you hail him he wakes up and ask's for food. I've tried giving him food but all I've gotten was the standard thanks and can you give me more... same thing with money... Are these two related? I have a feeling they are but I just can't figure it out! argh...
RE: gretta and the Greedy begger
# Jul 12 2001 at 4:53 PM Rating: Decent
Gretta and the greedy begger are not related.

The Gretta's Baking Supplies quest was only temporarily available. You would learn about the quest through volume 2 (or was it voloume 1?) of "The Mining Journal" (Kaladim's new "village newspaper" as Verant calls it) sold by Marsha Stonepenner in North Kaladim. The supplies themselves were a lore ground spawn item near the docks. Your reward for turning in the crate of supplies was money and a little XP, don't remember what faction you got (if any) for the quest.

When the next issue of the newspaper came out, the quest had been deactivated--Gretta was selling muffins, bread, and a few other baked goods, which before couldn't be bought in Kaladim at all AFAIK. So presumably she now had her baking supplies and could bake stuff. Also she would no longer respond to hails. And then, last time I happened to be there in Tumpy's, (last weekend), Gretta was gone, replaced by a male dwarf NPC vendor holding a book (forget the name) selling pies. When hailed, he said he was Gretta's assistant (the one who lost the baking supplies originally). The retarded plot thickens! :/

19th Level Paladin of Ayonae Ro
look out
# Jun 11 2001 at 5:18 AM Rating: Decent
Just a quick one there are now some lvl 20-28 gobbos just up from the crossroads now, have seen many a brave dwarf die there!!!

They are there as part off the Goulbane quest!

keep your eye out for em very nasty!

Look out
# Jun 11 2001 at 5:12 AM Rating: Default
Great area for newbie enchanters to solo to 8 or more
# Jun 06 2001 at 4:49 PM Rating: Good
As per the Aug 23rd post listed a little further down, I too found this a great zone for my newbie enchanter.

Being a HIE, I of course spawned in Felwithe. Ran around there (Fel/GFay newbie area) killing bats, skellies, pixie tricksters, wasps, wolves until I saved up enough cash to buy cloth armor, all my spells (lvls 1 & 4), a large sewing kit, and to buy a stack or two of tiny daggers (for the Animation line of spells - the enchanters' "pet," which cannot actually be controlled like a pet but is nice to add to your defense). I banked ALL my batwings because later on, enchanters get a Levitate spell, and why pay for wings when I can save them now for free and get exp at the same time? :-) I'm amazed more low-level enchanters don't think of this but it may be simply they don't look far enough ahead on their spell list; I am currently lvl 9 and have 2 backpacks full of batwings in the bank.

Further note on batwings: They can be used to improve your baking skills. Now, what good is baking skills, most people think. Well, thanks to improvements from Verant, a bunch of the higher-lvl snacks/meals/etc. that you can make have stats buffs (DEX, AGI etc) so it is a worthwhile skill to have. Plus, if you buy a spit (4-slot portable oven) you can take heavy bear/wolf/cat meat (1.0 wt) + bread, and turn it into 0.4 wt sandwiches, or animal meat + beer + spices = beer braised meat (0.2-0.4 wt + stat buffs). Plus it's kind of fun to be able to give your friends things like cookies, brownies, wedding cake, etc., or to use up foraged food which is not sellable to vendors.

Ok so that being said... now you are a lvl 4 enchanter, you've scribed/mem'd your spells. You have a semi-decent 1HS (dagger variety) or 1HB weapon. Get yourself bound at Kaladim entrance (pref) or at GFay/BB zone and then head into Butcherblock.

At lvl 4-7 I would keep minor shielding (self only buff), haze, strengthen, Juli's animation ("pet"), mesmerise, tashan, weaken, and color flux in my left-screen slots. Sometimes once I'd cast my pet I would "forget" the pet spell and mem the gate spell, but usually by the time I need the gate spell my mana is too low to cast it so I rarely keep it in an active slot. Besides which if you hunt carefully you can easily go 3-4 lvls and not die, or only die maybe once or twice.

