
Deity: Quellious
Level: 65
Money: 700000
Server: Any
Ruins of Kunark Enabled
Scars of Velious Enabled
Shadows of Luclin Enabled
Planes of Power Enabled
Lost Dungeons of Norrath Enabled
Gates of Discord Enabled
Omens of War Enabled
Weight:16.4 / 147
Primary Melee: Kelp Hilted Mace
Secondary Melee: Wand of the Ice Storm
Ranged Weapon: Gem of Conquest
Ammo: Brown Rope Bridle
Left Ear: Earring of the Solstice
Right Ear: Bloodmetal Earring of Engagement
Neck: Bands of Earthen Energy
Face: Precious Gemstone Adorned Mask
Head: Romar's Circlet of Visions
Shoulder: Sapphire Studded Mantle
Left Finger: Valorium Ring of Gallantry
Right Finger: Ring of the Shissar
Left Wrist: Braided Wristband of Light
Right Wrist: Romar's Bracer of Visions
Arm: Shimmering Sleeves of Flame
Chest: Robe of Luring Shadows
Back: Cloak of Earthen Twine
Feet: Geomancer's Petrified Slippers
Legs: Earthweave Pantaloons
Waist: Flame Buckled Belt
Hands: Romar's Gloves of Visions
Charm: Intricate Wooden Figurine [Enchanter]
Food: Ohabah Truffles
Drink: Fuzzlecutter Formula 5000
  • Loam Encrusted Sash
  • Loam Encrusted Amice
  • Loam Encrusted Cap
  • Loam Encrusted Lined Shoes
  • Robe of the Keeper
  • Gossamer Robe
  • Siren Scale Robe
  • Insidious Robe
  • Beguiler's Slippers
  • Robe of Melding Auras
  • Velium Blue Diamond Bracelet
  • Beguiler's Wristguard
  • Golden Blue Diamond Pendant
  • Noble's Robes
  • Sickly Glowing Orb
  • Centi Longsword
  • Centi Warhammer
  • Centi Warspear
  • Shadowed Bracer

  • Wishlist:
  • Crude Scryer's Band
  • Mounted Red Dragon Head

  • Owned by: Railus Email: Not Public
    For Sale: Want to Buy: