Sneaky Sarnak  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Task
Quest Goal:
  • Advancement
  • Experience
  • Money
Quest Items:
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Era:Empires of Kunark
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Mon Nov 21 01:51:07 2016
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
Pre Req: Must have done Disappearing Dragons task before you can request this task.

Find Indagatrix Salus Acilia in the northeast corner of Lceanium.

Say tasks to her.

You say, 'Hail, Indagatrix Salus Acilia'

Indagatrix Salus Acilia says, 'Your help with [Gorenaire:Tell me more about Gorenaire.] is appreciated. I have another [task:What task?] to investigate the [sarnak:What are the sarnak doing?]. I have more [information:What information?] for you if you wish, or you can just go for it.'

You say, 'What task?'

Indagatrix Salus Acilia says, 'Please finish finding what happened with [Gorenaire:Tell me more about Gorenaire.]. Did you need me to summarize the [risk:Yes, what are the risks?]?'

You have been assigned the task 'Sneaky Sarnak'.

If you mess up on the collection part of this task and need to do it again, say again to Ambassador Paulus.

  1. Go to the combine outpost near the giant fort 0/1 Scorched Woods

    You'll get this update in the combine outpost northeast of the giant fort in Scorched Woods.

  2. Greet Ambassador Paulus 0/1 Scorched Woods

    Hail him.

    You say, 'Hail, Ambassador Paulus'

    Your task 'Sneaky Sarnak' has been updated.

    Ambassador Paulus says, 'Greetings. Wait what did you do. Did you bring them to kill me?'

  3. Defend the ambassador and yourself 0/3 Scorched Woods

    Kill the Sarnak Assassins that attack and keep the Ambassador alive.

  4. Speak with the ambassador about the [ambush] 0/1 Scorched Woods

    Say ambush to him and go through his dialog.

    You say, 'Hail, Ambassador Paulus'

    You say, 'Ambush'

    Ambassador Paulus says, 'I apologize for accusing you. Instead of bringing the sarnak to me, you saved me. How can I [assist:I need your assistance in investigating the sarnak.] you?'

    You say, 'I need your assistance in investigating the sarnak.'

    Ambassador Paulus says 'Ah. The sarnak.' He glances at the sarnak corpses. 'Our scouts have noticed an [increase:So Acilia is correct. There is reason to worry. An increase in their numbers is bad.] in their numbers here and in the mountains nearby.'

    You say, 'So Acilia is correct. There is reason to worry. An increase in their numbers is bad.'

    Ambassador Paulus says, 'It's true. Their numbers are increasing and they seem to be [organized:And they are becoming more organized? That's not good.].'

    You say, 'And they are becoming more organized? That's not good.'

    Ambassador Paulus says, 'I'm not sure if they have a leader here or not. But there is one sarnak I have seen multiple times, but I don't know his name. I have an [idea:What is your idea?].'

    You say, 'What is your idea?'

    Ambassador Paulus says, 'Well. You see, I have a hobby that I think will be of use. [Pheromones:How will pheromones help?]'

    You say, 'How will pheromones help?'

    Ambassador Paulus says, 'Though they are intelligent, I believe that the sarnak are primitive. And because of this, pheromones can have a profound affect on them. With that in mind, I have a [formula:What is the formula?] that I think will work. Use it on yourself and it will make the sarnak friendly. And also, let me know if you need to create the pheromones [again:I need to create that stinky goop again.]'

    You say, 'What is the formula?'

    A mystical path appears before you.

    Your task 'Sneaky Sarnak' has been updated.

    Ambassador Paulus says, 'Yes. You will need honey from wasps, wood that never crumbles, the heart of fire elementals, and some musk from a sarnak. Stir it all in a mixing bowl. There are some bodies in the larger ruined building nearby. Perhaps they can give you a clue.'

    You say, 'I need to create that stinky goop again.'

    Ambassador Paulus says, 'Okay. Go ahead and collect components and make a new batch.'

