Tserrina Syl`Tor  

a rare creature
Here is Tserrina posing with my pet Bones during todays visit.

Uploaded November 10th, 2015 by Merf
Updated April 14th, 2019

In the Tower of Frozen Shadow (static zone): Found on the 7th floor; can spawn from the corpse of a bat.

In the Tower of Frozen Shadow (group): Part of the anniversary group monster mission "A Different Perspective".

In the Tower of Frozen Shadow (raid): Part of the final encounter within the Tower of Frozen Shadow anniversary raid (see this quest entry for raid information).

Category: EverQuest
This page last modified 2012-03-23 03:26:07.

Level: 51
Expansion: Scars of Velious
Post Comment
#REDACTED, Posted: Aug 18 2003 at 5:02 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Funny story, but I think your full of S**T.
# Aug 11 2003 at 10:13 AM Rating: Default
THERE IS AN 8TH FLOOR...we just got to it on the Stromm server. It basically involves a very simple but lengthy process. First you must start on the first floor and kill every boss mob on your way up. And you can't kill the boss mobs from floors 1-4 leave come back and get the rest...you need to do it all in one step. Once you get to the 7th floor you get Tserrina to spawn and you have to kill her not once, twice, three, four, but FIVE times... after her 5th corpse has been looted the Floor ( only the 7th floor will receive this message as we asked a group on the 2nd floor if they saw it and they didnt) will then receive an in game message saying how your fate awaits on the 8th floor etc etc. Voila Tserrinas body will disappear and a bag will pop to replace it. Inside the bag will be the 8th and final key to the 8th floor which can be accesed from the locked mirror. Now is when the fun begins...you better be medded and buffed before you go into here because Tserrina is back for revenge, or at least version 2.0 which conned Red to a lvl 62 (guessing shes 65) and she is MEAN. Same strategies apply on her as the version on the 7th floor, we were not ready for her the first time though and died, got our necro to corpse summon and were on our merry way back to the 8th floor. We finally took her down and looted from her another key which led to another area of the 8th floor. This time we figured wed sit med etc etc. Final SHOWDOWN with non other than the bad boy dark elf vamp himself MISTMOORE! Now we did not take him down, actualyl only got him to about 80 % health before we were decimated...second time we tried got him to 83%...when we went up there the third time he was gone. We ported back outside of the tower and the person who had looted the 8th floor key and the key to access the 2nd area of the 8th floor said the keys were gone from their inventory. Instead of the keys he had "Kerafyrm Slayer"...a 2hs weapon... 40 delay/90 dmg with +30 to all stats and +50 to all resists! Plus it has a unlimited triggered effect of Kerafyrms breath...a 100,000 Cold based direct damage Spell!!! Naturally we went to take down kerafyrm and we did and as a prize were all GM's now !!! Lol just messing with ya'll if you havent figured it out by now.
#REDACTED, Posted: Aug 24 2003 at 5:07 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) "a unlimited triggered effect of Kerafyrms breath...a 100,000 Cold based direct damage Spell"
# Aug 16 2003 at 5:25 AM Rating: Default
I would love to be able to take you at your word... that doing all that you say, would actually do what you say, but I've been around long enough to know when something sounds just a bit too much like someone is trying to pull a fast one on everyone else.....which if I'm right...you are one major piece of work. If in fact what you say is true than I apologize for questioning your motives, but what proof do you have to offer us,that what you say is true.....where are the screen shots of the kill? where are the details of the fight... If anyone can confirm that this is indeed the truth and that the legendary 8th floor has been found please post a message and confirm this for the rest of us....until then I'm going to have to pass on the prospect.....

# Aug 19 2003 at 7:55 PM Rating: Decent
22 posts
Ya see....

This is the problem with message boards most of the time. So often people don't take the time to read an entire post before they throw in their two cents.

