Lord Syrkl  


Uploaded August 9th, 2018 by Drewinette

In the Gorge of King Xorbb: Lord Syrkl is an Evil Eye, and he is an enchanter. The eyes in Beholder's Maze have the ability to charm, which can quickly turn an easy fight into a hard one. Along with the regular eyes, both of the Lords (Syrkl and Svyr) also drop optic nerves which are used as part of the crafted bracer quest for Warriors. The Polished Bone Bracers are highly sought after by mid-range casters.

In the Valley of King Xorbb: Lord Syrkl is part of the task "Escape From the Prison of Xorbb" (see this quest entry for details).


Category: EverQuest
This page last modified 2013-03-10 11:25:37.

Level: 20
Expansion: Original
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2019-05-04 22:14:20
Factions Increased:
  Clan Runnyeye +1
  Pickclaw Goblins +1
Factions Decreased:
  King Xorbb -9

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# Oct 19 2015 at 9:33 PM Rating: Excellent
292 posts
Your faction standing with King Xorbb has been adjusted by -9.
Your faction standing with Pickclaw Goblins has been adjusted by 1.
Your faction standing with Clan Runnyeye has been adjusted by 1.
You receive 6 silver and 2 copper from the corpse.
# Oct 21 2015 at 5:01 PM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
Nniki wrote:
Your faction standing with King Xorbb has been adjusted by -9.
Your faction standing with Pickclaw Goblins has been adjusted by 1.
Your faction standing with Clan Runnyeye has been adjusted by 1.
You receive 6 silver and 2 copper from the corpse.

Updated, thanks.
Not easy . . . make no mistake.
# Aug 19 2011 at 11:42 AM Rating: Decent
This thing is not an easy kill. I went in as a level 21 Warrior with a boxed 20 Druid and could not win the fight after 3 attempts. Decided to give up and try again in a few levels. They love to charm, blind and root. Sent in warrior to get agro to allow druid to nuke/dot etc . . . Instantly charmed my warrior, he was charmed entire fight. So long in fact that the eye lost agro. The druid was instantly blinded and rooted and remained black screen entire fight. Druid was nuked to death and warrior lost agro on perma charm. It'll be a different story a few level higher, he did con yellow to me. It it weren't for the charm it would be an easy fight, he doesn't mitigate well or have many hps. But perma charm pretty much means you can do nothing. I did kill the unamed eye though, but it was a close fight. The most important thing is to clear the entire area of other mobs (fast respawn btw) because when you are charmed you WILL gain adds for sure.
Lord Syrkl
# Feb 24 2011 at 9:12 PM Rating: Good
4,580 posts
Update of difficulty for Timelocked Progression players, keeping in mind this is just my results:

As a mostly naked level 18 necro I can kill the named eyes easily by overdotting and lifetapping as a nuke. Pet is decent too. I lose when they get the charm on me for a long time and roamers add in (pet gets killed, dots go funky). The charm can last a very long time (well over 2 minutes before breaking on me one time tonight).

Note that the grey con muddites will swarm you and muds and minotaurs assist the eyes. Many of them path close to Lord Syrkl's spawn point and the area facing it that most people choose to set up camp at. I have killed enough that the goblins now like me (well into indifferent faction standing) so they no longer aggro me it seems. I have gotten other characters ally with goblins in the past and had no aggro issues with them killing other mobs in the gorge beside them.

With progression rules this is not an efficent camp at my level/gear as I had to do a lot of medding and grey/con tapping to lich back mana. This meant the respawns were up a while. Adds or a pet death really impacted this delay too.

An average group of high teens could do the area, but still run the risk of someone getting charmed in the group and slaughtering everyone else.


On regular servers with modern gear, you resist nearly every nasty spell in the zone so it's a totally different battle.
Not hard
# Jul 12 2003 at 5:57 AM Rating: Decent
Im a 34 ranger untwinked ( Stromm server) and i camped this place pretty easily, IMO, let the chanter have pets, because when they charm and mez you the pets wake you up :)

Edited, Sat Jul 12 06:48:21 2003
New Item
# Dec 21 2002 at 7:18 PM Rating: Decent
A new No Drop item. Got his eye... Kinda strange if you think about it. It's small in size...

Eye or Lord Syrkil

any idea what it's for?
what the???
# Nov 16 2001 at 2:53 AM Rating: Default
hey has anyone recently looted a beholders optic fluid bottle yet from these guys? killed two so far in a few minutes, both had item never seen before, i jsut wandered in today after abotu two months of not beign ehre, i see no quests on this no functionality, it is no drop, lore, magic.

41 SK Elazule
RE: what the???
# Apr 03 2002 at 1:05 AM Rating: Default
hehe just looted a Beholder Optic Fluid like 2 days ago and came here to see what it was used for. Guess it's for some new quest. And also, it can be for a new Luclin quest as I saw a lot of items change to vah shir useable before Luclin came out.
RE: what the???
# Dec 02 2001 at 3:19 PM Rating: Decent
Well I am glad someone else got this too as I cant find a thing about it (which might be good as it may be a Luclin thing we arent aware of yet).