  5. Search the bodies in the ruined building nearby 0/1 Scorched Woods

    There is a building with Sarnak corpses not far from here. Stand on the corpses until you see the task update.

  6. Collect 4 Wasp Honey(s) 0/4 Scorched Woods

    Travel to the southwest part of the zone. Kill the dauber's there and loot the Wasp Honey.

  7. Collect 3 Ever Burning Wood(s)

    Ever Burning Woods are ground spawns in the mid north part of the zone. Loot them.

  8. Collect 2 Fire Elemental Essence(s) 0/2 Scorched Woods

    These essences drop off the fire elemental's at about the same area where where you looted the Ever Burning Woods.

  9. Collect 1 Sarnak Musk(s) 0/1 Scorched Woods

    Sarnak's are located in the northeast part of the zone on the way to Chardok. Kill them until you get the drop.

  10. Create 1 Stupefying Sarnak Pheromones using tradeskills 0/1 ALL

    Stupefying Sarnak Pheromones recipe.

  11. Go to the sarnak fort to the northeast 0/1 Scorched Woods

    The front gate where the guards are standing as you approach the fort is where this step updates.

  12. Speak with the sarnak 0/1 Scorched Woods

    Make sure you have your Stupefying Sarnak Pheromones somewhere in your inventory. Get ready to get attacked. Once you're ready, starting hailing the sarnak's until one of them gives you dialog.

    You say, 'You can help me by telling me what the sarnak are doing here.'

    Your task 'Sneaky Sarnak' has been updated.

    A sarnak knight says, 'Even if you're interesting, I can't talk about our plans or motivations. Maybe [Dry'dn:Who is Dry'dn?] has something to say.'

    You say, 'Who is Dry'dn?'

    A sarnak knight says, 'I think you can find him to the south east.'

  13. Ask Haggle Baron Dry`dn what the Sarnak's [intentions] are 0/1 Scorched Woods

    Haggle Baron Dry'dn is located to the southwest of the fort on the zone wall. Say intentions to him.

    You say, 'Hail, Haggle Baron Dry`dn'

    Haggle Baron Dry`dn says, 'Why shouldn't I kill you?'

    You say, 'intentions'

    Haggle Baron Dry`dn says, 'What do you mean? Aren't you with the Combine? Is this a [test:No, this is not a test.]?'

    You say, 'No, this is not a test.'

    Haggle Baron Dry`dn says, 'Look. I did what [she:What she? Who do you mean 'she?'] asked. I have nothing more to say. If she wants more she can [pay:Why is this woman paying you?].'

    You say, 'What she? Who do you mean 'she?''

    Your task 'Sneaky Sarnak' has been updated.

    Haggle Baron Dry`dn gives you a suspicious look. If you don't know who she is, then you aren't whom I think you are. Go away.

    You say, 'Why is this woman paying you?'

    Haggle Baron Dry`dn says, 'You know the drill. Money moves Norrath.'

  14. Find the "she" that Haggle Baron Dry`dn spoke of 0/1 Lceanium

    Go to Lceanium, find Lcea Katta in the main temple in the center of town. The task will update there and you will receive Lcea's Note.

  15. Deliver 1 Lcea's Note to Haggle Baron Dry`dn Scorched Woods

    Go back to Scorched Woods and give Lcea's Note to Haggle Baron Dry`dn.

  16. Go to the meeting 0/1 Lceanium

    Go back to Lceanium and go to the druid rings. The task should update around the middle of the rings.

  17. Kill the sarnak attacking Lcea 0/4 Lceanium

    Kill all 4 of the Sarnak that attack - or pull them to the city and let the guards do all the dirty work.

  18. Ask Lcea Katta [why] she killed Dry`dn 0/1 Lceanium

    You say, 'Hail, Lcea Katta'

    You say, 'Why'

    Lcea Katta says, 'Because he is [lying:But, Wait. You say he is lying? I saw you kill him.]. Even to his last breath.'

    You say, 'But, Wait. You say he is lying? I saw you kill him.'