For the following I would go to the entrance of Kaladim and do the following:

So I would buff myself (minor shielding, haze, STR), then med, cast my pet, buff it (haze, STR), and med, allowing pet to guard me while I did so. Then, with my back to the Kaladim entrance, I would run over the first hill. There is a nice open spot here, and all kinds of mobs 1-8 wander through: bats, snakes, skellies, spiderlings, scarabs, skunks, goblin whelps, Krag chicks. The only things that seem to group aggro in this area are the goblins and Krags; the scarabs don't seem to wander through this area much so there rarely seems to be 2 at one time. Once you have been hunting here an hour or so you will get to see what the standard paths the mobs tend to run.

I killed the low lvl yard trash (snakes, bats) for their eggs and wings. The eggs are free food ("snack" I believe) but you can also use them to practice baking (egg + milk + flour = clump of dough). Batwings have already been discussed, but if you are hard up for cash, /auc them off at 2-3pp/stack. Many high lvl characters port in/out of this area and have to use the docks so you can probably sell them easily if you want.

At this lvl (4), my main concern was building up my skill strengths in my casting disciplines plus of course making money. The nice thing about this spot is it is close to Kaladim (bank) and there is also two huts right there where you can sell stuff without even having to zone.

For mobs that were high green/blue to me, I would hit them first with either Tashan (magic resistance buffer), suffocating sphere (DD/debuff), or weaken. As soon as the mob ran over and gave me a smack, my pet would jump in. (For newbie enchanters FYI: you cannot control your pet. It will not attack anything until the mob attacks you, at which time it'll attack whatever hit you. They're very single-minded.) Then the pet would smack away while I could step back and cast the DOT/DD/AOE spells on the mob. Usually I could keep my mana above 50 with this method; in fact I could easily do several mobs before being totally drained of mana. The bats I could just hit with a single shot of suffocating sphere (DOT) and they'd drop without me having to do anything more!

This is good loot in this area for a 1-8. The goblin whelps drop bags of varying sizes (even as large as backpacks), money and armor; then of course the different mobs drop varying things, MOST of which are stackable. Krag claws and scarab carapices are not. I would take the spiderling silks and throw them two at a time in my sewing kit to practice tailoring and to create bandages. The bones, skunk glands, scarab legs, krag talons can all be used for quests, which will build your exp, cash, and faction.

I stayed in this area and soloed easily to 6, at which point I began to wander the zone a bit more, staying close to the road as I hunted for more goblins, scarabs, Krag chicks and large spiders. Krag chicks hit pretty hard at this lvl, I'm not talking 50pts damage, but good enough against a 4-8'er. The bugs can also poison you, which is their defense DOT. Another cool thing about sticking close to the road is that if the higher-lvl players pass you, they will often drive-by-buffings or help you finish off a particularly tough creature. One nice guy running by gave me a chipped bone collar, which besides being worth 20pp, is AC4, Wt 2, HP+10 MANA+10, all very nice stats for somebody of my lvl, and I've seen chanters at much higher levels still wearing this piece. (drops off Ogres in WK)

I made decent cash, plus I built up a stack of silk swatches which I tailored from the spider silks that dropped. As I could afford the patterns, I would take the swatches + patterns and craft myself silk armor. (for newbie caster classes: we can't wear leather or many metal armor; so at this level silk is pretty good armor, plus you can sell it to other casters or to monks for up to 1pp/AC pt).

So this was pretty easy to make it up to a full 8, soloing, and the only time I died was because Corflunk spawned in the area while I was selling at the hut near the GFay zone, and don't ask me how this guy can see through walls, but I was just standing there and I see I've been hit for X amt of damage, LOADING, PLEASE WAIT... so keep an eye out for those guys!

Word of warning: don't take on the basaliks til you're more like 13. They don't aggro until you hit them and they hit back HARD plus with DOTs.

Once I hit 8, I went to Felwithe, bought my new round of spells, and have been practicing making jewelry for a while, as Enchant Silver is a lvl 8 spell. Now, not all newbies can afford the 4pp+ that the decent jewelry sells for (+STR, AGI, DEX etc) so it's in your favor to negotiate trades. I'll trade for batwings (more for the bank!), eggs, meat, CB belts (worth 1pp/each if you sell, or exp/cash/armor/faction in Kaladim), weapons, pixie dust. The only bummer about jewelrymaking is it is an expensive craft to pursue learning, and even when things become "trivial" does not mean you will succeed every attempt!

At level 8 it definitely became time to start learning to group properly so I have headed to Crushbone (off northern GFay) and begun hunting there.