I solo'd the eyes for about 2 hours or so early this morning (I think I saw all of 3 people in the zone during that time, one of which was who I eventually gave the camp too) and looted the Lens of Lord Soptyvr which I have found I can just destrou and this Beholder Optic Fluid. Looks like I will have to post a Screen Shot as this may be a new item since I couldnt find anything either.

RE: what the???
# Jan 17 2002 at 3:55 PM Rating: Default
I looted the optic fluid way before luclin was launched so it has to be something from before luclin. I havent been able to find anything about it so i never loot it and the one i looted i have destroyed. My guess is it has a link with velious.

Bollesjaan (lvl 39 eru pal, Tunare server)
the lords
# Aug 04 2001 at 9:22 AM Rating: Default
The lords don't seem to drop any more common than the plain old evil eyes and I have seen either of the 2 named lords spawn on either side of the ruins. They have somewhere under 400HPs (312 bolt and 96 dd to kill) before they buff up and I belive that one of the last buffs they cast upon themselves is a rune which adds to their total hps. I belive the cast order upon spawning is a haste on self, summon pet, haste on pet, rune on pet, rune on self. If you time it right you can engage them as they spawn and are casting haste which usually makes them switch from summoning a pet as their second spell to attacking you.
to pop jt
# Jun 26 2001 at 10:03 AM Rating: Default
Fear Bug
# Jun 01 2001 at 1:26 PM Rating: Default
These guys posed little trouble for my lvl 29 Iksar Monk. The only problem is a bug with their fear spell. When you turn and run, you will run up the walls which you otherwise cannot walk or run up. All the times except one I was facing the wall when the fear ran out (so I don't know how high I was) and I fell, once I took over 500 point of damage (almost enough to kill me at about 770) thank god for safe fall. The one time that I did not fall, I was stuck in some kind of bug under the platform where I would start walking out and then end up back under it. Eventually I ended up on the wall almost at the top of the wall. I petitioned, but there were no GM's online (of course). I camped and relogged and fell a little without damage, and it dropped me enough down the wall to fall with safe fall and only take 9 points of damage. If you're a levitate caster in here bring bat wings. Otherwise be prepared to be up a wall. Actually I doubt the GM's would have done anything anyway, but it most definitely is a BUG since you cannot run up there normally.
RE: Fear Bug
# Jun 01 2001 at 1:40 PM Rating: Default
Oh yea almost forgot one time I also ended up falling so far (through the ground apparently) I got a message that said something like "Player has moved below the world... moving to safe location"

nasty bug
# Jan 20 2001 at 10:35 PM Rating: Default
I have a level 29 druid, so I decided to take out some evil eyes and get something better than leather wristbands (I'm also a broke level 29 druid). I found Lord Sviir, who conned blue, so I decided to kill him. He and his pet nearly took me out instead. I've killed Sviir and Syrkl multiple times now, and how badly I get beaten up seems to vary. Sometimes they can charm me, sometimes they can't. I actually killed a someone who was in a group on the other side when Syrkl had me charmed. Things would be so much easier if they didn't have pets. If you can zap them and other eyes right after they spawn, you can usually stop them from casting their pet. It's the second spell they cast.
Necromancer Caught Unawares
# Nov 01 2000 at 10:14 AM Rating: Default
Being the death dealer that I am sometimes, I greatly underestimated the Lords. I was readying some of the great info on this site when I came to the Polished Bone Bracer and I thought I need to get me some of those.
Well being big headed and all cause I had just been welcomed to Lvl 39 I proceeded to this zone. With the intention of getting me some PBBs. I saw the Lords (yes all 3) with thier pets and all. The 2 side ones coned green the one in the middle coned blue. I figured I take out the side one in case they try to buff their master. So I had full buffs and proceeded with my plan not knowing they were enchanters.
I killed one which agrrod the main Lord and Lord Svir. 2 Mins later I found all buffs gone and fighting my own pet which I had agumented and given 2 fine steel swords (Doh!) so he can dual wield with and the lords pets. Well I did die because I greatly underestimated The center Lord forget his name 8). Later some High lvl enchantress came and snuffed him out for me after losing my lvl and all.
I proceeded to camp the 2 minor lords for 3 hours and got 3PBB several earings and rings both minor mana and hp boost, words, runes (lvl24) Thats about it I guess. They need to fix this Main Lords con or somethin. Thats all for now.

Drynnor DarkHeart
DarkElf Necromancer Lvl38 (again cause of Center Lord)
Ascendants of Miragul
Vallon Zek
#Anonymous, Posted: Sep 30 2000 at 8:41 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) i'll poke its eye out if it keeps looking at me!
#Anonymous, Posted: Dec 05 2000 at 3:38 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) LOL
Eyes and Lords
# Aug 16 2000 at 3:48 PM Rating: Decent
My experiences with the evil eyes -- and the Lords -- is that you don't want a tank in your group. There is too good a chance he'll get charmed and turn on you. For the same reason, magicians should not summon pets. Better that your group be all casters (one druid is good). Eyes don't have a lot of HP, and they go down fast with three or four casters nuking them. And with caster mobs, faster is better.