    Your task 'Sneaky Sarnak' has been updated.

    Lcea Katta says, 'Do not question me. You have no right, even if you helped save my father. I am grateful for that, but that does not entitle you to internal information vital for the Combine Empire. Go tell Salus Acilia that you are done.'

  19. Report to Indagatrix Salus Acilia that [Lcea Katta] says you are done 0/1 Lceanium

    Talk to Indagatrix Salus Acilia in Lceanium near the Scorched Woods tunnel. Say to her Lcea Katta.

    You say, 'Hail, Indagatrix Salus Acilia'

    Indagatrix Salus Acilia says, 'Your help with [Gorenaire:Tell me more about Gorenaire.] is appreciated. I have another [task:What task?] to investigate the [sarnak:What are the sarnak doing?]. I have more [information:What information?] for you if you wish, or you can just go for it.'

    You say, 'Lcea Katta'

    Your task 'Sneaky Sarnak' has been updated.

    This is all disturbing. Praetor Denik has urgent need of your assistance. Find them.

    You receive 5 gold .
    You receive 425 platinum .
    You gain experience!

    Indagatrix Salus Acilia suddenly looks nervous and she stands up straight. 'Um. Okay.' Having trouble meeting your gaze, she stares at your forehead instead. 'If she says you are done, you are done. Thank you for your service to the Combine. I think Praetor Denik has some urgent business for you.'


425pp 5gp
Submitted by: Gidono
  • 425pp 5gp, Experience
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Quest broken?
# Jul 23 2024 at 10:31 AM Rating: Decent
33 posts
No matter what I say to the NPC, she will not give me the quest "Sneaky Sarnak". I have done everything leading up to it, including "Disappearing Dragons", but whatever I say to her, she keeps giving me the "Disappearing Dragons" quest. I even did that one, one more time hoping that would help but no :(
Malaari Manablaster
Quest broken?
# Jul 23 2024 at 11:25 AM Rating: Good
401 posts
Make sure your quest window is all the way open. The line tends to ride up and cover all the quests except for the first one. Try and get a hold of the line and pull it down. You can look thru this post for some screen shots of what I am talking about:

Find the "she"
# May 27 2023 at 11:11 AM Rating: Good
26 posts
If you have the "Page's Note" in your INV you won't get Lcea's note and you get booted from the room. Destroy the pages note and try again. Why did some of my toons have the Pages Note still? Who can say??? LOL.

I did have 1 toon that it took a few times to get. If it fails try again,

Edited, May 27th 2023 12:17pm by Nemesissy Hmmm, that may be incorrect. 1 toon had both Pages note and Lceas note. Maybe the trick is just trying a few times.

Edited, May 27th 2023 12:32pm by Nemesissy
Multi spawns
# Aug 30 2022 at 8:52 AM Rating: Decent
12 posts
Sarnak Assassins will spawn and attack, 1 at a time

I had 2 spawn right away. When the first died I got 2 more. Before I even killed 1 more 2 more spawned. I had to start over or they just kept adding. I had 10 un when I gated
Don't need to use Pheromones or even charm
# Feb 10 2022 at 9:21 PM Rating: Good
11 posts
You just need to make the Stupefying Sarnak Pheromones., not use it. After you get the task to Speak with the sarnak, find any Sarnak in the zone. Keep hailing until you see the [help] You will get attacked, but just fend it off until everyone in the party has Hailed-> Help. Took me 30 seconds get get it for all 3 of my 3-box toons. I did not have to say Who is Dry'dn either. Just got the next step after clicking on [Help].
# Jun 19 2021 at 11:34 AM Rating: Excellent
186 posts
If you use the Druid port to meet Lcea, you'll be immediately attacked by the mobs even before you finish zoning.