Anyway, I hope this has helped my fellow chanters a bit, and I apologize for the many asides, but hope you make enough sense out of it to have it help you! Feel free to give me a /tell if you see me!

Meryddian, HIE enchantress of 9 seasons
Seventh Hammer server
Amazon Storm guild
Good XP made easy
# Apr 25 2001 at 4:04 AM Rating: Decent
This one is good for everyone trying to gain xp between lvl 7-10. Go to the druid ring and kill the skellies. Kill them right where they stand, they will not assist eachother. Once that is done run east to the gold tower (not far away) now be careful as you face the opening to the tower there are 2 skellies on either side of the tower. Take out the one on the right first. He is not linked, the other two are. Then, if you can, mez or fear the outside skellie and take the one in the tower. If your strong enough you could handle both at the same time. Keep at this till you have collected several stacks of bone chips. Take the chips back to Gunlok Jure in the Paladin's guild in North Kaladim hand them to him only 4 at a time. You'll get anywhere from 1/4 to 1/2 a bub of xp (depending on your lvl.), you also get faction, Rusty Weapons and other items you can sell plus the good xp you get from killing the skellies. I did this with my Bard and made 2 lvls in 8hrs. Happy hunting
RE: Good XP made easy
# Sep 17 2001 at 9:49 AM Rating: Decent
where is Gold Tower?????
and do you mean druid ring in Gfay or BB??
gnome mage
# Apr 10 2001 at 12:51 PM Rating: Default
wold a gnome mage with a couple of pets be able to solo Botcherblock. and if so what should i go for?
RE: gnome mage
# Jul 24 2001 at 10:29 PM Rating: Default
scrub u only get one pet
RE: gnome mage
# Apr 25 2001 at 3:29 AM Rating: Decent
Generally speaking mages & necromancers have the best chance for success at soloing anywhere. As to what to hunt...depends on your level. Butcherblock is good from level 1-16.
Trouble at the Docks.....
# Apr 01 2001 at 3:17 PM Rating: Decent
20 posts
I generally believed that you could trade at the docks, but despite being a dwarf pally, all I get is the conning status. If it is my faction that is a problem what can I eradicate to raise it with them?
RE: Trouble at the Docks.....
# Apr 23 2001 at 4:18 PM Rating: Decent
As a general rule, you can trade at the docks. However, there are some merchants that will have nothing to do with you. I have had the best luck with the merchant against the wall by the far dock. He seems to give the best prices in the area.
Bandit Lore Items
# Feb 18 2001 at 5:32 PM Rating: Default
What to do with Pegleg and his crews lore item drops? I have look, but nothing has come up. Please let me know. Faire journies to all!
RE: Bandit Lore Items
# Mar 31 2001 at 12:10 PM Rating: Decent
46 posts
The tongues off the bandits are for a dwarven rogue quest, not to many dwarven rogues is why you don't hear it spoke of to often, but this is givin out by diggens who is in the mine just outside the bank, or he sometimes sits just beside the bank on the oppisite side of the other thieves he will ask for the tongues of certain bandits, one of them is rondo dunfire from crushbone the rest are in butcherblock mountains, the reward is a dwarven rogue only item. As for peglegs wooden leg this is part of a huge epic weapon quest for shaman's, why they have 50+ shamans coming after level 14 mobs is beyond me but anyways this will not be of any use to you unless you are a shaman and than it won't be till much later in the game.
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 31 2001 at 11:11 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) i hump pigs
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 05 2001 at 7:53 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post)
Faction In BB?
# Feb 08 2001 at 9:26 AM Rating: Default
What can i kill to raise my faction with the Dwarves and guards at the dock and in the zone? I am kos. What can i kill to change this?
RE: Faction In BB?
# Feb 09 2001 at 7:45 PM Rating: Default
killing goblins and orcs will raise faction with guards - not sure about merchants
Brodder's Diary?
# Feb 07 2001 at 7:40 PM Rating: Decent
I found 'Pages from Brodder's Diary' for sale at the vendor who sells food by Kaladim. The page can't be openned by a right-click, they don't stack, and they can't be read. For sale are pages 1, 3,4,5,and 6. Perhaps page 2 may give information, or perhaps there is some container in which these can be combined.

