
Almost every race in Norrath has its own unique language, and with a little practice you can learn them all.

What is the best way to develop your different language skills? Which languages are the most and least useful to learn? Who should be developing their language skills, and why?

Post your strategies on how to best use the language skills, and read, rate and comment on those posted by others.
Post Comment
# Sep 12 2003 at 8:45 AM Rating: Decent
Has anyone else noticed that you don't need to zone now for the skill to show itself on your list. I have taught and been taught a few languages in the same zone at once and they all show on my list.
RE: Zoning
# Nov 18 2003 at 7:37 PM Rating: Decent
i also noticed that if u stop gaining in a area. zone
# Sep 07 2003 at 9:54 PM Rating: Decent
I am going to be giving Language lessons for anyone who wants in Greater Faydark. I am on the Bristlebane server.(lol I know pathetic post)
# Sep 03 2003 at 11:25 AM Rating: Excellent
Please someone tell me how to learn a language I have a Dwarven Cleric friend and I put one point in the language but I don't know how to raise the skill above that. Anyone anyone?
RE: Learn
# Sep 03 2003 at 8:15 PM Rating: Excellent
3,705 posts
group with your dwarven friend, have him switch language to dwarven, and repeatedly send you messages in group channel. you will get messages saying your language skill has increased. Also, since you have one skill, you can switch to dwarven, and speak back to him, and your skill wil go up even faster. You just won't be able to understand it until you hit somewhere around 60-70 skill.
teaching language
# Aug 06 2003 at 5:36 PM Rating: Default
cancel my last post, I found a good website by one of our members...thanks... HTTP:\\\EQItemsUK\skillslanguages.txt
teaching language
# Aug 06 2003 at 5:34 PM Rating: Default
I understood the directions for teaching a language, but cannot "paste" into the chat window. I tried two ways, and it wont do it. How do I make a hot key for it?
# Jul 06 2003 at 9:24 PM Rating: Default
i bought a game pad to cani but i found other uses for it from start to finish 23 min even if u are the dumbest person works great if u have 2 accounts just task back and 4th till maxed GL
lang skill ups
# May 02 2003 at 1:29 PM Rating: Excellent
Ladder method no longer required!

Since the patch at mid april 03, the ladder method is no longer required. I spammed languages to my 2 toons from L1 on both, and they both went up. Toon 1 skills went up from speaking the language he was not able to speak even hehe.

Well, I have (all) 25 languages now - but I heard from a friend that there's 28. Oh well, if I notice that I learn another, I'll max it for both toons in about 20min.

Good Quest.
RE: lang skill ups
# Aug 23 2003 at 8:20 PM Rating: Good
36 posts
I can vouch for the skill ups by speaking, but there seems to be some requirements. I'm not sure what they are, but I have 2 accounts and one can learn by speaking and one can't. The other couldn't earlier, but just mysteriously started to at some point.

As for the 3 missing languages, blame Caster's Realm website. They have several languages listed that just plain don't exist. They have giant and dark tongue (not dark speech, but that's listed too) as languages when they just don't exist. Combine is the giant language, and dark tongue is likely just a misunderstanding with dark speech. They also have kobold listed. This language DID exist, but it was taken out long ago. It disappeared from both trainers and PCs that knew it. It's a pretty popular site, but notorious for incorrect information. Your friend likely just saw them on there... but trust me, there's only 25 as of current.
RE: lang skill ups
# Jun 10 2003 at 8:41 AM Rating: Good
1,312 posts
There are 25 languages. Originally there were 24, then the Vah Shir language was added as number 25 with the Luclin expansion.
Thieves Cant
# Apr 30 2003 at 3:30 PM Rating: Decent
Were can I start to learn this lang [ Thieves Cant} its not in my skills. I need to become a master in it for my Guild. If anyone can help I would appericate it. Geyn lv 55 bst Kane Bayle Server
RE: Thieves Cant
# Jun 07 2003 at 3:08 PM Rating: Decent
574 posts
Thieves Cant is just a special language known by rogues, just get one to spam you untill you've got one point. Then you can either spam your friends who want to learn it or get him to teach you to 100.

The whole thing is that you can teach to 1 skill point above your skill so with another person you just need to have all languages at 1 on either peep to get them all. I have all 25 and there are only 25 languages maxed because me and two other friends got bored of exping and so learnt them all. And its funny watching peeps look baffled when you /ooc in elder dragon.