If you have a whole group you'll be attacked by 24 and instantly die.
how to talk to the gate sarnaks
# Jun 19 2021 at 9:55 AM Rating: Excellent
186 posts
If you have a group with the power, you can just engage the mobs at the gate and have everyone keep spamming 'hail' then clicking on the "help" text. No need for mezzing or using the spray.
Collect 3 Ever Burning Wood(s)
# Jun 18 2021 at 10:15 AM Rating: Excellent
186 posts
Ever Burning Wood(s) do not look like they are burning at all. They just look like a light tan branch of wood. Not that hard to see up close but not easy to see from a distance. Not that common. Respawn is ...

Fortunately, the fire elementals all over that area don't see invis and you don't lose invis when you gather them.

Brell's map marks the area. They appear to have a 10 minute respawn. So if you're lazy and with lots of time like me, you can just camp the first one you find. The spawn I found is next to a huge log at 2694, -750, -376.

Edited, Jun 18th 2021 5:34pm by Vedarian
When talking to Paulus pull away from him
# Jun 15 2021 at 11:32 AM Rating: Excellent
186 posts
As you're probably used to by now, if you're in a group, you're going to get the 2 mobs x your group members.

Even more idiotic, it's possible to aggro the guards who wander near Paulus. So pull away from him to fight without undesired adds.
ground spawn.
# May 03 2018 at 8:34 PM Rating: Good
The ever burning wood ground spawns look quite like the ground spawns in Tempus Temple. The three locations I got them at were approximatelyh +2933 -96; +2972 -429; +2966 -304.
Dialog text
# Jan 20 2018 at 8:59 AM Rating: Excellent
9 posts
[Fri Jan 19 19:44:32 2018] You say, 'Hail, Indagatrix Salus Acilia'
[Fri Jan 19 19:44:33 2018] Indagatrix Salus Acilia says, 'Your help with [Gorenaire:Tell me more about Gorenaire.] is appreciated. I have another [task:What task?] to investigate the [sarnak:What are the sarnak doing?]. I have more [information:What information?] for you if you wish, or you can just go for it.'
[Fri Jan 19 19:44:36 2018] You say, 'What task?'
[Fri Jan 19 19:44:36 2018] Indagatrix Salus Acilia says, 'Please finish finding what happened with [Gorenaire:Tell me more about Gorenaire.]. Did you need me to summarize the [risk:Yes, what are the risks?]?'
[Fri Jan 19 19:44:56 2018] You have been assigned the task 'Sneaky Sarnak'.

Step 2

[Fri Jan 19 19:50:37 2018] You say, 'Hail, Ambassador Paulus'
[Fri Jan 19 19:50:37 2018] Your task 'Sneaky Sarnak' has been updated.
[Fri Jan 19 19:50:37 2018] Ambassador Paulus says, 'Greetings. Wait what did you do. Did you bring them to kill me?'