Kind of a problem we have in our society in general now. Everyone waiting to talk instead of listening :)

# Aug 09 2003 at 1:19 PM Rating: Decent
She can be nasty. Im a 65 wizzy and i tried to kill her with the help of a 57 cleric. first nuke was resisted. :( so i used sunstrike instead and got her to 14% and oom. ( i had no kei for the fight) so needless to she wiped the floor with me...now im omw way back up there to rape the beatch
8 hour camp out
# Jun 15 2003 at 4:35 PM Rating: Default
Me (47 Chanter) and a few others from my alt's guild where bored one morning, so I just wanted to get up here and take her down a few times. the following classes where present:

52 warrior
47 chanter
50 cleric
56 monk
52 monk
52 Necro

and im glad to say I only died once. We went in there with on keys on us, and cleared the entire floors about twice to get the keys. This took us about 3 hours (we got lucky) After we hit the top floor, our puller, being a bad monk, trained us (How a monk did, I dont know) but I got swarmed, being the aggro-gatherer that I am, and got killed. I was rezzed, and back and ready for action. We cleared the bats, no Tess.
An hour of sitting and playing gems went by in the back room when the second round of bats spawned. She spawned on the last one. The necro's pet was charmed, and we killed it, but after that, Tess was really no problem, warrior being a troll and bashing her spells.
Next time, she came in, and landed a charm on our 56 monk (he was mezzed the rest of the fight) and no one in our group got out with more then 20% life, and oom, but we survived.
2 more bat fights and she spawned again, by now I had everyone on crack, fighting faster then light, and her being frail, stupid, and manaless, went down easy.

She dropped:

1) Key, staff, gem
2) Key, Symbol, Gem
3) Key, Gem

after that, the monk left and we got the hell out of there as fast as we possibly could

Natem Shadowchasing
Gnome of the hammer
Killed with Ease
# Jun 08 2003 at 11:55 PM Rating: Default
Just got done killing Lodi in IC when i decided to go into the tower and have a little bit of fun smacking things around left and right just blowing time before raid and then i see this girl on track so i kill her with ease heared the there was a 8th level to this tower and tried a lot of things to get to it i dunno for sure if there is a 8th level but a lot say there is but have no clue how to get up to it if you have any info about it id love for you to post it 1-7th i had no problems getting to would love to see if 8th is any challanage http://www.magelo.com/eq_view_profile.html?num=710555
RE: Killed with Ease
# Sep 30 2003 at 6:41 PM Rating: Good
70 posts
Hmm, sure you did.

O, and which guild are you in that is so far advanced in PoTime that you already had 2 pieces of Time quip in June, yet would let you loot a bard sword (look at the instrument bonus) while allowing its rangers to have such a crap bow? And ffs, even people like Furor/Thott/Hobben don't have ALL their AA's filled. I have a sneaking suspicion that you aren't even a ranger at all, or perhaps a very newbie one who thought he'd pick one high damage bow and one low delay bow to make the profile look real...

Don't believe me? This is what real rangers use:


Nice fake profile, hope you enjoy drooling over it. Now **** off and stop giving us a bad name.

Edited, Tue Sep 30 19:48:28 2003
RE: Killed with Ease
# Aug 05 2003 at 7:58 AM Rating: Default
Just to clarify, she has been killed solo by a 65 SK buddy of mine with all the abilities he "needs". However, OneshotOnekill is a noob gimp ranger on RZ, I happened to see him on last night and took note of his pathetic PK name. Yo gimp, if you read these posts after you talk shiz like an idiot, I got a big fat harm touch waitin for ya.
Tcho Tcho
Soulful Shadowknight of RZ
RE: Killed with Ease
# Jul 22 2003 at 11:41 AM Rating: Decent
too bad she doesnt pop by herself so theres no way you saw her on track

Edited, Tue Jul 22 12:33:38 2003
RE: Killed with Ease
# Aug 19 2003 at 7:59 PM Rating: Decent
22 posts
Ive seen her on track twice. Folks sometimes hunt 7 and are unprepared for her when she spawns. They die, get summoned out, and she stays up. I remember expressing up to 7 one night when I was 60 to duo torches and rounded the corner to see her wandering around. Yikes!