Anybody have information on this?
# Jan 17 2001 at 9:09 PM Rating: Default
The two evil ogres that spawn in Butherblock are Corflunk and zarchoomi. If you are a dwarf that can use Bloodforge armor this is the quest for you. All you have to do is kill both ogres and loot both their heads. Give them to Byzar Bloodforge in the warriors guild. You will get Bloodforge armor which is not to bad for a lvl 7-12 quest. Zarchoomi is about a lvl 12 and Corflunk is about a lvl 9. This is probably the best quest in Buthcherblock right now.
# Feb 03 2001 at 7:51 PM Rating: Decent
Where do the ogres spawn at?
# Feb 07 2001 at 3:49 AM Rating: Default
i can never find the ogres ever and i f i do they tun up to guards and they die where do they spawn!
Corflunk/Zarchoomi info.
# Feb 04 2001 at 11:14 AM Rating: Good
Corflunk spawns around the large stone spire southwest of the two shops near gfay zone. He then walks north to the road, and then follows it west to crossroads, eventually running into the guards there and being killed. Zarchoomi spawns further south, near the zone to dagnors cauldron, but eventually follows the same path. Corflunk is a lvl 9 warrior but always has a goblin escorting him. It can be any goblin that spawns in BB, as low as a lvl 1 whelp, as high as a lvl 14 or so shaman. Most commonly it seems to be a goblin warrior. Zarchoomi is a shaman, and casts the regular shaman spells, slows, debuffs, and DoTs.

Oh and when you do the quest hope that you get the Bloodforge Helm, the dwarf-only version of the BI Crown (5 AC 5 STR 5 to all resists) that I've seen sell for over 200pp and many dwarves i know wear into their thirties.
Low-lvl ppl get mo money!
# Jan 06 2001 at 5:56 AM Rating: Default
If you are just starting a new dwarf in BB, then I suggest you hunt behind the tree that is opposite Kaladim and kill lotsa skellies. After you have leveled and have a few stacks of Bonechips, a high level player will usually pay you a lot for them.
Grizzly Hide Cloak
# Dec 16 2000 at 8:00 PM Rating: Default
Doea anybody know who or what and if so where a Grizzly Hide Cape is dropped??
RE: Grizzly Hide Cloak
# Mar 15 2001 at 3:43 AM Rating: Default
does anyone know?
How to get to Chessboard?
# Nov 08 2000 at 8:10 AM Rating: Default
Wheer is the chessboard in BB? I can never seem to find it or have someone on that is willing to tell me where it is
RE: How to get to Chessboard?
# Nov 23 2000 at 4:42 PM Rating: Default
when you enter from greater Faydark go due north to loc +1000 -2100 you will be in middle of it there is a map at eqatlas.com that shows it good luck
Daavir 11 druid
#Anonymous, Posted: Feb 16 2001 at 12:16 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post)
# Oct 31 2000 at 10:34 PM Rating: Excellent
Many high level players hunt dwarves, all level 35. They belong to 2 faction groups, one which will make you KOS to dorfs everywhere, and the other only to residents of Kaladim, which is what I like to hunt.


There are 4 at the dox. One at the end of each dock (two in total..Glorin binfurr and Magnus borann I think). A the south end of the dox, there are two huts (closest to water) where two more spawn. One is male, the other female. They must be harmonized, although they spawn in two different houses. Spawn times at dox are about 21.5 minutes.

There are 3 south of dox, in south west corner of zone (directly west of druid ring, following the valley between the mountains. Very easy to get to). Den Ironblend may be pulled singly, but the two twins -Lan and Dalbar Tarbrind, must be harmonized and pulled singly, or fought together. Spawn times are 11.5 minutes.

If you follow the mountain north and then east, or go along the mountain east, north then west of the druid ring, you will come to a single hut where Shore sSignus, called signus boran, spawns. Single spawn, every 11.5 minutes.

A tiny bit east of the dox are the ruins. Facing esat (away from water), follow mountain on left (north side) for about 5-15 seconds. When it turns to the left, you are at the ruins, a small set of stone pillars. These dorfs must be harmonized: spawn time: 21.5 minutes each. I forget their names, but you can't miss them. The run from there to the vendours at dox is about 30 seconds, literally.