Step 4

[Fri Jan 19 19:58:03 2018] You say, 'Hail, Ambassador Paulus'
[Fri Jan 19 19:58:14 2018] You say, 'Ambush'
[Fri Jan 19 19:58:14 2018] Ambassador Paulus says, 'I apologize for accusing you. Instead of bringing the sarnak to me, you saved me. How can I [assist:I need your assistance in investigating the sarnak.] you?'
[Fri Jan 19 19:58:21 2018] You say, 'I need your assistance in investigating the sarnak.'
[Fri Jan 19 19:58:21 2018] Ambassador Paulus says 'Ah. The sarnak.' He glances at the sarnak corpses. 'Our scouts have noticed an [increase:So Acilia is correct. There is reason to worry. An increase in their numbers is bad.] in their numbers here and in the mountains nearby.'
[Fri Jan 19 19:58:23 2018] You say, 'So Acilia is correct. There is reason to worry. An increase in their numbers is bad.'
[Fri Jan 19 19:58:23 2018] Ambassador Paulus says, 'It's true. Their numbers are increasing and they seem to be [organized:And they are becoming more organized? That's not good.].'
[Fri Jan 19 19:58:25 2018] You say, 'And they are becoming more organized? That's not good.'
[Fri Jan 19 19:58:26 2018] Ambassador Paulus says, 'I'm not sure if they have a leader here or not. But there is one sarnak I have seen multiple times, but I don't know his name. I have an [idea:What is your idea?].'
[Fri Jan 19 19:58:28 2018] You say, 'What is your idea?'
[Fri Jan 19 19:58:29 2018] Ambassador Paulus says, 'Well. You see, I have a hobby that I think will be of use. [Pheromones:How will pheromones help?]'
[Fri Jan 19 19:58:30 2018] You say, 'How will pheromones help?'
[Fri Jan 19 19:58:31 2018] Ambassador Paulus says, 'Though they are intelligent, I believe that the sarnak are primitive. And because of this, pheromones can have a profound affect on them. With that in mind, I have a [formula:What is the formula?] that I think will work. Use it on yourself and it will make the sarnak friendly. And also, let me know if you need to create the pheromones [again:I need to create that stinky goop again.]'
[Fri Jan 19 19:58:36 2018] You say, 'What is the formula?'
[Fri Jan 19 19:58:36 2018] A mystical path appears before you.
[Fri Jan 19 19:58:36 2018] Your task 'Sneaky Sarnak' has been updated.
[Fri Jan 19 19:58:36 2018] Ambassador Paulus says, 'Yes. You will need honey from wasps, wood that never crumbles, the heart of fire elementals, and some musk from a sarnak. Stir it all in a mixing bowl. There are some bodies in the larger ruined building nearby. Perhaps they can give you a clue.'
[Fri Jan 19 19:58:38 2018] You say, 'I need to create that stinky goop again.'
[Fri Jan 19 19:58:39 2018] Ambassador Paulus says, 'Okay. Go ahead and collect components and make a new batch.'

Step 12

[Sat Jan 20 14:51:00 2018] You say, 'You can help me by telling me what the sarnak are doing here.'
[Sat Jan 20 14:51:00 2018] Your task 'Sneaky Sarnak' has been updated.
[Sat Jan 20 14:51:00 2018] A sarnak knight says, 'Even if you're interesting, I can't talk about our plans or motivations. Maybe [Dry'dn:Who is Dry'dn?] has something to say.'
[Sat Jan 20 14:51:03 2018] You say, 'Who is Dry'dn?'
[Sat Jan 20 14:51:04 2018] A sarnak knight says, 'I think you can find him to the south east.'

Step 13

[Sat Jan 20 15:01:12 2018] You say, 'Hail, Haggle Baron Dry`dn'
[Sat Jan 20 15:01:13 2018] Haggle Baron Dry`dn says, 'Why shouldn't I kill you?'
[Sat Jan 20 15:01:29 2018] You say, 'intentions'
[Sat Jan 20 15:01:29 2018] Haggle Baron Dry`dn says, 'What do you mean? Aren't you with the Combine? Is this a [test:No, this is not a test.]?'
[Sat Jan 20 15:01:34 2018] You say, 'No, this is not a test.'
[Sat Jan 20 15:01:34 2018] Haggle Baron Dry`dn says, 'Look. I did what [she:What she? Who do you mean 'she?'] asked. I have nothing more to say. If she wants more she can [pay:Why is this woman paying you?].'
[Sat Jan 20 15:01:41 2018] You say, 'What she? Who do you mean 'she?''
[Sat Jan 20 15:01:41 2018] Your task 'Sneaky Sarnak' has been updated.
[Sat Jan 20 15:01:41 2018] Haggle Baron Dry`dn gives you a suspicious look. If you don't know who she is, then you aren't whom I think you are. Go away.
[Sat Jan 20 15:01:46 2018] You say, 'Why is this woman paying you?'
[Sat Jan 20 15:01:47 2018] Haggle Baron Dry`dn says, 'You know the drill. Money moves Norrath.'