RE: Killed with Ease
# Jun 23 2003 at 5:49 PM Rating: Decent
Ok, I doubt you soloed Tserrina, no matter how 'buff' you are, she isn't that easy =P
RE: Killed with Ease
# Jul 18 2003 at 2:24 AM Rating: Decent
I soloed her as a 64 Paladin easily. she's a gimp :-P
# May 19 2003 at 5:47 AM Rating: Default
Me and Friend killed her easily.

Me(63Rng), Krawm(65Dru)

Got her to spawn. started to fight. He nuked and DoT'd as usual. She was only hitting me 80s or highier. I got CH'd once when she has 2 bubs left. She didnt run for some reason. Didnt try to gate either.

Simple Enough. Dropped Gem, Whip, Key.

Gratz Krawm on key! Gratz Whip....to rott!

Edited, Mon May 19 06:39:37 2003
Took her out with three...
# May 16 2003 at 2:46 PM Rating: Decent
I have been playing this game for about three years now and still enjoy it. There are zones that I have not seen much of and this is one of them. I have been leveling up some alts here and this zone is alot of fun. Last night we headed on up to the 7th floor to take out Tserrina. Our group consisted of 2 Pallies (46 and 51) and a Druid (63). After the druid debuffed the crap out of her and stacked all his DoTs, he pretty much tanked her the whole fight. Funny thing is, after all the debuffs, she was only hitting him for 20-30, all the damage to the party came from the 51 Pally when he got charmed. Over all pretty easy. She can be snared and rooted, if you do this, prepare to be summoned alot, We figure the druid got summoned about 15 times during the fight.
Can we do it??
# Apr 26 2003 at 6:15 AM Rating: Default
Can a lvl 53 warrior, 52 enchanter and 51 cleric get this done?

My primary concerns are this:

1.) Can she be mezzed.

2.) Can she be mana sieved.

3.) Can she be slowed.

I feel if these three things are possible we can do this because with every other caster boss we've come accross this approach has perfectly well (mezz, mana sieve, slow, blur and then melee it down.)

Also, I am the cleric, and I am curious does anyone know if cancel magic line will end a mez?

Ty for your help.

Duo'ed her
# Apr 06 2003 at 10:47 PM Rating: Decent
Me (a 61 shadow knight) and a 65 chanter friend just solo'd her. Wasn't hard at all, with chain-casting uproar and me casting aura of darkness for resists. She didn't get a single spell off on me. When fight was over, chanter had 60 mana, and me 40 mana with both full health. Resists = Everything on this fight. She tried to charm and darkness me many times...Things might have gone bad if she managed to charm me.
#REDACTED, Posted: May 29 2003 at 2:45 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Hehe.. with your 65 chanter friend, you are no longer soloing, it's duoing
RE: Duo'ed her
# Aug 16 2003 at 12:40 AM Rating: Default
48 posts
Dont be so **** about his post. He prolly meant duo not solo..look at the subject line...

like you have never typed one thing and meant another.

Edited, Tue Jan 27 13:42:23 2004
#REDACTED, Posted: Oct 19 2003 at 9:34 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Why the hell should he chill out, moron? He said it in a calm manner. Maybe you should "chill out", dude, man! Go **** yourself.
ToFs Rules
# Feb 08 2003 at 6:50 AM Rating: Default
ok well i love ToFs also i think its a great zone to take a nursery group or two on as i do regularly as a few of our guilds high members (50+) take the lead and show the younger recruits how its done The reason i choose tofs is this. It is a fun zone that is good practice for raids for them and its a zone that us older ones havent worn out so its kinda fun all round its good too cos most lvl 30s (exept our guilds alts) havent been there so they really enjoy it . Hope this helps as an idea if you need a good place for a raid pre kael and planes it is fun trust me . aka. Quinine Sureslayer
<Dawns End>
lvl 51 warrior
RE: ToFs Rules
# Jun 12 2003 at 11:47 AM Rating: Decent
Careful that the people you are taking with you arent green to this game or else they may wander off and pull a train that might even kill you
Lacton Goodspirit Paladin of the 36
Pacton Mourningwood Enchanter of the 30th illusion
ToFs Rules
# Feb 08 2003 at 6:40 AM Rating: Decent
8th floor
# Jan 27 2003 at 8:30 PM Rating: Decent
hi, ive been told that theyre is an 8th floor. im not too sure if this is true could anyone help me on this one? ive also been told that to get to the 8th floor you need to kill a mobwich no one knows where it spawns or what its called or what it is. please add info if you know anything.
RE: 8th floor
# Mar 03 2003 at 5:16 PM Rating: Decent
i think its the 8th floor... but she also drops a key that unlocks all floors me and a friend raided her and got the key, robe twice, the symbol ,and the soul gem my advice is to pull the bats to the end of the hallway so you dont get any adds she is pretty easy
Tserinna Spawn
# Jan 23 2003 at 2:11 PM Rating: Decent