At Kaladim, there are the Bilgums (or are they at ruins? I can never recall correctly). They spawn in a hut with two other dorfs of different faciton, along the road east of Kaladim. The normal dorfs do not need to be harmonized, you can even sell to them after. You need to harmony the bilgums though in order to pull just one. Spawn time is 21.5 minutes each I think.

North of the crossroads is a single hut. Outside there, Delin Ironblend spawns every 11.5 minutes. This is a single spawn which can be done along with the shore signus if you cannot get a good spawn that is together. Kill one and run to the other, just watch out for people taking your spawn.

Lastly, there is the Chessboard Signus, called Signus Boran (yes, there are two). I can't recall exactly where this one is, but it is obviously very close to the chessboard. Get there, and you will find her. The chessboard is in the northeast corner of the zone, and the First (second?) right coming from Kelethin.

That's all I can think of for now. Popular methods are kiting or root/dot/med or AE dd several dorfs at a time for druids. I know some enchanters like to charm the dorfs, while necros get pets, fear and dots...etc.

These dorfs drop up to 5 pp, and always have axes that sell for 3-4pp. Occasionally, they drop low grade armour, alcohol, food and water.
# Dec 12 2000 at 9:33 AM Rating: Default
Man, why go got to kill us Dwarfs
#Anonymous, Posted: Dec 25 2000 at 5:12 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Because Druids, or Necros feel unable/unwilling to work with a group at level 30+. And the more they solo dorfs, the more they become bored of the game.
# Feb 04 2001 at 11:22 AM Rating: Decent
I dont know why people have this strange idea that grouping is fun but slow xp and soloing is boring but fast xp. I've found the exact opposite. I can go kill some guards all by myself, slowly, one at a time, or I can go to a dungeon, just sit and med all the time, stand up once in a while to get off a heal/buff/nuke, and watch the XP roll in.
# Jan 14 2001 at 9:43 PM Rating: Default
Just because you think it would be no fun doesn't mean anything. These dorfs serve no purpose whatsoever, other than to be killed. They give great xp, good loot, and are easy to kill. The only drawback is that you wind up ******** your Kaladim faction...OH DARN! I have two characters, a Dwarven Cleric and a Human Necro. With my Dwarf, the ONLY reason I ever go to Kaladim is to buy spells, or to sell large amounts of loot because I'm amiable, whereas anywhere else the best I can hope for is indifferent. To someone else, who isn't going to go to that city for any reason, why would they be worried about their faction? When I get my necro high enough, yeah, I'ma gonna go solo Dorfs with him. Some people ENJOY watching their experience bar fill. It's a quick easy way to breeze through a couple levels, and don't we all wanna get to higher levels and go on Raids and such? You know, the really interesting stuff. Yeah, soloing Dorfs may get boring, but it makes the way to the fun stuff a little easier. Just my 2cp.
Orc tower
# Aug 25 2000 at 5:29 PM Rating: Default
There is an orc tower hidden away just west and north of the two huts location. It's at the very north end of the vally to the west and north of the path as you travel towards the crossroads. For exact locations and maps, try eqatlas.com

Three orcs spawn there at about six minute intervals. They are about lvl 10-13. Look out for the one hiding behind the tower.
I used the spell sooth and pulled them one at a a time. Good exp, kinda slow spawn but I have never seen anyone else there, ever!
RE: Orc tower
# Apr 25 2001 at 7:14 AM Rating: Decent
Yes, this is a fairly good area to hunt around level 10 (i think its more of a totem pole thingy than a tower..... just MHO)

Anyway, you can get a small group around 10/13 and hunt here and the Bandit camp that is located nearby, my dwarven cleric did this in groups of 4, and got good exp (could have better loot though)

Anyway, if the spawn rate is to slow for you, take a quick visit to the bandits, then come back around..... easy as pie
Solo Enchanter
# Aug 24 2000 at 1:45 AM Rating: Good
At lvl 10 I mostly got my exp's from Giant Scarab Beetles, Basilisks, Emerald Drakes and of course...the ORC RUNNER. Which -when you are lucky- drops a letter and/or a pouch which you can turn in in Kelethin or Felwithe for great exp. At 10 and 4 bubs i still received almost 1/2 bub of exp from this item/quest (not to mention reward up to a platinum piece and some item).
RE: Solo Enchanter
# Jun 23 2001 at 9:07 AM Rating: Default
Where do you find the orc runner?