Step 18

[Sat Jan 20 15:24:22 2018] You say, 'Hail, Lcea Katta'
[Sat Jan 20 15:24:28 2018] You say, 'Why'
[Sat Jan 20 15:24:29 2018] Lcea Katta says, 'Because he is [lying:But, Wait. You say he is lying? I saw you kill him.]. Even to his last breath.'
[Sat Jan 20 15:24:32 2018] You say, 'But, Wait. You say he is lying? I saw you kill him.'
[Sat Jan 20 15:24:33 2018] Your task 'Sneaky Sarnak' has been updated.
[Sat Jan 20 15:24:33 2018] Lcea Katta says, 'Do not question me. You have no right, even if you helped save my father. I am grateful for that, but that does not entitle you to internal information vital for the Combine Empire. Go tell Salus Acilia that you are done.'

Step 19

[Sat Jan 20 15:26:02 2018] You say, 'Hail, Indagatrix Salus Acilia'
[Sat Jan 20 15:26:03 2018] Indagatrix Salus Acilia says, 'Your help with [Gorenaire:Tell me more about Gorenaire.] is appreciated. I have another [task:What task?] to investigate the [sarnak:What are the sarnak doing?]. I have more [information:What information?] for you if you wish, or you can just go for it.'
[Sat Jan 20 15:26:13 2018] Vivrig begins to cast a spell. <Benediction of Sanctity Rk. II>
[Sat Jan 20 15:26:17 2018] Vivrig is quickened by a sacred blessing.
[Sat Jan 20 15:26:38 2018] You say, 'Lcea Katta'
[Sat Jan 20 15:26:38 2018] Your task 'Sneaky Sarnak' has been updated.
[Sat Jan 20 15:26:38 2018] This is all disturbing. Praetor Denik has urgent need of your assistance. Find them.
[Sat Jan 20 15:26:38 2018] You receive 5 gold .
[Sat Jan 20 15:26:38 2018] You receive 425 platinum .
[Sat Jan 20 15:26:38 2018] You gain experience!
[Sat Jan 20 15:26:38 2018] Indagatrix Salus Acilia suddenly looks nervous and she stands up straight. 'Um. Okay.' Having trouble meeting your gaze, she stares at your forehead instead. 'If she says you are done, you are done. Thank you for your service to the Combine. I think Praetor Denik has some urgent business for you.'
The Visage of Chardok Royalty
# Aug 02 2017 at 9:01 PM Rating: Decent
91 posts
I was able to use the reward for the last anniversary and completed the stage to hail the Sarnak at the fort. I had to evac and lost the pheromone, had the chanter mez and completed the task. Not sure if just happened at that time by coincidence or not.
The Visage of Chardok Royalty
# Aug 04 2017 at 5:47 PM Rating: Excellent
Dread Lord Dracnoir wrote:
I was able to use the reward for the last anniversary and completed the stage to hail the Sarnak at the fort. I had to evac and lost the pheromone, had the chanter mez and completed the task. Not sure if just happened at that time by coincidence or not.

Which reward did you get for the last anniversary?
Allakhazam Developer and Admin

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lost potion of diguise - easy update for the sarnak hail
# Jul 13 2017 at 8:23 AM Rating: Good
4 posts
I messed up and wasted my potion of disguise.
It isn't even needed after you get the update for making it
if you pull a blue and charm it
hail it eventually you will get a positive result.
then /say help and follow the prompts until it updates.
doing it this way avoided the 4 attackers also.

I did 3 people on the same sarnak without using the disguise potion on any of the 3 toons
sarnak hails
# Mar 20 2017 at 11:11 PM Rating: Excellent
if the mob is engaged with someone OTHER than you, or is mez'd, you can chain hail it, until it replies with:

What can I [help] you with?
eventually, saying help with yield a line of chat...
Even if you're interesting, I can't talk about our plans or motivations. Maybe [Dry'dn] has something to say.

training Haggle Baron Dry'dn w/ the sarnak of your choice engages it, n makes it susceptible to the chain hail sequence. just running around hailing random mobs is going to be very very very painful. Even with the Visiage of Chardok Royalty. You get, one, maybe two hails, n then you are attacked.
# Feb 28 2017 at 4:46 PM Rating: Excellent
If you mess up or have to do the collect part again. Just '/say Again' to the Ambassador.
For once maybe someone would call me "sir", without adding, "you're making a scene"
# Mar 02 2017 at 4:23 PM Rating: Excellent
mrduane wrote:
If you mess up or have to do the collect part again. Just '/say Again' to the Ambassador.