I dont know if this is the case anymore since I have not been to kill Tserinna in a long time but I will be heading back with a new character soon :) The secret to know when she is going to spawn is a casters pet will not attack the bat that is going to spawn her. So if youre groups mage, for example, is hitting pet attack on the bat and the pet will not attack... showtime!

They may have changed this but we always watched for if we had a caster with a pet along for the spawn.

This spawn is really easy to split up and once you have, you can sit at the dead end of the bat hallway and pull for hours and get very nice experience.

Good luck, she is a nasty one.
# Jan 20 2003 at 9:36 AM Rating: Default
90 posts
Fought her 4 times. Won 3 lost 1.
( the loss was when we went to help 63 lvl BSTL on a cr who tried to solo her and had his pet charmed on him lol - she caught us before we buffed up)

Group was me 60 lvl Druid, 55 Pally, 56 Monk.
My nukes were resisted untill I used Ro's Sundering and / or Fixation. Mainly I CHealed and Dotted and tried to interrupt her casting with fury of air ( favorite spell still ). She dropped keys and the mage item every time. Whip first, Symbol second and robe on the last kill.

I can confirm that the bat that spawns her is very low on HP.
Alot of fun. The master key is nice to have.
How to take her down
# Jan 03 2003 at 8:49 AM Rating: Decent
As a 60 epic mage I came to the tower with one goal: to kill Tserrina and steal her robe. After all, she's only level 51 right? I'd be able to solo her in my sleep... Oh how wrong I was. It was a lot harder than I thought it would be. It took me 3 days to get to the 7th floor. One thing I did notice about the zone was the large amount of platinum that drops. I gated out after 2 days with 1300pp and 4100gp in cash alone. Not bad.

The 7th floor is easy up until you get to the main room with the stair case. I had trouble single pulling greens here. Make sure you begin pulling from the right side of the room, if you start on the left the mobs' pathing runs them all the way around to the right side and will most likely aggro anything there.

If Tserrina is up you've got a whole new problem. She stands at the top of the stairs and will aggro anyone as soon as they step foot in the room. If you have to fight her when she's already spawned make absolutely sure you dispel her multiple times. She and her pet will both be buffed to high hell including a very nasty damage shield.

Assuming she is not up, once the room is clear begin buffing immediately. One thing that makes the 7th floor different from the rest: it respawns very quick and what seems to be randomly. Mobs will not spawn in the order that you killed them. You want to buff your hit points and magic resistance as high as possible. Magic resistance is key here. Buffed I had 228 MR and only 1 of about 30 spells landed on me. Charm never stuck.

Once you / your party is buffed, do not pull the bats out of their rooms, run into their rooms and fight them right there. This will cut the chance of adds down to almost nothing. Once the bat dies it will either spawn Tserrina or an enraged vampire. You can tell if a bat will spawn Tserrina in two ways: (a) it cons much lower than the rest of the bats, ie light blue at 51 while the rest are all dark blue, or green at 56 while the rest are all light blue, and (b) it has much less hitpoints than the regular bats. If you are killing a bat and you think to yourself "Hmmm that was easy and quick" get ready, she'll pop on that bat's corpse.