Baldrick the Insane
8 Paladin
Great Starter Zone
# Aug 23 2000 at 6:06 PM Rating: Excellent
This is one of the better starting zones in the game. You can easily get up to level 18 without ever having to leave this zone. The reason this zone is so nice is that you can harvest many quest items in this zone that will give you extra experience, armor (patchwork and bloodforge), and spells (Clerical and Paladin). These quests all originate out of Kaladim.

This guide is mainly for solo adventuring. Groups could probably reduce the levels I mention by 1 or 2.
At Levels 1 and 2 hunt snakes, bats, skellies and goblin whelps right over the hill from the entrance to Kaladim. If you are lucky you will find a skeleton with a rusty weapon and if you beat it you have just received a free weapon upgrade. Goblin whelps drop containers ranging from pouches, small boxes, small bag, etc. You will also find some loot you may want to hold onto from these critters also including: snake eggs (needed by Bakers)and batwings (needed by Bakers and also for those who cast levitate)
At level 3 switch to skunks, worker scarabs and rock spiderlings. Save all the skunk glands, scarab legs, and scarab carapaces you find. These are quest items in Kaladim. In the Cleric guild one of the NPCs will reward you with a spell for every 4 skunk glands you turn in. In the warrior guild, Vacto (merchant at the entrance to the Warriors guild) will make you a scarab helm for every 2 carapaces and 5 gold you turn in. The scarab legs are one of the components for the scarab boots which are also made by Vacto. Since the cracked scarab carapace, the 2nd component for the boots, comes from giant scarabs which you won't be fighting till about level 10, go ahead and save up all the scarab legs you find. The best place to hunt these are in the valley, between the docks and Kaladim, located on the right hand side right by the 2nd guard post as you travel from Kaladim to the docks. This is a large valley and is generally empty except for high level players camping the 2 dwarves at the graveyard there. If you are lucky they might but some very nice buffs on ya. Plus you are close to the merchants at the dock in case you fill up on goodies and need to sell. However, be warned, that about midnight 3 aqua goblins spawn in this area including shamans and wizard goblins. These can kill you with one spell. You can avoid them pretty easily if you see them in time.
Levels 6-7 you have 2 options. You can stay in the valley by the docks and start chasing down the Krag chicks. They drop Krag chick talons that are used for a quest in the paladins guild in Kaladim. Otherwise you can head out to the 2 house area with the merchants by the zone to Greater Fay and hunt large snakes and the occasional giant bat.
Levels 8 - 10 will be nice and quick if you hunt the dwarven skeletons at the druid ring and skeleton tower. There are 8 skeleton spawns in total and if you are the only one hunting them then you will have very little down time between spawns. The skeletons here will even on occasion drop gold for you and cloth armor, but most importantly they drop bone chips. The bone chips can be used for a Kaladim quest in the Paladin guild. For every 4 chips you turn in, and you can turn in 4 sets of 4 chips, you will receive a minor item, usually in the form of patchwork armor or rusty weapons. Also since a lot of high level people port into the druid ring there you may also receive some high level buffs from them. At this spot all the skeletons were blue to me at level 9 and at level ten, most are now green but still give xp. You can level up to 11 here with no difficult.
Level 11 - 15 The chessboard is the better spot for xp. Don't expect a lot of money or bone chips from the pawns there. For some reason these giant skellies are dirt poor.
Level 15 - 18 The orc tower is the place to be. There is a spawn of 3 orcs here either oracles or centurions. At 15 these should be blue to you. At 16 the oracles should be blue with the rare blue centurion. At 17 most oracles will still be blue. At 18 maybe 1/3 of the oracles will still be blue. The loot here is nice, you may even pick up a plat from some drops, also rawhide armor, weapons and occasionally a bronze one, and more importantly crushbone belts. The belts are needed for yet another quest out of Kaladim in the warriors guild.
If you are a dwarf this zone also includes Corflunk and Zarchoomi, 2 ogres that try to terrorize this zone. If you collect and turn in both their heads at the warriors guild in Kaladim you will get a piece of bloodforge armor. The Helm is very nice at +5 Strength and +5 to all saves, and the boots are considered magical.
Also with the Unrest zone nearby you can usually find players selling small bronze that you can buy from all the money you got from the bone chip quest.
These guide was many for solo adventuring. If you have a group then you could do the druid ring, chessboard, and orc towers at even lower levels.
Also in this zone are several bandit camps, 3 goblin camps, and tons of roving critters in lots of other places.
Not bad for never leaving the home area.
RE: Great Starter Zone
# Aug 23 2000 at 9:18 PM Rating: Good
An excellent guide. My only suggestion is if you want an alternative to chessboard and are around level 10 or 11 you might work the bandit camp in the orc valley. This is especially true for clerics who are constantly poor and about to start buying gems for the first of their symbol line of spells. Killing the bandits boosts your faction with the dwarf "miners"--which includes the dwarf in the mine that sells gems. A level 11 (maybe even a level 10) cleric can solo that camp by first breaking the spawn of 4 in half: root the front bandit then run to crossroads with the rest on your tail, when the guards kill the husband and wife bandits head back towards the camp to meet the other two (including the one you rooted).
lonely vale
# Aug 23 2000 at 12:50 AM Rating: Decent
34 posts
for your young newbie there is a small vale far to the left as you exit kaladim..its has all the spawns of the newbiw zone in front of kaladim but lacks the crowd..one must be carefull to pull goblin welps away from the big goblin camp as the big gobs will protect their young.