Pity with knowing all languages you still can't understand someone whos hammered on booze.
The Real Iksar

RE: Thieves Cant
# May 02 2003 at 1:20 PM Rating: Excellent

I have 2 puters and had 24 languages on each toon. I started speaking one of them on accident and realized both peoples skills were going up even though both were at 1. I started working it and got them all up to 100 now. I did cheat by making L1 toons and teaching my druid frist, then passing on to my BL. In doing so, I found that ogres had "Dark speech" which neither of my toons had. I spoke it and my skill increased in it, and is now 100 too.

All it takes is one of you guildies to start speaking it till you get to skill 1 - then you both spam each other in it. with decent wis/int, it will get to 100 in about 15-20min (my wis is at 242 and it takes me about 15min max). If both of you and your guildie are starting at L1, it will take a bit longer, maybe 30-40min per language that you both know at L1 to get to L100.

Edited, Fri May 2 13:51:15 2003
Any master in language skills on Stormhammer?
# Feb 17 2003 at 6:36 PM Rating: Decent
At this moment I'm master in Common (doh!), Combine and Vah Shir.
If any of you on Stormhammer were kind enough to teach me some of their language(s) it would be nice...
You can contact me either by replying to this post or in-game or by email ( (and don't forget to remove NOSPAM from the address :) ...
need languages! please?
# Dec 29 2002 at 1:42 AM Rating: Decent
Hello all, I have a character on the Veeshan server that just for roleplay purposes i want to be a master linguist. His name is Vonkelt, PST. I have a couple other characters too of different races and would be willing to offer my various available languages to anyone willing to travel to them, many thanks.
Antonious Bayle
# Oct 16 2002 at 7:24 AM Rating: Default
5 posts
If anybody wants to raise language skills with me on Antonious Bayle send me a tell.

Barbarian warrior 53
bristlebane server
# Sep 29 2002 at 4:16 PM Rating: Decent
Anyone on the bristlebane server who wants to trade Languages, I have a
Barb Shaman (Benorfu)
Vah Shir Bst (Sanath) and
Human War (Renaelc)
that want to train in all languages
(I Know, I'm greedy), just for the hell of it

Send a tell if you're interested
Increasing skill
# Sep 24 2002 at 9:15 PM Rating: Decent
Is there a way to increase skill in a language by yourself? I.e., nobody else teaching it to you or spamming you back?
RE: Increasing skill
# Feb 27 2003 at 8:19 PM Rating: Decent
Yea. someone teach me some languages, i'd like to know what they are.
RE: Increasing skill
# Feb 08 2003 at 7:59 PM Rating: Decent
Yes there is a slow, but sure way to raise your languages skill solo, but you must be grouped. During a lull in the action, zone through to the nearest zone, spam yourself (in group)in the language desired, and you will be able to raise it one tick. Then zone back, and you can spam again until you raise it one (only) tick again. You will get a message that your language skill has improved. It is tedious, but I was able to get all 25 languages (that I know about) up to 100 (including Greater Dragon). You can also use this technique if you have two accounts, just group, and follow the directions above.
RE: Increasing skill
# Sep 25 2002 at 11:17 AM Rating: Decent
45 posts
Afraid not. =/ Would be really nice if so, though. My rogue has only one language to go before they're all mastered (Goblin, which is at Average right now). If you're on the Terris Thule server feel free to contact me and I'd be glad to teach you a few languages, if you want. =) That goes for basically anyone...
Talking to NPCs
# Aug 26 2002 at 7:29 PM Rating: Decent
I'm just curious. Has anybody been able to talk to NPCs in their own language? I once tried switching to barbarian to talk to a Merchant in Halas. I was hoping to learn the language that way. But, I talked to them just fine, even though I have no skill in Barbarian. So, I'm assuming I automatically use Common for NPCs, no matter what I switch to. It would be neat (and challenging) to switch to a specific language and try to converse in an unknown language. Of course, you could always switch back to common if needed.
Linguistik Quest/Tittel
# Aug 23 2002 at 4:14 PM Rating: Decent
I have leard all 24 speaks to master, but give it a quesrt ot a titel ?

Wolfsbrut AB
# Aug 15 2002 at 7:46 PM Rating: Default
How did the orginal NPC languages get taught. How did anyone learn Gnool, or Elder Dragen?!?
RE: How
# Oct 31 2002 at 3:16 PM Rating: Decent
You can train in each one of the languages at your guild trainer. You can also pick up some languages from the mobs.
RE: How
# May 09 2003 at 10:48 AM Rating: Decent
Wait a sec, how do you learn languages from the mobs?