Once she pops she'll immediately aggro anyone in range. She DOES summon so if things turn bad, running is a very limited option. She doubles for 144 and casts quite often. She casts charm, blind, and a large assorment of DoTs. She also has a ton of hitpoints, probably in the 20k range. Expect a good 10-15 minute fight unless you're in a large group. She has high magic resistance with low to medium fire / cold resists. Once tashed and mala'ed she resisted nothing. She CAN gate at low health, although most of the time she has turned around and ran like most other mobs. Snare is a must unless you've already cleared the entire 7th floor. She is also immune to stun (ie "Your target was immune to the stun portion of this spell").

She drops Tserrina's key and the Harnessed Soul Gem everytime and one piece of other loot. The symbol appears to be the most common followed by the staff, the robe, and then the whip. The key she drops is the master key and will work on every mirror in the tower (expect for the broken ones in the mirror room).

All in all it was a very fun and challanging fight. If you've never been to ToFS I'd recommend checking it out.

Edited, Thu Jan 9 08:54:39 2003
RE: How to take her down
# Jan 03 2003 at 6:50 PM Rating: Decent
As a 65 Mage, I solo'd her with no problems three times total. She dropped whip, symbol and staff, in addition to her always drops. Pet never got below 75% and I never got below 60m. She's soloable by a few classes now that 65 has been added.
RE: How to take her down
# Jan 10 2003 at 6:55 AM Rating: Default
We where heading to ToFS to spawn her from bats when I noticed she was already up without anyone there, I haven't seen her like that before. Anyways we went straight up tp 7th since I had the Master Key. We had 53 Pally(Freeak), 53 Cleric(Borim), 53 Chanter(Jenni), 54 Ranger(Mullwin), 57 Ranger(me).

We where gonna head down stairs, until Tserrina agro'd us since she was walking up and down the stairs. We had 2 adds cause the pally agro'd by standing on the bridge at the end of the hall.
We got her to 50% life until she started to own us. I noticed she was LOT stronger then she was before, then i knew she buffed herself cause when they pop from the bat they dont have a chance to buff up. Pally and other Ranger died. The rest got out. We went back inside and i got corpses. We got rezzed, buffed, got Fm. I pulled her to the Mirror room since i was highest lvl and tank; and it was safer to zone out. We dispelled her twice and started owning her. She didnt have a pet. She dropped Robe, Key, Gem. Robe went to Chanter and Key went to Pally; Gratz to them. It was VERY fun killing her, just to let you know ~.

Some info is to pull to room next to the mirrors cause you dont want to mess up and have a necro to get corpses for you. Make sure its ABSOLUTLY safe before start pulling bats, if your in the low 50s cause its safer of not getting adds and if she gates she will go to room and just walk to nothing cept you again. This is a good way to NOT die. Since i died too many times there :P

NOTE: She blinds a LOT, have cleric to cure blindess for ya.

Gonna try getting more Master keys and some loots for me friends, wish me Good Luck!

57 Outrider [Grayder]
Fennin Ro

Edited, Fri Jan 10 06:32:52 2003
solo'd her
# Dec 30 2002 at 7:43 AM Rating: Decent
im a 63 nec and I solo'd her...well I wont say ease, she did take awhile to kill, but I did it alone, so I think if your 60+ she can be a solo, not to mention the adds which I had to park. Just make sure you have good MR.
# Dec 25 2002 at 8:11 PM Rating: Default
Anyone try to identify the drops on her? In the EverQuest Triligoy New User Guide it says identifying the drops will give you clues how to get to the 8th floor.
# Nov 30 2002 at 8:32 PM Rating: Default
I heard she drops a key..... but what is it for?
RE: Key?
# Dec 15 2002 at 10:33 AM Rating: Decent
1,876 posts
The key is used to activate the left mirror on floor 1, this will bring the party right up to the 7th floor (I belive the "port" in there is the room of mirrors, but it's been some time since I've been up there).
Tserrina - The Summoner
# Nov 23 2002 at 4:53 AM Rating: Decent
There I was - quietly minding my own business - <well trying to kill her mobs on the 5th floor> when I get Summoned from the 5th Floor entry area to an unexpected appointment with the lady herself on lvl 7. As a <now solo> 46 monk - it was a brief meeting !