Also if you are dwarf make sure to NEVER sell bone chips..there is wonderful bone chip quest offered in the dwarf paladins guild that gives REALLY good loot and exp (2/3 bubble of exp, 10-20 silver and a lantern or tattered armor peice) My rogue can do it so I'm guessing you dont need great faction for it.
RE: lonely vale(Bone Chips Spoiler)
# Sep 13 2000 at 11:56 PM Rating: Default
Paladin's Guild is the farthest north building & has an enterance that looks like a loop with something in front of it but going behind the block in front shows the entrance. Hail the Paladins. The one that Mentions "undead" is the one you give 4 bone chips to, and they can be stacked. While the money's OK, at higher levels other players are buying large numbers for quick cash. (I heard 20 peices for 5pp) Depending on what your doing you may do better waiting for faction or bone hungry Adventurer rather than turning them in. It's best for starting & low level character to go to Paladins guild rather then wait for the "furriener" with full pockets to come by and far more reliable. At least that's the view of this lowly Paladin of Brell Serilis.
RE: lonely vale(Bone Chips Spoiler)
# Oct 30 2000 at 12:40 PM Rating: Default
The exp from turning in Bone Chips is INSANE! I got a full bubble of exp at 3rd and 4th levels! Hehe, I can't wait to bring my Gnomish Wizard over to do this quest. He's 4th level but has 35ish bone chips.

-Bjorntobebadd, Card Carrying Member of Miner's Guild 628 for Five Seasons.

"Your gold or your life!"
"Um, okay, just a sec now....damn it, why do I always get the hard questions!"
Guide to The Chessboard
# Aug 23 2000 at 12:15 AM Rating: Excellent
I, a wizard, spent levels 9-11 at The Chessboard, and have seen (and killed) basically everything that spawns there. So here it goes.

The most common spawn is the Undead Pawn. They are Warriors, and range in level from about 9 to 11, and quite frankly are pretty easy for a group of 3+ people even as low as lvl 8. They sometimes have rusty weapons but no other special abilities. The only real danger from pawns is that they commonly spawn right next to each other, especially in the northwest corner of the board. Two pawns can do severe damage to a group that would destroy one pawn easily.

Next are the Undead Rooks. Try as I might, I haven't been able to place any special class on them. In fact in the times I've fought them I haven't noticed any difference between them and pawns. I don't even think they're higher level than the pawns, as they all conned blue-white at lvl 11. They don't cast spells or use any special abilities. They're not monks because they don't use any monk attacks. They COULD be rogues, which would explain they they sometimes seem easier than pawns. I've never seen one spawn with a Piercing weapon to Backstacb with, or, in fact, any weapon at all.

The Undead Knights are a bit more difficult. Basically the Undead Knights are exactly the same as the Pawns, except they're SK's. They LOVE Harm Touch and usually use it on the first thing to attack them. They have the simple SK spells like Siphon Strength and Disease Cloud but cast them very rarely. Treat them as pawns, but be wary about who pulls it, as they're likely to see about 110 HP drop off their lifebar immediately.