Thanks, added.
Allakhazam Developer and Admin

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Step 10-12 sneaky sarnak
# Jan 30 2017 at 7:10 PM Rating: Decent
# 12
You lose the effects of the potion if you gate. Can't seem to get the items needed to make another potion either. Any ideas?
Step 10-12 sneaky sarnak
# Feb 01 2017 at 12:17 AM Rating: Excellent
ovverrated wrote:
# 12
You lose the effects of the potion if you gate. Can't seem to get the items needed to make another potion either. Any ideas?

Might have to drop the task and redo it so you can make a new potion.
Allakhazam Developer and Admin

For real time update information on Allakhazam, follow me on Twitter!

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Step 10-12 sneaky sarnak
# Apr 10 2017 at 11:26 PM Rating: Good
41 posts
Take an enchanter along. I went out to help a druid that has gotten overrun and had to Exodus. I mez'd one of the Sarnaks near the halfling and he hailed it and got the reply.
17 anyone know
# Dec 25 2016 at 3:25 PM Rating: Good
318 posts
Wiped on 17 anyone know how to reset the spawns?
17 anyone know
# May 07 2017 at 2:11 PM Rating: Decent
5 posts
i had the 4 assassins on me then ran and FD ... they dissapered so i went back to the druid ring and they didnt respawn , camped then cameback the next day and it worked , they came running at me 1 by 1

Bofurry Frozenheart
step 5 target corse
# Dec 24 2016 at 4:56 PM Rating: Good
318 posts
Search the bodies in the ruined building nearby 0/1 Scorched Woods

There is a building with Sarnak corpses not far from here. Stand on the corpses until you see the task update.

Must target or click on corpse

# Dec 14 2016 at 11:28 PM Rating: Excellent
316 posts
Step 16 - Don't have to be at the center. I was just on the outskirts on the south side of ring and they spawned coming from the east.

Step 20 - There are 2 Lcea Katta in zone. The one needed for this step is on the west side of the druid rings.
# Dec 25 2016 at 3:28 PM Rating: Good
318 posts
Wiped on 17 anyone know how to reset the spawns?
# Dec 15 2016 at 4:36 AM Rating: Excellent
Sacred Explorer Cliffster wrote:
Step 16 - Don't have to be at the center. I was just on the outskirts on the south side of ring and they spawned coming from the east.

Step 20 - There are 2 Lcea Katta in zone. The one needed for this step is on the west side of the druid rings.

Step 20? Is there another version of this quest?
Allakhazam Developer and Admin

For real time update information on Allakhazam, follow me on Twitter!

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# Jan 18 2017 at 10:58 PM Rating: Decent
216 posts
Step 19 is the hail of Lcea Katta out by the druid ring. The one who has her spear with her.
Buanu Connoy
Champions of Norrath
step 18 of sneaky sarnak.
# Nov 25 2016 at 11:36 PM Rating: Default
how do I get her to answer? I tried undisguised, invisible, visible, fd, disguised nothing gets me an answer, although she will allow me in the room with the disguise on
step 18 of sneaky sarnak.
# Aug 28 2022 at 4:01 PM Rating: Decent
22 posts
This has been said ... there are two versions of her in the zone. I found myself back in the town and every time I entered the temple where she was, I would get ejected. Tried running in and super fast hailing and asking to no avail. I wasted about 10 minutes scratching my head so I came here to read up on the quest. No one mentioned being ejected so I thought I would use the word here in case someone else runs into the same trouble I did.
step 18 of sneaky sarnak.
# Jan 30 2019 at 12:35 AM Rating: Decent
178 posts
Speak to her at the druid rings not in the temple.
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