Corpse retrieval was a SERIOUS problem given the fact that I did not have keys past lvl 5 !

Thanks to a kind Druid who had a master key I can tell this story without too much bitterness - as I have my corpse back - but PLEASE BE AWARE - she can summon from ANYWHERE !!!! :(

Is this unusual ?
This makes TOFS a VERY dangeroous place ! since CR without keys to a lvl you haven't been to is a problem to say the least!

A sad sad tale from this perspective - have others had a similar experience ?
RE: Tserrina - The Summoner
# Nov 30 2002 at 7:21 AM Rating: Decent
CR on 7th is fun, just get someone with decent buffage (so long as tserrina isn't up, and even if she is) to run in, grab the corpse, and pull back to the little spot just after the fire trap. The mobs will run in circles around the room before you as your friendly wizard *grin* picks them off one by one, effortlessly and with COMPLETE safety. CRs on 7th are fun.. getting there to do it is not as fun :) kamikaze on 6a is the only way.. you just run to the port to 6b, click away, and camp out on the other side :)

RE: Tserrina - The Summoner
# Nov 23 2002 at 11:06 PM Rating: Decent
53 posts
I killed her yesterday (59 druid) with a 61 warrior. Everything in the dungeon was either green or light blue to me. We made it to the 7th floor in about 15 minutes. Tserrina spawned on the 3rd bat kill. We didn't have MR up, which was a mistake. She charmed me first thing, then blinded both myself and the Warrior. I died, Warrior made it out.

Came back in fully buffed the second time. I popped my bear and we pulled her to the mirror room. The tank beat on her while I dotted her with Winged Death, Epic, Breath of Ro and Drones of Doom. When she was down to 1 bubble of health, she started for the spiral staircase. I cast Ensnare and Root over and over, resisted every time. I ran out of mana. She died on the staircase from the dots and the Warrior bashing on her. Of course now, there were adds galore. I was low on health, the Warrior managed to get out. I was determined to loot her at least if I was going to die for this kill. I managed to get the key and the mage item only before I died. The symbol had to rot. No matter, as we couldn't have used any of them anyway.

Came back for the 2nd CR, died again due to all the adds on the stairwell where my two corpses were.

And yeah, CR was a pain in the butt.

Next time, I will lead off with Annul magic and get some of those resists off her. Wildfire was resisted several times, but the dots weren't.

Very fun fight! But not worth 3 deaths :;grins::
I learned a lesson in assuming that a green dungeon holds no threat. Tserrina conned dark blue to me at 59. Her pet (which was not up on the first spawn, but was up on the 2nd try) conned light blue.
A real charmer
# Oct 15 2002 at 4:22 PM Rating: Decent
18 posts
Went here the other nite with me 41 enc, 35 cle, 56 war, 46 dru, and various others thruout 5 or 6 kills (kinda short on the memory cells). Those were the only people in every take down. Had a 55 rogue, 45 bard, 53 mage, 42 Pally, 45 SK and 47 necro in other fights but never more than 1 full group at a time and the first kill was a group of 5. Camped for 6 hours- 6 kills. During one kill she charmed the war and rogue and they commenced to killing the cleric. Dru and Pally stayed alive long enuff to take her down since by the time the cleric was dead she was at about a sliver of health left. She resisted everything i had except for tash(of course) strip enchanment and tepid deeds. summoned me quite often as i was chaining the debuffs. My MR was around 117 or so and i resisted most all her spells except root once or twice. when bard joined in MR was at 177 and nothing of hers stuck on me, but she was still able to charm the MT and blind all melee. She was up when we got there so someone mustve failed and succored/evaced. After the first 3 kills we decided to invis MT to go pull everything in the hall that could see her kill them, and then invis everyone else to run down to the end of the hall to get away from someone accidentally stepping to the other side of the fake wall (me :p). We found this to be the best way for us. Was about an hour spawn on the bats and only once or twice did they not spawn tserinna herself. Never dropped the robe and only dropped staff once (default to me). Everyone got a key, 3 got symbols, and the shield dropped nearly everytime. Also some words dropped and some change. I have never been anywhere else in the zone but i plan on going back often now, was a great experience for me.

