Spell Icon Delude Rk. III  


1: Mesmerize (2/113)
2: Memblur (35%)

Details   Raw Spell Data, Lucy Spell View

Mana: 1208 Skill: Conjuration
Casting Time: 2.5 Recast Time: 1.5
Fizzle Time: 1.5 Resist: Magic
Resist Adjust: -40 Range: 200
Location: Any Time of Day: Any
Fizzle Adj: 182 Deletable: No
Dot Stacking: Yes Reflectable: Yes
Focusable: Yes Dispellable: Yes
Interruptable: Yes Short Buff Box: No
Target Type: Single Spell Type: Detrimental
Source: Live 04/23


Cast on you: You are completely confused as to what to do next.
Cast on other: Soandso stands around looking utterly confused.

Game Description

Causes your opponent to become mesmerized for up to 54 secs (9 ticks). This spell works on creatures up to level @1. There is a 35% chance that the target will forget all hatred when the mesmerization wears off.

Items with this effect

Quick Facts

Scroll: Delude Rk. III


Ring of Scale

9 ticks