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Level: 66
spell icon Axe of the Destroyer BER/66 1: Summon Item: Axe of the Destroyer
0 Melee Self Omens of War
spell icon Unpredictable Rage Discipline BER/66 1: Add Defensive Proc: Increase Damage Effect rate mod 150
0 Offense Self Omens of War
Level: 67
spell icon Crippling Strike BER/67 2: Decrease Movement by 41% (L67) to 95% (L16)
0 Throwing Single Omens of War
Level: 68
spell icon Mind Strike BER/68 1: Stun (4.00 sec/70)
0 Throwing Single Omens of War
spell icon Unflinching Will Discipline BER/68 1: Increase Chance to Resist Spell by 100%
0 Offense Self Omens of War
Level: 69
spell icon Baffling Strike BER/69 3: Decrease Hate by 600
0 Throwing Single Omens of War
Level: 70
spell icon Vengeful Flurry Discipline BER/70 1: Add Attack Chance (100)
2: Increase Double Attack by 10000%
3: Hundred Hands Effect
0 Offense Self Omens of War