She hit me steady for 144 at one point when cleric went down and i was summoned. Naturally i died.

Druid was able to get Fire based spells to stick. i couldnt get any stuns or damage spells to due to being much lower than her. Kei for cleric was a must. My clarity was sufficient for me when Kei went down since i was casting low mana spells. Sorry the post is so choppy, I've slept since then:). Anyhow was a fun fight and I look great standing around with the new staff :p. And if anyone who was with us has anything to add or edit (yes i may have forgotten something) please do so!

Good luck in your encounters with the lady of the house.

41 ENC <Death with Honor>
RE: A real charmer
# Oct 25 2002 at 9:28 AM Rating: Decent
Killed her last night. She was cake with 50 Wiz (me), 51 cleric, 56 cleric, 36 cleric, 50 Druid, 51 War, 50 War, 55 War, 45 monk, 40 ranger. Basically you need to have your MR about 100-120. Otherwise she'll charm you. A perfect challenge appears to be a full group of level 50s. However, two full groups 35+ would be challenging, but yet safe.

I do have one small unique piece of info to add to this thread. We were using a pull technique where the whole group followed the MA. This way when and if she attempts to gate she'll have no way of getting away since gate takes an NPC back to their spawn point.

She did charm our 51 War at one point and that's when the fun started. He and the 55 War went at it. Problem was the 55 War was a troll and all the other melee were begind the troll in one of the side rooms so for a second it looked like Tserina had pulled off some great strategic coup. She wiped the poor little 36 cleric fairly quickly. Finally, though the charm wore off and all the melee moved in. At 50 Ice Comet landed 1 in 2 or 3 attempts and appeared to land for full when it did hit. When she is down to about 20 percent health she will gate or turn and run towards the spiral staircase room. We had lots of adds because of that. In fact we had to do the rolls on items before all the MOBs were dead...the fighting went on for a good 2-3 minutes after the rolls. We ended up looting key with 11 seconds left on the corpse.

Good luck!

Edited, Fri Oct 25 10:12:40 2002
Double Pop - good luck or a mess?
# Sep 22 2002 at 5:59 AM Rating: Decent
30 posts
While having a lowlevel raid in ToFS with some alts in the 30s-40s range, including a 58 monk, we strolled all the way up to the 7th floor, wiped the floor trying to spawn here. We had two bats, killed one bat, and *BOOM* out she spawned from his corpse. Cleric #1 of 2 goes LD.

We drop her, group is beat up fairly bad but we're about to celebrate. We kill second bat - *BOOM* , she pops out of the second bat. Lucky or unlucky?

Unlucky. We got wiped, all cept the monk and a warrior who camped out in time. 2hr 45min later, all were rezzed safe and sound. 8 mins left on rez timer can worry someone.

The first body didn't drop anything but the mage-only item and the key; second body we left alone, but mark my words, we're coming back with the 50+ crowd to teach this gal a lesson.

Classes we had:
41 cleric, 40 cleric, two 39 warriors (ogre and troll), 46 necro, 58 monk, 35 rogue, 49 wizard, 38 wizard, 46 ranger, and two more misc folks. With the monk mowing things down, the floors were easy (obviously). The corpse-runs are a *****.

CR patrol to 7th floor:
54 epic Rogue, 56 Rogue, 52 Paladin (IVU), 59 Druid (Invis), 49 Wizard, 56 Necro.
We ran invis or ivu the whole way, and rogues dragged from top of 7th floor where the bodies were.

Either way, this place is a blast once someone has all the keys!

Good luck!

52 Paladin
GuildLeader of The Knights of Omen
Saryrn Server

Edited, Sun Sep 22 06:44:40 2002
Very mean
# Sep 14 2002 at 9:25 AM Rating: Good
25 posts
Some info/tips on fighting Tserrina:

1. She is an enchantress and will try to charm/mez you. Have your MR as high as possible. She casts the lvl 49 mez.

2. She is highly resistant to magic, but not immune. If you have any MR debuffs (tash especially), use them before attempting to slow if you have a shaman/enchanter.

