a tiger  


Uploaded April 26th, 2014 by wiscookie
Updated April 28th, 2014

In Ak'Anon: Found in the zoo.

In Toxxulia Forest: Found in the Kerra Village.

In Chelsith Reborn: Part of the Chelsith event "Champions of the People" (see this quest entry for the group version and this quest entry for the raid version).

Category: EverQuest
This page last modified 2013-04-30 17:25:46.

Level: 16
Expansion: Original
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2019-05-04 22:14:20

Known Habitats:
  Toxxulia Forest

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Tiger Camping
# Jan 04 2002 at 12:17 PM Rating: Default
I just camped the tiger and here is what I figured out.

I spent about 2 hours here and killed the tiger about 25 times and he didn't drop the tiger skin once. It was getting late, so I camped my guy for the night. First thing the next morning I got on and killed the tiger and he dropped the tiger skin on the first try. Then I just gated back to my home bind point with my newly acquired tiger skin.

I found that standing in the back corner behind the tree works very well. The guard stood up on the deck and just watched me kill the tiger. He never once came after me.

The tiger does not run away. Every time I nuked him (careless lightning), he would try to run, but would stop at the ledge and not go any further. Another nuke and he was dead. So there is no need to waste time and mana to snare or root him. Just kill him. I guess it is possible that someone tried killing him with a spell that causes him to jump backwards (such as whirling wind or dizzying wind) and maybe that is how he got off the ledge. But as long as you use a DD spell that does not cause him to jump back (or melee him), he will not leave the ledge.

I was also able to stand in the back corner and melee him until he was dead. Both ways worked just fine (nuke and melee). As long as you stay back in the corner behind the tree, the guard will leave you alone.

And the tigers all conned green to me as a level 20 druid. I never saw JoJo.

Finally, according to what the cat at Kerre Isle says, you have to get a tiger skin from a tiger not of that island. In other words, it sounds like you cannot kill the tiger on Kerre Isle and complete the Bone Talisman Quest.
Spawn Time
# Jan 03 2002 at 1:39 PM Rating: Default
Spawn time appears to be just a hair under 6 minutes.
Tiger lvl and stuff
# Nov 25 2001 at 8:41 PM Rating: Default
Well I've been camping the tiger for a bit now, well only about 2-3 hours maybe (i'm a 7 necro) and these guys con even to yellow to me so their lvl 7 to 8 or 9. I know they spawn every 5 mins, i cast siphon str to keep track of when they spawn and when it wears off usually about 4mins 30 secs or so they spawn almost imidiatly after. At lvl 7 the evens give me 1 blue and the yellows give me from 1 blue and a quartre to almost 2 blues. If u stay close to the wall u'll be safe from guards and i've seen the clock work guard at the observation area actually walk back to his spot after i accidently aggro him (must have got bored). Also if u did what i did and jump from the tiger pen to the bear (jump as in going to each one to kill em not actually jump across) and u have a pet with u at the tiger pen, if u leave it there then come back, just try telling it a command (not sure for chanters though cause their pets don't listen) but if u tell it to follow u when its right at the edge it'll just suicide. So this is a nice low lvl spot for necros, just send pet, poison bolt, cascading darkness, melee and life spike when needed, ez as pie.

Zilikben, Gnome Necro of Bertoxuluus (did i spell that right?)
Very difficult camp
# Aug 27 2001 at 11:06 PM Rating: Decent
OK I spent 120 minutes camped inside the Ak'Anon Zoo, killed that tiger 20 (6 minute spawn) times, still no tiger pelt. Just ruined hides and occasionally meat or often nothing at all. The guards could not reach me, so that was never an issue. However, I got so bored that I went to Kerra Isle to try and get a tiger pelt there. No luck--they are too well protected by the Kerrans who both heal them and attack you. Maybe I will try again later to camp Ak'Anon, but it is getting pretty grim. Got the giant snake fang and the aviak charm no problem. Incidentally, I went to several zones, incl. the bazaar in WC and shouted to pay 100pp for a tiger pelt. No responses, and people I asked randomly said they had never even seen one.

Kier Winterhorn
30th season Druid of Ayonae Ro
# Jul 28 2001 at 12:40 PM Rating: Default
The level is wrong, the tiger in ak anon cons green to a lvl 9
Skin Drop in EJ too
# Jul 09 2001 at 5:22 AM Rating: Default
I just picked one of these skins up in Emerald Jungle from a raging tiger (blue to me at 47).
What's the easiest way?
# Aug 27 2000 at 9:21 PM Rating: Default
All- What's the easiest way to get up into the exhibit for the tiger in the Ak'Anon zoo? I was there yesterday and couldn't get my short dwarven @$$ up on the display. Any input is appreciated. BTW I am a L15 cleric, so no levitate.
RE: What's the easiest way?
# Jan 08 2001 at 10:52 AM Rating: Decent
Just jump across from the observation area
akanon tiger skin
# Aug 21 2000 at 9:25 AM Rating: Default
I had to kill the tiger aobout 30 times to get it, also stand by wall in tiger cage and guard won't get you, root the tiger he does jump off edge and very difficult to kill him at zone where he ends up, The clockworks spider guard him there (level 39). Giant snake fangs can be found on asps and darkweed snakes in east commons, and people are always giving away free aviak charm loots.
RE: akanon tiger skin
# Jan 08 2001 at 10:55 AM Rating: Decent
Tiger cannot jump from pen
RE: akanon tiger skin
# Jan 09 2002 at 2:26 PM Rating: Default
Ummm, yes, it can. The previous poster is absolutely correct! Usually the tiger (in Ak'Anon zoo) does not. But if it does, it will aggro the guards (who cannot get to you, but you CAN hear them curse you as you aggro!). I knew I'd never make it out alive, so I gated. LOL, when I came back in a couple hours later, there was the tiger staring at me right at the zone edge as I zoned in! =O I thought it still had me on its hate list! Eek! I just nuked it dead on the spot.
# Aug 08 2000 at 4:25 PM Rating: Decent
This tiger is place holder for JoJo the tiger...you cannot kill him unless you are atleast level 30. Why you ask...simple. He is surrounded by shamans in the building and surrounding buildings outside. You attack him most will heal..others will aggro. You die. Now if you are atleast 30..you can pull him to the bridge at the entrance and kill him there...where there are no shamans to heal him and since you are high level most of the stuff wont aggro you. Then...alas...you must wait and hope Jojo spawns. may have to kill tiger a couple of times.But jojo will spawn over and over again. You kill him over and over you get jojo claws(lore) and a nice pair of gloves if you are lucky
Does Tiger's Skin from Kerra Island works?
# Jan 27 2001 at 5:34 AM Rating: Decent
Hehe, I saw that Jo Jo tiger and didn't have the heart to attack him. But as you said, hehe I think my greediness is acting crazy! And this, I hope the Tiger's Skin from Kerra Island work for the quest because the quest giver said that you're not suppose to kill the tiger on the island. Oh well, let's me try it and post here again.

