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This is the instanced zone entered during the Cage Kerafyrm monster mission.

We are missing some NPCs from this instance. Please send a mail if you have name and level information !
Sleeper's TombDeceasedThe Giant FortressLord Yelinak Passes by an Empty Orc FortressFrost GiantsMilitiaGiant ShelterCaptain Bullos

Viewing 1 to 28 of 28 entries.

Image Name Level Range Type Zone Expansion
No Picture Included a domesticated direwolf 60 - 60 Animal Eastern Wastes: Cage Kerafyrm Prophecy of Ro
No Picture Included a frost giant commoner 64 - 66 Monster Eastern Wastes: Cage Kerafyrm Prophecy of Ro
No Picture Included a frost giant savage 60 - 60 Monster Eastern Wastes: Cage Kerafyrm Prophecy of Ro
No Picture Included a glimmering drake 50 - 50 NPC, non-quest Eastern Wastes: Cage Kerafyrm Prophecy of Ro
No Picture Included a snow griffin 50 - 50 NPC, non-quest Eastern Wastes: Cage Kerafyrm Prophecy of Ro
No Picture Included a storm giant commoner 64 - 66 Monster Eastern Wastes: Cage Kerafyrm Prophecy of Ro
Picture Included a wyvern 50 - 50 NPC, non-quest Eastern Wastes: Cage Kerafyrm Prophecy of Ro
Picture Included Captain Bullos 70 - 70 Monster Eastern Wastes: Cage Kerafyrm Prophecy of Ro
No Picture Included Chanter Bjald 60 - 60 Monster Eastern Wastes: Cage Kerafyrm Prophecy of Ro
Picture Included Grendor the Iceshaper 75 - 75 Quest NPC Eastern Wastes: Cage Kerafyrm Prophecy of Ro
Picture Included Iceweaver Swereon 60 - 60 Monster Eastern Wastes: Cage Kerafyrm Prophecy of Ro
Picture Included Klonan Iceshard 68 - 68 Monster Eastern Wastes: Cage Kerafyrm Prophecy of Ro
No Picture Included Lieutenant Stormcleaver 68 - 68 Monster Eastern Wastes: Cage Kerafyrm Prophecy of Ro
Picture Included Militia Captain 70 - 70 Monster Eastern Wastes: Cage Kerafyrm Prophecy of Ro
No Picture Included Sentinel Aethnorn 64 - 64 Monster Eastern Wastes: Cage Kerafyrm Prophecy of Ro
No Picture Included Sentinel Bjhorn 64 - 64 Monster Eastern Wastes: Cage Kerafyrm Prophecy of Ro
No Picture Included Sentinel Bjrell 64 - 64 Monster Eastern Wastes: Cage Kerafyrm Prophecy of Ro
No Picture Included Sentinel Fhajer 66 - 66 Monster Eastern Wastes: Cage Kerafyrm Prophecy of Ro
Picture Included Sentinel Lenar 64 - 64 Monster Eastern Wastes: Cage Kerafyrm Prophecy of Ro
No Picture Included Sentinel Lergremor 65 - 65 Monster Eastern Wastes: Cage Kerafyrm Prophecy of Ro
No Picture Included Sentinel Tregen 64 - 64 Monster Eastern Wastes: Cage Kerafyrm Prophecy of Ro
No Picture Included Sergeant Tellsren 65 - 65 Monster Eastern Wastes: Cage Kerafyrm Prophecy of Ro
No Picture Included Sergeant Thardiel 64 - 64 Monster Eastern Wastes: Cage Kerafyrm Prophecy of Ro
Picture Included Watchman Gormarel 65 - 65 Monster Eastern Wastes: Cage Kerafyrm Prophecy of Ro
No Picture Included Watchman Kedrivik 65 - 65 Monster Eastern Wastes: Cage Kerafyrm Prophecy of Ro
No Picture Included Watchman Lhef 65 - 65 Monster Eastern Wastes: Cage Kerafyrm Prophecy of Ro
No Picture Included Watchman Tolenz 65 - 65 Monster Eastern Wastes: Cage Kerafyrm Prophecy of Ro
No Picture Included Watchman Zelrek 55 - 55 Monster Eastern Wastes: Cage Kerafyrm Prophecy of Ro