And, is it possible for me to improve my orcish-speaking skill WITHOUT spending my training points on that? Some alleged that, unlike those PC tongues, you couldn't learn orcish by group-spamming, which definitely confused me.

Thank you for yor time.

Lyreley the Selfish
Lanys T'Vyl
Ayonae Ro
# Aug 06 2002 at 8:33 AM Rating: Decent
I would very much like to train in some languages aside from Common and Elvish. I am interested in picking up the more rare languages, that can't be trained in at guild visits. Please contact me via my character name : Demendani. I am on Ayonae Ro server and port to your location, also willing to pay for your service and time. Thank you.
Elvish on Xegony
# Jul 28 2002 at 1:24 AM Rating: Decent
My character Brionna (on the Xegony Server) will teach Elvish to anyone for free if they will teach me or my alternate character (Velvetina Sateen) one of the following:

Old Erudian
Elder Teir'Dal

If you're interested please send tell to either Brionna or Velvetina.

Edited, Sun Jul 28 02:14:19 2002
Lesson swapping
# Jul 07 2002 at 11:43 AM Rating: Decent
on the nameless server i will swap whatever the few languges i know foe some new ones my Charecter's name is Ianweien pst
teaching languages
# Jul 05 2002 at 8:56 PM Rating: Decent
HI there, I am on the Fennin Ro server and time permitting, i will teach languages to master for free.
I am mastered in: Barbarian
Erudian,Elvish, Ogre, Halfling, Thieves Cant, Elder Elvish, Combine, Faerie, Dragon, Elder Dragon, Dark Speech and Teir Dal.
I am in EST, see you then!
Tanaysa Spiritchaser
Druidess of 37 seasons
3 ways to learning a new language
# May 28 2002 at 8:01 AM Rating: Decent
58 posts
You can see an FAQ I am working on at HTTP:\\\EQItemsUK\skillslanguages.txt
The site is very much a work in progress, but I am happy with that page for the time being. 8)


There are 3 ways I know of to increase your skills in a language. 2 of them are if you are a low skill level and have no-one of a higher level to teach you.

1. Learn from a Master
The easiest, best, and most available method. You find someone who is a Master at the language you want to learn. You then group with them, and they will start to spam you in group talk. Every now and then, you will see a message saying something along the lines of "Your language skills have improved". You need to see this message 100 times to become a Master. This can take anywhere between 8 minutes and an hour, depending on your Wisdom or Intelligence.
My Mage, Dungo, has an intelligence of 178, and learns a new language in just under 8 minutes when constantly spammed. I'm going to test someone with 103 intelligence, and someone with 70.
A problem with this is that you will be spammed, and will find it difficult to see any other messages you get. This can be sorted out by putting the person you are learning from on your /ignore list. You won't get the spam, but you will get the skill increases. When you stop getting messages saying your skill has improved, go to the nearest zone line and zone. Check your skills list, and hopefully it should say Master. If it says anything else, then go back and continue.

2. Train at your guild
There are problems with this method. The first is that, obviously, training points are important and should really be allocated to other skills where they will be more useful. The other is that a lot of languages won't be available to train in until later levels, so you may not be able to train the ones that you want.

3. Using the "Ladder" method.
Okay, so you know a little Gnoll, or Dragon, or some other language that isn't easily available. There's either no-one around, or there are people charging 100pp to teach it. There is a way to teach yourself and a friend at the same time, but it takes a LONG time, and involves zoning about 100 times each.
Dungo (Gnome Mage) knows Dragon, but only to skill level 8. Kalwm (High Elf Mage) doesn't know Dragon, but is willing to learn to help Dungo.
They go to a city and group, and Dungo teaches Kalwm as much as he knows. They both zone out then back into the city. Kalwm spams Dungo, and Dungo raises 2 skill points. Kalwm zones out then back in, and spams Dungo for 2 skill points. Dungo zones out and back in, and spams Kalwm for 2 skill points...