One neat trick, if you can arrange it, is to have a level 16 ranger with you. Not part of your group, but along for the experience. You nuke the eye and he immediately engages the pet. You bomb the undefended eye; he whacks the pet. Help him when he needs it. We did that for a couple of hours and it worked wonders. He got lots of experience, and we had a helper to take the pesky pets out of play.
RE: Eyes and Lords
# Sep 19 2000 at 2:04 AM Rating: Default
Drune i have an even better trick for you the tank
in your group goes in to fight(better a tank than a caster,i will explain why)the eye BAREHANDED!!
That way when he gets charmed he punches for a few points while the rest of your group POUNDS the eye.Try this strategy i think you wil find that with no weapon in your hand you do little or no damage if you are a melee class.Now it should b obvious why this wont wok for casters
# Jul 23 2000 at 3:31 PM Rating: Decent
we got 3 polished bone bracelets in about 3 and a half hours of camping both Lord spawns. All were from lords, we also got 4 of the +10 mana earrings, 3 of the +5 hp rings, and lots of eye stalks and such.
# Jun 26 2000 at 11:56 PM Rating: Decent
Ive gotten the PBB once from a normal eye in EK and the rest of the normal eye drops were the hoops and some crap rings that add 5hp or mana or sumthin, the lords though dropped the PBB's 5 times while me (23 ench) and a friend (23 shammy) nuked em to get to 24
# Oct 11 2000 at 12:46 AM Rating: Default
I (29 druid) tried camping Lords, got the one that spawns on ground easily, was blue to me. The one that is up on pedestal messed me up, Gated out with 2 bubbles, his dot took me to 1/4 bubble before I healed myself. Dont think the lvl is right for these anymore. They resisted half my DOTs and nukes, and like I said, were blue to me at 29. Guessing the lesser of the 2 was 25, and the other had to be couple levels higher, could even have been 28, obviously.
# Jun 24 2000 at 12:05 AM Rating: Decent
The loot doesn't seem to be too often...While killing (killed about 5 of each lord before i got booted *grrr*) they dropped only a few pp...and once or twice they dropped 1 bunch of optic nerves... i guess i just have bad luck *grins*
# Jun 06 2000 at 6:18 PM Rating: Decent
Do these guys really drop the PBB or is it just really rare? Also, does altar stuff have a greater chance and can all EEs drop it?
Evil Eyes.
# May 07 2000 at 12:36 AM Rating: Decent
I've seen these in East Karana too.
Use a bard
# Apr 17 2000 at 12:00 PM Rating: Decent
Use a bard when fighting the lords. They have 2 MR songs that work great when fighting them. We had a group that consited of a wiz lvl 19, a tank lvl 23, and me a bard lvl 22. We had no trouble killing the lords.
No Subject
# Mar 01 2000 at 11:00 AM Rating: Decent
when we fight these we always have one caster designated to cancel magic anyone that gets charmed, alittle hint.. cast a weak buff then follow it with a better one or cast a very short duration dmg shield or such and when you get charmed it will bee the first spell thus being cancelable
RE: No Subject
# Apr 02 2001 at 10:45 PM Rating: Default
Invisibility works well for this, it'll automatically be removed (leaving an empty slot for charm) as soon as you attack.
# Mar 01 2000 at 11:00 AM Rating: Decent
I'm a level 30 mage who decided to get some optic nerves for my warrior. Here's a hint, dont use a pet. Was goin all good till he charmed my earth pet. If a kind Level 50 druid wasn't there i'd have died.
More Loot
# Mar 01 2000 at 11:00 AM Rating: Decent
The Eyes also drop the polished bone hoop. It is an earing that give 10 mana usable by all.
# Mar 01 2000 at 11:00 AM Rating: Decent
The Lord is tougher than the Evil Eye's. The best group to fight these are 2 or 3 casters and 1 tank. They have low hp but there spells at very good. Great exp and loot. Do not forget to use Resist magic items and spells.
Wizards can easily solo these
# Feb 23 2000 at 11:03 AM Rating: Decent
For a wizard that is at least level 26, these are easy. First remember that they spawn every 6 mins 20 secs, so you can med and not worry about it spawning. To fight it, 1) stun eye with tishans. 2) root pet, 3) nuke eye dead, 4) nuke pet dead. Easy to do, unless pet breaks root. Also, try to kill the eye before he summons a pet, then it is really easy. You can take both spawns if you time it right. Enjoy. On Fennin Ro these are super camped, I dunno bout other servers.
Sviir and Syrkl
# Feb 17 2000 at 4:25 PM Rating: Decent
Besides Syrkl there is another Lord, Lord Sviir. Each seems to spawn on his own respective side. Once spawned they'll sit there, and cast a pet of course, they will not assist eachother. Good luck.
RE: Sviir and Syrkl
# May 14 2001 at 4:09 AM Rating: Default
They dont assist each other because they are far enough one from each other. But if for any reason while you attack one, you come close to the other, it will engage you as well.

Be carefull

Kemar Vivemana - Wiz 29
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