3. Mana sieve her if possible. She will attempt to gate and is very hard to stun w/ spells. If she gates, she will begin summoning your party one by one and killing them.

4. Don't bother with magic-based nukes. If you have a necro/mage/shaman/whatever, make them cast their resist debuffs and then pull out your best fire or ice nukes. Necros should pile the dots on her after debuffing. Give her everything you've got! (Note: this is a very risky battle for the solo necro. I have seen MR-buffed pets be charmed by Tserrina EVERY time I have fought her.)

This fight is not easily won by trio of casters, but trust me, it can be done w/ slow and mana sieve. Just be very careful, and if possible, clear the stair room and pull Tserrina to the large room connected to the mirror room once she spawns. This ensures that you get out safely if you need to zone, and she will be waiting for you when you return. Also, she is very difficult to snare, but if you have any AA in innate run speed, you can simply kite her around this large room with no worries of adds. Give up the thought of sitting to med, because she will summon you instantly if you try. ;)

Some other general info, I've still been too lazy to get an exact spawn time on the bats, but it is NOT 45 minutes. I heard it was the first time I camped her, and began timing the spawns that way, but the spawns were always late. It is closer to one full hour. For those who don't know, the four shrouded bats that spawned behind the secret wall behind the flag in the spiral staircase room are ph's. Once dead, either Tserrina or an enraged vampire will spawn from the corpse. The male vampires do not cast, the female vampires are enchanters.

One other thing, it seems that if she is up and not being fought, she can and will summon anyone from anywhere in the zone just for the hell of it. It's her tower. Guess she makes her own rules. ;)

Edited, Sat Sep 14 10:15:13 2002
RE: Very mean
# Sep 20 2002 at 5:38 PM Rating: Decent
Since Tserrina spawns on the death of a bat, is gating/summoning a big deal? I thought triggered spawns like that camped their spawn point, i.e. where the bat was killed, and therefore would "gate" to where you were fighting her.

This of course is provided she wasn't up before you got there.
RE: Very mean
# Sep 16 2002 at 11:51 AM Rating: Good
Very nice post except for the fact that I think she and Val Sera are Necros...chanters are too lovey dovey to be Tserrina.
Boring camp
# Aug 23 2002 at 5:28 AM Rating: Decent
Camped her almost 14 hours today. If you are using master key from being there a previous time with someone with keys, you need key from VhalSera to open the locked doors on her floor to get to mirror room, to zone out or if using master key from zone in mirror.. you pop in mirror room and you still need key from Sera to get to her hall. Bats spawn time about 45 minutes..boring camp. In the time we were there she popped 10 times. Waiting on spawns we cleared other floors. 60sk and I a 60 enchanter..was pretty easy, fast fight. She hits about 150 or so but mostly casts. Dropped 2 staffs, 4 symbols, 6 soul gems and of course, her key everytime.
Dead Tserrina
# Aug 15 2002 at 5:56 PM Rating: Default
Took her down with 60 Ranger 56 Chantress. Tight fight. FUN AS HECK!
#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 27 2002 at 12:30 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Um ..i know someone know how the fu_ck to get to floor 8 ... plz send me an e-mail with information on how to get to this next floor. Ill be getting dire charm sometime . and i plan to go up there... kill a bat dire charm a vampie ... then kill this ***** **** with my pet 65% haste ...and i dont think ill try it without my aa points having life burn, increased chance to land crits with dd's, and pet cheal. the only problem i may have is her charming my pet ... since i cant tank her too well if i cant land any lifetap spells ....
RE: re question
# Dec 30 2002 at 2:54 AM Rating: Default
497 posts
You trying to get to the 8th floor or show off to people about your 1337 sk1llz?

RE: re question
# Jul 01 2002 at 9:32 AM Rating: Decent
There is no 8th floor. The key to 7th floor opens the locked door up the spiral staircase.
The mirror here takes you outside to Iceclad Ocean. Tserrina is the final boss mob.
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