Well, you get the idea. Assuming you start at skill point 1 for a language, each character will need to zone out of the city 50 times, and zone back in 50 times.
Dungo and Kalwm are both learning 3 languages using this technique. They have 4 hotkeys set up. The first hotkey is just gibberish in group talk, and the other 3 switch the languages from Gnoll to Dragon to Elder Elvish.
To switch languages with hotkeys, write the line "/language x", where "x" is the number of the language you want to switch to. Go into your skills section, and count down the languages you know. Start with Common Tongue as 1, then count down until you reach the language you want to switch to. This number should be put after "/language " in the hotkey.

Edited, Fri Jun 21 10:10:23 2002
Tholuxe Paelles server
# May 26 2002 at 3:48 PM Rating: Default
58 posts
I have a Gnome Mage on this server who is Master in all PC languages, and is learning a few NPC as well. If anyone wants to learn, see if Dungo is online.
Bear in mind that I am in the UK, so the evenings when I am on may well be your mornings. Or something. 8)

To learn them all, I got a friend to port me to cities with his high level Druid, then log off and create a new character at that city. He then creates a 5 line hotkey, and switches languages. The 5 lines don't have to makes sense. I generally just type "/g " then hit the keys at random. Saves time when you keep creating new characters.
Typical hotkey setup looks like this:

/g kdgf kfds gaglkfd asljkg dhgf
/g asfhue cvk;auds v;ue b;ou f;oen;ovubes;
/g saifd asihdiy siafbviaweb fibiewafb
/g kashf iag i isbafyiasb ibaibf iapib
/g aksjfhdiypaw awslne8032 3b 9739br 9
RE: Tholuxe Paelles server
# Aug 18 2002 at 8:48 PM Rating: Default
I would be interested in learning some languages. No real reason, just seems like fun. I speak only Elvish and Common. I might try sending you a tell if we're both online. Or you can send a tell to me. I'd be willing trade if I have anything of use to you.

Half Elf
RE: Tholuxe Paelles server
# Jun 21 2002 at 9:06 AM Rating: Decent
58 posts
Have found out that you don't need to put loads of gibberish on a line. The amount of characters on a line is irrelevant, on the amount of lines. Therefore, a hotkey can look like this...
/g a
/g s
/g d
/g f
/g g
And still work as well.
Language Lessons
# May 25 2002 at 5:35 AM Rating: Default
45 posts
[post removed by author]

Edited, Wed Sep 25 12:05:34 2002
So hints on Languages
# May 08 2002 at 9:09 AM Rating: Excellent
A few things that I have seen by knowing the languages that I did not know before was that there are some books and signs that are in different languages (I found a book in Akheva Ruins and had no problem reading it, but my friends could not read it) so language are a part of the game, and i hope in the near future it becomes more important.

There are 25 languages in the game (including common) Common iss always your top language and what ever language that is the next in line on your skills list (top to bottom) is your second. If you learn all of them then your numbers will be as such
/language1 common
/language2 barbarian
/language3 Erudian
/language4 Elvish
/language5 Teir'Dal
/language6 Dwarvish
/language7 Troll
/language8 Orge
/language9 Gnomish
/language10 Halfling
/language11 Theives cant
/language12 Old Erudian
/language13 Elder Elvish
/language14 Froglock
/language15 Goblin
/language16 Gnoll
/language17 combine
/language18 Elder Teir'Dal
/language19 Lizardman
/language20 Orcish
/language21 Faerie
/language22 Dragon
/language23 Elder Dragon
/language24 Dark Speech
/language25 Vah Shir

If you have only 3 language on your skill list (ie. common Teir'Dal and Dark speech) common will be 1, Teir'Dal will be 2 and Dark Speech will be 3. The list above only is effective if you have 1 point in each of the languages.

The easiest way I have found in teaching a language is the following

/g this is a language
/g this is a language
/g this is a language

I do this so that if someone give me a tell or I need to say something for someone to understand I will say it in common.

Another thing you can do is teach two at one time.

/g this is a language
/g this is a language

Another thing to remember is that the person learning the language does not have to have group chat on. Most of the time I tell the person I am teaching to turn it off. This reduces the amount of spam he/she receives and will (in some cases) reduce the lag.

As it says in the above posts a higher intelligence helps and also more then one teaching the language will lessen the time in which you have to teach or learn.

To switch to a language quickly you would simply use /lang# .... but again this number is listed on your skill list from top (/lang1 is alway common) so lang2 will be the top language on your skill list.

Price check
# Apr 07 2002 at 9:10 PM Rating: Default
What is the going rate for a language lesson on the Karana server?

Bard of the 11th Song
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