The toughest Undead here, IMHO, are the Undead Bishops. The Bishops are Necros and also about the same level as everything else so far. They cast Necro spells liberally, and have a pet with them that's about as tough as a pawn. I would recommend using a spell like Spook Undead to chase away his pet for a while. You don't want to fight his pet while he goes wild with DoTs and debuffs. However, for a group of 3-4 at the right level he's not much of a challenge alone.

The final, rarely seen Undead is the Undead King. The King is about lvl 16, and is a wizard. Which means two things. A) Like all wizards he loves to stand back and shower you with DD's. B) Like all wizards he has very low HP and crumbles easily to a melee assault with some spell backup. I have seen lvl 14-15 clerics solo him very easily. The only threat he really poses is if your party is primarily composed of casters, as he casts Shock of Lightning for 80+ damage a pop.

Basically, the only challenge that Chessboard faces for a group of 3-4 from lvls 9-11 is if they have to fight several undead at a time, which is very easy to avoid as the chessboard is quite large for a spawn area and, except for the mentioned two pawns, they spawn a fair distance away from each other. Clerics of any kind can make a killing soloing here, simply destroying everything with their anti-undead spells. As an added bonus, I have NEVER seen any wandering MoB's in chessboard or even around it.

And why play chess with the gods when you can just blow up their pieces?
RE: Guide to The Chessboard
# Sep 25 2000 at 7:26 AM Rating: Decent
Necros are even better at the chessboard than clerics. They have the same ward undead, and necros get it a level earlier, putting them at a +1 damage thing. They also have a pet, so hardly ever get hit. Additionally their ward undead seems to be resisted a little bit less (I have seen clerics hit for 6 damage with it 3 times in a row). Also, chances are necros have more mana than the clerics, so they can cast ward undead even more times. In other words, necros are the best solo at chessboard :P.

~Winspus The 11th Circle Necromancer
RE: Guide to The Chessboard
# Sep 10 2000 at 11:27 PM Rating: Default
I'm a bard 10 and at level 9, I was at chessboard with a monk, warrior, palidan, and wizard. We had the king spawn right next to a knight. The wizzy wanted to mez the knight and have us pull the king. My plan was to use my lull on the knight. He conned yellow to me and I have been close to 100% at lulling yellows to date. So instead of the lull, I began singing elemental rhythms for the spell protection. The mez failed and both king and knight homed on me like nobody's business. I caught the harm touch for about 150 of my 210 HP and then the king blasted me for the rest as the knight hammered me. For me, the battle was over in 10 seconds. Talk about your disgruntled music critics!!!
RE: Guide to The Chessboard
# Mar 04 2001 at 11:51 AM Rating: Default
I found the chessboard at level 16 as a Paladin. Even though I didn‘t think I would get XP, most pawns gave me some XP and I was able to solo the chessboard working up my taunt (which I had sadly neglected) and my Evocation (by Casting Ward Undead). I had little trouble with Bishops and Knights but I didn‘t meet anything else. I still think the Oasis of Marr is better for this level but I was getting bored there with the crocs.
# Aug 22 2000 at 9:44 PM Rating: Good
141 posts
The chessboard is a prime spot for exp from 9 to 15 for a cleric, possibly for anyone else too in a group. There are 5 spawns, with the common being a level 11 skeleton (Pawn) that hits like a level 8. The uncommons are the Knight, Bishop, Rook, and Queen/King, increasing in level up to about 16, with some of the rare ones being necromancers themselves. The 5 spawns are split into 4 groups of 1-1-1-2, with the two linked ones being on the western side and just off the western side.
Solo Ranger
# Aug 22 2000 at 3:57 PM Rating: Good
I found that hunting solo as a ranger is pretty good in this zone for levels 5-9, and possibly higher. I set my camp at the two building outpost, just before the Greater Faydark zone. From here you can track goblins, or pull singles from the goblin camp just north of the buildings.
There are dwarf skeletons at night, and the snakes are decent xp, and they have no poison(at least I was never poisoned). Loot is best from the goblins, and you can get a rare war bead, that is a quest item. Also the Orc runner comes through once in a while, but he is too tough for any under level 8.
#Anonymous, Posted: Oct 24 2000 at 8:59 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) OWWWWW!!!!!!!! My blood simmers!!!!!!!!!
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