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Rain of Fear Info & Guides: Overview | Progression & Task List | Raiding | Visible Armor

The storm and frost giants within Kael Drakkel have fought for years with the dragons and coldain. The giants withstood the invasion of the dragons, and they harried the coldain in the city of Thurgadin. The giants thought they knew their enemies. They were unprepared.

A malevolent, mysterious power has entered Kael Drakkel. Though unaware of this incursion, King Tormax's thoughts have become troubled. He sees enemies everywhere: the coldain, the dragons, the mercenaries, and even the kromrif. Even ordinary citizens have begun to see their fears coming to life. The brothers of Iceshard Manor are afraid that Tormax will destroy the city from within. Their only hope is a forceful intervention by mercenaries brave enough to confront the king's madness.

Viewing 451 to 487 of 487 entries.

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Image Name Level Range Type Zone Expansion
No Picture Included Watchman Karthen 95 - 95 Monster Kael Drakkel, The King's Madness Rain of Fear
Picture Included Watchman Koprek 95 - 95 Monster Kael Drakkel, The King's Madness Rain of Fear
Picture Included Watchman Lhaef 97 - 97 Monster Kael Drakkel, The King's Madness Rain of Fear
No Picture Included Watchman Medrojjen 97 - 97 Monster Kael Drakkel, The King's Madness Rain of Fear
No Picture Included Watchman Mjroldin 95 - 95 Monster Kael Drakkel, The King's Madness Rain of Fear
Picture Included Watchman Myrderon 95 - 95 Monster Kael Drakkel, The King's Madness Rain of Fear
Picture Included Watchman Myriin 95 - 95 Monster Kael Drakkel, The King's Madness Rain of Fear
No Picture Included Watchman Njella 95 - 95 Monster Kael Drakkel, The King's Madness Rain of Fear
No Picture Included Watchman Ogelren 95 - 95 Monster Kael Drakkel, The King's Madness Rain of Fear
Picture Included Watchman Othrener 95 - 95 Monster Kael Drakkel, The King's Madness Rain of Fear
No Picture Included Watchman Reglekar 95 - 95 Monster Kael Drakkel, The King's Madness Rain of Fear
No Picture Included Watchman Rydsheld 97 - 97 Monster Kael Drakkel, The King's Madness Rain of Fear
No Picture Included Watchman Sharpstone 95 - 95 Monster Kael Drakkel, The King's Madness Rain of Fear
No Picture Included Watchman Skaldojar 97 - 97 Monster Kael Drakkel, The King's Madness Rain of Fear
No Picture Included Watchman Skaldori 95 - 95 Monster Kael Drakkel, The King's Madness Rain of Fear
No Picture Included Watchman Stalgen 95 - 95 Monster Kael Drakkel, The King's Madness Rain of Fear
No Picture Included Watchman Sunderthorn 97 - 97 Monster Kael Drakkel, The King's Madness Rain of Fear
No Picture Included Watchman Thyek 97 - 97 Monster Kael Drakkel, The King's Madness Rain of Fear
No Picture Included Watchman Tylem 97 - 97 Monster Kael Drakkel, The King's Madness Rain of Fear
No Picture Included Watchman Vedravik 97 - 97 Monster Kael Drakkel, The King's Madness Rain of Fear
No Picture Included Watchman Vyiel 95 - 95 Monster Kael Drakkel, The King's Madness Rain of Fear
No Picture Included Watchman Welvrak 97 - 97 Monster Kael Drakkel, The King's Madness Rain of Fear
Picture Included Watchman Weyaen 95 - 95 Monster Kael Drakkel, The King's Madness Rain of Fear
Picture Included Watchman Whiteblade 95 - 95 Monster Kael Drakkel, The King's Madness Rain of Fear
No Picture Included Watchman Wolfcoat 97 - 97 Monster Kael Drakkel, The King's Madness Rain of Fear
No Picture Included Watchman Yekkal 95 - 95 Monster Kael Drakkel, The King's Madness Rain of Fear
Picture Included Watchman Ymmedlor 97 - 97 Monster Kael Drakkel, The King's Madness Rain of Fear
No Picture Included Watchman Zakrek 95 - 95 Monster Kael Drakkel, The King's Madness Rain of Fear
Picture Included Welverd Steelbairn [Quest] 97 - 97 Quest NPC Kael Drakkel, The King's Madness Rain of Fear
Picture Included Wenglawks Kkeak 97 - 97 Monster Kael Drakkel, The King's Madness Rain of Fear
Picture Included Wevek Redforge 98 - 98 Quest NPC Kael Drakkel, The King's Madness Rain of Fear
Picture Included Weyen Stonetrader 101 - 101 Banker Kael Drakkel, The King's Madness Rain of Fear
Picture Included Weyrevar Bluehammer 97 - 97 Merchant Kael Drakkel, The King's Madness Rain of Fear
Picture Included Yeeldan Spiritcaller 95 - 95 Monster Kael Drakkel, The King's Madness Rain of Fear
Picture Included Yetarr 98 - 98 a rare creature Kael Drakkel, The King's Madness Rain of Fear
Picture Included Ymik 99 - 99 Merchant Kael Drakkel, The King's Madness Rain of Fear
Picture Included Yngvie 95 - 95 Quest NPC Kael Drakkel, The King's Madness Rain of Fear
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