Abonitedu Omitidiotism
# Aug 02 2000 at 11:22 PM Rating: Decent
The doll is different, the tiger skin is for bone talisman quest, aka Sick Kerran quest
tiger skin
# Jul 30 2000 at 10:17 PM Rating: Decent
yes it does drop the tiger skin. Its for a quest, tinkered doll i think...you gotta go to kerra island and get a tinkered toy from kids and something else like clokwork. im not sure, but i know the skin drops =P
RE: tiger skin
# Jan 08 2001 at 10:54 AM Rating: Decent
Wrong quest. The tiger skin is for the Bone Talisman
Bone Talisman Quest
# Jul 09 2000 at 12:41 PM Rating: Decent
Also I would like to add that the giant snake fangs can be looted off the giant snake in either Runny Eye where he spawns every 18 mins and you have a chance of getting it 1/5 (I killed him 5 times with the help of the kind Saelen.I got 2 fangs once, nothing twice and a giant snake rattle twice)or in Blackburrow. The Aviak charm of the Aviak Avocets in SK.They're easily kiteable so you can get that easily. And the tiger skin is the most difficult one.I went to Kerra Island cuz I didnt want the guard in Ak'Anon to kill me but I found wild tigers instead of tigers and they ripped me apart.I fell in the 'hole' and they aggro'd seriously on me even when I wasn't a wolf (which I was the first time)There is also a Kerran Tiger protector or something.He'll aggro on U too.So beware of those wild tigers.
Tiger Skin Drops
# Jun 22 2000 at 1:51 AM Rating: Decent
For all you looking for the skin, keep in mind the following;

-The Tiger Spawns once every 5 minutes and has no faction Hit, but drops the Tiger Skin rarely (1 in 10, estimated).

-The Clockwork Guard Agrros you for attacking the tiger, but in almost all cases, the guard cannot enter the exhibit, and the tiger cannot leave. However, once you get the skin (or even after you kill it), gate out immediately.

This is for the Bone Talisman quest on Kerra Isle; you also need a Giant Snake Fang and an Aviak Avocet Charm. As a Druid of 19th level, i completed this quest in two hours. The reward is a shield with +4 wis and +10 sv vs magic; not as good as Testament, but a much shorter camp.
3 tigers
# Jun 15 2000 at 12:21 PM Rating: Decent
There are three tigers that spawn in Kith forest for a monk quest, I'm going to check them out tonight with my friend, who needs the assistance of my warrior with the quest, so I will report back tomorrow with info on the tigers. He says that they con blue/black to his 26 monk, so they should be a fairly interesting fight for my warrior.
#Anonymous, Posted: May 29 2000 at 1:08 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) WHERE THE HELL IS TEH ZOO IN AKANON??? i looked for 2 hours and couldnt find it
Teleporting Guard
# May 02 2000 at 9:12 PM Rating: Decent
I have been camping the Tiger in the AK zoo, and the Guard did teleport onto the Tiger platform and start hitting me
for double 40s.
#Anonymous, Posted: Apr 22 2000 at 8:35 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Can you say 'exploit'?
# Apr 17 2000 at 1:55 PM Rating: Decent
There are no negative faction hits when killing the tiger, except with the tiger himself. I went from warmly to indifferent after about 15 kills. However the clockwork guard stayed warmly. The guard WILL aggro you if he detects that you are attacking the 'exhibit', but he cannot reach you INSIDE the exhibit area. You can camp and come back to remove the aggro.
# Apr 17 2000 at 1:52 PM Rating: Decent
I killed this thing nearly 20 times. He either had no loot, a ruined cat pelt, or meat. I was told by several people that he DOES still drop the tiger skin.
Tiger Skin
# Apr 13 2000 at 7:53 PM Rating: Decent
I'm looking for a Tiger Skin for a Kerra Ridge Quest, hopefully the tiger here drops it.
Tiger Skin
# Apr 12 2000 at 9:32 PM Rating: Decent
I was thinking when I was a younger level this once dropped a tiger skin. I don't remember now, being that I need a tiger skin for a quest... but I think it did, can anyone vouche for this?
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 16 2000 at 8:48 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) does this thing ever have loot? if so what is it?
No Subject
# Mar 01 2000 at 11:00 AM Rating: Decent
Killing this thing makes Meldrath happy.
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